Guide Custom Hero Line Wars - |Mod's Pick|

I guess I didn't test it properly, but I thought crit and bash didn't place buffs when they proc'd. That's why I was unaware that bash damage splashed.

I used ATTACK_TYPE_SPELLS because it is damage from a spell after all. Just use Vampiric Potions if you want life steal.

Shrine Tornado will go through spell immunity, but why shouldn't KKTnI not give it? Also the slow is just an aura.

Not too crash hot with JASS, so I'm not too sure what you're doing there.. =S
I just clear the dead units from the group since, I figure that the group would just keep growing and take more memory than it should.
GroupEnum clears the group before adding units to it.

Not too hot with JASS? WTF?

JASS is easy :D I has teach you ^_^
hey guys... well ive been watching this post quite sometime and i love CHL its a nice map with some tactical requirement and brains ... (as always :D ) and i've been wondering if there is any channel to join so i can play more often cause i don't see it too much ... stupid dota overruned -.-' needs more different style maps IMO so well as i as i was wondering if you have a channel or something to gather players for CHL. im currently playing in Europe server
Yeah. Join the channel *.

Note: * stands for wildcard meaning, any character/word/phrase/what-have-you. In short, no.
I thought GroupEnum was just a "pick every unit in unit group" action? Don't have time to learn JASS anyway :p

Hey there! I'm glad you enjoy playing CHLW :D But unfortunately there is no common channel for CHLW players to gather. I'm not sure if they're even still around, but there's Clan CHA, that play all custom hero maps so you could try there. They're only on Europe as far as I know.
Nope. GroupEnum is the "Fill this group" command. Pick Every Unit In Group And Do is actually [ljass]ForGroup[/ljass]
What would be nice are some item/skill descriptions when hovering over them... I introduce a lot of new people to this stuff and they have no idea what anything does. I looked on the wiki, and it doesn't describe anything either.
The wiki is still under construction. I know it's slow, but I'm the only one working on it right now and I don't have a whole lot of time... I'll try working on it more and getting the items up soon, but I don't know when it'll be done. Thanks for introducing your friends to this though :)
I was wondering... you're already 'expert' with all the custom hero stuff...

Have you ever thought of making a custom hero survival/defense map, without war and stuff :p?

It could be a line defense, like enfo's, or maybe a '8 way hero siege' type :D

I've tried this "hoihoi8's custom hero survival" and his custom abilities are so-so. Some are made too imba, some only work at lvl 20, the max lvl~ so I didn't really enjoy it D;

As for CHLW... if you wanna improve a little funcionality, you could put a "no X skill" button/circleofpower on the mode choosing.

This way we could force players to stop using auras and summons and try using aoes, autocasts, passives and nukes~

Also... Infernal IS a bit imba. The flying fortress can only be used by one member of the ENTIRE TEAM and it still has TIME LIMIT, it's a SINGLE CREEP and as far as I remember... the damage isn't chaos and the armor isn't that big either...

But infernals, my friend, they have unlimited life, chaos damage, fortified armor, 97% damage reduction~ They could pretty much tank wyverns late game.
In comparison, a regular player, with lifesteal, can only withstand somewhere like 3~5 wyvern hits, using all the finest defense and hp gear. An infernal does hold much more than those hits.
It also stuns and comes in 3's oO(or more, if my memory failed me~)

So... the so called GODLIKE MODE was easily beaten by a marine who got himself carrion beetles, serpent ward, dragons, endurance aura and infernals...

i love this map. i find it one of my favorite maps in the entire game. however i just beat solo godmode with a marine with debilitation degeneration bash critical strike and multishot and with getting the items godly plate of the whale helm of the immortal the uhh one +1750 def cloak heavanly lance executioners blade and the bow that has 5% chance to kill i was able to survive 32+ trees mixed in with a couple wyverns for roar the felhounds for their unholy aura and a couple barges for bash. the only things that were able to kill me were the combinations of mass wyverns barges and fellhounds. which leads me to believe that something about my build is atleast slightly rigged if it can survive mass trees. Unfortunatly no one ever plays this anymore.
Barely have time for myself let alone time for proper development.

Not too fond of the skill restrictions idea though..

As for Infernals, fortified armour is irrelevant as tier 4+ all deal chaos damage. Forgot to make a page for Flying Fortress on the wiki, but I'm fairly sure it has a higher armour value and similar hp value as an Infernal. Flying Fortress is also permanent at level 10, has a splashing slow attack, and also has the "scramble fighters" ability which I'm pretty sure is stronger than the Infernal's immolation.
Both deal chaos, and should have similar damage values.

