Search results

  1. M

    Conditions vs. Action-ifs

    I'm sorry, I scoured the forums for the last twenty minutes (searching the word 'condition' gives quite a lot of solutions, believe it or not. =P), and was unable to find the answer to this. I may have overlooked it, or searched incorrectly, but... :/ Well, I've always been curious. I...
  2. M

    TriggerSleepAction() breaking Filter()?

    Hey there everyone! I'm working on this one code, that would round up all the units owned by a single, and to kill them. This will be used when people leave, are kicked, etc. etc. I also have it running at Initialization, in-case slots aren't open. I have it display text that the player...
  3. M

    Kill units in a group effeciently

    Hello there everyone. I used to be quite adept at JASS, and left a while ago. I am taking up a new map project now, however. Trying to get back in the groove, I started with something really simple. A "if the player slot wasn't filled, remove their hero." I did a long line of if statements...
  4. M

    Real JASS function?

    I was wondering if there was some function that would be able to return what model a unit has, and also a function to change the model of a character in-game. I wanted to throw a little teaser in my map and thought something like "Kawarimi" (from Naruto) would be a funny idea. I have been...