Spell Omnislash v1.02


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Omnislash v1.03

A DotA-like Omnislash, made in vJASS. Given the recent increased activity in Tinkis dated Omnislash thread, I figured I would dust off this old favorite, give it an overhall, and release it to the public.

Contains two versions. The Classic Omnislash, and an OnDamage Omnislash, which uses the heroes actual attack to deal the damage, as opposed to triggering it.

Import Difficulty: Low

Units Affected:
Enemy, ground, non-structure, non-magic immune, visible

Target Type: Single unit - Enemy, ground, organic

Spell Info

Quickly move around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. You are invulnerable for the duration. Deals between 150 and 250 damage per slash.

Level 1 - Attacks 3 times.
Level 2 - Attacks 5 times.
Level 3 - Attacks 8 times.

The Classic Omnislash requires only Timer Utils to function. The OnDamage Omnislash requires Timer Utils and IDDS (which requires Table 3.0). It also makes use of an attack speed modifying item ability, which can make the hero attack much faster when attacking during the Omnislash.

scope Omnislash initializer Init

    private constant integer AbilId = 'A000'
    private constant real TimerInterval = .4
    private constant string BlinkFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl"
    private constant string CasterAttachPoint = "weapon"
    private constant string CasterFX = "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile_mini.mdl"
    private constant string SlashAnimation = "attack"
private constant function MaxSlashes takes integer lvl returns integer
    if lvl<3 then
        return 1+2*lvl
        return 8
private function SlashDamage takes integer lvl returns real
    return GetRandomReal(150.,250.) // This can be changed to a constant function if you update it to use an equation
private constant function TargetAoE takes integer lvl returns real
    return 475.
private constant function TargetBoolean takes unit caster, unit target returns boolean
    return true

//== No touching past this point ==\\
    private group G = CreateGroup()
    private group OmniGroup = CreateGroup()
    private unit Targ
    private boolexpr B
    private integer I
private struct data
    unit u
    unit targ
    player p
    effect fx
    timer t
    integer lvl
    integer count = 1
    integer max
    real aoe
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call DestroyEffect(.fx)
        call ReleaseTimer(.t)
        call SetUnitInvulnerable(.u,false)
        call SetUnitVertexColor(.u,255,255,255,255)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(OmniGroup,.u)
        call SelectUnit(.u, GetLocalPlayer()==.p)

private function Filt takes nothing returns boolean
    local data d = I
    set Targ = GetFilterUnit()    
    if TargetBoolean(d.u,Targ) and IsUnitEnemy(Targ,d.p) and GetWidgetLife(Targ)>.405 and IsUnitType(Targ,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)==false and IsUnitType(Targ,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)==false and not IsUnitHidden(Targ) then
        return true
    return false
private function DoSlash takes data d, real ang, real off returns nothing
    call SetUnitPosition(d.u,GetUnitX(d.targ)+off*Cos(ang),GetUnitY(d.targ)+off*Sin(ang))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(BlinkFX, d.u, "chest"))
    call UnitDamageTarget(d.u,d.targ,SlashDamage(d.lvl), false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
    call SetUnitAnimation(d.u,SlashAnimation)
private function Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
    set d.count = d.count + 1
    call GroupClear(G)
    set I = d
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G,GetUnitX(d.u),GetUnitY(d.u),d.aoe,B)
    set d.targ = FirstOfGroup(G)
    if d.targ!=null then
        call DoSlash(d,GetRandomReal(1., 360.)*bj_DEGTORAD,GetRandomReal(0., 85.)+100.)
    if d.count>=d.max or d.targ==null then 
        call d.destroy()
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = data.create()
    local real ang = GetRandomReal(1., 360.)*bj_DEGTORAD
    local real off = GetRandomReal(0., 85.)+100.
    set d.u = GetTriggerUnit()
    set d.targ = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    set d.p = GetOwningPlayer(d.u)
    set d.fx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(CasterFX, d.u, CasterAttachPoint)
    set d.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.u,AbilId)
    set d.max = MaxSlashes(d.lvl)
    set d.aoe = TargetAoE(d.lvl)
    set d.t = NewTimer()

    call SetUnitInvulnerable(d.u, true)
    call SetUnitVertexColor(d.u, 255, 255, 255, 100)
    if GetLocalPlayer()==d.p then
        call SelectUnit(d.u, false)
    call GroupAddUnit(OmniGroup,d.u)
    call DoSlash(d,ang,off)

