call DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(0),0.,0.,"ZLoc = "+R2S(GetLocationZ(GetUnitLoc(d.u)))+" : FlyHeight = "+R2S(GetUnitFlyHeight(d.u)))
Jump Test
Unit - A unit Is attacked
(Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Scargil (ranged)
Custom script: call JST_Cast(GetAttacker(),100.,200.,100.,"attack - 1","Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\WarStomp\\WarStompCaster.mdl")
set d = dat.create()
set ux = GetUnitX(u)
set uy = GetUnitY(u)
set l = GetUnitLoc(GetAttackedUnitBJ()) // <--- Changed this.
set ang = Atan2((GetLocationY(l)-uy),(GetLocationX(l)-ux))
set x = GetLocationX(l) - diff * Cos(ang)
set y = GetLocationY(l) - diff * Sin(ang)
if the unit is far away, the traveling works well; however if the unit is nearby, the casting unit jump slowly, dramatically, and unrealistically.
if u==null or damage<0. or area<0. then
if GetLocalPlayer()==GetOwningPlayer(u) then
call ClearTextMessages()
call BJDebugMsg("|c00FF0000JST Error: Invalid inputs in function Cast.")
call StartSound(S)
return false
Yes.where can i get A vJASS Preprocessor? Does NewGen Have it?