System Screen Resolution


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Screen Resolution
By Sevion

Very efficient method of getting a player's screen resolution. Requires players to "calibrate" the screen.
V1.3.0.0 will appear with a separate module library to allow for the easier creation of dialogs (eliminates the scripters' need to multiply all values by aspect ratio).

  • What Screen Resolution does:
    Screen Resolution allows scripters to get a player's screen resolution and aspect ratio to easily display the correct sizes and x/y offests for dialogs and other on-screen objects.
  • How Screen Resolution was made:
    While making some dialogs, I got the idea that while they display correctly in my 1920 x 1080 resolution, it may not display correctly in any others. So, I tested around and was correct. With this, you just have to use the getAsPercent functions and you'll get the proper values.

  • Get a player's screen properties:
    • [ljass]lib_sr_getResX( EventPlayer() )[/ljass]
    • [ljass]lib_sr_getResY( EventPlayer() )[/ljass]
    • [ljass]lib_sr_getRatio( EventPlayer() )[/ljass]
    • [ljass]lib_sr_isCalibrated( EventPlayer() )[/ljass]
    • [ljass]lib_sr_getXAsPercent( value, EventPlayer() )[/ljass]
    • [ljass]lib_sr_getYAsPercent( value, EventPlayer() )[/ljass]
  • Calibrate a player's screen:

    • [ljass]lib_sr_calibrate( EventPlayer() )[/ljass]

// Library
// Name:   Screen Resolution
// Author: Sevion
include "TriggerLibs/NativeLib"
include "Libraries/DebugMode"

// System Globals

static bank[16] lib_sr__banks;
static bool[16] lib_sr__calibrated;
static int[16] lib_sr__resX;
static int[16] lib_sr__resY;
static fixed[16] lib_sr__ratio;
static bool[16] lib_sr__gettingResolution;
static const int lib_sr__RESOLUTION_COUNT = 97;
static int[lib_sr__RESOLUTION_COUNT][2] lib_sr__resolutions;

// System Script

int lib_sr_getResX ( int whichPlayer ) {
    if ( !lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer] ) {
        if (DEBUG_MODE)
            lib_dm_debugMsg("ERROR (Screen Resolution): Attempted to get uncalibrated Resolution Width!");
        return -1;
    return lib_sr__resX[whichPlayer];

int lib_sr_getResY ( int whichPlayer ) {
    if ( !lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer] ) {
        if (DEBUG_MODE)
            lib_dm_debugMsg("ERROR (Screen Resolution): Attempted to get uncalibrated Resolution Height!");
        return -1;
    return lib_sr__resY[whichPlayer];

fixed lib_sr_getRatio ( int whichPlayer ) {
    if ( !lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer] ) {
        if (DEBUG_MODE)
            lib_dm_debugMsg("ERROR (Screen Resolution): Attempted to get uncalibrated Resolution Ratio!");
        return -1;
    return lib_sr__ratio[whichPlayer];

int lib_sr_getXAsPercent ( int value, int whichPlayer ) {
    if ( !lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer] ) {
        if (DEBUG_MODE)
            lib_dm_debugMsg("ERROR (Screen Resolution): Attempted to get uncalibrated Resolution X Percentage!");
        return -1;
    return value / lib_sr__resX[whichPlayer];

int lib_sr_getYAsPercent ( int value, int whichPlayer ) {
    if ( !lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer] ) {
        if (DEBUG_MODE)
            lib_dm_debugMsg("ERROR (Screen Resolution): Attempted to get uncalibrated Resolution Y Percentage!");
        return -1;
    return value / lib_sr__resY[whichPlayer];

bool lib_sr_isCalibrated ( int whichPlayer ) {
    return lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer];

