Moonlite Map Studio open beta release


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score

include "TriggerLibs/NativeLib"
include "DLLL.galaxy"
include "CharSelect.galaxy"

// Trigger: Varliable
trigger gt_Init;
trigger gt_SelectOfficer;
trigger gt_SelectSpecialWeapons;
trigger gt_SelectMedic;
trigger gt_SelectEngineer;
trigger gt_SelectCovertOps;

// Trigger: Initialization

void InitTriggers() {
	gt_Init = TriggerCreate("CreateUI");
	gt_SelectOfficer = TriggerCreate("SelectOfficer");
	gt_SelectSpecialWeapons = TriggerCreate("SelectSpecialWeapons");
	gt_SelectMedic = TriggerCreate("SelectMedic");
	gt_SelectEngineer = TriggerCreate("SelectEngineer");
	gt_SelectCovertOps = TriggerCreate("SelectCovertOps");

// Library Initialization
void InitLibs () {

// Map Initialization
void InitMap () {

// Character Selection UI
// Name:   Alien Swarm
// Author: Sevion
include "TriggerLibs/NativeLib"
include "DLLL.galaxy"

// Global Variables
int gv_menuDialog;
int gv_weaponList;
int[14] gv_weaponUnlocks;
string[14] gv_weaponUnlocksIDs;
int[14] gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements;
const int gv_weaponUnlockCount = 13;
int[2] gv_equipmentUnlocks;
string[2] gv_equipmentUnlocksIDs;
int[2] gv_equipmentUnlocksRequirements;
const int gv_equipmentUnlockCount = 1;
unit[6] gv_marine;
const point gv_crashSite = PointFromInt(1);
int[6] gv_characterImage;

void InitCharSelectGlobals () {
    int init_i;
    gv_menuDialog = c_invalidDialogId;
    gv_weaponList = c_invalidDialogControlId;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 13) {
        gv_weaponUnlocks[init_i] = c_invalidDialogControlId;
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 13) {
        gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[init_i] = "";
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 13) {
        gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[init_i] = 0;
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 1) {
        gv_equipmentUnlocks[init_i] = c_invalidDialogControlId;
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 1) {
        gv_equipmentUnlocksIDs[init_i] = "";
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 1) {
        gv_equipmentUnlocksRequirements[init_i] = 0;
        init_i = init_i + 1;
	init_i = 0;
	while (init_i <= PlayerGroupCount(PlayerGroupActive())) {
		gv_marine = null;
		gv_characterImage = c_invalidDialogControlId;
		init_i = init_i + 1;

// Trigger: SelectOfficer
bool SelectOfficer(bool testConds, bool runActions) {
	if (!runActions) {
		return true;
	if ( gv_marine[EventPlayer()] != null ) {
	gv_marine[EventPlayer()] = UnitCreate(1, "MarineAS", 0, EventPlayer(), gv_crashSite, 270.00)
	DialogSetImage(gv_characterImage[EventPlayer()], "Images/OfficerCharacter.tga");
	return true;

// Trigger: SelectSpecialWeapons
bool SelectSpecialWeapons(bool testConds, bool runActions) {
	if (!runActions) {
		return true;
	if ( gv_marine[EventPlayer()] != null ) {
	gv_marine[EventPlayer()] = UnitCreate(1, "MarauderAS", 0, EventPlayer(), gv_crashSite, 270.00)
	DialogSetImage(gv_characterImage[EventPlayer()], "Images/SpecialWeaponsCharacter.tga");
	return true;

// Trigger: SelectMedic
bool SelectMedic(bool testConds, bool runActions) {
	if (!runActions) {
		return true;
	if ( gv_marine[EventPlayer()] != null ) {
	gv_marine[EventPlayer()] = UnitCreate(1, "MedicAS", 0, EventPlayer(), gv_crashSite, 270.00)
	DialogSetImage(gv_characterImage[EventPlayer()], "Images/MedicCharacter.tga");
	return true;

// Trigger: SelectEngineer
bool SelectEngineer(bool testConds, bool runActions) {
	if (!runActions) {
		return true;
	if ( gv_marine[EventPlayer()] != null ) {
	gv_marine[EventPlayer()] = UnitCreate(1, "EngineerAS", 0, EventPlayer(), gv_crashSite, 270.00)
	DialogSetImage(gv_characterImage[EventPlayer()], "Images/EngineerCharacter.tga");
	return true;

// Trigger: SelectCovertOps
bool SelectCovertOps(bool testConds, bool runActions) {
	if (!runActions) {
		return true;
	if ( gv_marine[EventPlayer()] != null ) {
	gv_marine[EventPlayer()] = UnitCreate(1, "GhostAS", 0, EventPlayer(), gv_crashSite, 270.00)
	DialogSetImage(gv_characterImage[EventPlayer()], "Images/CovertOpsCharacter.tga");
	return true;

