Spellpack 4 Blade Master Spells

Ooh GUI Locals can ya teach?


Remember Hybrid GUI (using locals in GUI) won't work with extra functions :p

Meaning : If you are using a Pick Every or a thing that creates auto-creates a new function inside the script (not the triggerfunction itself, but it's functions call), it won't work because locals won't be there. ;)
How is writing jass any faster then clicking..... anyhow please check the spells.

Typing is faster than clicking. Believe me, I tested xD. I made up a trigger in Jass, then in GUI. I finished the Jass one faster. And it was cleaner, and less laggier. :p

Ok, ok, I will check the spells :p

EDIT: Ok, I finished testing your spells. The first and the lasat ones are great, talking about eye-candy. Their actual effect (on all the spells) is a bit plain. Even if you damage the target depending on different stuff, the only stuff you do is to deal damage. You could have added different effects.

On the first spell, I noticed a thing. After the spell is finished, the hero is unselected. You could select it for the player.
You should modify the second spell. Make it so it impales the first enemy encountered and make it both point and unit targetable. If you target a unit and, in it's 'rush' the blademaster passes through other units without harming them, it's a bit unrealistic.
The third is a bit laggy on the first cast. Also, the idea is not so original. I've seen it done a couple of times (even I did it, when I started mapping).
The last one is cool, although you could shrink down the down the distances, when the blademaster strikes from different angles.
K thx for checking spells , you could always make a dummy unit cast a spell on them if you want more effect by the way :p
I cannot do JASS, and it drives me in loops and loops and loops and loops and loops and loops and loops and loops X 9999
Can you re explain array stuff or show me an example cause thats how I learn best :)

Example you have a unit that slide, to make in MPI, it's simple as heaven to use arrays : (I wrote it, took me 25 min)

Magic Leet Detect
Unit - Generic unit starts the effect of an ability

(Ability being cast) Equal to Magic Leet!

Set CasterUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] = (Triggering unit)
Set TargetUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] = (Target unit of ability being cast)
Wait 5.00 seconds of game-time
Unit - Turn off collision of CasterUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))]
Unit - Move instantly CasterUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] at (Position of TargetUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))])
Unit - Turn on collision of CasterUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))]
Unit - Move instantly TargetUnit[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] at (Random point in (Entire map))

This work simple : After 5 seconds when the cast is ran, the triggering unit takes the place of the target unit, and the target unit is pushed anywhere in the entire map. For a non MPI spell, it would do :

Magic Leet Detect
Unit - Generic unit starts the effect of an ability

(Ability being cast) Equal to Magic Leet!

Set CasterUnit = (Triggering unit)
Set TargetUnit = (Target unit of ability being cast)
Wait 5.00 seconds of game-time
Unit - Turn off collision of CasterUnit
Unit - Move instantly CasterUnit at (Position of TargetUnit)
Unit - Turn on collision of CasterUnit
Unit - Move instantly TargetUnit at (Random point in (Entire map))

Very simple.

In all cases, to make a spell MPI, we need (1+x)D Arrays than (x)D Arrays.
In that example, the MPI spell had (1+x)D Array than (1)D Array.
Meaning : (2)D Arrays than (1)D Array.

For 3D Arrays, you will go on your own choice, using X slots of the variable you need (you still using 2d arrays).

Stats Up Code
Unit - Generic unit starts the effect of an ability

(Ability being cast) Equal to Stats Up!
[B]//The ability saves the current stats (str, agi, int), divide it after 5 seconds, and gives it the double of all after 30 seconds[/B]

Set CurrentStats[((Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3) - 2)] = (Current of strength of (Triggering unit), exclude bonuses)
[B]//Saves the Strength, can be saved at slots (player) : 1 (1), 4 (2), 7 (3), 10 (4), 13 (5), 16 (6), 19 (7), 22 (8), 25 (9), 28 (10), 31 (11), 34 (12), 37 (13), 40 (14), 43 (15), 46 (16)[/B]
Set CurrentStats[((Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3) - 1)] = (Current of agility of (Triggering unit), exclude bonuses)
[B]//Saves the Agility, can be saved at slots (player) : 2 (1), 5 (2), 8 (3), 11 (4), 14 (5), 17 (6), 20 (7), 23 (8), 26 (9), 29 (10), 32 (11), 35 (12), 38 (13), 41 (14), 44 (15), 47 (16)[/B]
Set CurrentStats[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3)] = (Current of intelligence of (Triggering unit), exclude bonuses)
[B]//Saves the Intelligence, can be saved at slots (player) : 3 (1), 6 (2), 9 (3), 12 (4), 15 (5), 18 (6), 21 (7), 24 (8), 27 (9), 30 (10), 33 (11), 36 (12), 39 (13), 42 (14), 45 (15), 48 (16)[/B]
Wait 5.00 seconds of game-time
Hero - Set (Triggering unit)'s Strength to CurrentStats([((Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3) - 2)] / 2)
[B]//Retreive Strength[/B]
Hero - Set (Triggering unit)'s Agility to CurrentStats([((Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3) - 1)] / 2)
[B]//Retreive Agility[/B]
Hero - Set (Triggering unit)'s Intelligence to CurrentStats([(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3)] / 2)
[B]//Retreive Intelligence[/B]
Wait 25.00 seconds of game-time
Hero - Set (Triggering unit)'s Strength to CurrentStats([((Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3) - 2)] x 2)
[B]//Add Strength[/B]
Hero - Set (Triggering unit)'s Agility to CurrentStats([((Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3) - 1)] x 2)
[B]//Add Agility[/B]
Hero - Set (Triggering unit)'s Intelligence to CurrentStats([(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit))*3)] x 2)
[B]//Add Intelligence[/B]