bool lib_sr_getResolutions (bool testConds, bool runActions) {
    int lv_x;
    int lv_y;
    int lv_p;
    int lv_i;
    int lv_temp;
    if (!runActions) {
        return true;
    lv_x = EventMouseClickedPosXUI() + 1;
    lv_y = EventMouseClickedPosYUI() + 1;
    lv_p = EventPlayer();
    lv_i = lib_sr__RESOLUTION_COUNT - 1;
    lv_temp = 0;
    while ( lv_i >= 0 ) {
        if ( lv_x == lib_sr__resolutions[lv_i][0] && lv_y == lib_sr__resolutions[lv_i][1] ) {
            lv_temp = lv_i;
            lv_i = -1;
        if ( lv_x > lib_sr__resolutions[lv_i][0] || lv_y > lib_sr__resolutions[lv_i][1] ) {
            lv_temp = lv_i;
        lv_i -= 1;
    lib_sr__resX[lv_p] = lib_sr__resolutions[lv_temp][0];
    lib_sr__resY[lv_p] = lib_sr__resolutions[lv_temp][1];
    lib_sr__ratio[lv_p] = lib_sr__resX[lv_p] / lib_sr__resY[lv_p];
    BankValueSetFromInt(lib_sr__banks[lv_p], "screenData", "resolutionX", lib_sr__resX[lv_p]);
    BankValueSetFromInt(lib_sr__banks[lv_p], "screenData", "resolutionY", lib_sr__resY[lv_p]);
    BankValueSetFromFixed(lib_sr__banks[lv_p], "screenData", "aspectratio", lib_sr__ratio[lv_p]);
    lib_sr__gettingResolution[lv_p] = false;
    return false;

void lib_sr_calibrate ( int whichPlayer ) {
    trigger lv_tempTrig;
    libNtve_gf_HideGameUI(false, PlayerGroupSingle(whichPlayer));
    lv_tempTrig = TriggerCreate("getResolutions");
    TriggerAddEventMouseClicked(lv_tempTrig, whichPlayer, c_mouseButtonLeft, true);
    UIDisplayMessage(PlayerGroupSingle(whichPlayer), c_messageAreaDirective, StringToText("Please calibrate your resolution by clicking in the bottom right corner."));
    lib_sr__gettingResolution[whichPlayer] = true;
    while ( lib_sr__gettingResolution[whichPlayer] && PlayerGroupHasPlayer(PlayerGroupActive(), whichPlayer) ) {
        Wait(0.0, c_timeGame);
    BankValueSetFromFlag(lib_sr__banks[whichPlayer], "screenData", "lib_sr__calibrated", true);
    lib_sr__calibrated[whichPlayer] = true;
    UIClearMessages(PlayerGroupSingle(whichPlayer), c_messageAreaDirective);
    libNtve_gf_HideGameUI(true, PlayerGroupSingle(whichPlayer));

