- Reaction score
- 1,735
All good things must come to an end. Before that end though, let us set up something timeless.
That is my saying from my Ryoko experience - The Captain full force.
WET (World Editor Tutorials) was my and Ryokos creation and we just put it out there full force. Actually it was all of Ryoko's Tutorials and my Search Engine Knowledge at the time that just set it off. It went Viral.
Ryoko and 56Ks maps just from being in the Blizzard's Official Site was huge! Check the top downloads link on the WET Map Submission Site!
http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHNV_enUS387US387&gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=world editor help
http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHNV_enUS387US387&gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=silkroad forums
This is one of those Site Splits mentioned previously in the History. Ryoko was destined to get tied up in a MMORPG game. Originally that game was Silkroad Online then turned into a straight up WoW addiction. We still host his WoW clan site which as you might guess is very active - LOL!
So Ryoko is getting bored with WC3 as it happens and he picks up on this new MMORPG called Silkroad Online. He gets hooked on it and decides he wants a site for it. He stated his intention and I said no problem my friend I will host it for you. He decided on a free forum, not VBulletin but he stayed hosting on our servers and Silkroad Online Forums was born.
To be continued....