System Artificial's Recipe System


Without Intelligence
Reaction score
Yes, it's true. Yet another one.
RecipeSYS is a system that allows you to have recipes that combine two or more (up to six) items into one item. The code has a rather good documentation on how to use it, and the map also contains an example trigger of usage in GUI.
All you need to do is add one line of Jass for each recipe you want, and the system will do the rest.
The system can even be used for stacking charged items (not the easiest way of doing that, though, as you would need one line for every item that can stack).

<3 Supports having several items of the same type as ingredients in the same recipe.
<3 Supports having the same item type as an ingredient in several recipes.
<3 Allows to override the (customizable) default special point and attachment point by using the Ex functions.
<3 All you need to do is add the recipes.
<3 You can remove recipes.
<3 You can add recipes with results that have charges.
<3 The amount of charges can be predefined, the sum of charges left in the ingredients, or the amount of charges in the ingredient with most charges.
<3 You can disable and enable single recipes or the whole system.
<3 You can disassemble items.
<3 You can use any event you want.

A vJass compiler (NewGen includes one).
Table by Vexorian.

The Code
library RecipeSYS initializer init uses Table
    //               ¤           v0.7b           ¤
    //              ( *&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;* )
    //               )         RecipeSYS         (
    //              (    Created by Artificial    )
    //               )*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*(
    //              ¤                             ¤
    //                  How to use the RecipeSYS
    //                  ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
    //  ---- Adding recipes
    //      Adding recipes is rather easy. You just call a function
    //      and give it some arguments. The function you call is
    //      recipe.create, and is called like this:
    //          call recipe.create(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, result, sfx, attPoint, charges, chargeType)
    //      i1 - i6 are the raw codes* of the items required for the
    //      recipe to combine. result is the raw code of the item they
    //      will combine to. sfx is the path of the special effect you
    //      want to use (give &quot;&quot; for default), and attPoint the attachment
    //      point of it (&quot;&quot; for default). The boolean charges is whether
    //      the result should have some other amount of charges than the
    //      default one. If it is true, chargeType determines what amount
    //      of charges the result will get when combined (-1 =&gt; amount of
    //      charges left in the ingredient with most charges, 0 =&gt; sum of
    //      charges left in the ingredients, anything else =&gt; the number
    //      given as the argument).
    //     * You can find out the rawcodes by going to the object
    //       editor and pressing ctrl + D. The first 4 characters
    //       are the rawcode of the item. When calling the function,
    //       remember to put the rawcode between &#039; and &#039; in case
    //       you want it to work.
    //      If you want the recipe to require less than 6 items, just give
    //      zeros as ingredient arguments.
    //          --- AddRecipe Wrappers
    //              You can also add recipes using some of the wrapper
    //              functions: AddRecipe, AddRecipeEx, AddRecipeWithCharges,
    //              and AddRecipeWithChargesEx.
    //              AddRecipe               takes i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, result
    //              AddRecipeEx             takes i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, result, sfx, attPoint
    //              AddRecipeWithCharges    takes i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, result, chargeType
    //              AddRecipeWithChargesEx  takes i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, result, chargeType, sfx, attPoint
    //  ---- Removing Recipes
    //      There are two ways of removing recipes: destroyin a specific
    //      recipe and removing recipes by the result (removes all recipes
    //      with that item as result).
    //      Removing a specific recipe is done by calling the .destroy method
    //      for that recipe, and removing by result is done by using the
    //      RemoveRecipeByResult function, eg. like this:
    //          call RemoveRecipeByResult(&#039;belv&#039;)
    //  ---- Changing the Result / Ingredients
    //      Because of how the system works, you can&#039;t just do set r.result = &#039;aooo&#039;,
    //      but you must use the methods SetResult and SetIngredient.
    //      SetResult takes only the new item&#039;s raw code, and SetIngredient takes that
    //      and the ingredient number (0 - 5).
    //          call re.SetIngredient(&#039;rde1&#039;, 0)
    //  ---- Disassembling Items
    //      Disassembling an item that is a result of some recipe would cause
    //      the item to be replaced with the ingredients of the recipe.
    //      Example of usage:
    //          call DisassembleItem(GetManipulatedItem(), GetTriggerUnit())
    //      The first argument is the item to be disassembled and the second
    //      one is the unit to give the ingredients to. In case you don&#039;t want
    //      to give the items to an unit, give null as the unit argument.
    //      You also have the DisassembleItemByRecipe function, which takes
    //      one argument more: the recipe whose ingredients you want the item
    //      to be disassembled to.
    //      There are a few restrictions with the disassembling:
    //          - If the item being disassemled isn&#039;t created by the system,
    //            and used on an item that is the result of several recipes
    //            the system will just give the items that are required for one
    //            of the recipes.
    //          - When used on an recipe added via the charged recipe thingy
    //            the ingredient items won&#039;t recieve the amount of items they
    //            had when the result was made, but the default amount of charges.
    //          Note: If you are using the function with the &#039;A unit Loses an item&#039;
    //                event you&#039;ll need to add a little wait before the function
    //                call in case you want the items to be created at the position
    //                where the item was dropped. And the wait is also needed when
    //                the item being disassembled is the result of a recipe that has
    //                only the same type of items as ingredients (or at least I think so).
    //  ---- Disabling and Re-Enabling Recipes
    //      Instead of removing a recipe to disable it and then adding the
    //      recipe again you can also disable and enable the recipe.
    //      This is done by setting the enabled member of the recipe to false
    //      (or to true if enabling). You can also use the EnableRecipeByResult
    //      function:
    //          call EnableRecipeByResult(&#039;fgdg&#039;, false)
    //      That would disable the recipes that have the item &#039;fgdg&#039; as result.
    //      The enabling of the recipe would happen with the same function, but
    //      with true as the boolean argument.
    //  ---- Disabling/Re-enabling the System
    //      If you need to disable/enable the system for some time, you can use these lines:
    //          call DisableTrigger(RecipeSYS_TRIGGER)
    //          call EnableTrigger(RecipeSYS_TRIGGER)
    //      Note, that this only disables the combining of items by the system itself,
    //      if you&#039;re using a combining trigger of your own, you&#039;ll need to disable that
    //      trigger.
    //  ---- Manual Checking For Recipes
    //      In case you&#039;d want to use some other event than the &#039;A unit Acquires an
    //      item&#039;, you can set AUTO_COMBINE to false, and create a trigger that has
    //      the event you want (eg. &#039;A unit Starts the effect of an ability&#039;), and
    //      then call the RecipeSYS_Combine function from there. The arguments it takes
    //      are the item that should be checked if it belongs to a recipe and the unit
    //      the result should be created to (if any is created).
    //      The function returns a boolean depending on whether it combined the item
    //      to something or not. And if it combined something, you can refer to the
    //      created item with bj_lastCreatedItem (Last created item in GUI).
    //     Strengths of RecipeSYS
    //     ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
    //     - Supports having several items of the same type as
    //       ingredients in the same recipe.
    //     - Supports having the same item type as an ingredient in
    //       several recipes.
    //     - Allows to specify the special effect and it&#039;s attachment
    //       point (each recipe can have its own ones, if you wish so).
    //     - All you need to do is add the recipes.
    //     - You can remove recipes.
    //     - You can add recipes with results that have charges.
    //     - The amount of charges can be predefined, the sum of charges
    //       left in the ingredients, or the amount of charges in the
    //       ingredient with most charges.
    //     - You can disable and enable single recipes or the whole sytem.
    //     - You can disassemble items.
    //     - You can disable the automatic combining of items, and create
    //       a trigger that combines items manually (so you can have any
    //       event you want).
    //     Weaknesses of RecipeSYS
    //     ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
    //     - Don&#039;t know if it&#039;s optimized as much as it could nor if it&#039;s
    //       the best recipe system out there. ^_^
    //     - The item disassembling has some restrictions, and doesn&#039;t work
    //       flawlessy with the &#039;A unit Loses an item&#039; event (see the Test2
    //       trigger in the demo map or the instructions of the function for
    //       additional information).
    //     - The max amount of item types you can use in recipes as
    //       ingredients is 8190 / AMOUNT_ING and as results 8190 / AMOUNT_RES.
    //                  How to import RecipeSYS
    //                  ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
    //      Two easy steps:
    //          - Copy this trigger to your map.
    //          - Copy the trigger &#039;Table&#039; to your map.
    //        Alternatively:
    //          - Create a trigger named &#039;RecipeSYS&#039; in your map.
    //          - Convert it to Jass (Custom Script) and replace all
    //            of the code in there with the code in this trigger.
    //          - Create a trigger named &#039;Table&#039; in your map.
    //          - Convert it to Jass (Custom Script) and replace all
    //            of the code in there with the code in the trigger &#039;Table&#039;.
    //          ¤                           ¤
    //         ( *&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;* )
    //          )  RecipeSYS configuration  (
    //         ( *&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;* )
    //         ¤                             ¤
        private constant boolean AUTO_COMBINE = true
        //Whether you want the system to automatically combine
