Tutorial Castable Divine Shield


The Silent Pandaren Helper
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Object Editor – Dummy spell, fields.

First of all, copy paste the Undead spell Frost Armor. Not the one with the (autocast) editor prefix behind, but the other. Now, we need to change the fields to suit our needs.
Starting from the top, change the icon to Divine Shield. Then change the Data – armor bonus to 0 for all levels, but the armor duration for level 1 to 15, level 2 to 30 and for level 3 to 45. Then change the Stats – buffs to Divine Shield. After that, change the cooldown for level 1 to 35, level 2 to 50 and for level 3 to 65. Finally, change the Duration Normal, Hero as for the armor duration: 15, 30 and 45 and the mana cost 25 for all levels and don’t forget to change the tooltips. You should see something like this:


Trigger Editor – Spell itself.

Now, you should have completed the part above. Load your trigger editor and make this simple trigger.


The Custom Script (JASS) is needed, to give the spell MUI. The wait action Real part is found under Conversion – Convert Integer to Real. Well, thats about it, you are done (wasnt so hard, was it?:))! Happy map making, you can use this with another similiar spells, you want to be castable.


  • Castable Divine Shield.w3x
    12.6 KB · Views: 638
there's a small leak here. when you declare a local you must null it afterwards.
just add an action Set divine_target = No unit and problem solved.
anyway gj, but i think this would rather belong to free trigger code.
SFilip said:
there's a small leak here. when you declare a local you must null it afterwards.
just add an action Set divine_target = No unit and problem solved.
anyway gj, but i think this would rather belong to free trigger code.

Fixed it. Never thought about the free trigger section. Oh, well. Thanks for feedback.
Making spells is as fun as doing triggers, nice that new spell tutorials come up. There should be more of them. There are alot of spells do teach ppl.
I think this would serve its purpose better, if anyone kind enough could move it to the free trigger code submissions.:)
Have you tested what happens when you cast the shield on a unit which already has it? It may get a bit messy, I think.
Hmmm, you cant target a unit which is invulnerable, unless you change the targets allowed of the base-spell.
Yeah, I already meant that if it is able to cast on invulnerable. The thing that would happen is that it shoots off another trigger but the on-going shield's trigger would still be running and it would make the unit vulnerable too early.

Got the point?
Thing is, you forgot to change the hotkey; the name of the spell says the hotkey is C, but it actually is D.
This is pretty much the same as my ability here

After reading that you understand what I'm trying to say? Your spell can't be cast before it has worn off, though. But if it were, then it'll be the same as mine. :(
Rabarber said:
Thing is, you forgot to change the hotkey; the name of the spell says the hotkey is C, but it actually is D.

Fixed it.:)

Goauld said:
Your spell can't be cast before it has worn off, though.

Hmmm. It is MUI, I used locals. But sorry, if I don't get the point. Had a terrible night.
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