JASS 101 Classroom

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Hmmm... whats the big idea here?

This is a classroom.

How exacly do you do things here?

The teacher (IKilledKEnny in this case) teaches lessons and assigns homework

Because I'd want to learn JASS too.

Then you can post here, but I dunno whether or not IKK is taking in students right now.

Well... kinda. I know most stuff. You could say what I lack now is the vocabulary of the language.

Well, it is case sensative so make sure you have propper spelling. :p

Also, there are a bunch of natives from JASSCraft that tell you a bunch of functions. (Go to the Useful Tools Section)

Simply because I don't have anything to do with it. I'm not involved in any projects and something.
Now if I just had something to do that gets me somewhere. :p

JASS is very efficient and can help you a ton. Learning JASS is in fact an oppertunity in my case, so I'm learning.
You can create spells or create a new map idea; or you can possibly even join another map recruition project and help them. :D
You better check your spelling too, PurgeandFire ;)

rofl. Sensitive was a typo and proper I accidentally clicked "P" two times.

[Off-Topic]Leet language Translation:
|20ƒ£. §€|\|§¡7¡\/€ \/\/@§ @ 7¥p0 @|\|þ p|20p€|2 ¡ @çç¡þ€|\|7@££¥ ç£1ç|<€þ "|*" 7\/\/0 71|\/|€§.

Lol... jk :D
PurgeandFire now here's the problem. I just don't have the time to start a project of my own right now. I may be a quick study but do you think some map maker would want a newb jasser in their project anyway...
And I'd prefer to waste my time with something thats worth it. I just too practical.
a quick question:
can i use locals in GUI like:
(Code tags not Jass tags:p )
Morph with agility for an elf
Unit - gains a level
blabla bla
Custom script: local integer Elf_Agility = the thingy how to get the lvler's agi
Unit : replace leveling hero with a uberelfhatyougetwhenlvl10
custom script: setagilityto Elf_Agility

pretty sorry i dont have the we open so i just typed something in on some
spots but you'll understand (i hope)

~mixing JASS with GUI,.. nice :D ~
My trigger seems not to be working.... Mind checking it out... Heres the trigger I made with Jasscraft...

function SpinCut takes nothing returns nothing
local integer a = 0
local unit SpinCutCaster = GetTriggerUnit()
local unit SpinCutTarget = GetSpellTargetUnit()
local location SpinCutPoint1
local location SpinCutPoint2
local integer SpinCutInteger = R2I(DistanceBetweenPoints(SpinCutPoint1, SpinCutPoint2))
local integer SpinCutSpeed = ( SpinCutInteger / 25 )
local location SpinCutPoint3
local integer SpinCutAngle
call TriggerSleepAction( 0.10 )
call PauseUnit( SpinCutCaster, true )
call SetUnitTimeScale(SpinCutCaster, 50 * 0.01)
call SetUnitAnimation(SpinCutCaster, &quot;attack slam&quot;)
call UnitAddAbility(SpinCutCaster, &#039;Amrf&#039;)
call UnitRemoveAbility(SpinCutCaster, &#039;Amrf&#039;)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(SpinCutCaster, 1000.0, 1000.0)
set a = a+1
exitwhen a&gt;25
set SpinCutPoint1 = GetUnitLoc(SpinCutTarget)
set SpinCutPoint2 = GetUnitLoc(SpinCutCaster)
set SpinCutAngle = R2I(AngleBetweenPoints(SpinCutPoint2, SpinCutPoint1))
set SpinCutPoint3 = PolarProjectionBJ(SpinCutPoint2, I2R(SpinCutSpeed), I2R(SpinCutAngle))
call SetUnitPositionLoc(SpinCutCaster, SpinCutPoint3)
call RemoveLocation(SpinCutPoint3)
call RemoveLocation(SpinCutPoint1)
call RemoveLocation(SpinCutPoint2)
call TriggerSleepAction(0.02)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(SpinCutCaster, 0.0, 1000.0)
set a = 0
set a = a+1
exitwhen a&gt;25
set SpinCutPoint1 = GetUnitLoc(SpinCutTarget)
set SpinCutPoint2 = GetUnitLoc(SpinCutCaster)
set SpinCutAngle = R2I(AngleBetweenPoints(SpinCutPoint2, SpinCutPoint1))
set SpinCutPoint3 = PolarProjectionBJ(SpinCutPoint2, I2R(SpinCutSpeed), I2R(SpinCutAngle))
call SetUnitPositionLoc(SpinCutCaster, SpinCutPoint3)
call RemoveLocation(SpinCutPoint3)
call RemoveLocation(SpinCutPoint1)
call RemoveLocation(SpinCutPoint2)
call TriggerSleepAction(0.02)
call PauseUnit(SpinCutCaster, false)                  
call SetUnitTimeScale(SpinCutCaster, 100 * 0.01)
set SpinCutCaster = null
set SpinCutTarget = null
set SpinCutPoint1 = null
set SpinCutPoint2 = null
set SpinCutPoint3 = null