    call SetTimerData(d.t,d)
    call TimerStart(d.t, TimerInterval, true, function Effects)

private function SpellConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if GetSpellAbilityId() == AbilId then
        call Actions()
    return false
private function SelectConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(),OmniGroup) and GetLocalPlayer()==GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()) then
        call SelectUnit(GetTriggerUnit(),false)
    return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t1 = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger t2 = CreateTrigger()
    local integer i = 0
        exitwhen i>bj_MAX_PLAYERS
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t1,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,null)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t2,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED,null)
        set i = i + 1
    call TriggerAddCondition(t1, Condition( function SpellConditions ))
    call TriggerAddCondition(t2, Condition( function SelectConditions ))
    set B = Condition(function Filt)
    call Preload(BlinkFX)
    call Preload(CasterFX)


scope OnDamageOmnislash initializer Init

    private constant integer AbilId = 'A000'
    private constant integer AttackSpeedId = 'A001'
    private constant real TimerInterval = 1.5
    private constant string BlinkFX = "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Blink\\BlinkCaster.mdl"
    private constant string CasterAttachPoint = "weapon"
    private constant string CasterFX = "Abilities\\Weapons\\PhoenixMissile\\Phoenix_Missile_mini.mdl"
private constant function MaxSlashes takes integer lvl returns integer
    if lvl<3 then
        return 1+2*lvl
        return 8
private constant function TargetAoE takes integer lvl returns real
    return 475.
private constant function TargetBoolean takes unit caster, unit target returns boolean
    return true

//== No touching past this point ==\\
private keyword data
    private group G = CreateGroup()
    private group OmniGroup = CreateGroup()
    private unit Targ
    private boolexpr B
    private integer I
    private data array D
private struct data
    unit u
    unit targ
    player p
    effect fx
    timer t
    integer lvl
    integer count = 1
    integer max
    real aoe
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call UnitRemoveAbility(.u,AttackSpeedId)
        call DestroyEffect(.fx)
        call ReleaseTimer(.t)
        call SetUnitInvulnerable(.u,false)
        call SetUnitVertexColor(.u,255,255,255,255)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(OmniGroup,.u)
        call SelectUnit(.u, GetLocalPlayer()==.p)

private function Filt takes nothing returns boolean
    local data d = I
    set Targ = GetFilterUnit()    
    if TargetBoolean(d.u,Targ) and IsUnitEnemy(Targ,d.p) and GetWidgetLife(Targ)>.405 and IsUnitType(Targ,UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE)==false and IsUnitType(Targ,UNIT_TYPE_MAGIC_IMMUNE)==false and not IsUnitHidden(Targ) then
        return true
    return false
private function DoSlash takes data d, real ang, real off returns nothing
    call SetUnitPosition(d.u,GetUnitX(d.targ)+off*Cos(ang),GetUnitY(d.targ)+off*Sin(ang))
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(BlinkFX, d.u, "chest"))
    call IssueTargetOrder(d.u,"attack",d.targ)
private function Effects takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
    set d.count = d.count + 1
    call GroupClear(G)
    set I = d
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G,GetUnitX(d.u),GetUnitY(d.u),d.aoe,B)
    set d.targ = FirstOfGroup(G)
    if d.targ!=null then
        call DoSlash(d,GetRandomReal(1., 360.)*bj_DEGTORAD,GetRandomReal(0., 85.)+100.)
    if d.count>=d.max or d.targ==null then 
        call d.destroy()
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = data.create()
    local real ang = GetRandomReal(1., 360.)*bj_DEGTORAD
    local real off = GetRandomReal(0., 85.)+100.
    set d.u = GetTriggerUnit()
    set d.targ = GetSpellTargetUnit()
    set d.p = GetOwningPlayer(d.u)
    set d.fx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(CasterFX, d.u, CasterAttachPoint)
    set d.lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(d.u,AbilId)
    set d.max = MaxSlashes(d.lvl)
    set d.aoe = TargetAoE(d.lvl)
    set d.t = NewTimer()

    set D[GetHandleId(d.u)-0x100000] = d
    call UnitAddAbility(d.u,AttackSpeedId)
    call SetUnitInvulnerable(d.u, true)
    call SetUnitVertexColor(d.u, 255, 255, 255, 100)
    if GetLocalPlayer()==d.p then
        call SelectUnit(d.u, false)
    call GroupAddUnit(OmniGroup,d.u)
    call DoSlash(d,ang,off)