// Trigger: Init
bool CreateUI (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
    playergroup auto20BFFB85_g;
    int auto20BFFB85_p;
    int auto8C1E4637_as;
    int auto8C1E4637_ae;
    int auto8C1E4637_ai;
    playergroup autoFC1E365B_g;
    int autoFC1E365B_p;
    int autoF1B99538_as;
    int autoF1B99538_ae;
    int autoF1B99538_ai;
    playergroup autoEE8900E6_g;
    int autoEE8900E6_p;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_i;
    int lv_ploop;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_i = 0;
    lv_ploop = 0;
    // Actions
    if (!runActions) {
        return true;

    libNtve_gf_HideGameUI(false, PlayerGroupAll());
    gv_menuDialog = DialogCreate(500, 400, c_anchorCenter, 0, 0, true);
	DialogSetTitle(gv_menuDialog, StringToText("Character Selection"));
    DialogSetFullscreen(gv_menuDialog, true);
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemLabel(gv_menuDialog, 200, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 50, 90, StringToText("Class:"), Color(100,100,100), false, 2.0);
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemButton(gv_menuDialog, 200, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 110, 75, StringToText("A good all-around class for beginners. Has high health and damage with medium speed."), StringToText("Officer"), "");
	TriggerAddEventDialogControl(gt_SelectOfficer, c_anyPlayer, DialogControlLastCreated(), c_triggerControlEventTypeClick);
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemButton(gv_menuDialog, 210, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 320, 75, StringToText("A tanker class that can deal high damage. Very slow mover."), StringToText("Special Weapons"), "");
	TriggerAddEventDialogControl(gt_SelectSpecialWeapons, c_anyPlayer, DialogControlLastCreated(), c_triggerControlEventTypeClick);
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemButton(gv_menuDialog, 200, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 540, 75, StringToText("A support class that can heal friendly players. A less offensive class, but highly mobile."), StringToText("Medic"), "");
	TriggerAddEventDialogControl(gt_SelectMedic, c_anyPlayer, DialogControlLastCreated(), c_triggerControlEventTypeClick);
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemButton(gv_menuDialog, 200, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 750, 75, StringToText("A support class that can deal AOE damage and use electronic devices."), StringToText("Engineer"), "");
	TriggerAddEventDialogControl(gt_SelectEngineer, c_anyPlayer, DialogControlLastCreated(), c_triggerControlEventTypeClick);
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemButton(gv_menuDialog, 200, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 960, 75, StringToText("An unlockable solo class that can cloak and deal massive damage to single units. Highly mobile."), StringToText("Covert Ops"), "");
    DialogControlSetEnabled(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), false);
    auto20BFFB85_g = PlayerGroupActive();
    auto20BFFB85_p = 1;
    while (auto20BFFB85_p <= PlayerGroupCount(auto20BFFB85_g)) {
        lv_ploop = PlayerGroupPlayer(auto20BFFB85_g, auto20BFFB85_p);
        BankLoad("AlienSwarmData", lv_ploop);
        if ((BankValueGetAsFlag(BankLastCreated(), "unlocks", "covertops") == true)) {
            DialogControlSetEnabled(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop), true);
			TriggerAddEventDialogControl(gt_SelectCovertOps, lv_ploop, DialogControlLastCreated(), c_triggerControlEventTypeClick);
        if (lv_ploop == PlayerGroupPlayer(auto20BFFB85_g, auto20BFFB85_p)) {
            auto20BFFB85_p = auto20BFFB85_p + 1;
    libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemLabel(gv_menuDialog, 200, 50, c_anchorTopLeft, 50, 140, StringToText("Weapons:"), Color(100,100,100), false, 2.0);
    DialogControlCreate(gv_menuDialog, c_triggerControlTypeListBox);
    DialogControlSetPosition(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), c_anchorTopLeft, 150, 125);
    libDLLL_gf_AssociateNewListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), 0);
    DialogControlSetSize(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), 300, 200);
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_handgun", StringToText("Hand Gun"));
    lv_i = gv_weaponUnlockCount + 2;
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[13] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_plasmarail", StringToText("Plasma Rail"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[13] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_plasmarail";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[12] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_hvturret", StringToText("High Velocity Turret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[12] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_hvturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[11] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_projrail", StringToText("Projectile Rail Gun"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[11] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_projrail";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[10] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_flameturret", StringToText("Flame Turret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[10] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_flameturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[9] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_rocketlauncher", StringToText("Rocket Launcher"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[9] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_rocketlauncher";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[8] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_hcassaultrifle", StringToText("High Capacity Assault Rifle"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[8] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_hcassaultrifle";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[7] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_freezeturret", StringToText("Freeze Turret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[7] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_freezeturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[6] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_smg", StringToText("Submachine Gun"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[6] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_smg";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[5] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_pashotgun", StringToText("Pump Action Shotgun"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[5] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_pashotgun";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[4] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_plasmarifle", StringToText("Plasma Rifle"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[4] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_plasmarifle";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[3] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_autoturret", StringToText("Autoturret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[3] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_autoturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[2] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_flamethrower", StringToText("Flamethrower"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[2] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_flamethrower";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[1] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_pdw", StringToText("Personal Defense Weapons"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[1] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_pdw";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[0] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_teslarifle", StringToText("Tesla Rifle"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[0] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_teslarifle";
    auto8C1E4637_ae = gv_weaponUnlockCount;
    lv_i = 0;
	while (lv_i <= auto8C1E4637_ae) {
		autoFC1E365B_g = PlayerGroupActive();
		autoFC1E365B_p = 1;
		while (autoFC1E365B_p <= PlayerGroupCount(autoFC1E365B_g)) {
			lv_ploop = PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p);
			BankLoad("AlienSwarmData", lv_ploop);
			if ((BankValueGetAsInt(BankLastCreated(), "playerData", "level") < gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[lv_i])) {
				libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[lv_i], StringToText("<c val=\"646464\">"), 2, PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop));
				libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[lv_i], StringToText("</c>"), 1, PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop));
			if (lv_ploop == PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p)) {
				autoFC1E365B_p = autoFC1E365B_p + 1;
		lv_i = lv_i + 1;
	libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_ammobox", StringToText("Ammo Box"));
	libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_healthbox", StringToText("Health Box"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_sniperrifle", StringToText("Sniper Rifle"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_shotgun", StringToText("Shotgun"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_medicgun", StringToText("Medic Gun"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_minigun", StringToText("Minigun"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_assaultrifle", StringToText("Assault Rifle"));
    DialogControlCreate(gv_menuDialog, c_triggerControlTypeListBox);
    DialogControlSetPosition(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), c_anchorTopLeft, 450, 125);
    libDLLL_gf_AssociateNewListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), 0);
    DialogControlSetSize(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), 300, 200);
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_handgun", StringToText("Hand Gun"));
    lv_i = gv_weaponUnlockCount + 2;
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[13] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_plasmarail", StringToText("Plasma Rail"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[13] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_plasmarail";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[12] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_hvturret", StringToText("High Velocity Turret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[12] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_hvturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[11] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_projrail", StringToText("Projectile Rail Gun"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[11] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_projrail";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[10] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_flameturret", StringToText("Flame Turret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[10] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_flameturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[9] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_rocketlauncher", StringToText("Rocket Launcher"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[9] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_rocketlauncher";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[8] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_hcassaultrifle", StringToText("High Capacity Assault Rifle"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[8] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_hcassaultrifle";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[7] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_freezeturret", StringToText("Freeze Turret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[7] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_freezeturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[6] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_smg", StringToText("Submachine Gun"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[6] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_smg";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[5] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_pashotgun", StringToText("Pump Action Shotgun"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[5] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_pashotgun";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[4] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_plasmarifle", StringToText("Plasma Rifle"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[4] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_plasmarifle";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[3] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_autoturret", StringToText("Autoturret"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[3] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_autoturret";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[2] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_flamethrower", StringToText("Flamethrower"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[2] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_flamethrower";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[1] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_pdw", StringToText("Personal Defense Weapons"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[1] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_pdw";
    lv_i = (lv_i - 1);
    gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[0] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_teslarifle", StringToText("Tesla Rifle"));
    gv_weaponUnlocks[0] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "wep_teslarifle";
    auto8C1E4637_ae = gv_weaponUnlockCount;
    lv_i = 0;
	while (lv_i <= auto8C1E4637_ae) {
		autoFC1E365B_g = PlayerGroupActive();
		autoFC1E365B_p = 1;
		while (autoFC1E365B_p <= PlayerGroupCount(autoFC1E365B_g)) {
			lv_ploop = PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p);
			BankLoad("AlienSwarmData", lv_ploop);
			if ((BankValueGetAsInt(BankLastCreated(), "playerData", "level") < gv_weaponUnlocksRequirements[lv_i])) {
				libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[lv_i], StringToText("<c val=\"646464\">"), 2, PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop));
				libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), gv_weaponUnlocksIDs[lv_i], StringToText("</c>"), 1, PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop));
			if (lv_ploop == PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p)) {
				autoFC1E365B_p = autoFC1E365B_p + 1;
		lv_i = lv_i + 1;
	libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_ammobox", StringToText("Ammo Box"));
	libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_healbox", StringToText("Health Box"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_sniperrifle", StringToText("Sniper Rifle"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_shotgun", StringToText("Shotgun"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_medicgun", StringToText("Medic Gun"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_minigun", StringToText("Minigun"));
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "wep_assaultrifle", StringToText("Assault Rifle"));
    DialogControlCreate(gv_menuDialog, c_triggerControlTypeListBox);
    DialogControlSetPosition(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), c_anchorTopLeft, 750, 125);
    libDLLL_gf_AssociateNewListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), 0);
    DialogControlSetSize(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), 300, 200);
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "eqp_medkit", StringToText("Medical Kit"));
	lv_i = gv_equipmentUnlockCount + 2;
    gv_equipmentUnlocksRequirements[1] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "eqp_firemine", StringToText("Incendiary Mine"));
    gv_equipmentUnlocks[1] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_equipmentUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "eqp_firemine";
	lv_i = lv_i - 1;
    gv_equipmentUnlocksRequirements[0] = lv_i;
    libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "eqp_proxmine", StringToText("Proximity Mine"));
    gv_equipmentUnlocks[0] = DialogControlLastCreated();
    gv_equipmentUnlocksIDs[(lv_i - 2)] = "eqp_proxmine";
    auto8C1E4637_ae = gv_equipmentUnlockCount;
    lv_i = 0;
	while (lv_i <= auto8C1E4637_ae) {
		autoFC1E365B_g = PlayerGroupActive();
		autoFC1E365B_p = 1;
		while (autoFC1E365B_p <= PlayerGroupCount(autoFC1E365B_g)) {
			lv_ploop = PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p);
			BankLoad("AlienSwarmData", lv_ploop);
			if ((BankValueGetAsInt(BankLastCreated(), "playerData", "level") < gv_equipmentUnlocksRequirements[lv_i])) {
				libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), gv_equipmentUnlocksIDs[lv_i], StringToText("<c val=\"646464\">"), 2, PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop));
				libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), gv_equipmentUnlocksIDs[lv_i], StringToText("</c>"), 1, PlayerGroupSingle(lv_ploop));
			if (lv_ploop == PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p)) {
				autoFC1E365B_p = autoFC1E365B_p + 1;
		lv_i = lv_i + 1;
	libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(DialogControlLastCreated(), PlayerGroupAll(), "eqp_welder", StringToText("Welder"));
	libNtve_gf_CreateDialogItemImage(gv_menuDialog, 600, 330, c_anchorTopLeft, 1100, 125, StringToText("No Character Selected"), "Images/NoCharacter.tga", c_triggerImageTypeNormal, false, Color(100,100,100), c_triggerBlendModeNormal);
    lv_i = 0;
	while (lv_i <= auto8C1E4637_ae) {
		autoFC1E365B_g = PlayerGroupActive();
		autoFC1E365B_p = 1;
		while (autoFC1E365B_p <= PlayerGroupCount(autoFC1E365B_g)) {
			lv_ploop = PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p);
			gv_characterImage[lv_ploop] = DialogControlLastCreated();
			if (lv_ploop == PlayerGroupPlayer(autoFC1E365B_g, autoFC1E365B_p)) {
				autoFC1E365B_p = autoFC1E365B_p + 1;
		lv_i = lv_i + 1;
	DialogSetVisible(gv_menuDialog, PlayerGroupAll(), true);
    return true;

include "TriggerLibs/NativeLib"

