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  1. A

    Boss Spell

    nevermind, I found out what happened. I had one of the units as an ally on my side and it was using his point as the group_point. Any idea how I would do this trigger if I wanted to have a ton of units around the map that use their abilities? Then I couldnt just use one set point. :(
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    Boss Spell

    I tried the leakless trigger, but it's not working well. The problem is that at the beginning of the game, the boss will run to my units (which are over farther than 512 range away) and do the spell. But if I move my units really far away at the beginning, then the boss won't do this. However...
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    Boss Fight Triggers

    Hm.. that sounds like a good idea that should work. But I don't know how to get the boss to start casting his spells. I was looking for a trigger like (Acquires a target) but couldn't find that. I also don't see a trigger for acquiring a random target (only one for targeting a specific unit)...
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    Boss Fight Triggers

    Does anyone know how to do triggers for boss fights like in WoW? Basically, I want my boss unit to use all of his spells whenever they're not on cooldown. I tried the trigger of (Unit is Attacked) but that doesn't seem to work well. And then there are some spells like Ensnare, that I can't...
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    Team Color of Units

    Ok, I found the problem. I was playing a dota game and noticed that even in that game, I was blue. Then I realized that the Color Mode on the minimap was set to 3, which is that you're always blue. I switched it to mode 3 and it worked. Thanks everyone!
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    Team Color of Units

    Wow, I just tested something. I played a normal custom game on a ladder map and chose my color as Red. Then during the loading screen it showed my name in Red. But then in the game and on the Summary Screen (end game stat screen), it showed me as blue. Is my game possessed?!?
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    Team Color of Units

    Also, I do have the Allow Custom Team Color as true. And I even tried right clicking the individual unit on the map and setting the color that way. I'm confused.
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    Team Color of Units

    Hm... maybe there's something wrong with my game because the Worksforme map has the right color in the Map Editor, but when I test map, it uses the normal blue color. Any idea what could be causing this? I have the newest version of the game with Battlenet updates downloaded. How could it work...
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    Team Color of Units

    I did do triggers. I did: Event: Map Initialization Action: Change color of <Selected Unit> to Red. And it still didn't work. Can I have someone who actually has tried and made it work give me advice? So far everyone has just said, "do this, it should work" or "do that, it should work"...
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    Team Color of Units

    Also, no matter what color I choose in the editor or on the Custom Game screen, my team color is always blue. Nevermind changing the color of individual units, how can I even change my team color? This seems like it should be easy, yet even when I change it, it doesn't work.
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    Targeting Problems

    These triggers aren't working. :( The hero still targets the other unit after he Storm Bolts one.
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    Team Color of Units

    Darnit, that didn't work. The models I'm using are Arthas with Frostmourne, Sylvanas and Jaina. When I set the colors on the map editor, it changes their appearance to that on the editor, so I know it's possible for them to look like that. But when I play the actual game, their appearance is...
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    Targeting Problems

    Ok, I have a Storm Bolt spell at melee range. The problem is that after my Hero casts the spell, he then starts attacking another adjacent unit instead of keeping on the unit that was targeted with Storm Bolt. This is defaulted into the game. How do I make it so that whenever a unit casts a...
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    Team Color of Units

    In the Object Editor, I changed the team color of a specific unit to dark green and another specific unit to red. But when I play the map, those units have the team color of whatever color I am (usually blue). How come it's ignoring the team color I chose for those units? Is there a way to make...
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    Pseudo Random Distribution Question

    As most of you know, Warcraft uses a pseudo random distribution system when determining the % chance for spells like Bash, Critical Strike and Hardened Skin to proc. And from what I've read the chance goes up by 5% with each non-proccing swing. What I don't get though is this: What's the...
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    How do I make a corpse?

    How do I set a units animation to death and pause them? Is that with triggers? Is there a way to get a corpse without making a trigger for every corpse?
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    How do I make a corpse?

    Is there a way to scatter skeleton corpses around the map for design? The only corpses I could find were the 2 that were sitting and on a spike. But I'm looking for corpses that are just laying on the ground. They could be skeletons too (not live ones, but when a unit dies).
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    Question about Creeps using Abilities

    So many views with no answer?? Doesn't anyone know how to make creeps use their abilities? Isn't this needed in most RPG maps??
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    Question about Creeps using Abilities

    So my problem is that when I give a creep two or more active abilities, it will usually only use one of them (even if I put both on active). Is there any option that makes a creep use all of its abilities everytime they're not on cooldown? The only thing I can think of is with this trigger...
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    Searing Arrow Question

    Ok, this is the problem in more detail... Make a Custom Spell with Searing Arrows. Change nothing except the cooldown for the level 1 spell (or all levels if you like) to something like 5 seconds. Everything else you can leave exactly the same as the original Searing Arrows. Now test the map...