        //the ingredients of a recipe to the result when a unit
        //has all of them.
        private constant boolean NEED_PICK_UP = true
        // Whether the item actually has to be picked up by the
        // unit in order for the recipe to combine, or if it&#039;s
        // enough for the unit to be ordered to pick the item
        // (this as false will make you able to &quot;pick&quot; the last
        // ingredient needed for the recipe and combine the recipe
        // even if the inventory is full (still plays the sound &quot;Inventory
        // is full&quot; and displayes the message, but they can be hidden in
        // game interface)).
        private constant real MAX_RANGE = 200.
        // How far away from the item can the unit be in order to
        // be able to &quot;pick it up&quot; when NEED_PICK_UP is false.
        private constant string SFX_PATH  = &quot;Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\TomeOfRetraining\\TomeOfRetrainingCaster.mdl&quot;
        //The path of the default effect.
        private constant string SFX_POINT = &quot;origin&quot;
        //The default attachment point.
        private constant integer AMOUNT_ING = 10
        //The amount of recipes an item can be an ingredient in.
        private constant integer AMOUNT_RES = 10
        //The amount of recipes an item can be a result in.
    //          ¤                           ¤
    //         ( *&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;* )
    //          )DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS POINT(
    //         ( *&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;* )
    //          )Well, you can if you really(
    //         ( want to, but only if you    )
    //          )know what you&#039;re doing. And(
    //         ( it&#039;s not needed, anyways.   )
    //          )*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*-._.-*&#039;*(
    //         ¤                             ¤
        private constant real MAX_RANGE_POW2 = MAX_RANGE * MAX_RANGE
        public constant trigger TRIGGER = CreateTrigger()
        private Table ING_TABLE
        private Table RES_TABLE
        private HandleTable COMBINE_TABLE
    private type ingIn extends recipe array [AMOUNT_ING]
    private type resIn extends recipe array [AMOUNT_RES]
    struct recipe
        readonly integer array items [6]
        readonly integer result
        integer chargeType
        string sfx
        string point
        boolean resultHasCharges
        boolean enabled
        static method create takes integer i1, integer i2, integer i3, integer i4, integer i5, integer i6, integer result, string sfx, string attPoint, boolean charges, integer chargetype returns recipe
            local recipe i = recipe.allocate()
            local ingIn ing
            local resIn res
            local boolean error = false // Stupid 1.24
            local boolean array b
            local integer j = 0
            local integer k
            local integer l = 0
            set i.items[0] = i1
            set i.items[1] = i2
            set i.items[2] = i3
            set i.items[3] = i4
            set i.items[4] = i5
            set i.items[5] = i6
            set i.result   = result
            set i.enabled  = true
            set i.resultHasCharges  = charges
            set i.chargeType        = chargetype
            //To prevent linking the recipe to the item type twice.
            set b[0] = true
            set b[1] = i2 != i1
            set b[2] = i3 != i2 and i3 != i1
            set b[3] = i4 != i3 and i4 != i2 and i4 != i1
            set b[4] = i5 != i4 and i5 != i3 and i5 != i2 and i5 != i1
            set b[5] = i6 != i5 and i6 != i4 and i6 != i3 and i6 != i2 and i6 != i1
            //Set the SFX things (default or specified).
            if sfx == &quot;&quot; then
                set i.sfx = SFX_PATH
                set i.sfx = sfx
            if attPoint == &quot;&quot; then
                set i.point = SFX_POINT
                set i.point = attPoint
            //Linking the recipe to the item types.
                if i.items[j] != 0 and b[j] then
                    set k = ING_TABLE[i.items[j]]
                    if k != 0 then
                        //Item type is in another recipe aswell.
                        set ing = ingIn(k)
                        set k = 0
                        //Seek for an open slot.
                            exitwhen error or ing[k] == 0
                            set k = k + 1
                            if k == ingIn.size then
                                debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cffff0202RecipeSYS Error:|r AMOUNT_ING is too small!&quot;)
                                set error = true
                        //First appearance for the item type.
                        set ing = ingIn.create()
                        set k = 0
                    exitwhen error
                    set ing[k] = i
                    set ING_TABLE[i.items[j]] = integer(ing)
                set j = j + 1
                exitwhen j == 6
            if not error then
                set k = RES_TABLE[i.result]
                if k != 0 then
                    //Item type is in some other recipe, too.
                    set res = resIn(k)
                    set k = 0
                        exitwhen error or res[k] == 0
                        set k = k + 1
                        if k == resIn.size then
                            debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cffff0202RecipeSYS Error:|r AMOUNT_RES too small!&quot;)
                            set error = true
                    //First time being in a recipe for the item type.
                    set res = resIn.create()
                if not error then
                    set res[k] = i
                    set RES_TABLE[i.result] = integer(res)
            if error then
                call i.destroy()
                return recipe(0)
                return i
        private method ClearRecipeFromIngredient takes integer it returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
            local integer j = 0
            local integer k
            local ingIn ing = ingIn(ING_TABLE[it])
            if it == 0 or integer(ing[0]) == 0 then
            //Finding the right array slot and setting it&#039;s value to 0.
                exitwhen i == ingIn.size
                if ing<i> == this then
                    set j = i + 1
                    //Finding the last used array slot.
                        exitwhen j == ingIn.size or ing[j] == 0
                        set j = j + 1
                    set j = j - 1
                    set ing<i> = ing[j]
                    set ing[j] = 0
                    exitwhen true
                set i = i + 1
            //Free the array and flush if the slots are empty.
            if integer(ing[0]) == 0 then
                call ING_TABLE.flush(it)
                call ing.destroy()
        private method ClearRecipeFromResult takes integer it returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
            local integer j
            local resIn res = resIn(RES_TABLE[it])
            if it == 0 then
            //Finding the right array slot and setting it&#039;s value to 0.
                exitwhen i == resIn.size
                if res<i> == this then
                    set j = i + 1
                    //Finding the last used array slot.
                        exitwhen j == resIn.size or res[j] == 0
                        set j = j + 1
                    set j = j - 1
                    set res<i> = res[j]
                    set res[j] = 0
                    exitwhen true
                set i = i + 1
            //Free the array slots and flush if it&#039;s empty.
            if res[0] == 0 then
                call RES_TABLE.flush(it)
                call res.destroy()
        // Used in SetIngredient to clear the old slot.
        private method ClearSlot takes integer slot returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
                exitwhen i == 6
                if slot != i and .items<i> == .items[slot] then
                    // If the item is several times in the recipe,
                    // setting this one to 0 is enough.
                    set .items[slot] = 0
                set i = i + 1
            // Otherwise we need to clear the recipe from the item.
            call .ClearRecipeFromIngredient(.items[slot])
        method SetIngredient takes integer id, integer slot returns nothing
            local ingIn ing
            call .ClearSlot(slot)
            set .items[slot] = id
            set slot = ING_TABLE[id]
            if slot != 0 then
                //Item type is in another recipe aswell.
                set ing = ingIn(slot)
                set slot = 0
                //Seek for an open slot.
                    exitwhen ing[slot] == 0
                    set slot = slot + 1
                    if slot == ingIn.size then
                        debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cffff0202RecipeSYS Error:|r AMOUNT_ING is too small!&quot;)
                //First appearance for the item type.
                set ing = ingIn.create()
                set slot = 0
            set ing[slot] = this
            set ING_TABLE[id] = integer(ing)
        method SetResult takes integer id returns nothing
            local resIn res
            local integer k = RES_TABLE[id]
            call .ClearRecipeFromResult(.result)
            set .result = id
            if k != 0 then
                //Item type is in some other recipe, too.
                set res = resIn(k)
                set k = 0
                    exitwhen res[k] == 0
                    set k = k + 1
                    if k == resIn.size then
                        debug call BJDebugMsg(&quot;|cffff0202RecipeSYS Error:|r AMOUNT_RES too small!&quot;)
                //First time being in a recipe for the item type.
                set res = resIn.create()
            set res[k] = this
            set RES_TABLE[.result] = integer(res)
        method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer i = 0
                call .ClearRecipeFromIngredient(.items<i>)
                set i = i + 1
                exitwhen i == 6
            call .ClearRecipeFromResult(.result)
            set .result = 0
    //**    Recipes Without Charges                     **
    function AddRecipe takes integer item1, integer item2, integer item3, integer item4, integer item5, integer item6, integer result returns recipe
        return recipe.create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, result, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, 0)
    function AddRecipeEx takes integer item1, integer item2, integer item3, integer item4, integer item5, integer item6, integer result, string sfx, string attachmentPoint returns recipe
        return recipe.create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, result, sfx, attachmentPoint, false, 0)
    //**    Recipes With Charges                        **
    function AddRecipeWithCharges takes integer item1, integer item2, integer item3, integer item4, integer item5, integer item6, integer result, integer chargeType returns recipe
        return recipe.create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, result, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, chargeType)
    function AddRecipeWithChargesEx takes integer item1, integer item2, integer item3, integer item4, integer item5, integer item6, integer result, integer chargeType, string sfx, string attachmentPoint returns recipe

