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  1. M

    How to make teleporting units vulnerable?

    When using town portal, the Hero becomes invulnerable. How do I make so they are vulnerable while it happens. Is there a easy way in the editor I mean I know I could do: Untitled Trigger 003 Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions...
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    The Biggest Issue I have

    Thats fine I don't have a problem with coming to to you, what time is good I'll prepare.
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    The Biggest Issue I have

    US WEST as Moofasah
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    The Biggest Issue I have

    Every time I have a map ready for public testing the biggest issue I have is getting the game full of people. Yea it sounds dumb but because people never heard of the map before they stay for 5 seconds and leave or bombard me with questions like "wut do we do" "wat is dis like". I have to...
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    Scroll of Teleportation Problem

    Wow, thanks! You should get a medal or something.:shades: Then again, I should be slapped for something so dumb ahaaha..:banghead: Thanks again!:thup:
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    Scroll of Teleportation Problem

    Hey thanks for responding, It doesn't work with any of my heroes, which is a drag because its the 1 thing I am missing before I can begin my first public test for this map... The teleport range is 99999.00 like default. Targets allowed are structure, vulnerable, invulnerable. The...
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    Scroll of Teleportation Problem

    Ok this is probably very noobish of me but I am having an issue when my Hero uses his Scroll of Town Portal, the ability begins but when it comes time for him to teleport it says "A unit could not be teleported". I thought the Town Hall might be too close to other objects, so I moved it away...
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    Problem with Floating Text

    I cannot find "set lifespan" only "change lifespan", and I want it to be permanent wont that remove it? I also get an error when I try to save with that call RemoveLocation, I do not know much about custom scripts isn't there an easy way or explanation for this? Sorry hehe :/
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    Problem with Floating Text

    Hey so I have floating text appear after time is elapsed 3 seconds that displays a warning ("Warning: Level 10+") where heroes should not go until they reach level 10. I have this text in two different location for both teams. When I start the map to test to see if the text appears I look...
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    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    Say if my hero max mana is 600 and he uses his spell his max mana should be 605. If he uses it again his max mana goes to 610 etc. I have only gotten it to increase once, I used the variable and it had the same effect. :(
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    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    None of this seemed to work, the initial cast gives the mana but each additional cast does not.
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    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    I guess I didn't exactly follow your guide I didn't make the triggering unit a "Caster" variable, what type of variable is this and do I check the array box?
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    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    Didn't work either, I changed it to unit ability, item ability, and hero ability none seemed to add the mana after the initial cast. Btw thanks for helping. I also have an issue with spell steal, when I attempt to cast it on a unit with say mana shield or divine shield it says this unit...
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    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    Thanks that worked! But it only worked the first time I cast it, every other time it didn't add the mana...
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    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    I based the ability off of shockwave, how do I get it to "add" mana?
  16. M

    Unit starts the effect of an ability, add mana?

    Hi I have an ability that starts with units starts the effect of an ability and it increases his maximum mana, here is the trigger but it only increases current mana. Lightning Ball Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast)...
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    Importing Hereos From Another Map

    What if the Hero's abilities are linked with triggers? Do I just copy trigger data as well?
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    Importing Hereos From Another Map

    Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to create heroes on one map and the terrain on the other, then import the heroes? Thanks
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    Avaleirra's Terrain Request Thread

    Here is my request, if you ever played Dark Age of Camelot you'll remember the battleground Thidranki or w/e, there's a keep in the middle and 3 factions who all have a base on the outskirts of the battlefield. There are 3 bridges to access the keep and each team tries to capture it, and in...