Tutorial Simple Triggered Hero Artificial Intelligence in GUI


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This is my first Tutorial that I submitted so don't complain about my "Unadvanced" Guide. (PS: Possible that RoC does not have this triggers in existence)
If you cannot understand some descriptions in the tutorial because of grammar/spelling/any other things, then ask some people that can understand and can translate it into a more "Good English" way.
PS: Notice that this is just simple AI, (No Item System, Quite Stupid, Ranks [Insane, Normal, Easy] aren't applied, and some more features aren't added)

 I. Some things to know about
   1. Uses of AI Triggers
   2. Difference of Triggered and AI Editor Scripts
 II. The Hero Triggers
   1. Creating the Hero
   2. Learning and Using of Abilities
   3. Attacking, Chasing and Retreating
   4. Item System

I. Some Things to Know About

1. Uses of AI Triggering

AI triggering is for advanced Artificial Intelligence to those maps which the AI Editor cannot be applied. Common genres that uses Triggered AI are AoS, Hero Arena, Hero Defense, RPG (Role Playing Game), etc. Other things that aren't included (Tags, TDs (Tower Defense), TWs (TowerWars), Maul, CD's (Castle Defense) but aren't purposed for Triggered AI is because that these kind of games is too long and these kind of genres cannot be practiced even with AI Players.

2. Difference of Triggered and AI Editor Scripts

Triggered AI shows more advanced mechanics on the Heroes and its the map makers choice on what he wants to do with the Artificial Intelligence. As of AI Scripts, it's mechanics is equal to every unit than just caring for the Hero. AI Scripts are most used in Melee and Campaign maps.

II. The Hero Triggers

1. Creating the Hero

First, we have to create the Hero for the AI, depending on the style of how to get the hero. Some styles are using a building to upgrade it to a hero, taverns and arenas. The following codes are at the bottom and you can see if it is for its style (this trigger also gives random heroes of choice)​

You can add some stuff like the ff. in the actions:
Player Group - Pick every Player in (All Players) and do Player - Make [Hero-Type] Unavailable for training/constructing for (Picked Player)
Game - Display to (All Players) the text: (Name of Player (#) + picked + [Name of your Hero]
Hero - Create [item] and give it to (Last Created Unit)

[I]Building Upgrade to Hero[/I]
        Time - Elapsed game time is [...] seconds
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        If (All Condition are true) then do (Actions) Else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Random integer between 1 and 2) Equal to 1
            Then - Actions
                Set AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] = ([COLOR="Red"][U]Building Of Player[#][/U][/COLOR])
                Unit - Order [[COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#]'s building[/U][/COLOR]] to train/upgrade to a [COLOR="Red"][U][desired hero][/U][/COLOR]
                [If you would like to add something here, then add it]
            Else - Actions
                Unit - Order [[COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#]'s building[/U][/COLOR]] to train/upgrade to a [[U][COLOR="Red"]desired hero[/COLOR][/U]]
                [If you would like to add something here, then add it]

[I]Hero Tavern[/I]
        Time - Elapsed game time is [...] seconds
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        If (All Condition are true) then do (Actions) Else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                (Random integer between 1 and 2) Equal to 1
            Then - Actions
                Set Point = (Random Point of (Region))
                Unit - Create 1 [[COLOR="Red"][U]Hero[/U][/COLOR]] for [Player (#)] at [Point] facing [Default Facing Degrees]
                Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)
            Else - Actions
                Set Point = (Random Point of (Region))
                Unit - Create 1 [[COLOR="Red"][U]Hero[/U][/COLOR]] for [Player (#)] at [Point] facing [Default Facing Degrees]
                Custom Script - call RemoveLocation(udg_Point)
        Set AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] = (Last Created Unit)

[I]Hero Arena[/I]
        Time - Elapsed game time is [...] seconds
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        If (All Condition are true) then do (Actions) Else do (Else Actions)
             If - Conditions
                 (Random integer between 1 and 2) Equal to 1
             Then - Actions
                 Set BlaHeroLoc = (Random Point in ([COLOR="Red"][U]Region[/U][/COLOR]))
                 Unit - Order [[COLOR="Red"][U]Hero Picker of Player (#)[/U][/COLOR]] to Move to [BlaHeroLoc]
                 Custom Script - call RemoveLocation(udg_BlaHeroLoc)
             Else - Actions
                 Set BlaHeroLoc = (Random Point in ([COLOR="Red"][U]Region[/U][/COLOR]))
                 Unit - Order [[COLOR="Red"][U]Hero Picker of Player (#)[/U][/COLOR]] to Move to [BlaHeroLoc]
                 Custom Script - call RemoveLocation(udg_BlaHeroLoc)

