Pattern Help


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Hi Every1,

Can't work out this pattern. I can see it but not formulate it. Please help

Values are set per level per spell level ie 4/4/3/3/2 means at this level, 4 x Level 1 spells, 4x Level 2 spells, 3x level 3 spells etc
they are going to be saved into a struct but you dont need to worry about that.

Max of the value is 4
Max of 10 values per level
would be 4x Level 1 spell, 3x LvL2, 2x LvL3, 1x LvL4 and " - " would be 0 / null

Here are the values:

What I want to do is put the formula into a function that takes hero level and set the values to the correct ones for that level.

It would be amazing if you guys could help me out here!


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Hmm, I think I may understand, but some clarification would be needed. Can you explain in terms of sequences? Here;

Let 'n' be the term number, and 'x' be the term

Ie. In sequence 6/7/4/8/4/9/4

Where n=1, x=6
Where n=3, x=4

So, are you looking for a way to find x of a sequence by relating it to n, or have I totally misunderstood?


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Ok let me try clarify, I might be getting confused now as well.

Hero Level = 5
Sequence 5 = 4/3/2/1/-/-/-/-/-/-

n = 0, x = 4
n = 1, x = 3
n = 2, x = 2
n = 3, x = 1
n = 4, x = 0
n = 5, x = 0
n = 6, x = 0
n = 7, x = 0
n = 8, x = 0
n = 9, x = 0

set array[n] = x


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Ah, I see.

Hmm, I can't instantly spot an easy pattern for all levels. However if you don't mind using a fairly long trigger there are patterns within groups of levels. If that makes sense :p I'm at work now but I'll try to figure it out when I finish :)


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The whole point is to avoid a long trigger, but nothing can be longer than the old way I did this, 2200 line GUI trigger :O not ever again, even WE lagged lol

If you ignore the 4 as a max, perhaps that will help. I can always put a condition in that checks if value is above 4 and sets it to 4.

And I got to do similar ones as well so like 8 of these in total so even if you get close maybe that will help!


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I just realised you designed this on a vertical pattern. Helps a lot XD

Also, your first column doesn't follow the same pattern as the rest, is this intentional? Because if so it's annoying :p


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Well, it would follow the same pattern if you imagine that there are lower levels than 1.
But if you exclude the first sequence will that make it easier?


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Yes, because it looks as though you've skipped acolumn between the first and second, since each successive column begins the pattern 2 steps later, whereas the second column is 4 steps behind the first. I have a method but I'm trying to convert the bastard into a trigger :/


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I think I've got quite close as well now. Please share so we can crack this :D

What I have so far is:
For Level 2:
    set j = j + 1
    set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
    exitwhen j == i/2

For Even Levels :

    set j = j + 1
    if i == (j*2)+2 then
        set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
    elseif i == (j*2) then
        set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
    exitwhen j == i/2

For Odd Levels:
    set j = j + 1
    if UD<u>.castsMax[j] = 0 then
        set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
        set k = j - 3
        set UD<u>.castsMax[k] = UD<u>.castsMax[k] + 1
        exitwhen k &gt;= 0
    exitwhen i == (j*2)-1

if i == 19 then
    set UD<u>.castsMax[7] = 4
    set UD<u>.castsMax[9] = 3

if i == 20 then
        set j = j + 1
        set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = 4
        exitwhen j == 9

"j" is integer initialized at -1
"i" is integer == Hero Level
"k" is just another integer
castsMax is the array being set

and I would set Level 1 value in the spawn trigger


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Right; so far, I can see;
Each even row follows the pattern 4/3/3/2/0
Odd rows follow 4/3/2/1/0

You could create 2 arrays, PatternOdd 3/2/1 and PatternEven 3/3/2

Use an alternator to detect which pattern each level should show, ie.

Set Alt=1
Do Bla Bla Bla
Set Alt=0
Do other Bla Bla Bla

This would tell the trigger which pattern to set for that level.

The issue I'm running into is telling the game which value to begin with. For example, if we considered ignoring the first column, the trigger would look like this;

Whatever (hero gains a level?)

Whatever else

Set Alt=1
Set LevelArray[1]=Take PatternOdd[Cap-Hero Level]
Set Alt=0
Set LevelArray[1]=Take PatternEven[Cap-Hero Level]
Set Cap=(Cap+1)

Cap is an integer variable, start value 4.
LevelArray is the array we're setting as our end result (since I guess you're asking for these values to be saved into an array)
This is, as I understand it, setting the first value of an array to the appropriate part of the correct pattern. However I should mention I have no computer, so no WE to test anything on, and I've never worked with arrays at all before, so you may need to make this more trigger-y.

The next issue is trying to tell the game to set each following value of LevelArray as the next value of the appropriate pattern, which could be done easily manuay, but it would take work, and be impractical for longer patterns. Also, probably easier, you want to tell it to set all values in LevelArray before and after certain values to all take values 0 or 4.