        return recipe.create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, result, sfx, attachmentPoint, true, chargeType)
    //**    Removing Recipes                            **
    function RemoveRecipeByResult takes integer result returns nothing
        local resIn res = resIn(RES_TABLE[result])
            exitwhen integer(res[0]) == 0
            call res[0].destroy()
    //**    Disabling and enabling recipes              **
    function EnableRecipeByResult takes integer result, boolean enable returns nothing
        local resIn res = resIn(RES_TABLE[result])
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen integer(res<i>) == 0
            set res<i>.enabled = enable
            set i = i + 1
    //**    Disassembling Combined Items                **
    function DisassembleItemByRecipe takes item whichItem, unit whichUnit, recipe re returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local real x = GetItemX(whichItem)
        local real y = GetItemY(whichItem)
        local boolean b = IsTriggerEnabled(GetTriggeringTrigger())
        local boolean c = IsTriggerEnabled(TRIGGER)
        if re.result == GetItemTypeId(whichItem) then
            if b then
                //Avoid clashing with some events.
                call DisableTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
            call COMBINE_TABLE.flush(whichItem)
            call RemoveItem(whichItem)
            //Should the items be created for a unit or at ground?
            if whichUnit == null then
                    call CreateItem(re.items<i>, x, y)
                    set i = i + 1
                    exitwhen i == 6
                if c then
                    //Preventing infinite loop.
                    call DisableTrigger(TRIGGER)
                    call UnitAddItemById(whichUnit, re.items<i>)
                    set i = i + 1
                    exitwhen i == 6
                if c then
                    call EnableTrigger(TRIGGER)
            if b then
                call EnableTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    function DisassembleItem takes item whichItem, unit whichUnit returns nothing
        local integer id = GetItemTypeId(whichItem)
        local resIn r = resIn(RES_TABLE[id])
        local recipe re = recipe(COMBINE_TABLE[whichItem])
        if integer(re) == 0 or re.result != id then //The last one just in case the recipe has been destroyed.
            if integer(r[0]) == 0 then
            set re = r[0]
        call DisassembleItemByRecipe(whichItem, whichUnit, re)
    //**    Combining                                   **
    private function DoCombine takes recipe rec, unit u, item noncarried returns boolean
        local integer array itemsReq
        local integer noncarriedId = GetItemTypeId(noncarried)
        local integer itemInSlot
        local integer topCharges = 0
        local integer sumCharges = 0
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 0
        local item resu
        local item array itemsToCombine
        //Setting the items.
            set itemsReq<i> = rec.items<i>
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen i == 6
        set i = 0
        //Finding the items.
            set itemInSlot = GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlot(u, i))
                if itemsReq[j] == noncarriedId and noncarried != null then
                    set itemsToCombine[j] = noncarried
                    set itemsReq[j] = 0
                    set noncarried  = null
                    exitwhen true
                elseif itemsReq[j] == itemInSlot and itemInSlot != 0 then
                    set itemsToCombine[j] = UnitItemInSlot(u, i)
                    set itemsReq[j] = 0
                    exitwhen true
                set j = j + 1
                exitwhen j == 6
            set j = 0
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen i == 6
        set noncarried = null
        set i = 0
        set j = 0
        //Checking if all items were found.
            if itemsReq<i> != 0 then
                    set itemsToCombine[j] = null
                    set j = j + 1
                    exitwhen j == 6
                return false
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen i == 6
        set i = 0
        //Remove the old items.
            //Set the different charge amounts in case the result has charges.
            set j = GetItemCharges(itemsToCombine<i>)
            set sumCharges = sumCharges + j
            if j &gt; topCharges then
                set topCharges = j
            call COMBINE_TABLE.flush(itemsToCombine<i>)
            call RemoveItem(itemsToCombine<i>)
            set itemsToCombine<i> = null
            set i = i + 1
            exitwhen i == 6
        //Create the result.
        set resu = UnitAddItemById(u, rec.result)
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(rec.sfx, u, rec.point))
        //Set charges if it should have any.
        if rec.resultHasCharges then
            if rec.chargeType == 0 then
                call SetItemCharges(resu, sumCharges)
            elseif rec.chargeType == -1 then
                call SetItemCharges(resu, topCharges)
                call SetItemCharges(resu, rec.chargeType)
        //Set the data if wanted.
        set COMBINE_TABLE[resu] = integer(rec)
        set bj_lastCreatedItem = resu
        set resu = null
        return true
    //**    Recipe Finding                              **
    function GetRecipeItemCombinedFrom takes item i returns recipe
        local recipe r = recipe(COMBINE_TABLE<i>)
        if integer(r) == 0 or GetItemTypeId(i) != r.result then
            set r = ingIn(ING_TABLE[GetItemTypeId(i)])[0]
        return r
    public function Combine takes item check, unit u returns boolean
        local boolean isCarried = UnitHasItem(u, check)
        local ingIn r = ingIn(ING_TABLE[GetItemTypeId(check)])
        local integer i = 0
        if check == null then
            return false
            exitwhen integer(r<i>) == 0 or i == r.size
            if r<i>.enabled then
                if isCarried then
                    if DoCombine(r<i>, u, null) then
                        return true
                    if DoCombine(r<i>, u, check) then
                        return true
            set i = i + 1
        return false
    private function Check takes nothing returns boolean
        local real dx
        local real dy
        if GetIssuedOrderId() == OrderId(&quot;smart&quot;) then
            if GetOrderTargetItem() == null then
                return false
            set dx = GetItemX(GetOrderTargetItem()) - GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit())
            set dy = GetItemY(GetOrderTargetItem()) - GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())
            if dx * dx + dy * dy &lt;= MAX_RANGE_POW2 then
                return Combine(GetOrderTargetItem(), GetTriggerUnit())
            return false
        return Combine(GetManipulatedItem(), GetTriggerUnit())
    private function SafeFilt takes nothing returns boolean
        return true
    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer index = 0
        if AUTO_COMBINE then
                call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(TRIGGER, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM, Filter(function SafeFilt))
                if not NEED_PICK_UP then
                    call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(TRIGGER, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER, Filter(function SafeFilt))
                set index = index + 1
                exitwhen index == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
            call TriggerAddCondition(TRIGGER, Condition(function Check))
        set ING_TABLE = Table.create()
        set RES_TABLE = Table.create()
        set COMBINE_TABLE = HandleTable.create()