// Library Initialization
static void lib_sr__InitVariables() {
    int lv_i = 15;
    while ( lv_i >= 0 ) {
        lib_sr__banks[lv_i] = BankLoad("lib_sr__screenData", lv_i);
        lib_sr__calibrated[lv_i] = BankValueGetAsFlag(lib_sr__banks[lv_i], "screenData", "lib_sr__calibrated");
        if ( lib_sr__calibrated[lv_i] ) {
            lib_sr__resX[lv_i] = BankValueGetAsInt(lib_sr__banks[lv_i], "screenData", "resolutionX");
            lib_sr__resX[lv_i] = BankValueGetAsInt(lib_sr__banks[lv_i], "screenData", "resolutionY");
            lib_sr__resX[lv_i] = BankValueGetAsInt(lib_sr__banks[lv_i], "screenData", "aspectratio");
        lib_sr__gettingResolution[lv_i] = false;
        lv_i -= 1;
    lib_sr__resolutions[0][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[0][1] = 768;
    lib_sr__resolutions[1][0] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[1][1] = 800;
    lib_sr__resolutions[2][0] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[2][1] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[3][0] = 1440;
    lib_sr__resolutions[3][1] = 900;
    lib_sr__resolutions[4][0] = 1680;
    lib_sr__resolutions[4][1] = 1050;
    lib_sr__resolutions[5][0] = 1366;
    lib_sr__resolutions[5][1] = 768;
    lib_sr__resolutions[6][0] = 800;
    lib_sr__resolutions[6][1] = 600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[7][0] = 1152;
    lib_sr__resolutions[7][1] = 864;
    lib_sr__resolutions[8][0] = 1920;
    lib_sr__resolutions[8][1] = 1080;
    lib_sr__resolutions[9][0] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[9][1] = 768;
    lib_sr__resolutions[10][0] = 1600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[10][1] = 900;
    lib_sr__resolutions[11][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[11][1] = 600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[12][0] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[12][1] = 720;
    lib_sr__resolutions[13][0] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[13][1] = 960;
    lib_sr__resolutions[14][0] = 320;
    lib_sr__resolutions[14][1] = 396;
    lib_sr__resolutions[15][0] = 320;
    lib_sr__resolutions[15][1] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[16][0] = 1360;
    lib_sr__resolutions[16][1] = 768;
    lib_sr__resolutions[17][0] = 1600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[17][1] = 1200;
    lib_sr__resolutions[18][0] = 1400;
    lib_sr__resolutions[18][1] = 1050;
    lib_sr__resolutions[19][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[19][1] = 640;
    lib_sr__resolutions[20][0] = 1152;
    lib_sr__resolutions[20][1] = 720;
    lib_sr__resolutions[21][0] = 1093;
    lib_sr__resolutions[21][1] = 614;
    lib_sr__resolutions[22][0] = 768;
    lib_sr__resolutions[22][1] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[23][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[23][1] = 819;
    lib_sr__resolutions[24][0] = 1344;
    lib_sr__resolutions[24][1] = 840;
    lib_sr__resolutions[25][0] = 819;
    lib_sr__resolutions[25][1] = 614;
    lib_sr__resolutions[26][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[26][1] = 576;
    lib_sr__resolutions[27][0] = 2560;
    lib_sr__resolutions[27][1] = 1440;
    lib_sr__resolutions[28][0] = 1536;
    lib_sr__resolutions[28][1] = 864;
    lib_sr__resolutions[29][0] = 1311;
    lib_sr__resolutions[29][1] = 737;
    lib_sr__resolutions[30][0] = 240;
    lib_sr__resolutions[30][1] = 320;
    lib_sr__resolutions[31][0] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[31][1] = 854;
    lib_sr__resolutions[32][0] = 960;
    lib_sr__resolutions[32][1] = 600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[33][0] = 2560;
    lib_sr__resolutions[33][1] = 1600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[34][0] = 320;
    lib_sr__resolutions[34][1] = 240;
    lib_sr__resolutions[35][0] = 1536;
    lib_sr__resolutions[35][1] = 960;
    lib_sr__resolutions[36][0] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[36][1] = 360;
    lib_sr__resolutions[37][0] = 1441;
    lib_sr__resolutions[37][1] = 810;
    lib_sr__resolutions[38][0] = 640;
    lib_sr__resolutions[38][1] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[39][0] = 1080;
    lib_sr__resolutions[39][1] = 810;
    lib_sr__resolutions[40][0] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[40][1] = 320;
    lib_sr__resolutions[41][0] = 1249;
    lib_sr__resolutions[41][1] = 702;
    lib_sr__resolutions[42][0] = 1120;
