System Multiboard (Wrapper)


Aerospace/Cybersecurity Software Engineer
Reaction score
Created By: Darthfett


What is Multiboard?

The Multiboard wrapper system is simply an easier way to work with Multiboards. It keeps track of all the multiboarditems and provides a few useful functions, as well as all of the original multiboard functions (many will inline, or cost little more than a function call and a few comparisons).

Why Use Multiboard?

To understand why you might use Multiboard, you should first look at the problems with native multiboard use:

  • Forced to use multiboarditems
  • Ugly, sometimes inefficient BJ functions
  • multiboarditems leak if they are not released.

This is what the vJASS Multiboard gives to you:

  • Removes the need to work with multiboarditems individually.
  • Has an improved algorithm when modifying multiple rows or columns.
  • Will automatically recycle multiboarditems and remove them when no longer needed
  • Simplistic O.O. syntax.

How do I Use Multiboard?

Using the Multiboard wrapper is relatively simple. Methods are named according to what they replace. For example, to create a multiboard, simply do this:

local Multiboard mb = Multiboard.create(COLUMN_COUNT,ROW_COUNT)

Or, to set an item (or items) value, simply use the setItemValue method. See the following tips when working with the "setItem___" methods:

  • Columns always come before Rows
  • Columns and Rows start at 0
  • Use -1 to refer to all columns or rows

All functions which are not documented are equivalent to the function they call inside. They will also inline.

functions that modify a multiboarditem, such as setItemValue, replace the singular MultiboardSetItemValue, the MultiboardSetItemsValue, as well as the MultiboardSetItemValueBJ function.

Function list:

    static method create takes integer columnCount, integer rowCount returns Multiboard
    //Creates a new Multiboard and sets up the columns and rows.
    method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
    //Cleans up the Multiboard and related items
    method clear takes nothing returns nothing
    //Clears the multiboard
    method display takes boolean flag returns nothing
    //Displays the multiboard to all players
    method displayToPlayer takes player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing
    //Displays the multiboard to a specified player.
    method minimize takes boolean flag returns nothing
    //Minimizes the multiboard for all players
    method minimizeForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing
    //Minimizes the multiboard for a specified player
    static method suppress takes boolean flag returns nothing
    //Suppresses all multiboards for all players
    static method suppressForPlayer takes player p, boolean flag returns nothing
    //Suppresses all multiboards for a specified player

    method setColumnCount takes integer count returns nothing
    //Changes the specified amount of columns.  Does not need to be run on Multiboard Init.
    //If the amount is less than the previous amount, it will clean up leaks
    method getColumnCount takes nothing returns integer
    //Number of columns in the multiboard
    method setRowCount takes integer count returns nothing
    //Changes the specified amount of rows.  Does not need to be run on Multiboard Init.
    //If the amount is less than the previous amount, it will clean up leaks
    method getRowCount takes nothing returns integer
    //Number of rows in the multiboard

    method setTitleText takes string label returns nothing
    //Sets the title's text
    method setTitleTextColor takes integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
    //Sets the title's text color
    method setItemValue takes integer column, integer row, string val returns nothing
    //sets the specified item's value.  If -1 is used for column or row, it will set all of them.
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.

    method setItemColor takes integer column, integer row, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
    //sets the specified item's color.  If -1 is used for column or row, it will set all of them.
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
    method setItemWidth takes integer column, integer row, real width returns nothing
    //sets the specified item's width.  If -1 is used for column or row, it will set all of them.
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
    method setItemIcon takes integer column, integer row, string iconFileName returns nothing
    //sets the specified item's icon.  If -1 is used for column or row, it will set all of them.
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
    method setItemStyle takes integer column, integer row, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon returns nothing
    //sets the specified item's style.  If -1 is used for column or row, it will set all of them.
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
    method isDisplayed takes nothing returns boolean
    //returns whether the multiboard is being displayed 
    //Beware when using this with displayToPlayer, it can cause desyncs.
    method isMinimized takes nothing returns boolean
    //returns whether "this" is minimized
    //Beware when using this with minimizeForPlayer, it can cause desyncs.

Now for the System:

library Multiboard

    private constant integer MAX_COLUMN_COUNT = 16
    private constant integer MAX_ROW_COUNT    = 16


    private constant integer MAX_COUNT = MAX_COLUMN_COUNT * MAX_ROW_COUNT //Don't Touch