Setting the Variable to the Arena.. Add these Actions

    [Add your Actions Here]
    If (Owner of (Entering Unit)) Equal to (Player[#]) and (Player[#] controller) Equal to Computer then do Set AIHero[Array#] = (Last Created Unit) else do Do Nothing

2. Learning and Using of Abilities
Now, what we need is a trigger that makes the Hero Artificial Intelligence to Learn Abilities and know when to use some abilities, especially the triggered ones. The order of learning of abilities is the best ability (Most Ultimate) to the Least Best (Attribute Bonus or the weakest ability). Even though the Ultimate has a level requirement, it means the AI will try to Learn the Ultimate first than the others, meaning, at level 6 or something, instead of learning the other abilities, the Hero will learn the Ultimate.​

[I]Learn Abilities[/I]
        Unit - A unit Gains a Level
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        (Owner of (Leveling/Triggering Unit) Equal to [COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#](color)[/U][/COLOR]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Strongest Ability/Ultimate of First Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Strongest Ability/Ultimate of Second Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Moderate Strong Ability of First Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Moderate Strong Ability Second Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Moderate Weak Ability of First Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Moderate Weak Ability of Second Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Weakest Ability of First Hero[/U][/COLOR]]
        Hero - Learn skill for (Leveling/Triggering Unit): [[COLOR="Red"][U]Weakest Ability of Second Hero[/U][/COLOR]]

You can also make the Hero randomly learn abilities with the If/Then/Else Actions. Also remember that this can choose 2 random heroes so you better put all of their abilities in.

[I]Usage of Abilities[/I]
        Time - Every 1 seconds of the game
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player [#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        Set VarUnitGroup = (Units within [[COLOR="Red"][U]distance[/U][/COLOR]] of (Position of (AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]) matching (((Matching Unit) is Alive) Equal to True) and ((Matching Unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]])) Equal to True) and (((Matching Unit) is A Hero) Equal to True)
        Unit - Pick every unit in VarUnitGroup then do (Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Condition are true) then do (Actions) Else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Integer((Life of (Picked Unit)))) Less than or Equal to [desired life]
                    Then - Actions
                        Set Point = (Position of (Picked Unit))
                        Unit - Order AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] to [[COLOR="Red"][U]Ability[/U][/COLOR]] [to (Picked Unit)/Point]
                        Custom Script - call DestroyGroup(udg_VarUnitGroup)
                        Custom Script - call DestroyGroup(udg_Point)
                    Else - Actions
                        Custom Script - call DestroyGroup(udg_VarUnitGroup)
                        Custom Script - call DestroyGroup(udg_Point)

I'm not quite sure about Custom Script, because the Variable is still going to be used again, so better use the other setting of the variable.

3. Attacking, Chasing and Retreating
Lastly, we need the AI Hero to farm, have intelligence to chase heroes and also intelligence when to retreat. There are many kinds of attacking depending on genres, there is lanes, arenas, defense. (Feature on defending base on AoS and Hero Defense Genre AI will be added soon)​

[I]Attacking - Lanes Part One[/I]
        Time - Every 1 seconds of the game
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        Set RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] = (Random integer from 1 and 3)
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in [[COLOR="Red"][U]Base Region[/U][/COLOR]] and do (If (Percentage Life of (Picked Unit) Greater than or Equal to 85) and ((Owner of (Picked Unit)) Equal to ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#][/U][/COLOR])) then do (If RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] Equal to 1) then do (Unit - Order (Picked Unit) to Attack - Move to (Center of [Mid Of Lane 1]) else do (If RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] Equal to 2) then do (Unit - Order (Picked Unit) to Attack - Move to (Center of [Mid Of Lane 2]) else do (Unit - Order (Picked Unit) to Attack - Move to (Center of [Mid Of Lane 3])
        If RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] Equal to 1 then do Turn On (Charging - After Locking - Lanes[1] Part One) else do Do Nothing
        If RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] Equal to 1 then do Turn On (Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes[1] Part One)
        If RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] Equal to 3 then do Turn On (Charging - After Locking - Lanes[3] Part One) else do Do Nothing
        If RandomLane[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] Equal to 3 then do Turn On (Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes[3] Part One)

We have to create a Integer Variable Lane Randomizer because using the "Chance" style will sometimes not work. You can find out whats the use of the Turn On triggers after reading Attacking.

