Snippet GetNearestUnit


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The fastest, easiest and with more flexible way to retrieve the nearest unit from a point

library GetNearestUnit /* v1.1.1

*/  MergeSort           /*
*/  LinkedListModule    /*

*   function GetNearestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr filter returns unit
*   function GetFarthestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr filter returns unit
*   function GetNearestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real range, boolexpr filter, integer i returns unit
*   function GetFarthestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real range, boolexpr filter, integer i returns unit
*       -   The extra integer argument skips that many units in the
*       -   list of near units.
*       -   Ex: If takes "2" then it would return the second nearest
*       -   unit.
*   function SomeFilter takes nothing returns boolean
*       return GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit())=='hfoo'
*   endfunction
*   call GetNearestUnit(0,0,Filter(function SomeFilter)
*   -   In the example above the script would only pick the closest
*   -   footman from the point 0,0

        //  Default circumference pick range for non extended functions.
        private constant real DEFAULT_RANGE = 2000

    private struct List extends array
        implement LinkedList
        unit unit
        real distance
        //! runtextmacro MERGE_SORT("sort","v1.distance>v2.distance")
        static method for takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr c returns nothing
            local List node
            local unit e
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,r,c)
                set e = FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
                exitwhen e==null
                set node = List.allocate()
                set node.unit = e
                set node.distance = (GetUnitX(e)-x)*(GetUnitX(e)-x)+(GetUnitY(e)-y)*(GetUnitY(e)-y)
                call base.insertNode(node)
                call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,e)
            call sort(base)
            set e = null

    function GetNearestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr c, integer i returns unit
        local List this = List.base
        call List.for(x,y,r,c)
            set this =
            set i = i-1
            exitwhen i==0 or this.head
        call List.base.clearNode()
        return this.unit
    function GetFarthestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr c, integer i returns unit
        local List this = List.base
        call List.for(x,y,r,c)
            set this = this.prev
            set i = i-1
            exitwhen i==0 or this.head
        call List.base.clearNode()
        return this.unit
    function GetNearestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr c returns unit
        return GetNearestUnitEx(x,y,DEFAULT_RANGE,c,1)
    function GetFarthestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr c returns unit
        return GetFarthestUnitEx(x,y,DEFAULT_RANGE,c,1)



Hey Listen!!
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Please, do this:
library GetNearestUnit /* v1.1.0

*/  MergeSort           /*
*/  LinkedListModule    /*

*   function GetNearestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr filter returns unit
*   function GetFarthestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr filter returns unit
*   function GetNearestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr filter, integer i returns unit
*   function GetFarthestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr filter, integer i returns unit
*       -   The extra integer argument skips that many units in the
*       -   list of near units.
*       -   Ex: If takes "2" then it would return the second nearest
*       -   unit.
*       -   The extra real argument is the range to pick unit
*       -   return null if no unit is picked.
*   function SomeFilter takes nothing returns boolean
*       return GetUnitTypeId(GetFilterUnit())=='hfoo'
*   endfunction
*   call GetNearestUnit(0,0,Filter(function SomeFilter)
*   -   In the example above the script would only pick the closest
*   -   footman from the point 0,0

        //  Will not be used on Ex's functions
        private constant real DEFAULT_RANGE = 99999.

    private struct List extends array
        implement LinkedList
        unit unit
        real distance
        //! runtextmacro MERGE_SORT("sort","v1.distance>v2.distance")
        static method for takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr c returns thistype
            local List this = List.createNode()
            local List node
            local unit e
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,r,c)
                set e = FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
                exitwhen e==null
                set node = List.allocate()
                set node.unit = e
                set node.distance = (GetUnitX(e)-x)*(GetUnitX(e)-x)+(GetUnitY(e)-y)*(GetUnitY(e)-y)
                call this.insertNode(node)
                call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,e)
            call sort(this)
            return this

    function GetNearestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr c, integer i returns unit
        local List this = List.for(x,y,r,c)
        local unit e
            set this =
            set i = i-1
            exitwhen i==0 or this.head
        set e = this.unit
        call this.flushNode()
        return e
    function GetFarthestUnitEx takes real x, real y, real r, boolexpr c, integer i returns unit
        local List this = List.for(x,y,r,c)
        local unit e
            set this = this.prev
            set i = i-1
            exitwhen i==0 or this.head
        set e = this.unit
        call this.flushNode()
        return e
    function GetNearestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr c returns unit
        local List this = List.for(x,y,DEFAULT_RANGE,c)
        local unit e =
        call this.flushNode()
        return e
    function GetFarthestUnit takes real x, real y, boolexpr c returns unit
        local List this = List.for(x,y,DEFAULT_RANGE,c)
        local unit e = this.prev.unit
        call this.flushNode()
        return e



FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
Reaction score
Why would that be any faster than a function that inlines: the grouping, then iterates over every unit and calculates the distance and thus finds the closes/farthest unit? Function calls take time, and ones with arguments take even more time =), if speed is what you're aming for.