// Structures
struct libDLLL_gs_ListItem {
    string lv_iD;
    text lv_text;

// Variables
int[25] libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem;
libDLLL_gs_ListItem[25][101] libDLLL_gv_itemLists;

void libDLLL_InitVariables () {
    int init_i;
    int init_j;

    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 24) {
        libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[init_i] = c_invalidDialogControlId;
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 24) {
        init_j = 0;
        while (init_j <= 100) {
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[init_i][init_j].lv_iD = null;
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[init_i][init_j].lv_text = null;
            init_j = init_j + 1;
        init_i = init_i + 1;

// Function Declarations
int libDLLL_gf_GetListbox (int lp_listbox);
int libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex (int lp_listboxIndex, string lp_iD);
int libDLLL_gf_GetItemIndexinListbox (int lp_dialogItem, string lp_itemID);
string libDLLL_gf_GetItemIDfromListbox (int lp_listbox, int lp_player);
void libDLLL_gf_AssociateNewListbox (int lp_dialogItem, int lp_list);
void libDLLL_gf_AssociateListbox (int lp_dialogItem, int lp_list);
void libDLLL_gf_ReassociateListbox (int lp_dialogItem, int lp_list);
void libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox (int lp_listbox, playergroup lp_player);
void libDLLL_gf_ReorderList (int lp_list);
void libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox (int lp_listbox, playergroup lp_players, string lp_iD, text lp_text);
void libDLLL_gf_RemoveIteminListbox (int lp_listbox, playergroup lp_players, string lp_itemID);
void libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox (int lp_listbox, string lp_itemID, text lp_newText, int lp_options, playergroup lp_players);
void libDLLL_gf_MoveItemFromListboxtoListbox (int lp_listboxSource, int lp_listboxDestination, string lp_iD, int lp_iDOptions, string lp_newID, playergroup lp_players);
void libDLLL_gf_ChangeListboxList (int lp_listboxSource, int lp_listboxDestination, playergroup lp_players, int lp_options);

// Functions
int libDLLL_gf_GetListbox (int lp_listbox) {
    int autoD816812D_as;
    int autoD816812D_ae;
    int autoD816812D_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = 0;

    // Implementation
    autoD816812D_as = 0;
    autoD816812D_ae = 24;
    autoD816812D_ai = 1;
    lv_tmpNum = autoD816812D_as;
    if (autoD816812D_ai > 0 || (autoD816812D_ai == 0 && autoD816812D_as < autoD816812D_ae)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum <= autoD816812D_ae) {
            if ((libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[lv_tmpNum] == lp_listbox)) {
                return lv_tmpNum;
            else {
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + autoD816812D_ai;
    else if (autoD816812D_ai < 0 || (autoD816812D_ai == 0 && autoD816812D_ae < autoD816812D_as)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum >= autoD816812D_ae) {
            if ((libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[lv_tmpNum] == lp_listbox)) {
                return lv_tmpNum;
            else {
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + autoD816812D_ai;
    return -1;

int libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex (int lp_listboxIndex, string lp_iD) {
    int autoDCB10F99_as;
    int autoDCB10F99_ae;
    int autoDCB10F99_ai;
    int auto3460F2ED_as;
    int auto3460F2ED_ae;
    int auto3460F2ED_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpTotal;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = 0;
    lv_tmpTotal = 0;

    // Implementation
    if ((lp_listboxIndex != -1)) {
        autoDCB10F99_as = 1;
        autoDCB10F99_ae = 100;
        autoDCB10F99_ai = 1;
        lv_tmpNum = autoDCB10F99_as;
        if (autoDCB10F99_ai > 0 || (autoDCB10F99_ai == 0 && autoDCB10F99_as < autoDCB10F99_ae)) {
            while (lv_tmpNum <= autoDCB10F99_ae) {
                if ((libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_listboxIndex][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD != lp_iD)) {
                    lv_tmpTotal=lv_tmpTotal + 1;
                else {
                lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + autoDCB10F99_ai;
        else if (autoDCB10F99_ai < 0 || (autoDCB10F99_ai == 0 && autoDCB10F99_ae < autoDCB10F99_as)) {
            while (lv_tmpNum >= autoDCB10F99_ae) {
                if ((libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_listboxIndex][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD != lp_iD)) {
                    lv_tmpTotal=lv_tmpTotal + 1;
                else {
                lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + autoDCB10F99_ai;
        lv_tmpNum = 0;
        if ((lv_tmpTotal == 100)) {
            auto3460F2ED_as = 1;
            auto3460F2ED_ae = 100;
            auto3460F2ED_ai = 1;
            lv_tmpNum = auto3460F2ED_as;
            if (auto3460F2ED_ai > 0 || (auto3460F2ED_ai == 0 && auto3460F2ED_as < auto3460F2ED_ae)) {
                while (lv_tmpNum <= auto3460F2ED_ae) {
                    if ((libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_listboxIndex][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD == null)) {
                        return lv_tmpNum;
                    else {
                    lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto3460F2ED_ai;
            else if (auto3460F2ED_ai < 0 || (auto3460F2ED_ai == 0 && auto3460F2ED_ae < auto3460F2ED_as)) {
                while (lv_tmpNum >= auto3460F2ED_ae) {
                    if ((libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_listboxIndex][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD == null)) {
                        return lv_tmpNum;
                    else {
                    lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto3460F2ED_ai;
            return -1;
        else {
            return -1;
    else {
        return -1;

int libDLLL_gf_GetItemIndexinListbox (int lp_dialogItem, string lp_itemID) {
    int auto6484690F_as;
    int auto6484690F_ae;
    int auto6484690F_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpIndex;
    int lv_tmpNum;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpIndex = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_dialogItem);
    lv_tmpNum = 0;