[I]Attacking - Lanes Part Two[/I]
        Unit - A unit enters Mid Of Lane1
        Unit - A unit enters Mid Of Lane2
        Unit - A unit enters Mid Of Lane3
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        Set EnemyBase = (Center of (Enemy Base)
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 500 of Mid Of Lane1) and do (If ((Owner of (Picked Unit)) Equal to (Player[#]))) then do (Unit - Order (Picked Unit) to Attack - Move to (EnemyBase) else do Do Nothing
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 500 of Mid Of Lane2) and do (If ((Owner of (Picked Unit)) Equal to (Player[#]))) then do (Unit - Order (Picked Unit) to Attack - Move to (EnemyBase) else do Do Nothing
        Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within 500 of Mid Of Lane3) and do (If ((Owner of (Picked Unit)) Equal to (Player[#]))) then do (Unit - Order (Picked Unit) to Attack - Move to (EnemyBase) else do Do Nothing
        Trigger - Turn On (Charging - After Locking - Lanes Part Two)
        Trigger - Turn On (Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes Part Two)
        Trigger - Turn Off (Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes[1] Part One)
        Trigger - Turn Off (Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes[3] Part One)
        Trigger - Turn Off (Charging - After Locking - Lanes[1] Part One)
        Trigger - Turn Off (Charging - After Locking - Lanes[3] Part One)
        Custom Script - call RemoveLocation(udg_EnemyBase)

An example of AoS Lane Attacking, this trigger has 3 lanes. Mid Of Lane is not a variable, it is a region. Put this region in the Middle of each lane.

[I]Attacking - Arena[/I]
        Time - Every 1 seconds of the game
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        Set RandomPointArena = (Random Point in (Arena Region))
        Unit Group - Pick Every Unit in [[COLOR="Red"][U]Fountain Spot for Player[#][/U][/COLOR]) and do (If (Percentage Life of (Picked Unit) Greater than or Equal to 85) and ((Owner of (Picked Unit) Equal to [COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#][/U][/COLOR]) then do Unit - Order AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] to Attack-Move to RandomPointArena else do Do Nothing
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_RandomPointArena)

This is the most simplest Attacking Trigger for AI in Arena. I'm not sure if there are still many.

[I]Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes[1] Part One (Initially On)[/I]
        Unit - A unit Starts the Effect of an Ability
        (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) Equal to ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR])
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        Set MidLane[1] = (Center of (Mid Lane 1))
        Unit - Order (Triggering Unit) to Attack Move to (Mid of Lane1)
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_MidLane[1])

Lane1 = West; Lane2 = Middle; Lane3 = East

[I]Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes[3] Part One (Initially On)[/I]
        Unit - A unit Starts the Effect of an Ability
        (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) Equal to ([U][COLOR="Red"]Player[#](color)[/COLOR][/U])
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color) controller[/U][/COLOR]) Equal to Computer
        Set MidLane[3] = (Center of (Mid of Lane3)
        Unit - Order (Triggering Unit) to Attack Move to (Mid of Lane3)
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_MidLane[3])

Lane1 = West; Lane2 = Middle; Lane3 = East

[I]Attacking - After Casting Spells - Lanes Part Two (Initially On)[/I]
        Unit - A unit Starts the Effect of an Ability
        (Owner of (Triggering Unit)) Equal to ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR])
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        Set EnemyBase = (Enemy Base Ragion)
        Unit - Order (Triggering Unit) to Attack Move to (EnemyBase)
        Custom Script: call RemoveRect(udg_EnemyBase)

[I]Charging - Lock Target[/I]
        Time - Every 1 seconds of the game
        (Player [#](color) controller) Equal to Computer
        Set VarUnitGroup = (Units within [[COLOR="Red"][U]distance[/U][/COLOR]] of (Position of (AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]) matching (((Matching Unit) is Alive) Equal to True) and ((Matching Unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]])) Equal to True) and (((Matching Unit) is A Hero) Equal to True)
        Unit - Pick every unit in VarUnitGroup then do (Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            Loop - Actions
                If (All Condition are true) then do (Actions) Else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        (Integer((Life of (Picked Unit)))) Less than or Equal to [desired life]
                    Then - Actions
                        Set Target[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] = (Picked Unit)
                        Unit - Order AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] to Attack Target[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]
                        Set VarUnitGroup = (Units in (Region(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00))
                        Custom Script: call DestroyGroup(udg_VarUnitGroup[Array#])
                     Else - Actions
                        Set VarUnitGroup = (Units in (Region(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00))
                        Custom Script: call DestroyGroup(udg_VarUnitGroup[Array#])