Example of Usage
  • LoopingTest
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • -------- Recipe 1 --------
      • Set Ingredient1[1] = Ring of Protection +3
      • Set Ingredient2[1] = Ring of Protection +3
      • Set Result[1] = Boots of Quel&#039;Thalas +6
      • -------- Recipe 2 --------
      • Set Ingredient1[2] = Ring of Protection +2
      • Set Ingredient2[2] = Slippers of Agility +3
      • Set Result[2] = Ring of Protection +3
      • -------- Recipe 2 --------
      • Set Ingredient1[3] = Demonic Figurine
      • Set Ingredient2[3] = Boots of Quel&#039;Thalas +6
      • Set Ingredient3[3] = Boots of Quel&#039;Thalas +6
      • Set Ingredient4[3] = Slippers of Agility +3
      • Set Result[3] = Cheese
      • -------- 3 is the amount of recipes --------
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 3, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Custom script: call AddRecipe(udg_Ingredient1[bj_forLoopAIndex], udg_Ingredient2[bj_forLoopAIndex], udg_Ingredient3[bj_forLoopAIndex], udg_Ingredient4[bj_forLoopAIndex], udg_Ingredient5[bj_forLoopAIndex], udg_Ingredient6[bj_forLoopAIndex], udg_Result[bj_forLoopAIndex])

