System Msgs

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>i should've started implementing cjass
Submission Rules said:
cJass resources are not supported nor allowed here at This is due to the code being messy and the fact that it needs an additional tool to compile.
i think it's quite safe to say that nobody ever would, or should use this submission

for starters, the code is completely unreadable
cJass isn't supported here for resources. This'll be graveyarded unless you convert it to vJass.
honestly i have no idea how i could not implement the lua and objectmerger stuff in newgen despite having newest jasshelper and to think that cjass even comes with an installation's so much more professional than vjass, it's not even funny and you guys have the nerve to call it messy? and constantly my code without white space you are calling messy, it's a big load of biased horse crap, i say.

and furthermore, the additional tool to compile is horse crap as well considering reinventing the craft is pretty much useless even though it's in newgen...if anything adichelper is very useful because it is implemented directly into newgen and you can enable and disable it just like you can the jasshelper. i think the only reason people don't download it is because they're not using robotic translation service to find the download link.

actually...on second thought...none of my resources has ever been approved on so making my code not be cjass would merely be a waste of time. and i'm not a russian so you guys are biased against your own english speaking coder, here. well, i suppose unless the rule is changed or ignored then i'll just know all my resources are in the graveyard. hmm maybe i'll put a link to your graveyard in my signature at another website.

Believe it or not, we are not out to get you. We're trying to keep the resources here as quality, and able to be read by newer people. I'm sorry to say, but no one will read your code if it's not properly indented. cJass is unsupported here precisely because it encourages such terrible coding practices.

If it was vJass, an actually readable (e.g. having some whitespace and indentation), we actually would consider approving the resource. Given that you properly documented it, it was readable, and it was useful, we would approve it, regardless of your attitude.
actually, it's still in the graveyard. it has been since day one.
but since you guys can't read the code i'll convert it to vjass.

@narks, LOL the code is easier to read because it is in cjass.
look how you can view the entire code in a single screenshot.

oh i think i forgot to include the trigger with instructions.
updating post. hmm i wish there was a hidden/spoiler option.
when i put out vjass i could put cjass into the hidden brackets.

"cJass resources are not supported nor allowed here at This is due to the code being messy and the fact that it needs an additional tool to compile."

yeah...ouch. after actually downloading adichelper though, i'm very pleased.

honestly i have no idea how i could not implement the lua and objectmerger stuff in newgen despite having newest jasshelper and to think that cjass even comes with an installation's so much more professional than vjass, it's not even funny and you guys have the nerve to call it messy? and constantly my code without white space you are calling messy, it's a big load of biased horse crap, i say.

and furthermore, the additional tool to compile is horse crap as well considering reinventing the craft is pretty much useless even though it's in newgen...if anything adichelper is very useful because it is implemented directly into newgen and you can enable and disable it just like you can the jasshelper. i think the only reason people don't download it is because they're not using robotic translation service to find the download link.

actually...on second thought...none of my resources has ever been approved on so making my code not be cjass would merely be a waste of time. and i'm not a russian so you guys are biased against your own english speaking coder, here. well, i suppose unless the rule is changed or ignored then i'll just know all my resources are in the graveyard. hmm maybe i'll put a link to your graveyard in my signature at another website.

i fnd it qite ridiculus that ur stil in de mindset that were all stoopid and ur some kinda god coz we cant read your code its not that we cant were not idiots its coz of the reasons stated in the sticky wich uve quite clearly red coz u quoted it nd i dont remember us being stupid or unble to read cjass being one of the reasons even if ur code was written in vjass itd still be unreadable coz of the horrible coding practices u use nd i cant believe u actually beleev the code is more readable remember that readability dosnt necesarily mean shorter code in fct its often the opposite but to a certain extent obviously making code bloated isnt the best way to achive wot u want to be honest i wouldnt have as much of an issue with u calling cjass more profesional if it wasnt for ur odd perceptions of gud coding practices not using intendation to inline ur code and separate individual blocks of code is silly and theres absolutel no reason not to do it unles ur tab button is broken in wich case get a new keyboard or sumtin ull find its much easier to read code thats been properly intended as its easy to browse through the code nd pinpoint areas of intrest whilst skipping code that doesnt concern u instead of having to read every single line for a similar reason we have naming conventions capital letters entirely for constants small for locals camelcase for members etc so that whoever is reading the code can immediately know what type of variable is being used without having to find the declaration this doesnt only reply to us stupid humans on thehelper who are totally incapable of reading anything remember but also to urself when ur going to come back to ur code in the future ull find it much easier to take a look through and see whats what im certain any true coding professional will agree with me just look at any real coding site that uses proper programming languages in fact a lot of ides actually auto indent code for these very reasons dont ever call bad practice professional its ridiculous also note that ur not some kinda child prodigy or god in fact ur coding skillz are far inferior to a good portion of this site so take advice from those better than u and learn instead of being so stubborn also were not in a war or anything against russa wot difference does it make welcome to the 21st century where ur from doesnt mean anything and if anything ur an embarasment to english speaking coders because of your poor practices stop hiding behind ur bad coding practices and calling it cjass