Reaction score
Why not just:
    private constant real MAX_DIST_POW = 99999999

function GetNearestUnit takes real x, real y,real r, boolexpr c returns unit
    local unit u
    local unit e
    local real du=MAX_DIST_POW
    local real de
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,r,c)
        set e=FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
        exitwhen e==null
        set de=(GetUnitX(e)-x)*(GetUnitX(e)-x)+(GetUnitY(e)-y)*(GetUnitY(e)-y)
        if de<du then
            set u=e
            set du=d
        call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,e)
    return u


You can change this now in User CP.
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there should be another way to find the closest unit.
You don't save anything from "speed" of code.
GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,r,c) forces to get units from a certain area, which searches for all units and then puts them into a group and then you search for every unit of them to find the closest.

An A.I.D.S. like group enumeration and then a search through every single unit is faster. You save an extra search.

Although there is a graphs node solution with Dijkstra algorithm but I don't know if it's faster.


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there should be another way to find the closest unit.
You don't save anything from "speed" of code.
GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,r,c) forces to get units from a certain area, which searches for all units and then puts them into a group and then you search for every unit of them to find the closest.

An A.I.D.S. like group enumeration and then a search through every single unit is faster. You save an extra search.

Although there is a graphs node solution with Dijkstra algorithm but I don't know if it's faster.
I already conducted this using Nestharus's Unit List and it's by far slower.
The native is the best way to pick units.


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
Reaction score
>I already conducted this using Nestharus's Unit List and it's by far slower.
The native is the best way to pick units.

I agree.

> which searches for all units and then puts them into a group
How do you know that? You've seen the code?

Even if that's the case it is still native code (C++ probably) vs interpreted (Jass2 probably) =).


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
Yes i've seen it, but you may be right. the coding is in C, which is really faster than jass2.
The native takes all units in game and checks their range, if it's the range you've put or lower the unit goes in group. The first unit must be the closest one i think, check it.


Reaction score
Why not just:
    private constant real MAX_DIST_POW = 99999999

function GetNearestUnit takes real x, real y,real r, boolexpr c returns unit
    local unit u
    local unit e
    local real du=MAX_DIST_POW
    local real de
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,r,c)
        set e=FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
        exitwhen e==null
        set de=(GetUnitX(e)-x)*(GetUnitX(e)-x)+(GetUnitY(e)-y)*(GetUnitY(e)-y)
        if de<du then
            set u=e
            set du=d
        call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,e)
    return u



FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
Reaction score
Yes this is basically the fastest way to do it (That I know of), although you are forgetting to null the e variable so it actually leaks [not a big deal though =)]

Well, actually the fastest way to do it, that I know of would be this:

    group G0 = CreateGroup()
    unit  U0 = null
    unit  U1 = null
    real  R0
    real  R1
    real  R2
    real  R3

//! textmacro CLOSEST_UNIT takes x, y, range, filter, returns_unit
    set R0 = 9999999
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G0, $x$, $y$, $range$, $filter$)

        set U0 = FirstOfGroup(G0)
        exitwhen U1 == null
        set R1 = $x$ - GetUnitX(U0)
        set R2 = $y$ - GetUnitY(U0)
        set R3 = R1 * R1 + R2 * R2

        if R0 > R3 then
            set R0 = R3
            set U1 = U0

        call GroupRemoveUnit(G0, U0)
    set $returns_unit$ = U1
//! endtextmacro

I.e to inline even the call to the function =):

An example use might be:
local unit u
//! runtextmacro CLOSEST_UNIT("GetUnitX(Hero[0]), "GetUnitY(Hero[0]", "RANGE", "null", "u")
call KillUnit(u) // actually kills Hero[0] because the filter is null =)


Invasion in Duskwood
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Yes this is basically the fastest way to do it (That I know of), although you are forgetting to null the e variable so it actually leaks [not a big deal though =)]

"u" leaks as well :p That's why using a global variable to return the nearest unit is better.


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Oh yeah, I forgot about "u" leak, using a global may solve it.
Not necesary null "e", because loop condition is exitwhen e==null, so e is null when loop ends.


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I just went all full retard when i realize there was no need for that local, or a globals to replace it. The List.unit array's value isn't lost when the list is flushed, mild brain blackout I had there.

Update v1.1.1
-Improved Code efficiency

I'm sticking with mergesort because I really would like to be able to know the 2nd, 3rd or any unit in the list.
The speed difference is so minimal it's not even worth the debate


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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>I'm sticking with mergesort because I really would like to be able to know the 2nd, 3rd or any unit in the list.

If you don't mind can you give me an example where based on the distance the 2nd, 3rd, etc. unit is actually needed?

>The speed difference is so minimal it's not even worth the debate
=) Well... I did a little benchmark 1000 calls for all and the results were (same arguments were passed for all cases of course):

Dirac's: time = 0.872
muzk's: time = 0.178
inlined: time = 0.134 (inlined using textmacro and only two calls to the GetUnitX/Y natives)

So no offense but yours is actually 5 to 6 times slower, but you are probably right it's not worth the debate =).


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If you don't mind can you give me an example where based on the distance the 2nd, 3rd, etc. unit is actually needed?
Use your imagination, maybe an ability that deals decaying AoE damage to nearby units, starting by 300 to the closest, 270 for the second, 240 for the third and so on.


Invasion in Duskwood
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An instant casted Chain Lightning which jumps thorugh each unit, from the closest to the farthest.
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  • Varine Varine:
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  • Varine Varine:
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  • Varine Varine:
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  • Varine Varine:
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
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