I don't know if you played that build on godlike in solo mode, but saying that "I can beat it with such and such a build, it's the best build ever" is slightly irrelevant. Solo mode is intended purely as a proving ground for the functionality of builds, not as a measure to find "the best build".
I'm not saying that the way you guys played is wrong, but is most likely not representative of what would happen in a real game. Once again, not saying that you guys did do it, but in a proper game the other person isn't going to stop summoning because you died, or are having a hard time. They're not going to stop summoning because you have to buy items, and more often than not, they're not gonna let you mass summons without playing offensive shrine.

I can't think of a good conclusion for that, but I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say. Thanks for playing though, hopefully you can find some good players to provide you a challenge.
Well, the person below me DID test it in solo mode, but I tried on a real game

It was originally 2x2 but some guy disconnected at the other team, so it became 2x1. When I said "do you wanna remake?" the guy said it were fine :p

and... I was the main summoner at my team, but my friend also helped summoning a little.
We know the exp you gain from kill from the opposite's team mass summoning is important, but it was 2x1 on GODLIKE mode, which means he'd get more exp but would have A LOT MORE trouble to deal with the creeps... nevertheless he could survive a lot... I think up to tier 3 or 4, until me and my friend got bashed by his creeps :p
Well in this case, unbalanced teams will make a more significant difference. Since the only difference between impossible and godlike is the exp rate, the fact that you on the 2 would be getting significantly less would put you at a severe disadvantage. Soloing on a high settings is only difficult to deal with at the start, but once you become over leveled for the creep coming at you, the fact that you're fighting increased numbers is largely irrelevant.
the big question

Hey baka, LONG time fan / avid player and host of CHLW here:

so i picked up a copy of sc2 and i been playing around in the custom maps, and i was wondering.....are you planning on a SC2 version of your epic game?:thup: cause theres really not many GOOD custom maps yet. :p so yea just curious >.>
Verry nice map, Baka. Only thing I don't like is terrain... the dimensions, especially. The lanes are too big in my opinion. And that pathway between the lanes can allow those "summoners" with carrion beetles to create beetles at the beginning and then just go in the other lane summon more (or use other spells to kill-steal). That makes them able to steal kills in both lanes. ^_^

And there is also a point during the game where income starts growing way too fast, around tier 3 or 4. At that point, "forgetting" to send for one income because you're too busy or whatever can get you behind on income a lot. =o I sometimes end up winning with an income of 200 lumber to 50, because when they forgot to send for one round they got seriously overwhelmed and I was able to crush the units they were sending. u_u

Being a tournament playing HLW RoC player, I don't have a very open mind to different styles of games than that of RoC, though, and strategies that work very well in RoC may be really bad in this. o_o

And it starts to lag sometimes as soon as tier 4 begins. Are all the triggers' leaks cleared ? D= Well, if they are, then... um... you should... er... uh... *changes subject*

Good map, though. I like the custom heroes concept.
My comp is too crap for SC2, so I don't even have a copy of it. I might look into it sometime in the future.

Lane size is more for 2 heroes, but a hero can still solo it with only little leaks if they pay attention. As I've said before, which you may not have read, this is intended, so that you can't just leave your hero alone.

Most people tend to keep to their own lanes, but if the issue arises that they don't remove their summons from the lane they are not occupying after being asked, you can always kill the summons.

Basic HLW skills should mostly be transferable between the two games. Obviously since they are two different games, some strategies may not work as well in the other due to balancing differences. That being said, HLW RoC have static heroes, while CHLW obviously has custom ones, so developing a good build and strategy will be different to developing a good strategy with a set hero.

All leaks are cleaned as far as I know, so unless you can provide greater details on the occurrence of the lag, then perhaps I can act to track down the source.

Thanks for your support! :)
Just something I forgot to mention ; there should be more trigger-enhanced abilies. Although some are, most of the spells are just made in the object editor, which makes them rather plain... we're used to those abilities, since we see them in every map, y'know... there could be more... diversity.
Why? I find I like simple abilities. Besides, too many triggered abilities in this type of game would cause more lag than there already is.
It depends on the kind of abilities and the way you trigger them. If you use a trigger for each spell, obviously... but yes, that would be if the general lag was fixed.
orb of annihilation should INCREASE IT'S SPLASH AOE WITH LEVEL and it is REACTING TO THORNS AURA, instantly killing the user if there are too many thorn-aura units in the splash group.

also, when the projectile hits, it sorta makes a 'frost' effect

also, if the creep dies, the projectile should hit the floor AND deal it's splash damage, instead of doing null damage.

