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  1. K


    I've seen a few tuts on how to modify an ability, but I want to create one from the ground up... The ability is Slash, on a Zealot. Cost's ten energy, deals 10 base damage * the ability level. I made the effect, created the button, made the ability, attached it to the zealot, and I used it. Does...
  2. K

    A little triggering help

    So I want to set up a trigger that does the fallowing. - If hero has item of item type Sword and Armor, turn off another trigger - If hero has item of type Sword, turn off Give Sword trigger - If hero has item of type Armor, turn off Give Armor trigger -If hero has items of type Sword and...
  3. K

    Error: Unit's showing up as balls

    So the marine is the reg unit, and the balls are the units that i made fallowing this tut I fallowed the steps, step by step, double, triple checked everything. Everything is the way it's set up on the tut. What...