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  1. V

    Multiboard trouble

    Huge thanks! Everything with the multiboard is now up and running, thanks to you :)
  2. V

    Multiboard trouble

    Uhm... Didn't catch it there =P Anyhow, I remade the kill variables a bit, to see if I could put some variables into the multiboard, but no.. The kill counting now is like this: KillCount Events Unit - A Unit Dies Conditions ((Triggering unit) is a structure) equal to false Actions...
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    Multiboard trouble

    Hi there, been a couple of years since I made a map, and now I'm into it again. Trying to do a multiboard to a TD, but I'm stuck. What do I do now? Not posting all of it, seems unnecessary :P Multiboard - Create a multiboard with 3 columns and 8 rows, titled blablah: [some display...
  4. V

    Making an RPG

    Undeads ofc ^^
  5. V

    TD waves dosent walk where I want them

    Thanks mate, it worked :) Ill have to buy you a coup of tea or something toy you one day ;P
  6. V

    TD waves dosent walk where I want them

    Hi there, I need some help with a TD. This time its a different problem than my usual :P Well, ill upload a image and explain from it. 1 = Walkable 2 = Nonwalkable... But it should be. Anyone can tell me how to fix so that creeps can walk in small areas like at spot 2 ? I have set the...
  7. V

    TD maze

    Hmm... Okay, so is there anyone that has the solution to following problem: The creeps in the waves attacks the towers but there IS a way through. I have set the collision size on the creeps to 0 but they attack anyhow. :banghead: I really need to fix this problem... Anyone ?
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    TD maze

    Well, wouldnt that include ALL towers and limit the towers to 9 for the player ? What I mean is that I want a trigger that counts the towers in a wide line and if it reaches 9 it destroys the last constructed building.
  9. V

    TD maze

    Hi there, I am working on a TD and need to do a trigger that is something like... a trigger that checks if there are more than x tower in the wideness and then it will autodestoy the last created unit. Someone that knows anytihing of it ?¨ All towers is based on the "arrow tower" and have...
  10. V

    TD spawns...

    Either I am very stupid and dont get everything right or I just do something wrong all the time :banghead: Heres the code to Magnus Söderman Explode: Unit enters Next Wave Boolean[1] Equal to false Unittype of entering unit equals to Magnus Wait 0.5 seconds Explode Triggering Unit...
  11. V

    TD spawns...

    Hmm... Okay, I tried some different stuff but it all ended up in no wave at all :P Magnus Söderman Explode Event - Unit enters Next Wave Condition - Boolean[1] Equal to false Entering unit equal to Magnus Söderman Actions - Wait 0.5 seconds Unit - Explode Triggering unit Player - Add 1...
  12. V

    TD spawns...

    Hmm... Well, its me and a friend of mine that is working on this map so we looked at in over LAN - and the creep player recives only 1 g... But I´ll look into it.
  13. V

    TD spawns...

    *Post at the same time* @ DsD)Core( What do you mean with WaveDelay (boolean) Equal to False? Btw, I am very (very !) bad at using variables and such things... Does such things mean much in a TD ?
  14. V

    TD spawns...

    Hmm... It dosent work anyway :confused: The second and third wave still comes 10 seconds after the first wave...
  15. V

    TD spawns...

    I am working on a TD, a bit ordinary one. The triggers just ignore what I do... Can someone look at this and tell me what is wrong? The second and third wave comes 10 seconds after the first - thats really wrong. The basic idéa is as following: When the unit "Magnus Söderman" enters...
  16. V

    Help with Tower Defense spawns

    I used Artificials example - and it should work just fine... If someone would tell me how to fix the other waves. Im like -> :nuts: The code (Not ALL details as it is in the editor) - Wave 1 Event Elapsed Time is 20 seconds Actions Quest Warning message Create 12 units in region X...
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    Help with Tower Defense spawns

    Woahw, now thats simple! I salute thee! Thanks, much appreciated :)
  18. V

    Help with Tower Defense spawns

    Hi, my friends and I am working on a TD - I am the only one that really knows everything :P. Earlier I have done some TDs with a timer so every wave comes after 10 secs :banghead:... Now we want to take it to a higer level - to make the next wave come X seconds after all the units owned by...
  19. V

    Units run away from specific unit

    Hi, im working on an RPG map... how do I do so that a certain unit (in this case highelf females and males) flees from my custom made unit? I´ve been looking around alot in the editor trying to solve the problem but id din´t go too well...
  20. V

    Import models

    Thanks alot! It worked, some problem sometimes but I solved them... mostly I just forgott to restart the editor :P But now I have all the models I wanted and the map is almost ready to be played! You guys helped me alot, creds to you!!!