EDIT: geeeeeeeee you guys HAVE to see this replay from the game I just played

I got a mid-game build since the game FATAL ERROR'd the last one, maybe because TWO PLAYERS used incinerate~(me and my melee buddy) so...

The game was pretty much ruined for us since we were out-leveled and there was orange with a great income, but we won it ONE/ZERO o_o

seriously, one of us just had to DIE to make them win, but with über web wards and shrine, we did it :O

Leave some comment xD


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  • Varine Varine:
    I'm now realizing I could have cut out like 99% of this print and it would have been fine cuz I just need to see if a frame will fit over an LCD
  • Varine Varine:
    Oh well
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm not an engineer
  • Varine Varine:
    Although this filament is kind of expensive, I should probably be a bit more wary of that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I love the whole concept of 3D Printers and am very happy you have one so I can hear about them
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • Varine Varine:
    I have a couple of them, but I only have room for one to be set up at the moment
  • Varine Varine:
    So I picked the biggest one. When I bought it, I didn't realize that they used a lot of proprietary parts. So, I want to use these Volcano nozzles that are really cheap and easy to find instead of what they have, which are like, modified Volcano nozzles
  • Varine Varine:
    They are just a little bit longer than the regular ones. Like, we're talking .5mm or some shit. But that little bit makes the nozzle just long enough to extrude past the rest of the hardware on the extrusion system, I can't find my notes on it but I think it's like a .25mm gap from the end of the nozzle to the bed mesh sensor. Very small.
  • Varine Varine:
    So I bought a bunch of different parts to try and figure out how to make this work, and in the process changed some of the electrical components like the thermistors, but never got around to figuring out how to make the firmware account for the different hardware. Resulting in it not interpreting the voltage change to mean that the thermistor was above temperature, so it didn't shut off the heating core and it just kept pumping heat out
  • Varine Varine:
    I have most of the stuff I need to build an enclosure so I can heat the chamber for different plastics that need to have a pretty consistent temperature through the whole model, and then I can get my other ones set up too. I have a shitty Ender but that one is super easy to modify, but it's also very outdated and kind of a nightmare to work with. I think I'm going to cannibalize it for parts and just run my big one and another little one.
  • Varine Varine:
    I think I solved my problem with digitizing reels tho!
  • Varine Varine:
    Like Super 8 reels. Actual equipment to do it is like, thousands and thousands of dollars, and the cheap ones are useless, so I'm trying to build one so I can just use the same camera I use for slides and negatives. Much cheaper
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway, it kind of works, but the take up reel is kind of tricky because you need to spin it directly to wind the tape onto it. And as it fills, you need to slow it down, and that's kind of complicated. More complicated than I wanted to try and account for, anyway.
  • Varine Varine:
    So I have the first motor that has gearing pull it from the original reel, through a set of pullies to keep some tension, and then a second motor synced with the first to guide it through the projection port so I can capture the images
  • Varine Varine:
    All that's easy enough, I just need to make sure I don't get too much force onto the film itself so I don't accidentally tear it.
  • Varine Varine:
    Then I think my solution to the take up reel is to have a kind of dancing lever on a spring in between two limit switches
  • Varine Varine:
    So, as the tape comes towards the take up reel and makes slack, that lever is pulled up by a spring to keep the tension on the film, it hits a limit switch to engage the take up reel motor at some point, and as that winds in the film, the film pushes the lever back down to a second limit switch to disengage the motor again. Slack builds up, spring pulls it back, ad infinitum
  • Varine Varine:
    Well, until the reel is empty anyway.
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm guessing it's going to be much harder than I feel like it is going to be right now, but I think it's a pretty elegant solution that doesn't rely on software to control it. The less software I need to use the better
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm just not a very good programmer, as much as I want to be I suck at it
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Programming that printer is going to be similar to programming a big machine like in a machine shop. There is good money in programming CNC machines.
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • Varine Varine:
    They are pretty similar, but this one is much less involved than a real CNC. A lot less moving parts
  • The Helper The Helper:
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