- Reaction score
- 1,834
Accname: Crazy thing happened today. Was walking hom from university; some chinese girl walked up to me and started to ask me all kinds of personal questions.
Accname: Creepy.
Accname: If I get inactive soon I was probably kidnapped or something.
tom_mai78101: Be kidnapped, get profited by that girl. I know that Chinese girl like it's the palm of my hand. (pun intended)
Accname: Maybe chinese people are just creepy in general.
vypur85: Hey watch what you're typing dude!
vypur85: Now... Tell me about this girl...
Accname: What do you wanna know?
vypur85: Well, is she like.. hawt?
Accname: average I'd say; definitely not ugly but wont become a super model either.
vypur85: Hmmm... Sounds good to me.
vypur85: So what she asked you?
Accname: what my name was, what I was studying, were I was living, all kinds of personal questions
Accname: I sure dont know why
Accname: as I said, it was kinda creepy
vypur85: So how did you responded?
Accname: well I told her.
Accname: I mean, its not like nobody else at university knows.
Accname: Have been there for quite some time
vypur85: Any chance?
Accname: what ya talking bout?
vypur85: That she's probably interest in you...
vypur85: Unless, of course, you're gay or... just racist.
Accname: I have a girlfriend
Accname: and shes creepy
vypur85: Awww....
Accname: Dude I was creeped out. She just walked past me
Accname: and started talking
Accname: it was not like I was standing somewhere looking bored or anything
Accname: I was busy on my way
vypur85: C'mon... Chinese are always friendly.
Accname: never said she wasnt friendly
Accname: but that was kinda strange
vypur85: You probably looked too cute to her to resist. Hahaha.
vypur85: She's probably at your back right now.
vypur85: Drooling.
Accname: well I sure hope not
Accname: what is that? some crappy teenage girls fantasy novel???
vypur85: Lol. Probably just a crush I suppose.
vypur85: Well good luck bro.
vypur85: Nites.
Accname: I dont even know how to respond to that.
Juno**: Wow, cool new look. :cool:
Enjoy. Pre-formatted for easy consumption.