With this part done, we should have;

Level 1: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 2: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 3: 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Level 4: 3 2 0 0 0 0 0
Level 5: 3 2 1 0 0 0 0
Level 6: 3 3 2 0 0 0 0

I think I've understood so far what you want, though I may have completely missed something. Hope this helps, I'll keep thinking about it, but I'm running into problems with my knowledge of arrays and triggering their values. If you want a longer explanation of the purely mathematical aspect as I understand it I can do it if you think it would help, but I'm typing on my phone, so I'll leave it unless you definitely think it would be useful. Besides, you presumably grasp that aspects anway. Let menknow if this helps, or if I'm completely misunderstanding :)


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lol, u still on your phone! Fingers of Steel grr :)

Ye you understand what needs to be done.

I haven't tested my method in the above post yet but if you saw it, you would see how I've tried to accomplish the problems that arose for you.

I'm going to try mix the knowledge from you with my stuff and see what comes out.

Thanks for the effort :D


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Haha, yeh, computer should be comic back from repairs soon I hope :/

Looking at what you have there, it seems you're trying to find a solution specifically to this problem, whereas I'm trying to find a general rule. Obviously if this is the only system you need like this, then either method works fine, but a general rule would be more useful if you plan to have multiple instances of this kind of thing, with different variations.

My other suggestion was to set a variable as an array (Pattern) with values ...0/0/0/0/0/1/2/2/3/3/3/4/4/4/4... And create another array to give you the end result. Then tell the result to take values from Pattern following;

(X-(Y*Hero level))+2Z

Where X and Y would be related to each other, and decided by the number of values in Pattern, and Z would represent LevelArray[Z]

However I haven't been able to test this fully. It does seem easier, I'll test it mathematically when I have some time.


Well-Known Member
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Ye I was aiming at this problem specifically. My reasoning was that if I get one to work right then the others just need some value adjusters and they should work as well.

What you're referring to by saving a pattern, I think if that route was to be taken, a hashtable would be the right way to go.
ie. Reference X vs Reference Y is Value Z


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No, X and Y would be decided by how long the pattern was, since they determine what starting point to use for the result.

Z would be an actual variable, representing the array number, and isn't related to X or Y at all. It would just tell the game which slot of an array to read/set.

That said I've never used hashtables, so I may be misunderstanding their use in this situation :)

Here's an applied use of that formula (slightly edited):

Just walking somewhere currently, so I'll pull this off the top of my head;

Create 2 integer arrays with 3 slots called Odd (3/2/1) and Even (3/3/2).
Create a 3rd integer array with 10 slots called LevelArray.
Alt is an integer variable, initial value 0
Z is an integer variable, initial value 0
w is an integer variable, initial value 4

Then trigger:

A hero gains a level


_Set Alt=1
_For every integer between 1 and 10 loop actions;
___(W-(Level of hero)+Z)>0
____(W-(Level of hero)+Z)<4
____Set LevelArray[Z+1]=Odd[W-(level of hero)+Z]
____Set LevelArray[Z+1]=0
___Set LevelArray[Z+1]=4
_Set Z=(Z+1)
_Set Alt=0
_Set W=(W+1)
_For every integer between 1 and 10 loop actions;
__(W-(Level of hero)+Z)>0
___(W-(Level of hero)+Z)<4
___Set LevelArray[Z+1]=Even[W-(level of hero)+Z]
___Set LevelArray[Z+1]=0
__Set LevelArray[Z+1]=4
_Set Z=(Z+1)
Set Z=0

This should work completely. The nice thing is by tweaking 3 numbers you can use this for any pattern with an infinite length and number of levels. Note that if you want to have this system running for more than one hero you'll need a different LevelArray variable for each hero, and a different alternator, and probably the same trigger for each referring to different variables. But it's a HELL of a lot better than 2200 lines of GUI, and can be used for any similar situation :)

The result of using this trigger should be;

Level 1: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 2: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 3: 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 4: 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 5: 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Level 6: 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

If you need the pattern to start somewhere other than 1/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 then you'll need to tweak a few values, if you specify exactly how you want it in this instance I can show you, otherwise this should do fine :)

Good luck, and I hope this solves it for you :)

I can haz cake nao? :]

EDIT: Small fix


Well-Known Member
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Will have to try this out! I implemented my one and made it customizable for 2 of the patterns but it seems my idea needs a more solid base. I'm going to test this new idea out.

Thx bro


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I think in this situation simple is best :) hope it works, if not shout. I had to write freehand, so sorry if it's not very clear what's what. I can clarify if needed.

