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  1. rexpim

    healing over time spell

    This spell heals a target over time, and if the target already have the hot, it will heal for a a diferent amount of heal but removing the hot, but I got a litle problem this line Unit - Remove Conjure Refreshment buff from Conjure_Target dont work and I dont know why CAST Conjure...
  2. rexpim

    bonus damage

    Is there any way to get the real bonus damage of a hero like for attributes Example Set real = (Real((Strength of (Triggering unit) (Include bonuses)))) Instead of strength getting the real bonus damage, not damage of the hero
  3. rexpim

    Starting jass

    I'm moving from gui to jass this is my first spell, so i wanna know if i got mistakes in this code //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // // -Made By REX //...
  4. rexpim

    Tutorial Dota clock

    Hi:D, this is my first tutorial, I'm new to this community, and am also new in the creation of war3 maps. This tutorial is about the clock of Dota, its an intresting clock and very easy to do. INDEX 1 - Game interface 2 - Gameplay Constants 3 - Trigger System GUI 1 - Go to Game Interface...