Copy the trigger called RecipeSYS from the attached map or create a trigger named RecipeSYS, convert it to custom text, and replace everything inside it with the code above.

Q: Help! I have a problem!
A: I'd suggest you post your problem as a separate thread in the World Editor Help forum (so more people can see it and help you) and link to that thread either here or in some other kind of message to me so I can take a look as well. Some information you should try to include in that thread:
  • Your RecipeSYS configuration (especially AMOUNT_ING and AMOUNT_RES).
  • The code that creates the recipes. If you can't post all of the code, at least post all the parts that have anything to do with the 20th and 21st recipe (including used variables and possible loops).
  • Any debug messages you see when the system stops working. If you don't see any, make sure you're saving the map in debug mode (I can't remember where to check it, but I think it's something like "JASS Helper > Debug Mode" in the main editor window's menu).

 Fixed 1.24 compatibility issues (stupid patch).
 Fixed some bugs with the NEED_PICK_UP stuff.
  When NEED_PICK_UP is true and a unit with full inventory is ordered 
  to pick up an item that's too far away for it to pick up, it won't 
  automatically be ordered to move to the item anymore. (This had
  to be done to fix a bug.)

 Renamed CheckItemRecipes to RecipeSYS_Combine.
 Added the option to pick up the last ingredient needed for a recipe even though the inventory is full.
  DoCombine updated a bit (and name changed a bit).
  Added MAX_RANGE.
 Added method SetIngredient.
 Added method SetResult.
 Added GetRecipeItemCombinedFrom.
 Made members "items" and "result" read-only fields.

