wouldn't you want people to be able to learn what can be done and calculate strategies?so nobody can cheat gold and try recipes for ours
@ Jaujarahje : i wont add AI for some reasons
1. ill make a small system checking whether its played single player and end the game instandly so nobody can cheat gold and try recipes for ours.
2. i would not be able to make an AI playing with all the possibilities you have.
3. the AI would take much space and the space is already planned ;D
so im sorry...no AI for my map.
I have an idea to possibly assist you with your farming problem alowing players to just farm the gold and items needed to have a full item set, you can have a timer that resets every time they target an enemy hero or an ally that has recently hit an enemy hero with a positive spell that will give lower gold for every kill or however they get gold, ie: a player sits back and farms on minions for 5 mins but every 20-30 seconds the ammount he gets from each minion kill is reduced by 1%, after 20 mins of farming, thats 40-60% lowered income, which warrants more agressive gameplay
1, I don't find it useful. We lack WC3 players nowadays, it's quite hard to find people to play with. I like to test those things against bots (even in League of Legends, but the reason is different - I wouldn't like to lose, it was quite hard to achieve the "110 more wins than loses" )Quote Originally Posted by Happy View Post
@ Jaujarahje : i wont add AI for some reasons
1. ill make a small system checking whether its played single player and end the game instandly so nobody can cheat gold and try recipes for ours.
2. i would not be able to make an AI playing with all the possibilities you have.
3. the AI would take much space and the space is already planned ;D
so im sorry...no AI for my map.
2, You don't have to write it, there's already a quite good AI - check this.
3, what space? bytes? so you mean map-size... how big is it at the moment?
wouldn't you want people to be able to learn what can be done and calculate strategies?