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  1. D

    World Editor Third Person Sky

    I am making a third person. The thing is, I went to file, preferences, and set a sky. In the game view while I am editing, the sky shows up. But when I actually test my map, the sky doesn't show up and instead its just black. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
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    Unit within range, spell

    How do I make it so when I cast a spell, a unit within range dies? I have a jump ability, so I want it so that when my hero jumps, it kills a unit within range.
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    Units not showing up in game.

    It doesn't matter the trigger. Even when I move the neutral unit in the editor a little bit, it just disappears. Here is the camera settings(I'm making a side scroller) if that helps/ function Trig_Camera_Copy_Actions takes nothing returns nothing call...
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    Units not showing up in game.

    I have a weird problem. When I put a neutral hostile unit on my map, it shows up when I am playing in it. However when I involve it in a trigger or modify it in the object editor, it doesn't show up while I am playing my game. Can someone tell me how to fix this?
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    Missile Collision

    I have set a missile(Dummy Unit) for my Hero in world editor. Now that I have the missile movement, I want to make it so it deals a certain amount of damage to any unit that collides with it. I tried doing a Unit Within Range event but it doesn't have the Last Created Unit option. Is there any...
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    I need more content ideas for my map :o

    You could make it a third person arrow key map. It could be fun having your character try to dodge the cars by moving the arrow keys.
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    Help with a unit missile ability

    Thank you so much! It finally works! I've been trying to do this for days.=)
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    Help with a unit missile ability

    Here is the ability in trigger editor I want the unit to have the missile go straight forward based off of the angle he is facing. So if he is facing an angle, I want the missile(dummy unit) to go in the direction of that angle. This is because I am making a third person arrow key map. Can...
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    Global Group

    Thanks! Its becasue I am making a third person arrow key map and I want to make missiles that go straight forward, so I heard that you should make a global group and make them go periodically forward.
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    Global Group

    Hi, I have a quick question. What is a global group and how do you make one? I searched the forums and I couldn't find anything.
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    Missiles that go straight forward, Jumping

    1: How do you make a unit(dummy unit missile) go straight forward based off the angle? I am making a third person, and when I rotate my Hero, I want his missiles to go straight forward based off the angle he is facing. 2. How do you make a unit jump forward? I was able to make the jump ability...
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    Third Person Missiles

    I want to make a custom ability, when you press the button, it creates a missile(dummy unit with missile art) that goes straight forward. without you having to target anything. I'll set an expiration timer. I want to do this because I am making a third person arrow key map. Any advice? Thanks!
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    Starting Location Messup

    Thank you! It worked!
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    Starting Location Messup

    Okay, so for player properties I set player 1 red(me) as Night Elf and player 2(computer) as Human. But for their starting locations, I have the human starting location and player 2 has the undead starting location. However, this only occurs when I actually test the map, as it shows the regular...
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    Hero between Maps while Editing

    How do I get a hero to go to a different map? And I mean when I am editing a new map, I want the same hero from the previous map(in my campaign) in the new map while I am editing the map. I already set a game cache for my hero, so he will appear in the new map in the game, but not when I am...
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    Arrow key movement question

    Hello! I took a tutorial on youtube on how to move a unit with the arrow keys( But when I simulate the map, the unit will only move forward when I press up, down, left, or right. I also have the Key Press and Key Release(setting up the variables...
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    Warcraft 3 World Editor Missing some buttons

    Thanks for the help! It turned out I had to reinstall both programs. Now I have everything! Thanks for everybody's advice!
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    Warcraft 3 World Editor Missing some buttons

    Hello! I have a problem with the World Editor. Apparently, for some reason, it seems to be missing the Import Manager and the Campaign Manager. I have both the WC3 Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. Does anyone know why its missing these buttons? Any advice would be appreciated!