as for why im speaking like this well i figured it was a more efficient way to type because its shorter and no need for dum punctuation but i dont type like this often because ur all too stupid to read it.
> in defense of cjass, at least it does stuff like, define{im=i am;dum=moronic;de=the...}
Which is arguably a bad thing. vJass keywords and functions (especially with autocomplete) aren't painful to type. Everybody learns the same keywords, and everybody can read any code without having to see what certain things actually compile to.

> even as bad as your text was, i could still read it
You still missed the point? I'm sure you can't argue with the fact that it was more difficult to read. Also, reading code quickly isn't about how much you can fit on one screen. Indentation and blank spaces allow you to actually entirely skip parts of code whilst reading it. Your code forces you to read every line to see where each function begins and ends, if block begins and ends, etc. If you indent, you can simply do a mental jump over the parts of the code that don't currently concern you (irrelevant functions, ifs or loops that aren't in need of debugging, etc). I also mentioned naming conventions which allow you to easily tell whether a variable is a local, constant, member, etc; without having to go and find it's definition again. Ambiguous or meaningless variable names have a similar effect. [ljass]integer count[/ljass] is somewhat clear. [ljass]integer c[/ljass] requires you to look again at where the variable is defined or how it is used.
Scrolling through text isn't difficult enough (if at all?) to do to warrant having to take all possible means of shortening code.

Your current coding practices are awful in general, and they would be in JASS, vJass or cJass. Stop using cJass as an excuse for bad coding practices - any professional will laugh at you.

Hopefully I was clear enough this time...
like i already mentioned, being able to read the entire code of a library in a single screenshot means i can read the code much, much faster.
library MSGS{define{c_goldbrown="daa520";c_gold="ffd700";c_palegreen="7aff7c";c_pink="db7093";c_pretty="ee82ee"
c_darkspanishgreen="6b8e23";c_brown ="995500";c_yellow="ffff00";c_sand="ffffcc"}//

string gtc(string x, string y){return "|cff"+x+y+"|r"}//colors text
string msggetcolor(integer x, string y){if x==0 then;return gtc(c_red,y);elseif x==1 then
return gtc(c_brightblue,y);elseif x==2 then;return gtc(c_aqua,y);elseif x==3 then
return gtc(c_purple,y);elseif x==4 then;return gtc(c_yellow,y);elseif x==5 then
return gtc(c_orange,y);else;return gtc(c_white,y);endif;return y}//colors text based on player color
integer GetPlayerTeamMSGS(integer playerid){if playerid==0 then;return 1;elseif playerid==1 then
return 1;elseif playerid==2 then;return 2;elseif playerid==3 then;return 2;elseif playerid==4 then
return 2;elseif playerid==5 then;return 2;elseif playerid==6 then;return 2;elseif playerid==7 then
return 8;elseif playerid==9 then;return 2;elseif playerid==10 then;return 1;elseif playerid==11 then
return 2;endif;return 3}//player number for team number//customize as needed
nothing msgally(real x, player y, string z, boolean ally){integer a=GetPlayerId(y),b=GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)
if ally then;a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)==b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}
else;a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)!=b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}endif}
nothing msgallyonly(real x, player y, string z){integer a=GetPlayerId(y),b=GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)
a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)==b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}}
nothing msgenemyonly(real x, player y, string z){integer a=GetPlayerId(y),b=GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)
a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)!=b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}}
nothing msgall(real dur, string s){integer i=-1;whilenot (i++>11){timedmsg(Player(i),0,0,dur,s)}}//standard text
nothing msgone(real dur, player p, string s, boolean one){integer i=-1,ip=GetPlayerId(p);if one then
timedmsg(p,0,0,dur,(s));else;whilenot(i++>11){if i!=ip then;timedmsg(Player(i),0,0,dur,s);endif}endif}}