 Made the system flush the entrys for items it destroys.
 Removed a scenario that made the system try to destroy unexistant dynamic arrays.

 Removed some duplication of code.
 Removed the usage of item data, now using Table for it.
 Removed some unnecessary variables.
 Made ClearRecipeFrom... methods free the arrays and flush tha table thingy when the array is empty.
 Renamed ingTable to ING_TABLE and resTable to RES_TABLE so it'd be easier to see they are globals.

 Split up ClearRecipeFromItem to ClearRecipeFromIngredient and ClearRecipeFromResult.
 Split up GetItemTypeRecipes to GetResultRecipes and GetIngredientRecipes.
 Removed GetResultRecipes and GetIngredientRecipes.
 Made ClearRecipeFromItem take care of holes in the arrays.
 Made ingIn and resIn extend recipe arrays instead of integer arrays.
 Removed the type recipes.
 Removed the recipe array RECIPES.
 Removed count (the global variable).
 Changed StringTables to Tables.

 Changed pretty much stuff.
 Made it use Table (by Vexorian) for better performance.
 The functions now take and return recipes instead of ids.
 The struct recipe is not private anymore.
 You can now also create recipes with the create method of the struct.
 Some functions were renamed:
 - EnableRecipe        -> EnableRecipeByResult
 - EnableRecipeById    -> set (yourRecipe).enabled =
 - RemoveRecipe        -> RemoveRecipeByResult
 - RemoveRecipeById    -> (yourRecipe).destroy
 - DisassembleItemById -> DisassembleItemByRecipe
 Added GetItemTypeRecipes and RecipesRelease.
 Added three globals: AMOUNT_ING, AMOUNT_RES, and AMOUNT_RECS.

 Fixed the bug with having AUTO_COMBINE as false making it unpossible to uncombine items.

 Added CheckForRecipes.
 Made TRIGGER unconstant.
 Made Combine store the result to bj_lastCreatedItem.

 Fixed a problem with the DisassembleItem function enabling triggers.
 Added DisassembleItemById.
 Some minor changes in a couple of functions.

 Made the functions that add the recipes return the id of the recipe (used for 'ById' functions).
 Added RemoveRecipeById.
 Added EnableRecipeById.
 Removed the "set RECIPES[count] = 0" from RemoveRecipe.
 Made Combine return a boolean and updated Check a bit.

 Added EnableRecipe function (suggested by Tom_Kazansky).
 Added DisassembleItem function (suggested by waaaks!).
 Added the global trigger RecipeSYS_TRIGGER so you can disable and enable the system completely.

 Made it possible to use the same item as an ingredient for several recipes.
 Added support for charged results.
 Inlined TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEvent (suggested by T.s.e).
 Changed the action to condition (suggested by T.s.e).
 First release.


  • RecipeSYSv0.6d.w3x
    48.6 KB · Views: 631
  • RecipeSYSv0.7.w3x
    52.8 KB · Views: 661
  • RecipeSYSv0.7b.w3x
    53.8 KB · Views: 984
I suggest you should add a DisableRecipe function, temporary disabling a recipe.

For example:
I have 5 recipe: recipe1, recipe2, recipe3, recipe4, recipe5 and the recipe 2 is needed for recipe 5.
When I disassemble the recipe2 and I don't want the new items (its components) to assemble again (in case I add the components to the hero), I have to disable the recipe2.
If I use RemoveRecipe( recipe2 ), so the recipe queue will be: recipe1, recipe3, recipe4, recipe5 (right ?) and then re-add the recipe2, the recipe queue now is: recipe1, recipe3, recipe4, recipe5, recipe 2 => so recipe5 is checked before the recipe2 and I have to drop the recipe2 item, repick it to get the recipe5. (right ?)
recipe with charges? nice

i suggest adding a disassemble recipe function, where u pick a recipe item from the hero, remove it then drops the ingredients
I don't think you would need to drop the item, as when you will acquire the result of the recipe 2, the trigger will fire again and check if it is the ingredient of some recipe.
But I might still add a DisableRecipe function, as someone might want to use it over removing the recipe and then creating it again, and it wouldn't be hard to make.
Thanks for the suggestion. :)

A disassembling function might be nice, but it might be hard to do it, as an item can be the result for several recipes. Eg. if you have 2 recipes: one that has item1 and item2 as ingredients and item5 as the result, and one that has item3 and item4 as ingredients and item5 as the result. I'm not sure about how easy it'd be to find out whether the items 1 and 2 or the items 3 or 4 should be given when the item 5 is disassembled.
I'll add this, though, if I figure it out or something. Thanks for the suggestion. :p

Having that example as a RoC version is hard, as it seems like the 'Custom Script' line action is a TFT action. But I made you this map that's compatible with RoC but has the example trigger in Jass (and an uglier terrain).


  • RecipeSYSv0.1.w3m
    24.1 KB · Views: 551
Err, am I blind or I misunderstood something... But to whom do you give the recipes? There is not unit argument in the functions...
You create the recipes at eg. map initialization (as in the example), and the system will give the result to the unit that acquires all of the ingredients. And even if this wouldn't work that way, a unit argument wouldn't be needed as the function could still use GetTriggerUnit.


