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  1. bowser499

    Sinusoidal motion

    How can I do the motion like this:
  2. bowser499

    This code can't be compiled. Why?

    //library Math: //~~REQUIRES: udg_VectorHash | udg_Matrix3Hash | udg_Matrix4Hash - Hashtable ~~ //~~ udg_VECTOR3_Zero | udg_VECTOR3_oneX | udg_VECTOR3_oneY | udg_VECTOR3_oneZ - Integer ~~ //~~ udg_MATRIX3_Zero | udg_MATRIX3_E | udg_MATRIX4_Zero | udg_MATRIX4_E - Integer ~~...
  3. bowser499

    Need a formula

    Please tell me a formula of how must I do the spell?
  4. bowser499

    Metamorphosis bug

    I have a bug with an ability based on the Metamorphosis ability. When someone uses it all trigger-added abilities are disappearing! How can I fix this?
  5. bowser499

    Protecting a map

    Hi all. Please say me how to protect a map in the way that MPQ editors just can't open it?
  6. bowser499

    Problem with facing

    Hi guys, I have a problem. I want rotate an arrow around point. So I made the trigger. But how can I set the correct facing like there: Thank you all for your help.
  7. bowser499

    Cooldown UI

    Hi guys, I have a question to you. DotA uses the modified cooldown UI model. Can you explain me how to modify the Cooldown UI.mdx and what I'll need to do this?
  8. bowser499

    Comparing strings - simple question

    Can I compare strings in this way? if string1 > string2 then if string1 < string2 then if string1 >= string2 then if string1 <= string2 then
  9. bowser499

    Creating rect in front of unit

    See the image.
  10. bowser499


    How can I import this file correctly without getting that error ingame? I've got the same error ingame.
  11. bowser499

    Fixing important Condition

    I have one function in my system that runs incorrectly. I need to check the recipe's ingredients and also count a permanent item that is picked. Here it is: function UnitHasAllRecipeComponents takes unit u, integer pickedType returns boolean local integer recipeIndex =...
  12. bowser499

    Help with fixing Full Inventory System

    I have a Jass system that must combine recipes and charges even when the inventory is full. All is working pretty nice but not the charges combine... Check this out: General functions. function SimError takes player ForPlayer, string msg returns nothing local sound s =...
  13. bowser499

    Idle Worker

    I've done with this paths: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNPeasant.blp,ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNKotoBeast.blp,ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAcolyte.blp,ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNMurgalSlave.blp And I've received a peasant for all the races. Where is the...
  14. bowser499

    Neutral Victim and Neutral Extra

    How can I do AI for them for the AoS map? (Moving creeps, both sides)
  15. bowser499

    How to filter units (with angles)?

    See the image.
  16. bowser499

    Creeps are returning back =(

    Hi again, guys... I have this WEIRD problem again :0 The moving creeps (Players 11 and 12) are returning back after some time of moving. How can I fix it?
  17. bowser499

    Two simple questions.

    1. How to play a unit's walk animation? It don't work if use a trigger. 2. How to attach sound to the special effect model (where to set its path)?
  18. bowser499

    Cooldown problem

    How to show items' cooldown? Some items in my map have a cooldown, but don't show it... Say me some ways, how to fix it.
  19. bowser499

    Spirals in WC3

    Hi all... Say me, how to draw a spiral using loop, X and Y?
  20. bowser499

    Multiboard Triggers

    Pls help with fixing! function Trig_HeroPick_Up_Actions takes nothing returns nothing local string s local player p = GetTriggerPlayer() local integer pid = GetPlayerId(p) local sound so if GetLocalPlayer() == p then set s =...