    lib_sr__resolutions[42][1] = 700;
    lib_sr__resolutions[43][0] = 234;
    lib_sr__resolutions[43][1] = 282;
    lib_sr__resolutions[44][0] = 983;
    lib_sr__resolutions[44][1] = 737;
    lib_sr__resolutions[45][0] = 1067;
    lib_sr__resolutions[45][1] = 800;
    lib_sr__resolutions[46][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[46][1] = 614;
    lib_sr__resolutions[47][0] = 1192;
    lib_sr__resolutions[47][1] = 670;
    lib_sr__resolutions[48][0] = 1067;
    lib_sr__resolutions[48][1] = 600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[49][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[49][1] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[50][0] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[50][1] = 800;
    lib_sr__resolutions[51][0] = 853;
    lib_sr__resolutions[51][1] = 533;
    lib_sr__resolutions[52][0] = 1600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[52][1] = 1000;
    lib_sr__resolutions[53][0] = 1600;
    lib_sr__resolutions[53][1] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[54][0] = 911;
    lib_sr__resolutions[54][1] = 512;
    lib_sr__resolutions[55][0] = 1140;
    lib_sr__resolutions[55][1] = 641;
    lib_sr__resolutions[56][0] = 1229;
    lib_sr__resolutions[56][1] = 983;
    lib_sr__resolutions[57][0] = 1680;
    lib_sr__resolutions[57][1] = 945;
    lib_sr__resolutions[58][0] = 800;
    lib_sr__resolutions[58][1] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[59][0] = 1229;
    lib_sr__resolutions[59][1] = 768;
    lib_sr__resolutions[60][0] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[60][1] = 854;
    lib_sr__resolutions[61][0] = 1525;
    lib_sr__resolutions[61][1] = 857;
    lib_sr__resolutions[62][0] = 1382;
    lib_sr__resolutions[62][1] = 864;
    lib_sr__resolutions[63][0] = 1170;
    lib_sr__resolutions[63][1] = 936;
    lib_sr__resolutions[64][0] = 983;
    lib_sr__resolutions[64][1] = 576;
    lib_sr__resolutions[65][0] = 1143;
    lib_sr__resolutions[65][1] = 857;
    lib_sr__resolutions[66][0] = 1120;
    lib_sr__resolutions[66][1] = 840;
    lib_sr__resolutions[67][0] = 1058;
    lib_sr__resolutions[67][1] = 595;
    lib_sr__resolutions[68][0] = 2048;
    lib_sr__resolutions[68][1] = 1152;
    lib_sr__resolutions[69][0] = 853;
    lib_sr__resolutions[69][1] = 683;
    lib_sr__resolutions[70][0] = 922;
    lib_sr__resolutions[70][1] = 691;
    lib_sr__resolutions[71][0] = 240;
    lib_sr__resolutions[71][1] = 160;
    lib_sr__resolutions[72][0] = 2560;
    lib_sr__resolutions[72][1] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[73][0] = 1613;
    lib_sr__resolutions[73][1] = 1008;
    lib_sr__resolutions[74][0] = 360;
    lib_sr__resolutions[74][1] = 640;
    lib_sr__resolutions[75][0] = 936;
    lib_sr__resolutions[75][1] = 702;
    lib_sr__resolutions[76][0] = 1088;
    lib_sr__resolutions[76][1] = 614;
    lib_sr__resolutions[77][0] = 1117;
    lib_sr__resolutions[77][1] = 894;
    lib_sr__resolutions[78][0] = 360;
    lib_sr__resolutions[78][1] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[79][0] = 1350;
    lib_sr__resolutions[79][1] = 844;
    lib_sr__resolutions[80][0] = 1152;
    lib_sr__resolutions[80][1] = 870;
    lib_sr__resolutions[81][0] = 1440;
    lib_sr__resolutions[81][1] = 960;
    lib_sr__resolutions[82][0] = 683;
    lib_sr__resolutions[82][1] = 512;
    lib_sr__resolutions[83][0] = 1080;
    lib_sr__resolutions[83][1] = 633;
    lib_sr__resolutions[84][0] = 1069;
    lib_sr__resolutions[84][1] = 855;
    lib_sr__resolutions[85][0] = 1317;
    lib_sr__resolutions[85][1] = 823;
    lib_sr__resolutions[86][0] = 1365;
    lib_sr__resolutions[86][1] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[87][0] = 1350;
    lib_sr__resolutions[87][1] = 1080;
    lib_sr__resolutions[88][0] = 819;
    lib_sr__resolutions[88][1] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[89][0] = 1170;
    lib_sr__resolutions[89][1] = 731;
    lib_sr__resolutions[90][0] = 1017;
    lib_sr__resolutions[90][1] = 572;
    lib_sr__resolutions[91][0] = 1024;
    lib_sr__resolutions[91][1] = 1280;
    lib_sr__resolutions[92][0] = 1117;
    lib_sr__resolutions[92][1] = 698;
    lib_sr__resolutions[93][0] = 1519;
    lib_sr__resolutions[93][1] = 949;
    lib_sr__resolutions[94][0] = 854;
    lib_sr__resolutions[94][1] = 480;
    lib_sr__resolutions[95][0] = 1300;
    lib_sr__resolutions[95][1] = 2300;
    lib_sr__resolutions[96][0] = 1276;
    lib_sr__resolutions[96][1] = 733;