struct Multiboard
    private multiboard which

    private multiboarditem array MBIZ[MAX_COUNT] //MultiBoardItemZ (Z stands for Array)
    private integer columnCount
    private integer rowCount
    static method create takes integer columnCount, integer rowCount returns Multiboard
    //Creates a new Multiboard and sets up the columns and rows.
        local Multiboard this = Multiboard.allocate()
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 0
        set .which = CreateMultiboard()
        set .columnCount = columnCount
        set .rowCount = rowCount
        call MultiboardSetColumnCount(.which,columnCount)
        call MultiboardSetRowCount(.which,rowCount)
            exitwhen i > .columnCount
                exitwhen j > .rowCount
                set .MBIZ[i * MAX_ROW_COUNT + j] = MultiboardGetItem(.which,j,i)
                set j = j + 1
            set j = 0
            set i = i + 1
        return this
    private method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
    //Cleans up the Multiboard and related items
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j
            exitwhen i > .columnCount
            set j = 0
                exitwhen j > .rowCount
                call MultiboardReleaseItem(.MBIZ[i * MAX_ROW_COUNT + j])
                set j = j + 1
            set i = i + 1
        call MultiboardClear(.which)
        call DestroyMultiboard(.which)
    method clear takes nothing returns nothing
        call MultiboardClear(.which)
    method display takes boolean flag returns nothing
        call MultiboardDisplay(.which,flag)
    method displayToPlayer takes player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing
    //Displays the multiboard to a specified player.
        call MultiboardDisplay(.which,(GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) and flag)
    method minimize takes boolean flag returns nothing
        call MultiboardMinimize(.which,flag)
    method minimizeForPlayer takes player whichPlayer, boolean flag returns nothing
    //Minimizes the multiboard for a specified player.
        call MultiboardMinimize(.which,(GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) and flag)
    static method suppress takes boolean flag returns nothing
        call MultiboardSuppressDisplay(flag)
    static method suppressForPlayer takes player p, boolean flag returns nothing
    //Suppresses all multiboards for a specified player
        call MultiboardSuppressDisplay((GetLocalPlayer() == p) and flag)

    method setColumnCount takes integer count returns nothing
    //Changes the specified amount of columns.  Does not need to be run on Multiboard Init.
    //If the amount is less than the previous amount, it will clean up leaks
        local integer i
        local integer j = 0
        if count > MAX_COLUMN_COUNT then
            set count = MAX_COLUMN_COUNT
        call MultiboardSetColumnCount(.which,count)
        if count < .columnCount then
                exitwhen j > .rowCount
                set i = count
                    exitwhen i > .columnCount
                    call MultiboardReleaseItem(.MBIZ[i * MAX_ROW_COUNT + j])
                    set i = i + 1
                set j = j + 1
        set .columnCount = count
    method getColumnCount takes nothing returns integer
        return .columnCount
    method setRowCount takes integer count returns nothing
    //Changes the specified amount of rows.  Does not need to be run on Multiboard Init.
    //If the amount is less than the previous amount, it will clean up leaks
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j
        if count > MAX_ROW_COUNT then
            set count = MAX_ROW_COUNT
        call MultiboardSetRowCount(.which,count)
        if count < .rowCount then
                exitwhen i > .columnCount
                set j = count
                    exitwhen j > .rowCount
                    call MultiboardReleaseItem(.MBIZ[i * MAX_ROW_COUNT + j])
                    set j = j + 1
                set i = i + 1
        set .rowCount = count
    method getRowCount takes nothing returns integer
        return .rowCount

    method setTitleText takes string label returns nothing
        call MultiboardSetTitleText(.which,label)
    method setTitleTextColor takes integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
        call MultiboardSetTitleTextColor(.which,red,green,blue,alpha)
    method setItemValue takes integer column, integer row, string val returns nothing
    //Works similar to the MultiboardSetItem* functions.
    //However, a value of 0 refers to the first column/row, -1 refers to all columns/rows
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
        local integer curCol = 0
        local integer curRow = 0
        if column > .columnCount or row > .rowCount then
        if column == -1 or row == -1 then
            if column == -1 and row == -1 then
                call MultiboardSetItemsValue(.which,val)
            elseif column == -1 then
                    exitwhen curCol > .columnCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemValue(.MBIZ[curCol * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],val)
                    set curCol = curCol + 1
                    exitwhen curRow > .rowCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemValue(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + curRow],val)
                    set curRow = curRow + 1
        call MultiboardSetItemValue(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],val)