    // Implementation
    if ((lv_tmpIndex != -1)) {
        auto6484690F_as = 1;
        auto6484690F_ae = 100;
        auto6484690F_ai = 1;
        lv_tmpNum = auto6484690F_as;
        if (auto6484690F_ai > 0 || (auto6484690F_ai == 0 && auto6484690F_as < auto6484690F_ae)) {
            while (lv_tmpNum <= auto6484690F_ae) {
                if ((lp_itemID == libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpIndex][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD)) {
                    return lv_tmpNum;
                else {
                lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto6484690F_ai;
        else if (auto6484690F_ai < 0 || (auto6484690F_ai == 0 && auto6484690F_ae < auto6484690F_as)) {
            while (lv_tmpNum >= auto6484690F_ae) {
                if ((lp_itemID == libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpIndex][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD)) {
                    return lv_tmpNum;
                else {
                lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto6484690F_ai;
        return -1;
    else {
        return -1;

string libDLLL_gf_GetItemIDfromListbox (int lp_listbox, int lp_player) {
    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpIndex;
    int lv_tmpSelectedNum;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpIndex = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listbox);
    lv_tmpSelectedNum = DialogControlGetSelectedItem(lp_listbox, lp_player);

    // Implementation
    if (((lv_tmpIndex != -1) && (lv_tmpSelectedNum > 0))) {
        return libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpIndex][lv_tmpSelectedNum].lv_iD;
    else {
        return null;

void libDLLL_gf_AssociateNewListbox (int lp_dialogItem, int lp_list) {
    int auto99F86F04_as;
    int auto99F86F04_ae;
    int auto99F86F04_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpNum2;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = (lp_list);
    lv_tmpNum2 = 0;

    // Implementation
    libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[lv_tmpNum] = lp_dialogItem;
    DialogControlRemoveAllItems(lp_dialogItem, PlayerGroupAll());
    auto99F86F04_as = 1;
    auto99F86F04_ae = 100;
    auto99F86F04_ai = 1;
    lv_tmpNum2 = auto99F86F04_as;
    if (auto99F86F04_ai > 0 || (auto99F86F04_ai == 0 && auto99F86F04_as < auto99F86F04_ae)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum2 <= auto99F86F04_ae) {
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD = null;
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text = null;
            lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + auto99F86F04_ai;
    else if (auto99F86F04_ai < 0 || (auto99F86F04_ai == 0 && auto99F86F04_ae < auto99F86F04_as)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum2 >= auto99F86F04_ae) {
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD = null;
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text = null;
            lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + auto99F86F04_ai;

void libDLLL_gf_AssociateListbox (int lp_dialogItem, int lp_list) {
    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpNum2;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = (lp_list);
    lv_tmpNum2 = 0;

    // Implementation
    libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[lv_tmpNum] = lp_dialogItem;

void libDLLL_gf_ReassociateListbox (int lp_dialogItem, int lp_list) {
    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpOldNum;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = (lp_list);
    lv_tmpOldNum = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_dialogItem);

    // Implementation
    libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[lv_tmpOldNum] = c_invalidDialogControlId;
    libDLLL_gv_itemsListDialogItem[lv_tmpNum] = lp_dialogItem;

void libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox (int lp_listbox, playergroup lp_player) {
    int auto54600FC6_as;
    int auto54600FC6_ae;
    int auto54600FC6_ai;
    int autoF7A97D3C_as;
    int autoF7A97D3C_ae;
    int autoF7A97D3C_ai;
    int auto6CC8F1D0_as;
    int auto6CC8F1D0_ae;
    int auto6CC8F1D0_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpNum2;
    int lv_tmpMax;
    text lv_tmpText;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listbox);
    lv_tmpNum2 = 0;
    lv_tmpMax = 0;
    lv_tmpText = null;