static bool lib_sr__InitLib_completed = false;

void lib_sr_InitLib() {
    if (lib_sr__InitLib_completed) {


    lib_sr__InitLib_completed = true;

Change Log said:
Initial Release said:
Fixed a minor bug on calibration boolean not saving said:
Fixed a minor bug on array initialization. said:
Added the misclick algorithm. said:
Changed function names and added Dialog module. said:
Added a bunch of resolutions. Ninety-seven in total now. All from here and listed from most common to least common. said:
Added [ljass]lib_sr_getXAsPercent ( value, EventPlayer() )[/ljass] and [ljass]lib_sr_getYAsPercent( value, EventPlayer() )[/ljass].


System maker
Reaction score
This was what I was looking for 1,5 week ago, yet calibrating isn't the perfect solution. But I guess there is no way to detect the screen resolution without calibrating? At least, nothing I tried seemed to work. Yet I didn't want to make a calibration system by myself as I highly doubted it would work out. I mean, calibrating is a solution, yet I doubt it's very efficient as a lot of people are simply too retarded to do it. In wc3 I made a game, very simple with only 1 skill (morph skill). Only 70% of the people understood what it did (change from water to land / land to water form). That can't be that hard, or is it?

Good job anyway. +rep.


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Well, calibration is really simple and efficient ( in this ) anyhow. It's a simple click. And you only have to calibrate once every time you change your resolution ( and how many times do you do that unless you're moving around the windowed mode :p )

Also, maybe sometime I'll make it GUIable.

Edit: I just saw an error in the code. I forget to save the calibrated boolean :eek:

The Undaddy

Creating with the power of rage
Reaction score
Well I haven't used dialogs so far but I don't see how this would not be useful.If I get around to creating some (because I'm addicted to triggering random stuff) I'll be sure to post something more constructive.


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Update: V1.1.0.0 has been released with the Misclick Algorithm.

DialogX has been pushed back to V1.2.0.0 (I am considering releasing as a separate library instead of a module)


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Update: V1.2.0.1 has been released with a massive increase (83 new resolutions) in resolutions and are now ordered in most commonly used.

DialogX has been pushed back to

Update: V1.2.0.2 has been released with the additions of the getAsPercent functions.


AKA: Demtrod
Reaction score
I feel slightly retarded for not knowing this.. How do I use it? First I create a custom script trigger and copy paste your code, and then what?
If I (on my 1920x1080 resolution screen) got 500x400 dialog box, then what do I do with you function to make it scale with other resolutions??


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
You have to call "lib_sr_calibrate" on a player. Once it's calibrated, you can get the resolution values with "lib_sr_getResX" and "lib_sr_getResY".


AKA: Demtrod
Reaction score
Uhm, If I wan't to check it for all players, how would that look? (I'm not expirienced with custom script)

I will have to multiply the value by a percentage (0.5 for 50%) value and scale it for a % of the screen.
BTW, I'm getting these two errors when I import the script:


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
Unfortunately I believe an update has ruined the system. :-/

And yes, DebugMode is my library linked by Siretu.
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    So what it really is me trying to implement some kind of better site navigation not change the whole theme of the site
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    How can you tell the difference between real traffic and indexing or AI generation bots?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The bots will show up as users online in the forum software but they do not show up in my stats tracking. I am sure there are bots in the stats but the way alot of the bots treat the site do not show up on the stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New dessert added to recipes Southern Pecan Praline Cake
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  • Varine Varine:
    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
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    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    People love rep, lol
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The recipe today is Sloppy Joe Casserole - one of my faves LOL

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