    method setItemColor takes integer column, integer row, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
    //Works similar to the MultiboardSetItem* functions.
    //However, a value of 0 refers to the first column/row, -1 refers to all columns/rows
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
        local integer curCol = 0
        local integer curRow = 0
        if column > .columnCount or row > .rowCount then
        if column == -1 or row == -1 then
            if column == -1 and row == -1 then
                call MultiboardSetItemsValueColor(.which,red,green,blue,alpha)
            elseif column == -1 then
                    exitwhen curCol > .columnCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemValueColor(.MBIZ[curCol * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],red,green,blue,alpha)
                    set curCol = curCol + 1
                    exitwhen curRow > .rowCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemValueColor(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + curRow],red,green,blue,alpha)
                    set curRow = curRow + 1
        call MultiboardSetItemValueColor(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],red,green,blue,alpha)
    method setItemWidth takes integer column, integer row, real width returns nothing
    //Works similar to the MultiboardSetItem* functions.
    //However, a value of 0 refers to the first column/row, -1 refers to all columns/rows
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
        local integer curCol = 0
        local integer curRow = 0
        if column > .columnCount or row > .rowCount then
        if column == -1 or row == -1 then
            if column == -1 and row == -1 then
                call MultiboardSetItemsWidth(.which,width)
            elseif column == -1 then
                    exitwhen curCol > .columnCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemWidth(.MBIZ[curCol * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],width)
                    set curCol = curCol + 1
                    exitwhen curRow > .rowCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemWidth(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + curRow],width)
                    set curRow = curRow + 1
        call MultiboardSetItemWidth(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],width)
    method setItemIcon takes integer column, integer row, string iconFileName returns nothing
    //Works similar to the MultiboardSetItem* functions.
    //However, a value of 0 refers to the first column/row, -1 refers to all columns/rows
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
        local integer curCol = 0
        local integer curRow = 0
        if column > .columnCount or row > .rowCount then
        if column == -1 or row == -1 then
            if column == -1 and row == -1 then
                call MultiboardSetItemsIcon(.which,iconFileName)
            elseif column == -1 then
                    exitwhen curCol > .columnCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemIcon(.MBIZ[curCol * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],iconFileName)
                    set curCol = curCol + 1
                    exitwhen curRow > .rowCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemIcon(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + curRow],iconFileName)
                    set curRow = curRow + 1
        call MultiboardSetItemIcon(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],iconFileName)
    method setItemStyle takes integer column, integer row, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon returns nothing
    //Works similar to the MultiboardSetItem* functions.
    //However, a value of 0 refers to the first column/row, -1 refers to all columns/rows
    //Using a Column or Row higher than the current max will result in the function not doing anything.
        local integer curCol = 0
        local integer curRow = 0
        if column > .columnCount or row > .rowCount then
        if column == -1 or row == -1 then
            if column == -1 and row == -1 then
                call MultiboardSetItemsStyle(.which,showValue,showIcon)
            elseif column == -1 then
                    exitwhen curCol > .columnCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(.MBIZ[curCol * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],showValue,showIcon)
                    set curCol = curCol + 1
                    exitwhen curRow > .rowCount
                    call MultiboardSetItemStyle(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + curRow],showValue,showIcon)
                    set curRow = curRow + 1
        call MultiboardSetItemStyle(.MBIZ[column * MAX_ROW_COUNT + row],showValue,showIcon)
    method isDisplayed takes nothing returns boolean
        return IsMultiboardDisplayed(.which)
    method isMinimized takes nothing returns boolean
        return IsMultiboardMinimized(.which)


Comments and Reviews are always appreciated! Happy Mapping.
Nicely done, very clean and quite useful for newer users to Multiboards.
Meh, and I was just going to finish mine and put it up.

But, my multiboard2 has a feature your Multiboard doesn't have. It makes it easy to make multiboards with a variable amount of columns among rows. At least, that's the illusion. ;)
It also makes it easier to make menus with button push events and that stuff but that's less important :p

Good stuff anyways.
I also happened to be making a multiboard system. :p
I guess you beat us all to it.

Don't worry about speed/inlining here; multiboards aren't meant for speed anyway.
>I also happened to be making a multiboard system.

So was I. Why must we all think alike?

I love vJassified stuff <3.
> I also happened to be making a multiboard system.
Lol, me too... I was using some old multiboard system by Magentix and thought it needed a remake but it seems Darth was the fastest (or maybe not that lazy).
Well, like the name suggests, this is not really a system but a wrapper. Which is why I suggested some features :p
I can't remember how struct deconstructors are handled but in your onDestroy method you have: call DestroyMultiboard(.which)

Clearly this is to destroy it, but nullification isn't necessary? Can someone clarify please, does the struct default ondestroy nullify all members?
I can't remember how struct deconstructors are handled but in your onDestroy method you have: call DestroyMultiboard(.which)

Clearly this is to destroy it, but nullification isn't necessary? Can someone clarify please, does the struct default ondestroy nullify all members?

You don't really need to nullify globals (struct members are globals).
I was also making a multiboard system. Bet yours can't detect when a player is wearing blue pants and change the colour of his name on the multiboard to that colour!

On a serious note, this is really useful, saves a shitload of time.
how do I call the methods that arn't static? as I can't use Multiboard.setitemstyle(etc..) for example it gives me an error that the method isn't static (sorry if it's a dumb question not alot of knowledge here with methods;))
how do I call the methods that arn't static? as I can't use Multiboard.setitemstyle(etc..) for example it gives me an error that the method isn't static (sorry if it's a dumb question not alot of knowledge here with methods;))

Non-static methods mean that you call it via one of the created structs, such as this:

local Multiboard myBoard = Multiboard.create(2,2)
call myBoard.setItemStyle(-1,-1,true,false)

This would create a 2x2 multiboard named myBoard, and then change all the items in myBoard's style to show the value, but hide the icon.
Very cool system.. Maybe a bit to complex for me yet.
And i still dont understand how to use and implent it...
Non-static methods mean that you call it via one of the created structs, such as this:


local Multiboard myBoard = Multiboard.create(2,2)
call myBoard.setItemStyle(-1,-1,true,false)

This would create a 2x2 multiboard named myBoard, and then change all the items in myBoard's style to show the value, but hide the icon.

ok thanks man;)
Edit: ok I got the above but how would I call that multiboard in another trigger? set the multiboard to a global instead of a local var?
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