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  1. S

    Trained unit position?

    I got a really wierd problem. Its hard to explain but ill try. When a unit is trained from a building is there a way to set where he will spawn then? Its a vampirism map and its anoying the way they spawn. X = Point where the unit spawns after trained Y = Point were next unit spawns after...
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    Frustrating! Cant connect to bnet!

    Hi. Today i were playing wc3 TFT with my m8. After a few hours of gaming we took a break and let the accounts still be connected to bnet. (We were on LAN). Later we got back and got a message that we got DC from battlenet. That no problem, happens to when im afk too long. But then i tryed to...
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    Condition() ?

    I just did my first trigger in jass. Its supossed to be a spell that shoots a bullet in a targeted location. And if it hits it dissapears. But theres a problem. I need to check if it hits your own units or enemy units. So i did a trigger that looked like this: Set X = Get Units in Range...
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    Inventory System

    Hi, im looking for a nice inventory system which makes the hero able to use more than just 6 items. I want it to be like: You can scroll between X amount backpacks. And the items that arent in the active bag should give stats. It have to be MUI. I searched around but i didnt found anyone good...
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    Spell Power!

    What is the best way to make my triggered spells deal more damage if you recive spell power/spell damage? Lets say A hero have the ability Firebolt (triggered) which deals 100 damage. Then the hero recives an Item which increases +100 Spell Power/Spell Damage. Now the heros firebolt deals 200...
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    Marine model?

    I got a lil problem. I would really like to have a Marine like model. Some thing that looks real and not lame. Like in survival maps (Night of the Dead maybe) where theres alot of classes. Where all marine modells look like the same wxept for thier weapon. So im askig of anyone of you know if...
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    Ability Help!

    Im making the ability "Black Arrow" which works like "Searing Arrow" except that it returns life back to you. For example: Level 1 - Adds 10 bonus damage and heals you for 10 hp every shot that you make. Hope you understand. because i dont know how to make this ability. I hope you do.
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    Reducing WE Loading Time?

    OK i saw a thread before how to reduce the loading time after you have like created a new unit or edited a unit string variable. I cant find that thread so im asking how do you do that? I hate wasting long time waiting.
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    Incinerate is bugged?

    Is the ability incinerate bugged? Because in a TD i made, a tower were supposed to have the incinerate death explosion. But when the tower attacks a unit, it usualy dont deal damage (only a few times the tower deals damage). I see the projective flying in the air, hitting the target, giving it...
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    Ability triggering help

    Im making an ability named stampede (it has nothing to do with rexxars ulti). The hero who got the ability is the model "Magnataur". Stampede The magnataur runs with incredible speed to a targeted point, dealing damage to every unit he touch and stunning them. The magnataur gets invurneable...
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    How to fix this ability bug?

    Ive made an ability which is called Guardian's Will. (copied for WE) (passive) "Guardians will:" "Deals bonus damage equal to how much health you are missing." "Level 1: You deal 4% of your missing health in damage." "Level 2: You deal 5% of your missing health in damage." etc...
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    Spell Evasion

    I bet everyone have heard about the ability "Evasion" (boring spell :)) Well now i wonder how to make the ability Evasion to "evade" spells istead of normal attacks? Any idea? Thx!
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    Im a good mapper, with no good ideas!

    Ok ive been mapping for w while and im good at it, except i have no ideas what to do. I have like 20 different started maps which were never completed. So im asking you what map do you think is missing? It could be a TD, Hero Wars, whatever else. If you have a good idea what i should make...
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    Vampirism Evil Lord

    This is a project ive been working on for a time, a new vampirism. Vampirism Evil Lord is like other vampirism but still different... Theres 10 "Builders/Survivors" who have to build a base to protect themself from the 2 "Vampires"! 128x128 sized map. My game name is Sneakah @ Europe...
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    Disconnected... any idea why?

    hi ppl who reads this, :) Ive made a new map, Vampirism Evil Lord! ive made version 0.15 now but after ive made ver 0.12 there were a strange thing happening... It just said EVERYONE left except me at the same time, strange? huh? So i re-hosted, and same thing happened after some time...
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    Help with Alliances...

    Ok ill make myself short! I need help fixing alliances in like this way: Think of Island Def/Vampirism You get builder... It get killed... You get a evil minion... but how do you change that youre friendly with the Vampire maybe? And hostile with the workers? It wont work...
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    Uhh just a spell question...

    This was just a stupid spell idea i got but i think it could look cool. Ive no idea how complicated it is to make (i dont even know if its possibble to make...) but ill explain here: A passive spell that makes the hero every 15/13/11 attack instead of a normal attack the hero will fire a...
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    25 legendary hero survival ^^

    Yes thats the name of my new map :P Description: You have 25 heroes to control (lol) which you shall defend the castle in the middle with. Every 20 (may change) seconds creeps spawn from 4 different directions dont let them destroy the castle ^^ Its very hard to survive and ive never...
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    Spell trigger help + another question.

    Hey! First i want to make the spell "Death Coil" do damage affected by your int! Level 1: 2xInt Level 2: 3xInt Etc... Here's the trigger i made: Death Coil Events Unit - A unit Finishes casting an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Death...
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    Unit sees an enemy, unit attacks, unit continues moving

    In my TD, i want an attacking round were the creeps attack my towers. But how do i trigger them to attack me then continue move to the last region? Else they just go there without attacking! Pre-thanks to u :P