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  1. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Mhm thats what I thought, I probably did something wrong though, as it didnt work.. I did this: Then I tried this:
  2. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Oh. It is solved now. I made a new Stats - Duration - Hero time. That seemed to be the problem, it is kinda weird since it's not a hero ;). But anyways, is it possible in any way to make "morphed ancient protector" to NOT 'slide' around and make it walk? it looks kinda weird ^^
  3. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Wow, thanks dude! And uhm i think i gave the ability to the ancient protector. Still not a building and has movement. Correct. But I am on my iPhone right now, so i will check that thing you made as soon as possible :)! Btw you said Stats - Hero? It is just a normal Unit so i didnt think...
  4. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Yeah, just tried doing that. NOTHING happens now. I can just keep clicking the ability now (until i run out of mana of course) EDIT: I tried changing it to 1, 2, 3, whatever... and 25, which means he just stood still, unable to move for 25 seconds without transforming.
  5. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Uh well, couldn't see anywhere to make the hp different on the ability.. But I tried with Bear Form anyways. My treant doesn't die. He just stands there and can't move for how long I put the "Stats - Duration - Normal". He doesn't transform either. EDIT: OH! I get it now. Changing the HP of...
  6. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Hmm alright but I just want it to be like the Night Elven druid thing can do, becoming a storm crow. I mean, you can change into a storm crow for how long you want, and then change back again. And I based it on the Storm Crow ability. But isnt the Bear Form just like the Storm Crow?
  7. L

    Hmmm... Unit form? (like storm crow form)

    Yeah, so... I am almost done with my first map ever, and this is the third time I'm asking for help.. I've been wanting a Treant to Change Form into a "walking Ancient Protector" (edited him too) But my problem is that every time I test it and click the "Tree Form" as I called it, the Treant...
  8. L

    Hero/Unit -> Building???

    Thanks. I did it with Goblin Merchant and then changed the sound and stuff ;)
  9. L

    Hero/Unit -> Building???

    Hero/Unit -> Building??? (Like units->towers in TD i guess?) Hey. For my custom map, I am trying to make Illidan(Evil) someone that you can hire units from, and that part is succeeded. The problem is: I put him on Stats - Is a building (True) Which means I cant move him, unless i press "A"...
  10. L

    Giving a custom/special unit ability to build?

    EDIT: Sorry for doublepost, IE messed up ;)
  11. L

    Giving a custom/special unit ability to build?

    "Location: In DK, trying to help you" Jeg er også dansker ;). Yeah, it's cool. The only thing that annoys me is that when I create spawn point and "headquarter" on the spawn point, a human "Hall" comes up just next to it, with 5 peasants -.-
  12. L

    Giving a custom/special unit ability to build?

    Ooooh... Thank you! I am new to the editor, so I try to figure all of it out myself to learn it ;). But sometimes this editor can be very hard to figure out.
  13. L

    Giving a custom/special unit ability to build?

    I really don't know, but when I put them on the map with that Unit spawn thing and test the map, they can only gather wood/gold like I also put them to. Or when I train them from the "headquarter", they can also only gather gold/wood. There should be this building icon with buildings in that...
  14. L

    Giving a custom/special unit ability to build?

    A certain unit to be able to build ;).
  15. L

    Giving a custom/special unit ability to build?

    Giving a custom unit ability to build? Hi. I am making a custom game map, like Echo Isles, Booty Bay etc. I have been messing so much around with trying to make a custom/special unit build stuff. But I can't get it to work. I've tried the different "Unit abilities": Build (Night Elf/Human...