Also, you'll need to add conditions obviously, depending on the map, ie. Checking what hero, etc. But I'd guess you're smart enough to figure that out ;)

Good luck :)

Did it work?????? I want to know!! XD


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I don't know if you solved this already but I realised I forgot to actually save the changes I made yesterday ><

Introduction of variable W to ensure the correct value is taken.

If you already fixed/realised this, then my bad, but I thought I ought to put it up here anyway. Apso...
Lemme know how this works if you use it :]


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Ok well to give you an update,

I took your methods, chopped them up and used the reasoning with my trigger and so far this works for 4 of the 7 patterns. The last 3 are completely different from these 4 so next step is to work on them.
Here in the trigger, sorry but its in jass but you should be able to follow it:
        function WizSorSpellTable takes unit u returns nothing
//     ------------------
//      Constants
        local integer i = GetHeroLevel(u)
        local integer j = -1
        local integer k
        local boolean even = false
//     ------------------
//      Changables    
        local integer min
        local integer max
        local integer a1
        local integer a2
        local integer b1
        local integer b2
        local integer c
        local integer d1
        local integer d2
        local integer skip
        local integer pattern
        local boolean run
//     ------------------
        if UD<u>.cla == &quot;Wizard&quot; then
//     ------------------
            if i == 19 then
                set UD<u>.castsMax[7] = 4
                set UD<u>.castsMax[9] = 3
//     ------------------
            set max     = 4
            set min     = 1
            set a1      = 2
            set a2      = 2
            set b1      = 2
            set b2      = 0
            set c       = -3
            set d1      = 2
            set d2      = -1
            set run     = true
            set skip    = 5
            set pattern = 3
//     ------------------            
        elseif UD<u>.cla == &quot;Sorcerer&quot; then
//     ------------------
            if i == 19 then
                set UD<u>.castsMax[8] = 6
                set UD<u>.castsMax[9] = 4
//     ------------------
            set max     = 6
            set min     = 3
            set a1      = 3
            set a2      = 1
            set b1      = 2
            set b2      = 1
            set c       = -1
            set d1      = 2
            set d2      = 0
            set run     = false
            set skip    = 4
            set pattern = 4
//     ------------------
       elseif UD<u>.cla == &quot;Druid&quot; or UD<u>.cla == &quot;Cleric&quot; then
//     ------------------
            if i == 7 then
                set UD<u>.castsMax[0] = 6
            if i == 19 then
                set UD<u>.castsMax[5] = 5
                set UD<u>.castsMax[7] = 4
                set UD<u>.castsMax[9] = 3
            if i == 20 then
                set UD<u>.castsMax[8] = 4
                set UD<u>.castsMax[9] = 4
//     ------------------
            set run     = false//New Levels on Odd
            set pattern = 3//Starts from Level 3
            set max     = 6
            set min     = 1
            set a1      = 2
            set a2      = 2
            set b1      = 2
            set b2      = 0
            set c       = -3
            set d1      = 2
            set d2      = -1
            set skip    = 3
//     ------------------          
//     ------------------ 
        if i &lt; pattern then 
            //For Levels before pattern starts:
                set j = j + 1
                if UD<u>.castsMax[j] != max and UD<u>.castsMax[j] &gt; 0 then
                    set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
                exitwhen j == 1
//     ------------------        
        if i == 20 then
                set j = j + 1
                set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = max
                exitwhen j == 9
//     ------------------ 
        //Check if level is even or odd
        set k = i/2
        set k = k * 2
        if k == i then
            set even = true
//     ------------------ 
        if even == run then
            //For Increment Levels :
                set j = j + 1
                if i == (j*a1)+a2 then
                    set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
                elseif i == (j*b1)+b2 then
                    set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = UD<u>.castsMax[j] + 1
                exitwhen i == (j*b1)+b2
            //For New Levels:
                set j = j + 1
                if UD<u>.castsMax[j] == 0 then
                    set UD<u>.castsMax[j] = min
                    if i != skip then    
                        set k = j + c
                        set UD<u>.castsMax[k] = UD<u>.castsMax[k] + 1
                        if UD<u>.cla == &quot;Druid&quot; or UD<u>.cla == &quot;Cleric&quot; then
                            if i &gt;= 11 then
                                set k = k - 2
                                set UD<u>.castsMax[k] = UD<u>.castsMax[k] + 1
                exitwhen i == (j*d1)+d2
//     ------------------ 

There's 2 parts, the setting up of variables and then the pattern function


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Hmm, what's different about the last 3? Is it still a vertical pattern (referring to the grid you used in the first post to demonstrate) 1/2/2/3/3/3/4/4/4/ etc?

I still can't test the trigger I gave you (GRRRRR!!) but it should work for all values following that pattern :s you may wish to edit the original value of W if you want to start from, say, the 3rd row, but that depends what you want to do with it. Show me the pattern for the last few rows and I'll see what emerges if you still want help :)

Good luck ^.^
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