Question: Vexorian told me that if I do something like:
call KT_Add(function myFunc, myData, 0.06) <-- 54 seconds elapsed in game
call KT_Add(function myOtherFunc, myOtherData, 0.06) <-- 56 seconds elasped in game
Then when the first one expired, at 60 seconds elapsed, it would run the other one too because it has the same period and therefore not being very multi instanceable. Is that true?
call KT_Add(function myFunc, myData, 0.06) <-- 54 seconds elapsed in game
call KT_Add(function myOtherFunc, myOtherData, 0.06) <-- 56 seconds elasped in game
Then when the first one expired, at 60 seconds elapsed, it would run the other one too because it has the same period and therefore not being very multi instanceable. Is that true?