    // Implementation
    if ((lv_tmpNum >= 0)) {
        DialogControlSetVisible(lp_listbox, PlayerGroupAll(), false);
        DialogControlRemoveAllItems(lp_listbox, lp_player);
        auto54600FC6_as = 1;
        auto54600FC6_ae = 100;
        auto54600FC6_ai = 1;
        lv_tmpNum2 = auto54600FC6_as;
        if (auto54600FC6_ai > 0 || (auto54600FC6_ai == 0 && auto54600FC6_as < auto54600FC6_ae)) {
            while (lv_tmpNum2 <= auto54600FC6_ae) {
                if ((libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD == null)) {
                    lv_tmpMax = lv_tmpNum2;
                else {
                lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + auto54600FC6_ai;
        else if (auto54600FC6_ai < 0 || (auto54600FC6_ai == 0 && auto54600FC6_ae < auto54600FC6_as)) {
            while (lv_tmpNum2 >= auto54600FC6_ae) {
                if ((libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD == null)) {
                    lv_tmpMax = lv_tmpNum2;
                else {
                lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + auto54600FC6_ai;
        if ((lv_tmpMax > 2)) {
            lv_tmpText = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][1].lv_text;
            DialogControlAddItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpText);
            lv_tmpText = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpMax].lv_text;
            DialogControlAddItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpText);
            auto6CC8F1D0_as = (lv_tmpMax - 1);
            auto6CC8F1D0_ae = 2;
            auto6CC8F1D0_ai = -1;
            lv_tmpNum2 = auto6CC8F1D0_as;
            if (auto6CC8F1D0_ai > 0 || (auto6CC8F1D0_ai == 0 && auto6CC8F1D0_as < auto6CC8F1D0_ae)) {
                while (lv_tmpNum2 <= auto6CC8F1D0_ae) {
                    lv_tmpText = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text;
                    DialogControlAddItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpText);
                    DialogControlSelectItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpNum2);
                    lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + auto6CC8F1D0_ai;
            else if (auto6CC8F1D0_ai < 0 || (auto6CC8F1D0_ai == 0 && auto6CC8F1D0_ae < auto6CC8F1D0_as)) {
                while (lv_tmpNum2 >= auto6CC8F1D0_ae) {
                    lv_tmpText = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text;
                    DialogControlAddItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpText);
                    DialogControlSelectItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpNum2);
                    lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + auto6CC8F1D0_ai;
        else {
            autoF7A97D3C_as = 1;
            autoF7A97D3C_ae = lv_tmpMax;
            autoF7A97D3C_ai = 1;
            lv_tmpNum2 = autoF7A97D3C_as;
            if (autoF7A97D3C_ai > 0 || (autoF7A97D3C_ai == 0 && autoF7A97D3C_as < autoF7A97D3C_ae)) {
                while (lv_tmpNum2 <= autoF7A97D3C_ae) {
                    lv_tmpText = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text;
                    DialogControlAddItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpText);
                    DialogControlSelectItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpNum2);
                    lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + autoF7A97D3C_ai;
            else if (autoF7A97D3C_ai < 0 || (autoF7A97D3C_ai == 0 && autoF7A97D3C_ae < autoF7A97D3C_as)) {
                while (lv_tmpNum2 >= autoF7A97D3C_ae) {
                    lv_tmpText = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text;
                    DialogControlAddItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpText);
                    DialogControlSelectItem(lp_listbox, lp_player, lv_tmpNum2);
                    lv_tmpNum2 = lv_tmpNum2 + autoF7A97D3C_ai;
        DialogControlSetVisible(lp_listbox, PlayerGroupAll(), true);
    else {

void libDLLL_gf_ReorderList (int lp_list) {
    int init_i;

    int auto0E0122AF_as;
    int auto0E0122AF_ae;
    int auto0E0122AF_ai;
    int auto00F1C591_as;
    int auto00F1C591_ae;
    int auto00F1C591_ai;
    int autoB32E3A0A_as;
    int autoB32E3A0A_ae;
    int autoB32E3A0A_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    string[101] lv_tmpIDs;
    text[101] lv_tmpTexts;
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpNum2;

    // Variable Initialization
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 100) {
        lv_tmpIDs[init_i] = "";
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    init_i = 0;
    while (init_i <= 100) {
        lv_tmpTexts[init_i] = null;
        init_i = init_i + 1;
    lv_tmpNum = 0;
    lv_tmpNum2 = 0;

    // Implementation
    auto0E0122AF_as = 1;
    auto0E0122AF_ae = 100;
    auto0E0122AF_ai = 1;
    lv_tmpNum = auto0E0122AF_as;
    if (auto0E0122AF_ai > 0 || (auto0E0122AF_ai == 0 && auto0E0122AF_as < auto0E0122AF_ae)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum <= auto0E0122AF_ae) {
            lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum] = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD;
            lv_tmpTexts[lv_tmpNum] = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_text;
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto0E0122AF_ai;
    else if (auto0E0122AF_ai < 0 || (auto0E0122AF_ai == 0 && auto0E0122AF_ae < auto0E0122AF_as)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum >= auto0E0122AF_ae) {
            lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum] = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD;
            lv_tmpTexts[lv_tmpNum] = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_text;
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto0E0122AF_ai;
    auto00F1C591_as = 1;
    auto00F1C591_ae = 100;
    auto00F1C591_ai = 1;
    lv_tmpNum = auto00F1C591_as;
    if (auto00F1C591_ai > 0 || (auto00F1C591_ai == 0 && auto00F1C591_as < auto00F1C591_ae)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum <= auto00F1C591_ae) {
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD = null;
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_text = null;
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto00F1C591_ai;
    else if (auto00F1C591_ai < 0 || (auto00F1C591_ai == 0 && auto00F1C591_ae < auto00F1C591_as)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum >= auto00F1C591_ae) {
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_iD = null;
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum].lv_text = null;
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + auto00F1C591_ai;
    autoB32E3A0A_as = 1;
    autoB32E3A0A_ae = 100;
    autoB32E3A0A_ai = 1;
    lv_tmpNum = autoB32E3A0A_as;
    if (autoB32E3A0A_ai > 0 || (autoB32E3A0A_ai == 0 && autoB32E3A0A_as < autoB32E3A0A_ae)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum <= autoB32E3A0A_ae) {
            if ((lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum] != null)) {
                lv_tmpNum2 = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lp_list, lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum]);
                if ((StringToInt(lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum]) > 0)) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD = IntToString(lv_tmpNum2);
                else {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD = lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum];
                libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text = lv_tmpTexts[lv_tmpNum];
            else {
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + autoB32E3A0A_ai;
    else if (autoB32E3A0A_ai < 0 || (autoB32E3A0A_ai == 0 && autoB32E3A0A_ae < autoB32E3A0A_as)) {
        while (lv_tmpNum >= autoB32E3A0A_ae) {
            if ((lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum] != null)) {
                lv_tmpNum2 = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lp_list, lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum]);
                if ((StringToInt(lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum]) > 0)) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD = IntToString(lv_tmpNum2);
                else {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum2].lv_iD = lv_tmpIDs[lv_tmpNum];
                libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lp_list][lv_tmpNum2].lv_text = lv_tmpTexts[lv_tmpNum];
            else {
            lv_tmpNum = lv_tmpNum + autoB32E3A0A_ai;

void libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox (int lp_listbox, playergroup lp_players, string lp_iD, text lp_text) {
    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpIndex;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listbox);
    lv_tmpIndex = 0;

