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  1. G

    Carrion Swarm Spell

    I cant figure it out how this spell works.. i mean i dont know how to make something like this: 1000 range* 500 AoE* 200 dmg/unit* But if there are many units it only deals 50-100 dmg*, can someone explain me how to do, or what all the things in "Data" are**? *Examples **: Damage AoE...
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    How to make a unit upgrade when a buildin is upgraded?

    I want to make something like this: When Barracks 1 upgrades to Barracks 2 then Footman 1 upgrades to Footman 2 Without replacing the unit, just like Troll headhunter -> Troll Beserker
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    Ammo Cart

    I made an item with stacks, i made a trigger witch remove one stack per attack(Like ammo) but now i want to make a "Ammo cart" witch will restore stack. EDIT: Done!
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    Item Depleted

    I made an item with stacks, i made a trigger witch remove one stack per attack(Like ammo) but there is one problem: It does not remove the item itself.
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    How to make a gate?(building)

    I need a gate that can be built and that can open/close at the owner's will.
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    Costum Spell Help

    Can some1 tell me pls how to make for example Shockwave to cast on button press in front of the unit? I cant figure it out:banghead:
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    Request a multiboard

    Can some1 create me a multiboard please? i donno why but i cant make 1, i create all the triggers, integers and it dosent show the multiboard(i put a action named Show last created multiboard). I need this: ......Map name.... Round # Players....Kills....Round won -name-.....# ..........# (I...
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    I need some help

    I want to create a map in witch you create units and fight. I want to create rounds (make units and them fight in round 1, remove units from game and start a preparation time< 30 sec>. and then fight.) but i dont know how to make Triggers tha pick the winner of the round (The player who didint...