    call SetTimerData(d.t,d)
    call TimerStart(d.t, TimerInterval, false, function Effects)

private function DamageDone takes nothing returns nothing
    local data d = D[GetHandleId(GetTriggerDamageSource())-0x100000]
    call PauseTimer(d.t)
    call TimerStart(d.t,0.,false,function Effects)

private function SpellConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if GetSpellAbilityId() == AbilId then
        call Actions()
    return false
private function SelectConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(),OmniGroup) and GetLocalPlayer()==GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()) then
        call SelectUnit(GetTriggerUnit(),false)
    return false
private function DamageConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerDamageSource(),OmniGroup) then
        call DamageDone()
    return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t1 = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger t2 = CreateTrigger()
    local trigger t3 = CreateTrigger()
    local integer i = 0
        exitwhen i>bj_MAX_PLAYERS
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t1,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT,null)
        call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t2,Player(i),EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED,null)
        set i = i + 1
    call TriggerRegisterDamageEvent(t3,1)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t1, Condition( function SpellConditions ))
    call TriggerAddCondition(t2, Condition( function SelectConditions ))
    call TriggerAddCondition(t3, Condition( function DamageConditions ))
    set B = Condition(function Filt)
    call Preload(BlinkFX)
    call Preload(CasterFX)


  • Ported to patch 1.24+
  • Minor code updates
  • Changed configurable functions to constants where applicable


  • omni.jpg
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  • Omnislash v1.03.w3x
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Lerning how to write and read!! Yeah.
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Nice i like:D does the ondamage omnislash also take damage bonus as well:confused:


Change can be a good thing
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the hero attacks its targets - any and all bonuses are carried over along with the attack


No Marlo no game.
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That onDamage omnislash looks pretty neat.

Just one thing:

set d.targ = FirstOfGroup(G)

I think you should use somekind of get random unit from group function, because FirstOfGroup is not really so random, if I remember correctly.

( There was some thread in wc3c about this, if my memory serves me right. Grouping order is affected by units handle id or something and preplaced units tend to get picked before other and stuff like that )

It would kinda suck, if your hero gets slashed more than some other guys hero, because of some silly stuff like that.


Change can be a good thing
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I think the results were inconclusive - unless you can link to something I haven't read

I clearly stated why I released this - read the damn thread topic post


Super Moderator
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Good Idea™
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private function TargetBoolean takes unit caster, unit target returns boolean

I think this one needs a more descriptive name. I don't know what it does.

Also, all the config functions should be constant functions. Constant functions are functions which don't change anything - they state of the game before calling it is the same as the state after. :)

Haven't actually seen the spell, but I do remember where the Omnislash spells are in case I ever want to see what makes them tick. So thanks. Looks good. :)


Change can be a good thing
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I dont think they can be

return 50. can be constant
return lvl*50/3. can't, I think, maybe it can


Change can be a good thing
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added links to required systems

also changed configurable functions to constants where applicable


Change can be a good thing
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BUMP, if no objections, I will approve it


Super Moderator
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        if GetLocalPlayer()==.p then
            call SelectUnit(.u, true)

Could be:
            call SelectUnit(.u, GetLocalPlayer()==.p)

In 'Filt', how about using a global, temporary variable instead of a local? That simple filter function looks horrible because of the nulling. :p

private function SelectConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(),OmniGroup) then
        if GetLocalPlayer()==GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()) then
            call SelectUnit(GetTriggerUnit(),false)
    return false

Could be:
private function SelectConditions takes nothing returns boolean
    if IsUnitInGroup(GetTriggerUnit(),OmniGroup) and GetLocalPlayer()==GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()) then
        call SelectUnit(GetTriggerUnit(),false)
    return false

I don't think inlining the 'if' would work well here. It'd be long, and it'd select the unit if the conditions aren't matched.


Change can be a good thing
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updated and approved


Change can be a good thing
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its been reviewed twice, and Romeks latest was menial, i made the requested changes and approved, whats the problem with removing some of the burden from other mods?


New Member
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I can't play the demo-map. Testing it just sends me to the menu screen. Is the problem with TimeUtils? I read that there's a new table (3.0), and I'm wondering if swapping out the old one with the new one will help solve the problem. :) I'm hoping it's that simple.


No Marlo no game.
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Yep. Updating Table and TimerUtils should do the job.

The spell code itself should work in new patch, Its just these data storage utilies that have to be updated.


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Naturally, if the author is to fix these spells, they will most probably be approved once again!
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
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