:p We used 3d/2d arrays for MPI, 2d/1d can be used for with/for single spell.
Ahh now I get it maybe in some of my future spells it will feature MPI, I get everything, but 3d arrays look a bit confusing.
Ahh now I get it maybe in some of my future spells it will feature MPI, I get everything, but 3d arrays look a bit confusing.

3d can be called 2d if you want. It is simply we give a 3st dimentional type to the variable, like a matrix :

--------------------> 2d
|   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
|   8  9  10 11 12 13 14
|   15 16 17 18 19 20 21
|   22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Like that. (3d)

--------------------> 2d
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13...

This is 2d

-> 1d

And this is 1d.
I kind of get it now but where would you use it instead of just normal arrays I don't see the reason yet :[ ( bear with me )
V nice spells though i think you should make it so the blademaster is re selected after the spell has been used so players don't have to select the blademaster again after the spell has been used:
Selection - Select fecaster for (Owner of fecaster)
I haven't looked at them in warcraft, but they sound nice and the screenshots look nice... So GJ!

But seriously, do people only post blademaster spells -.-"
Blade masters are the only cool looking swordsman int he game (Footmans meh) (Arthas has a blade 2 X as fat at the bottom then at the top with a retarded colour)
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  • jonas jonas:
    I agree that the effect of that would be to depress asset prices, but I think that's a good thing. Makes it easier for hard working young people to grow their retirement income
  • seph ir oth seph ir oth:
    Potential problem for a wealth tax for the US would be the ultra rich just offshoring assets in another country without a wealth tax. Those that would eat the wealth tax on, say, stocks, would be the middle class that puts money slowly into the market via the likes of funds.
  • seph ir oth seph ir oth:
    happy US election day btw!
  • Varine Varine:
    Oh election day
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Election day has come and gone now it is time to sit back and watch the liberals melt down. At least it should be peaceful around my house as my roommate is as trumper as you can get.
  • jonas jonas:
    curious what the next years will bring
  • jonas jonas:
    I think at least it's good that Trump has a solid lead in the popular vote
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It will depend on what happens with the house race. The Conservatives have the president and the senate, I believe the house majority is up too. With the conservatives stacked in the supreme court now would be the time they could really do something
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I just hope its not anything stupid like banning abortion nationally or doubling down on the border wall
  • jonas jonas:
    Well, the border wall at least doesn't really harm anyone. It's true that Trump only managed to add about new 80 miles to the 650 miles built by Obama and Bush, and that it didn't do much to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, but still, it's construction jobs and doesn't hurt anyone.
  • jonas jonas:
    One can of course argue whether the money is better spent somewhere else, like reducing taxes
  • jonas jonas:
    I'm more curious what Trump will do in foreign policy and how that will affect the US/European coalition, and the balance of power in europe and ME
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am more of a fan of fixing the broken immigration laws and looking at protecting border with drone tech or some other way I mean I just think its ridiculous to build a great wall of mexico
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Trump's foreign policy was fantastic in his last term. More of that, please. Finish the Abraham Accords. Get Saudi in. Build the coalition against Iran.
  • Lord of Bourbon Lord of Bourbon:
    Just a friendly reminder to watch your sodium intake, too much can result in harmful effects
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Thank you for the health tip Lord of Bourbon!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I hate to even say anything because it always seems to start again after I do it but the bots have been gone for like 3 days now. Looks like the AI scraping bots are onto better pastures, are done sucking us dry, or are taking a vactation :)
  • Lord of Bourbon Lord of Bourbon:
    The bots are probably mining salt else where right now, given that the mines have reopened.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Got a user online that has like 10 different accounts dating back like 7 years and he is cycling through them. I have too much time on my hands LOL
  • The Helper The Helper:
    like half of them are banned with no notes why
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I made this the other day it was Awesome! Chicken Pot Pie Pasta - https://www.thehelper.net/threads/chicken-chicken-pot-pie-pasta.197065/
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New Thanksgiving Holiday Appetizer recipe Turking Stuffing Balls - https://www.thehelper.net/threads/appetizer-turkey-stuffing-balls.197078/

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