New version (0.2)!
Added the functions EnableRecipe and DisassembleItem, and the public global TRIGGER.
Version 0.3 is here with some changes and two new functions (they might even be useful for someone).
 Made the functions that add the recipes return the id of the recipe (used for 'ById' functions).
 Added RemoveRecipeById.
 Added EnableRecipeById.
 Removed the "set RECIPES[count] = 0" from RemoveRecipe as unnecessary.
 Made Combine return a boolean and updated Check a bit to avoid unnecessary stuff do be processed.
Wouldn't mind getting some suggestions so I could make better updates. Also other comments would be appreciated. ^_^

This is what I need
Nice to heart that. :)
And thanks for the ones that already have made my previous posts useful. ^_^


The version 0.4 is now available with some fixes, additions, and improvements.
 Fixed a problem with the DisassembleItem function enabling the triggering trigger and the RecipeSYS trigger even if they were disabled.
 Added the function DisassembleItemById.
 Added an option to use item custom values (the boolean USE_ITEM_DATA) in order to get more accurate disassembling when having several recipes with the same result.
 Some minor changes in a couple of functions in order to make the custom value usage work.


Version 0.5 is out!
Added a possibility to use any event you want to combine the items. You can now also refer to the combined item by using bj_lastCreatedItem (Last created item in GUI).
 Added the custom check function and AUTO_COMBINE (=> changed the initialization a bit, made TRIGGER unconstant).
 Made Combine set the created result to bj_lastCreatedItem for easier access (might be useful when using the custom check function).
I'm thinking about renaming 'CheckForRecipes', but I can't come up with stuff that'd be good as the name. These are the ones I've come up with:
CheckForRecipes <-- In use
And my personal favourite:
That'd certainly say what it does, unlike most of the other ones, but this is a bit long, don't you think? :(

Anyone has suggestions for a short, descriptive name? :p
Version 0.6 is now usable.
There were quite a few changes, mainly because of making it better performance-wise.
 Changed pretty much stuff.
 Made it use Table (by Vexorian) for better performance.
 The functions now take and return recipes instead of ids.
 The struct recipe is not private anymore.
 You can now also create recipes with the create method of the struct.
 Some functions were renamed:
 - EnableRecipe        -> EnableRecipeByResult
 - EnableRecipeById    -> set (yourRecipe).enabled =
 - RemoveRecipe        -> RemoveRecipeByResult
 - RemoveRecipeById    -> (yourRecipe).destroy
 - DisassembleItemById -> DisassembleItemByRecipe
 Added GetItemTypeRecipes and RecipesRelease.
 Added three globals: AMOUNT_ING, AMOUNT_RES, and AMOUNT_RECS.

Edit: Version 0.6b is now here aswell.
 Split up ClearRecipeFromItem to ClearRecipeFromIngredient and ClearRecipeFromResult.
 Split up GetItemTypeRecipes to GetResultRecipes and GetIngredientRecipes.
 Removed GetResultRecipes and GetIngredientRecipes.
 Made ClearRecipeFromItem take care of holes in the arrays.
 Made ingIn and resIn extend recipe arrays instead of integer arrays.
 Removed the type recipes.
 Removed the recipe array RECIPES.
 Removed count (the global variable).
 Changed StringTables to Tables.

Edit2: Version 0.6c is out, too (less changes this time).
 Removed some duplication of code.
 Removed the usage of item data, now using Table for it.
 Removed some unnecessary variables.
 Made ClearRecipeFrom... methods free the arrays and flush tha table thingy when the array is empty.
 Renamed ingTable to ING_TABLE and resTable to RES_TABLE so it'd be easier to see they are globals.

Edit3: Version 0.6d is also available. :D
This version has been approved at WC3C, btw.
 Made the system flush the entrys for items it destroys.
 Removed a scenario that made the system try to destroy unexistant dynamic arrays.
really interesting, just that I wouldn't use gc for this ; )
Actually, it's a lot more efficient than looping through all items in the unit's inventory to check if they match a recipe.
(As long as you have more than 5 recipes that is)

EDIT: I missed to comment on the system ^^

It looks good and the fact that it uses Table instead of some own-initializated cache is good :thup:
Also that it may dissemble recipes is nice :)

Good job on this one sir :)
+ Rep
Actually, it's a lot more efficient than looping through all items in the unit's inventory to check if they match a recipe.
(As long as you have more than 5 recipes that is)

EDIT: I missed to comment on the system ^^

It looks good and the fact that it uses Table instead of some own-initializated cache is good :thup:
Also that it may dissemble recipes is nice :)

Good job on this one sir :)
+ Rep

not really. Just depends on what you're using. If you use a normal search, then for sure. But a good hashtable is faster I would say.
not really. Just depends on what you're using. If you use a normal search, then for sure. But a good hashtable is faster I would say.
It could be, but then you'd need to create one. And using Table is really simple, and is faster than an O(n) search as long as there are more than 4 recipes.

So basically it doesn't matter THAT much -- it works nice and should not lag unless you have some abnormally large amount of recipes upon pickup.
> I wouldn't use gc for this
At first the system was just looping through all of the recipes, but then I was adviced at WC3C to do something about it; either use a hashtable or gamecache. As I had no clue about which one is better, I made versions for both. No one said which one would be better, but Anitarf said I should rather use Table than my own GC, so I took that as a hint for going with Table instead of hashing. :p
Nice system =]

Seems to work just dandy, and I like the effect and sound, nice touch.