    // Implementation
    if ((lp_iD == "")) {
        lv_tmpIndex = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lv_tmpNum, "<!IGNORE!>");
        lp_iD = IntToString(lv_tmpIndex);
    else {
        lv_tmpIndex = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lv_tmpNum, lp_iD);
    if ((lv_tmpIndex >= 0)) {
        libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_iD = lp_iD;
        libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text = lp_text;
        libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listbox, lp_players);
    else {

void libDLLL_gf_RemoveIteminListbox (int lp_listbox, playergroup lp_players, string lp_itemID) {
    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpIndex;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listbox);
    lv_tmpIndex = libDLLL_gf_GetItemIndexinListbox(lp_listbox, lp_itemID);

    // Implementation
    if ((lv_tmpIndex >= 0)) {
        libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_iD = null;
        libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text = null;
        libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listbox, lp_players);
    else {

void libDLLL_gf_ModfiyItemInListbox (int lp_listbox, string lp_itemID, text lp_newText, int lp_options, playergroup lp_players) {
    int auto26B95B00_val;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum;
    int lv_tmpIndex;
    text lv_tmpText;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listbox);
    lv_tmpIndex = libDLLL_gf_GetItemIndexinListbox(lp_listbox, lp_itemID);
    lv_tmpText = null;

    // Implementation
    if ((lv_tmpIndex >= 0)) {
        auto26B95B00_val = lp_options;
        if (auto26B95B00_val == 0) {
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text = lp_newText;
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listbox, lp_players);
        else if (auto26B95B00_val == 2) {
            lv_tmpText = (lp_newText + libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text);
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text = lv_tmpText;
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listbox, lp_players);
        else if (auto26B95B00_val == 1) {
            lv_tmpText = (libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text + lp_newText);
            libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum][lv_tmpIndex].lv_text = lv_tmpText;
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listbox, lp_players);
        else {
    else {

void libDLLL_gf_MoveItemFromListboxtoListbox (int lp_listboxSource, int lp_listboxDestination, string lp_iD, int lp_iDOptions, string lp_newID, playergroup lp_players) {
    int auto8B8B548D_val;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum1;
    int lv_tmpNum2;
    int lv_tmpIndexSource;
    int lv_tmpIndexDestination;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum1 = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listboxSource);
    lv_tmpNum2 = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listboxDestination);
    lv_tmpIndexSource = libDLLL_gf_GetItemIndexinListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_iD);
    lv_tmpIndexDestination = 0;

    // Implementation
    auto8B8B548D_val = lp_iDOptions;
    if (auto8B8B548D_val == 0) {
        lv_tmpIndexDestination = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lv_tmpNum2, lp_iD);
        if (((lv_tmpIndexSource >= 0) && (lv_tmpIndexDestination >= 0))) {
            libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players, lp_iD, libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpIndexSource].lv_text);
            libDLLL_gf_RemoveIteminListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_players, lp_iD);
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_players);
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players);
        else {
    else if (auto8B8B548D_val == 1) {
        if ((lp_newID == "")) {
            lv_tmpIndexDestination = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lv_tmpNum2, "<!IGNORE!>");
            lp_newID = IntToString(lv_tmpIndexDestination);
        else {
            lv_tmpIndexDestination = libDLLL_gf_GetNextAvalibleIndex(lv_tmpNum2, lp_newID);
        if (((lv_tmpIndexSource >= 0) && (lv_tmpIndexDestination >= 0))) {
            libDLLL_gf_AddItemToListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players, lp_newID, libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpIndexSource].lv_text);
            libDLLL_gf_RemoveIteminListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_players, lp_iD);
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_players);
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players);
        else {
    else {

void libDLLL_gf_ChangeListboxList (int lp_listboxSource, int lp_listboxDestination, playergroup lp_players, int lp_options) {
    int auto1E2E8A80_val;
    int auto26DF6CDE_as;
    int auto26DF6CDE_ae;
    int auto26DF6CDE_ai;
    int auto69FF94B5_as;
    int auto69FF94B5_ae;
    int auto69FF94B5_ai;
    int auto7F694486_as;
    int auto7F694486_ae;
    int auto7F694486_ai;

    // Variable Declarations
    int lv_tmpNum1;
    int lv_tmpNum2;
    int lv_tmpCounter;

    // Variable Initialization
    lv_tmpNum1 = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listboxSource);
    lv_tmpNum2 = libDLLL_gf_GetListbox(lp_listboxDestination);
    lv_tmpCounter = 0;