i dont understaaand...
Hi Kenny,

Please take me off the list. I'll be quitting WC3 soon. There's no point me learning any more Jass. Thanks for all your hard work with us and before this classroom. I really appreciate it. :)
What isn't working, and what is it supposed to do?

Did you test it out?

Do you have init functions?

What happens?

Sorry, but I need details before I answer a question, most of the time. :D

P.S. Nooo!! Don't leave chovynz!! Awww... :(
We now must mourn Chovnyz.
Well, that was easy.
Just kidding, cya. Good luck on your path to the future!
Path to the future? Where the hell do I get these things =/
Orbitos burned you out eh?

offtopic: Kinda/sort've/notreally. It is my baby and I'll be continuing that, but I'm not going to be playing WC3 anymore. I need to make some life changes and some choices. I've been addicted to Wc3 (and these forums...;)) and spending too much time playing games rather than spending time with my wife and kids. So I'm going cold turkey for those things that are...intruding.

Maybe later I'll pick wc3 up again who knows. For now, the WC3 part of my life is closed.
> Please take me off the list. I'll be quitting WC3 soon.

Sorry to see you go Chovynz, your project orbitos seemed like a great game!!

To the rest: Please try to keep the disscussion relevant to the classes only, this thread is already 12 pages long and we are not even halfway through.

I might be able to post class only on staturday but I hope to manage to post it until tommorow.

Sorry for the many delays, it takes hours to write those lessons so please understand.
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  • Varine Varine:
    We are pretty good about it I think. Not my job, but the people that do it are pretty one top of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    yeah I dont like the government. I am a total libertarian and what you are describing is what I am totally against when it comes to governing
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't really like the government. But I would also prefer to have one than... not have any government. Like we need to have police forces and national welfare systems, but I don't think the cop that is pulling you over for speeding is the same cop that should also be responding to active terror events.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I am talking about federal.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    State and local elections I believe in when it comes to governing. Of course the military
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Federal should do military
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The federal government should do the military not the police. I hope Trump gets rid of the income tax
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I hold no hope of Trump getting rid of income tax though.
  • jonas jonas:
    Trump is a wildcard, but in the end, it's the republican party that makes the laws, Trump can only do exec orders
  • jonas jonas:
    I don't think the Republicans will get rid of income tax, at most lower it a little, mostly for people with 6 figures+. But that's just my opinion
  • The Helper The Helper:
    one can dream
  • Ghan Ghan:
    FairTax would be nice.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    But the electorate would have to demand it and vote people in to do it.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Government spending, foreign policy, and the southern border are all bigger issues than the income tax right now I'd say.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    For you those are the bigger issues. Cannabis legalization and get rid of Income tax are mine.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    We have so much cannabis up here in Oklahoma. Can't go a block without running into 3 dispensaries. xD
  • The Helper The Helper:
    if the demand is there
  • jonas jonas:
    I think the biggest issue in USA is how divided the country has become
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's a big split happening in fundamental values that is very worrisome.
  • jonas jonas:
    I think there's always been a split in values. But now there's a split in what reality is. No matter whom you ask, they think a third of the country is insane and wants to destroy the country
  • The Helper The Helper:
    pretty big split
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Saturday!
    Happy Saturday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Dont forget to check out the list of all the recipes on the site at the Recipe Index - I am about to take Ghan up on the offer of making that a site :) https://www.thehelper.net/threads/main-recipes-menu-recipes-index-version-2-0.189517/
  • The Helper The Helper:
    We should add that as part of site navigation

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