System Maps

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Version 2.0

Huge changes. Now we can:
  • Use user-defined types in maps.
  • Create maps dynamically, at run-time. Each individual map is completely separate from the others.
  • Iterate through the contents of individual maps.
  • Map maps to other maps, creating multi-maps.

Internal changes:
  • Each map (no matter the type) shares globals.
  • As few superfluous declarations as possible.
  • Size argument removed.

Caveat Utilitor:
  • Don't create more than 8190 maps at once.
  • Don't forget to clear entries after use.
  • Don't use more than 8190 entries at once.

//! textmacro Map takes NAME, TYPE1, TYPE2
library_once integer2i
        public integer array c
        public integer array e_id
        public integer array e_ids
        public integer e_n = 0
        public integer e_m = 0 
        public integer array e_u
        public integer array e_d
        public integer array e_l
        public integer array e_r
    function integer2i takes integer i returns integer
        return i
    public function H2I takes handle h returns integer
        return h
        return 0
    public function CX takes integer x returns integer
        if (x<0) then
            return x+8190
        return x
    function real2i_CX takes integer x returns integer
        return CX(x)
    function handle2i takes handle t returns integer
        return H2I(t)-0x100000
    public interface mapinstance
        integer ns
        integer ef
        integer it

library_once $TYPE1$2globs
        $TYPE1$ array $TYPE1$2i_e_k
        $TYPE1$ $TYPE1$2i_no_$TYPE1$ = $TYPE1$2i_e_k[0]

library_once handle2i
library_once real2CXs
library_once integer2CXs

library_once $TYPE1$2CXs
    function $TYPE1$2i_CX takes integer x returns integer
        return x

library_once $TYPE1$2i    
    function $TYPE1$2i takes $TYPE1$ t returns integer
        return t
        return 0

library_once $TYPE2$s
        public $TYPE2$ array e_v
        public $TYPE2$ no_$TYPE2$ = e_v[0]

library $NAME$ requires $TYPE1$2i, integer2i    
    struct $NAME$ extends integer2i_mapinstance
        private integer ns = 0
        private integer ef = 0
        private integer it
        method empty takes nothing returns boolean
            return .ns == 0
        method size takes nothing returns integer
            return .ns
        method clearValue takes $TYPE1$ tk returns nothing
            local integer i = $TYPE1$2i(tk)+this
            local integer x = $TYPE1$2i_CX(i-(i/8190)*8190)+1
            set i = integer2i_c[x]
                exitwhen i == 0
                if ($TYPE1$2i_e_k<i> == tk and integer2i_e_id<i> == this) then
                    if (integer2i_c[x] == i) then
                        set integer2i_c[x] = integer2i_e_u<i>
                        set integer2i_e_u[integer2i_e_d<i>] = integer2i_e_u<i>
                    set integer2i_e_d[integer2i_e_u<i>] = integer2i_e_d<i>
                    if (.ef == i) then
                        set .ef = integer2i_e_r<i>
                        set integer2i_e_r[integer2i_e_l<i>] = integer2i_e_r<i>
                    set integer2i_e_l[integer2i_e_r<i>] = integer2i_e_l<i>
                    set $TYPE1$2i_e_k<i> = $TYPE1$2i_no_$TYPE1$
                    set $TYPE2$s_e_v<i> = $TYPE2$s_no_$TYPE2$
                    set integer2i_e_ids[integer2i_e_n] = i
                    set integer2i_e_n = integer2i_e_n+1
                    set .ns = .ns-1
                set i = integer2i_e_u<i>
        method getValue takes $TYPE1$ tk returns $TYPE2$
            local integer i = $TYPE1$2i(tk)+this
            set i = integer2i_c[$TYPE1$2i_CX(i-(i/8190)*8190)+1]
                exitwhen i == 0
                if ($TYPE1$2i_e_k<i> == tk and integer2i_e_id<i> == this) then
                    return $TYPE2$s_e_v<i>
                set i = integer2i_e_u<i>
            return $TYPE2$s_no_$TYPE2$
        method setValue takes $TYPE1$ tk, $TYPE2$ tv returns nothing
            local integer i = $TYPE1$2i(tk)+this
            local integer x = $TYPE1$2i_CX(i-(i/8190)*8190)+1
            set i = integer2i_c[x]
                exitwhen i == 0
                if ($TYPE1$2i_e_k<i> == tk and integer2i_e_id<i> == this) then
                    set $TYPE2$s_e_v<i> = tv
                set i = integer2i_e_u<i>
            if (integer2i_e_n == 0) then
                set integer2i_e_m = integer2i_e_m+1
                set i = integer2i_e_m
                set integer2i_e_n = integer2i_e_n-1
                set i = integer2i_e_ids[integer2i_e_n]
            set $TYPE1$2i_e_k<i> = tk
            set $TYPE2$s_e_v<i> = tv
            set integer2i_e_id<i> = this