Good work :thup:

Note: I haven't tested it thoroughly yet, when/if I do I'll come back and tell you if I broke it or not :D
I tested the map and when I picked up 2 demonic figurine it converted to one with 2 charges, after that I picked another demonic figurine, and put this one with 3 charges on the floor but there was only 2 with 1 charge :S
General chit-chat
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    alternatively if you not making at least 23 an hour you could work in an Aldi warehouse
  • Varine Varine:
    Yeah I've been thinking about using AI for shit. I'm on vacation next week so I'm going to spend some time reorganizing everything and getting all my shit back in order
  • Varine Varine:
    lol I technically make less than 23 right now because I'm on salary and am there all the time, but it's a lot more than a normal wage still. I also have a meeting soon to renegotiate my pay because I want about a 25% increase to account for what I'm actually doing or a re-evaluation of our duties so that that my responsibilities are more in line with my pay. Depending on how that goes I'm prepared to give notice and move on, I don't mind taking less money so I'd have time for the rest of my life, but I'd rather they just fucking pay me enough to justify the commitment on my end. Plus right now I hold pretty much all the cards since I'm the only one actually qualified for my position.
  • Varine Varine:
    The other chef was there before me and got his position by virtue of being the only adult when the old general manager got married and didn't want to deal with the kitchen all the time, and happened to be in the position when the GM quit. New GM is fine with front of house but doesn't know enough about the kitchen side to really do anything or notice that I'm the one primarily maintaining it. Last time I left they hired like 3 people to replace me and there was still a noticeable drop in quality, so I got offered like 6 dollars an hour more and a pretty significant summer bonus to come back
  • Varine Varine:
    So honestly even if I leave I think it would last a couple of months until it's obvious that I am not exactly replaceable and then I would be in an even better position.
  • Varine Varine:
    But as of right now I have two other job offers that are reasonably close to what my hourly equivalency would be, and I would probably have more time for my other projects. The gap would be pretty easy to fill up if I had time to do my side jobs. I use to do some catering and private events, personal lessons, consultations, ect, and I charge like 120 an hour for those. But they aren't consistent enough for a full time job, too small of a town. And I'm not allowed to move for another year until my probation is over
  • Varine Varine:
    I guess I could get it transferred, but that seems like a hassle.
  • Varine Varine:
    Plus I have a storage room full of broken consoles I need to fix. I need to build a little reflow oven so I can manufacture some mod chips still, but it'll get there.
  • Varine Varine:
    I would like to get out of cooking in general at some point in the next ten years, but for the time being I can make decent money and pump that into savings. I've been taking some engineering classes online, but those aren't exactly career oriented at the moment, but I think getting into electronic or computer engineering of some sort would be ideal. I'm just going to keep taking some classes here and there until there's one that I am really into.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    There is money in fixing and reselling consoles. Problem is people know that so they are doing it
  • The Helper The Helper:
    If you can find a source of broken consoles though you can make money fixing them - sometimes some big money
  • Varine Varine:
    I was buying them on Ebay, but it's pretty competitive, so more recently I've just been telling the thrift stores to call me and I will come take all their electronics they can't sell. I've volunteered there before and people use them like a dump sometimes, and so they just have a massive amount of broken shit they throw away
  • Varine Varine:
    The local GoodWill was pretty into it, surprisingly the animal shelter store was not. The lady I talked to there seemed to think I was trying to steal stuff or something, she wasn't very nice about it. Like I'm just trying to stop you having to throw a bunch of electronics away, if you can sell it great. I'd probably pay you for the broken shit too if you wanted
  • Varine Varine:
    Then I make posts on Facebook yard sale pages sometimes saying I want your old electronics, but Facebook being Facebook people on there are also wary about why I want it, then want a bunch of money like it's going to be very worth it
  • Varine Varine:
    Sooner than later I'm going to get my archives business going a little more. I need some office space that is kind of hard to get at the moment, but without it, I have to be like "Yeah so go ahead and just leave your family heirlooms and hundred year old photographs here at my shitty apartment and give me a thousand dollars, and next month I'll give you a thumb drive. I promise I'll take care of them!"
  • Varine Varine:
    I can do some things with them at their home, but when people have thousands of slides and very delicate newspaper clippings and things, not really practical. I
  • Varine Varine:
    I would be there for days, even with my camera set up slides can take a long time, and if they want perfect captures I really need to use my scanners that are professionally made for that. My camera rig works well for what it is, but for enlargements and things it's not as good.
  • Varine Varine:
    I've only had a couple clients with that so far, though. I don't have a website or anything yet though.
  • Varine Varine:
    Console repair can be worthwhile, but it's also not a thing I can do at scale in my house. I just don't have room for the equipment. I need an office that I can segregate out for archival and then electronic restoration.
  • Varine Varine:
    But in order for that to be real, I need more time, and for more time I need to work less, and to work less I need a different job, and for a different job I need more money to fall back on so that I can make enough to just pay like, rent and utilities and use my savings to find these projects
  • Varine Varine:
    Another couple years. I just need to take it slow and it'll get there.
  • jonas jonas:
    any chance to get that stolen money back?
  • jonas jonas:
    Maybe you can do console repair just as a side thing, especially if there's so much competition business might be slow. Or do you need a lot of special equipment for that?
  • jonas jonas:
    I recently bought a used sauna and the preowner told me some component is broken, I took a look and it was just a burnt fuse, really cheap to fix. I was real proud of my self since I usually have two left hands for this kinda stuff :p
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    I am still playing Shapez 2. What an awful thing to happen, Varine, and hopefully everything has been sorted out soon. Always use multi-factor authentication whenever you have the opportunity to do so.

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