    // Implementation
    if (((lv_tmpNum1 >= 0) && (lv_tmpNum2 >= 0))) {
        auto1E2E8A80_val = lp_options;
        if (auto1E2E8A80_val == 0) {
            libDLLL_gf_ReassociateListbox(lp_listboxSource, (lv_tmpNum2));
            libDLLL_gf_AssociateListbox(lp_listboxDestination, (lv_tmpNum1));
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_players);
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players);
        else if (auto1E2E8A80_val == 1) {
            auto26DF6CDE_as = 1;
            auto26DF6CDE_ae = 100;
            auto26DF6CDE_ai = 1;
            lv_tmpCounter = auto26DF6CDE_as;
            if (auto26DF6CDE_ai > 0 || (auto26DF6CDE_ai == 0 && auto26DF6CDE_as < auto26DF6CDE_ae)) {
                while (lv_tmpCounter <= auto26DF6CDE_ae) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD;
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text;
                    lv_tmpCounter = lv_tmpCounter + auto26DF6CDE_ai;
            else if (auto26DF6CDE_ai < 0 || (auto26DF6CDE_ai == 0 && auto26DF6CDE_ae < auto26DF6CDE_as)) {
                while (lv_tmpCounter >= auto26DF6CDE_ae) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD;
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text;
                    lv_tmpCounter = lv_tmpCounter + auto26DF6CDE_ai;
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players);
        else if (auto1E2E8A80_val == 2) {
            auto69FF94B5_as = 1;
            auto69FF94B5_ae = 100;
            auto69FF94B5_ai = 1;
            lv_tmpCounter = auto69FF94B5_as;
            if (auto69FF94B5_ai > 0 || (auto69FF94B5_ai == 0 && auto69FF94B5_as < auto69FF94B5_ae)) {
                while (lv_tmpCounter <= auto69FF94B5_ae) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD;
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text;
                    lv_tmpCounter = lv_tmpCounter + auto69FF94B5_ai;
            else if (auto69FF94B5_ai < 0 || (auto69FF94B5_ai == 0 && auto69FF94B5_ae < auto69FF94B5_as)) {
                while (lv_tmpCounter >= auto69FF94B5_ae) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD;
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum2][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text = libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text;
                    lv_tmpCounter = lv_tmpCounter + auto69FF94B5_ai;
            auto7F694486_as = 1;
            auto7F694486_ae = 100;
            auto7F694486_ai = 1;
            lv_tmpCounter = auto7F694486_as;
            if (auto7F694486_ai > 0 || (auto7F694486_ai == 0 && auto7F694486_as < auto7F694486_ae)) {
                while (lv_tmpCounter <= auto7F694486_ae) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD = null;
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text = null;
                    lv_tmpCounter = lv_tmpCounter + auto7F694486_ai;
            else if (auto7F694486_ai < 0 || (auto7F694486_ai == 0 && auto7F694486_ae < auto7F694486_as)) {
                while (lv_tmpCounter >= auto7F694486_ae) {
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_iD = null;
                    libDLLL_gv_itemLists[lv_tmpNum1][lv_tmpCounter].lv_text = null;
                    lv_tmpCounter = lv_tmpCounter + auto7F694486_ai;
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxSource, lp_players);
            libDLLL_gf_RefreshListbox(lp_listboxDestination, lp_players);
        else {
    else {

// Library Initialization
bool libDLLL_InitLib_completed = false;

void libDLLL_InitLib () {
    if (libDLLL_InitLib_completed) {


    libDLLL_InitLib_completed = true;


Reaction score
Well of course it doesn't get executed, there are no initialization blocks. Try putting initialization code into static { } blocks.
I suggest you also convert it to Andromeda code.


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
I don't think you understand what I'm talking about. It works ingame. It just doesn't get put INTO the map by Moonlite...


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Question first: Does Moonlite come packaged with Andromeda? If not, how do I add it... (I thought I had this on one of my other posts, but TH has been messed up lately and didn't want to have my edit in there.)


Reaction score
Question first: Does Moonlite come packaged with Andromeda? If not, how do I add it... (I thought I had this on one of my other posts, but TH has been messed up lately and didn't want to have my edit in there.)

Yes, it does. Not always the latest version though.


Reaction score
Is it already setup to work right off the bat?

Yes, and it does work. It is solely Andromeda that isn't injecting code. If you want to be 100% sure you can open up the task manager and see if java is there when you hit build and then dissappears.


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score

You can see java.exe in there. However, the process keeps closing and reopening.


  • Taskmanager.png
    388.2 KB · Views: 369


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Then either Andromeda isn't injecting right, or Andromeda isn't setup right with Moonlite.


Reaction score
Then either Andromeda isn't injecting right, or Andromeda isn't setup right with Moonlite.

Most likely the first, actually 100% sure on the first.
But that's the "minus" on using beta software. You should report it on SC2Mod so Gex can fix it. Or maybe try upgrading Andromeda to the latest version. (Andromeda is in %MOONLITEINSTALLDIR%\Compilers\Andromeda)


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Actually... When I tried updating windows told me that the one Moonlite comes with is newer... >_>

I can try again.

Actually I posted on SC2Mod, and the entire thread turned into when Andromeda 1.5 is going to be released... Within the first 3 posts... >_<

OT ftl.

Anyhow, I posted another thread in the Bug Reports.


Is riding a roller coaster...Wee!
Reaction score
Hmm, Mine Wont work. It Says Its missing a registry file. I cant find the exe for starcraft 2. Any Idea? I worked with the beta but not with the normal game it self.

How to fix?
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    Actually I was just playing with having some kind of mention of the food forum and recipes on the main page to test and see if it would engage some of those people to post something. It is just weird to get so much traffic and no engagement
  • The Helper The Helper:
    So what it really is me trying to implement some kind of better site navigation not change the whole theme of the site
  • Varine Varine:
    How can you tell the difference between real traffic and indexing or AI generation bots?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The bots will show up as users online in the forum software but they do not show up in my stats tracking. I am sure there are bots in the stats but the way alot of the bots treat the site do not show up on the stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New dessert added to recipes Southern Pecan Praline Cake
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Another bot invasion 493 members online most of them bots that do not show up on stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Some members choose invisibility mode
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    People love rep, lol

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