There is an error in this code. If your code was normal, it would probably be very easy to spot. Can you find it at a first glance?
library MSGS
        c_brown ="995500";
    string gtc(string x, string y)
        return "|cff"+x+y+"|r"
    //colors text
    string msggetcolor(integer x, string y)
        if x==0 then;
            return gtc(c_red,y);
        elseif x==1 then
            return gtc(c_brightblue,y);
        elseif x==2 then;
            return gtc(c_aqua,y);
        elseif x==3 then
            return gtc(c_purple,y);
        elseif x==4 then;
            return gtc(c_yellow,y);
        elseif x==5 then
            return gtc(c_orange,y);
            return gtc(c_white,y);
        return y
// cbf this code is obviously useless    
//colors text based on player color
integer GetPlayerTeamMSGS(integer playerid){if playerid==0 then;return 1;elseif playerid==1 then
return 1;elseif playerid==2 then;return 2;elseif playerid==3 then;return 2;elseif playerid==4 then
return 2;elseif playerid==5 then;return 2;elseif playerid==6 then;return 2;elseif playerid==7 then
return 8;elseif playerid==9 then;return 2;elseif playerid==10 then;return 1;elseif playerid==11 then
return 2;endif;return 3}//player number for team number//customize as needed
nothing msgally(real x, player y, string z, boolean ally){integer a=GetPlayerId(y),b=GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)
if ally then;a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)==b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}
else;a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)!=b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}endif}
nothing msgallyonly(real x, player y, string z){integer a=GetPlayerId(y),b=GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)
a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)==b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}}
nothing msgenemyonly(real x, player y, string z){integer a=GetPlayerId(y),b=GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)
a=-1;whilenot(a++>11){if GetPlayerTeamMSGS(a)!=b then;timedmsg(Player(a),0,0,x,z);endif}}
nothing msgall(real dur, string s){integer i=-1;whilenot (i++>11){timedmsg(Player(i),0,0,dur,s)}}//standard text
nothing msgone(real dur, player p, string s, boolean one){integer i=-1,ip=GetPlayerId(p);if one then
timedmsg(p,0,0,dur,(s));else;whilenot(i++>11){if i!=ip then;timedmsg(Player(i),0,0,dur,s);endif}endif}}

and wtf is this:

//player number for team number//customize as needed

it's like the code used to be indented, then he removed them after he finished coding
If you don't like our policies, or our website altogether, then feel free to go elsewhere. Nobody forces you to do anything, and we certainly don't need that kind of attitude here.

If, to the contrary and to my relief, you wish to stay with us and do something useful, then you should abide to the rules and not try to be a wise ass fooling around. That's actually the best way to have your resources stay right where they are - the Graveyard.

Now get to work, or get out. Don't insult the website or its users for your own mistakes.

Look, no one's pitted against you or whatever. If we are that many who disagree with you, there might be a reason. The reason is: there are rules, and they are to be followed, that's it. You do not wish to follow them, and that is a situation that tends to anger people.

You love cJass? Good for you, and I encourage you to keep using it! But when it's time to submit your resource, it's also time to abide to the rules. I was pissed off too, several years ago, when the JESP standard was made and was considered a must, for I didn't want to abide to it. But I did it because I had to, because it was in the rules.

This thread isn't an anti-cjass discussion, it's a discussion about your system which uses cjass, which is against the rules, and that's the problem.
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    Happy Thursday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Added new Crab Bisque Soup recipe - which is badass by the way - Crab Bisque -
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I feel like we need to all meet up somewhere sometime. Maybe like in Vegas :)
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Would love to go to Vegas I have never been and it would be an adventure! Who is in?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    at least the full on bot attack has stopped it was getting ridiculous there for a while and we use cloudflare and everything
  • jonas jonas:
    I'm sure my wife would not be happy if I went to Vegas, but don't let that stop you guys - would be hard for me to attend anyways
  • jonas jonas:
    Do you know why the bot attack stopped?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    maybe they finally got everything lol
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's lots of good food in Vegas.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Everything tends to be pretty expensive though so bring your wallet.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have to wait longer if I am going for food because my teeth are still messed up from the work and I still cannot eat right. Going to be a couple more months before that gets better
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would immediately hitting the dispensary though :)
  • Varine Varine:
    My Xbox account got hijacked, and apparently I have a different one from like 10 years ago that Microsoft keeps telling me is the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    Like NO, I mean for some reason that one is attached to my email, but it's not the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    I have a different one, and that one has my credit card attached to it and I would like that credit card to not be attached to it if I can't get it back
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway Microsoft is not very helpful with this, they just keep telling me to fill out the Account Recovery form, but that just redirects me to the other account
  • The Helper The Helper:
    They should not allow you to put a credit card on a account that does not have human customer service you can call
  • Varine Varine:
    That's the only thing that got hijacked at least. I don't totally know how these integrate together, but it seems like I should be able to do this via the gamertag. Like my email is still mine, but they changed the email to that account I'm guessing.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    I went to Vegas a few weeks ago to visit my mom. I had never been either, lol! But I'm working in Salt Lake City at the moment so it's not a far trip.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have never been to Vegas and it is on the bucket list so...
  • tom_mai78101 tom_mai78101:
    Recently getting addicted to Shapez.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    I've heard Shapez 2 is good.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Also Satisfactory 1.0 released on the 10th and that has been excellent as well.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Saturday! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

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