            set integer2i_e_u<i> = integer2i_c[x]
            set integer2i_e_d<i> = 0
            set integer2i_e_d[integer2i_c[x]] = i
            set integer2i_c[x] = i
            set integer2i_e_r<i> = .ef
            set integer2i_e_l<i> = 0
            set integer2i_e_l[.ef] = i
            set .ef = i
            set .ns = .ns+1
        method operator [] takes $TYPE1$ tk returns $TYPE2$
            return .getValue(tk)
        method operator []= takes $TYPE1$ tk, $TYPE2$ tv returns nothing
            call .setValue(tk, tv)
        method begin takes nothing returns nothing
            set .it = .ef
        method next takes nothing returns nothing
            set .it = integer2i_e_r[.it]
        method getIterKey takes nothing returns $TYPE1$
            return $TYPE1$2i_e_k[.it]
        method getIterValue takes nothing returns $TYPE2$
            return $TYPE2$s_e_v[.it]
        method iterEnd takes nothing returns boolean
            return .it == 0
        private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
            local integer x
            local integer it = .ef
                exitwhen it == 0
                set x = $TYPE1$2i($TYPE1$2i_e_k[it])+this
                set x = $TYPE1$2i_CX(x-(x/8190)*8190)+1
                if (integer2i_c[x] == it) then
                    set integer2i_c[x] = integer2i_e_u[it]
                    set integer2i_e_u[integer2i_e_d[it]] = integer2i_e_u[it]
                set integer2i_e_d[integer2i_e_u[it]] = integer2i_e_d[it]
                set integer2i_e_ids[integer2i_e_n] = it
                set integer2i_e_n = integer2i_e_n+1
                set .ns = .ns-1
                set it = integer2i_e_r[it]
//! endtextmacro</i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i>


You can change this now in User CP
Reaction score
Could you explain or give examples what this can be used for and what are it's advantages to structs / PUI / gamecache (in case you can compare the functionality with one of these three).


Cuz I can
Reaction score
This is an easy dictionary.
Advantage over PUI: Usable on everything and anything, not just units
Advantage over Structs: They are quite different, and not really comparable
Advantage over gamecache: Damien says it would be faster and easier to use.

Interesting, really. However I allways hate fuddling with the typecasting in JASS : D
It feels somewhat illegal ;D

Anyway, GJ!


So many apples
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Can I like, transfer whole Structs with a simple call from one function to annother, like with ABC?
Reaction score
Could you explain or give examples what this can be used for and what are it's advantages to structs / PUI / gamecache (in case you can compare the functionality with one of these three).

Well, you might:

1. Associate values with type IDs like abilities and unit-types.
2. Create a linked list of structs, handles, etc.
3. Map strings to values.
4. Attach values to handles for use in spells.

No doubt people will think of more creative uses as they become necessary.

Can I like, transfer whole Structs with a simple call from one function to annother, like with ABC?

No. This isn't a specialized struct to handle attachment system.

This is an easy dictionary.
Advantage over PUI: Usable on everything and anything, not just units

It is more comparable to SetUnitUserData than PUI. I wouldn't recommend using this to attach data to units, though.

Advantage over gamecache: Damien says it would be faster and easier to use.

Gamecache has always been trouble, it tends to be quite slow, even when using the natives and it has been associated with some nasty bugs in the past. I would say this system has a definite speed (depending on what you use it for) and usability advantage over gamecache.
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Bump + Update.

You can now completely control the name of a map, and it is accessed like an array. You can also control the size of the internal array through the textmacro.
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Thanks Purge.

Another update. Removed the Size Textmacro option as it is now unnecessary. Added size() and empty() methods for retrieving the number of stored values/whether there are any. Changed how the system functions internally.


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Its for associating values.

//! runtextmacro Map(&quot;Ages&quot;, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;integer&quot;)

As you can see by this example that he put up, you add the "Name" "Type 1" and "type 2".

So, if you put string, the value in the brackets "[]" will be a string. Then the Type 2 is the actual variable type. My definition is kind of weird, but I suggest you read the post over and over again until you get it, because it is probably more in benefit of JASS users. :thup:


Why no custom sig?
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You are typecasting from string to integer which will break when loading games.
Reaction score
Yeah, I read about that shortly after posting this.

I added "5. Stored Data in string maps will not survive a save game + load game due to a lame bug." to the original post. I'm not sure how I might work around it without using lamecache (which, now that I think about it, would only offer a solution for single player).
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Update. Now twice as absurd. Maps can be declared dynamically, have iterators, work on almost all types (code being an exception), can be used as multi-maps.

Sample code:

//! runtextmacro Map(&quot;data&quot;, &quot;string&quot;, &quot;integer&quot;)
//this needs to be called for each *type* of map that you want.

scope Test initializer Init
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local data foo = data.create() // creates a new map
        set foo[&quot;a string&quot;] = 42 // maps &quot;a string&quot; to 42
        set foo[&quot;another string&quot;] = 142 // maps &quot;another string&quot; to 142
        call foo.begin() // resets the iterator (must be called each time before use it).
            exitwhen foo.iterEnd() // returns true when there are no more pairs left.
            call BJDebugMsg(foo.getIterKey() + &quot; -&gt; &quot; + I2S(foo.getIterValue())) // prints &quot;key -&gt; value&quot;.
            call // increments the iterator to the next pair.
        call foo.destroy() // cleans up.

I'll try to get a demo map up at some stage.
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  • Varine Varine:
    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
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    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
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    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
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    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
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    People love rep, lol
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The recipe today is Sloppy Joe Casserole - one of my faves LOL
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Decided to put up a healthier type recipe to mix it up - Honey Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Here is another comfort food favorite - Million Dollar Casserole -

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