[I]Charging - After Locking - Arena[/I]
        Unit - A unit dies
        (Dying Unit) Equal to Target[Array#] or (Dying Unit) Equal to AIHero[Array#]
        Set RandomPointArena = (Random Point of (Arena))
        Unit - Order (AIHero[[U][COLOR="Red"]Array#[/COLOR][/U]]) to Attack Move to (RandomPointArena)
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_RandomPointArena)

[I]Charging - After Locking - Lanes[1] Part One (Initially On)[/I]
        Unit - A unit dies
        (Dying Unit) Equal to Target[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] or (Dying Unit) Equal to AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]
        Set MidLane[1] = (Center of (Mid Of Lane1))
        Unit - Order (AIHero[COLOR="Red"][U][Array#[/U][/COLOR]]) to Attack Move to MidLane[1]
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_MidLane[1])

Lane1 = West; Lane2 = Middle; Lane3 = East;

[I]Charging - After Locking - Lanes[3] Part One (Initially On)[/I]
        Unit - A unit dies
        (Dying Unit) Equal to Target[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] or (Dying Unit) Equal to AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]
        Set MidLane[3] = (Center of (Mid Of Lane3))
        Unit - Order (AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]) to Attack Move to (MidLane[3])
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_MidLane[3])

Lane1 = West; Lane2 = Middle; Lane3 = East;

[I]Charging - After Locking - Lanes Part Two (Initially On)[/I]
        Unit - A unit dies
        (Dying Unit) Equal to Target[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] or (Dying Unit) Equal to AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]
        Set EnemyBase = (Center of (Enemy Base Region))
        Unit - Order (AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]]) to Attack Move to EnemyBase
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_EnemyBase)

        Time - Every 1 seconds of the game
        (Player[#](color) controller) Equal to Computer
        Set VarUnitGroup = (Units in (Playable Map Area))
        Unit Group - Pick Every Unit in (VarUnitGroup) and do (If (Life of (Picked Unit) Less than or Equal to 400) and ((Owner of (Picked Unit) Equal to Player[#]) then do Unit - Order AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] to Move to Center of [[COLOR="Red"][U]Fountain Point of Player[#]/Base[/U][/COLOR]] else do Do Nothing
        Custom Script: call DestroyGroup(udg_VarUnitGroup)

4. Item System
The only thing we need now is to make the Hero AI buy items. I really can't explain more in here so I'm gonna skip the description.​

[I]Going Near Shops[/I]
        Player - Player[#]'s Current Gold becomes Greater than or Equal to [..]
        (Player[#](color) controller) Equal to Computer
        Set ItemSpot = (Center of (Item Spot Region))
        Unit - Order AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] to Move to ItemSpot
        Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ItemSpot)

The Item Spot Region must be near a shop but is not in the Base Region. Remember that the AI will attack if he enters the Base Region.

[I]Buying Items[/I]
        Unit - A unit enters [Item Spot Region]
        (Owner of (Entering Unit)) Equal to ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR])
        ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR] controller) Equal to Computer
        If (All Conditions are true) then do (Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            If - Conditions
                ([COLOR="Red"][U]Player[#](color)[/U][/COLOR]'s Current Gold) Greater than or Equal to [..]
            Then - Actions
                If (All Conditions are true) then do (Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    If - Conditions
                        Or - Any conditions are true
                            (Item type of (Item type carried by AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] in slot 1) Equal to (Item Type of No Item)
                            (Item type of (Item type carried by AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] in slot 2) Equal to (Item Type of No Item)
                            (Item type of (Item type carried by AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] in slot 3) Equal to (Item Type of No Item)
                            (Item type of (Item type carried by AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] in slot 4) Equal to (Item Type of No Item)
                            (Item type of (Item type carried by AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] in slot 5) Equal to (Item Type of No Item)
                            (Item type of (Item type carried by AIHero[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] in slot 6) Equal to (Item Type of No Item)
                   Then - Actions
                       Item - Create [item] at [anywhere]
                       Set AIItem[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] = (Last Created Item)
                       Hero - Give AIItem[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] to AIHero[Array#]
                       Player - Add -[..] Current Gold to [U][COLOR="Red"]Player[#](color)[/COLOR][/U]
                       Turn Off (this trigger)
                       Turn On (Advanced Items 1/Selling Items)
                   Else - Actions
                       Do Nothing
            Else - Actions
                Do Nothing

You can also use random integers to make the hero choose from random items.

[I]Selling Items (Initially On)[/I]
        [B]Item - Remove AIItem[[COLOR="Red"][U]Array#[/U][/COLOR]] from the game[/B]
        [B]Player - Add +[..] Current Gold to Player[#](color)[/B]

Add these actions to more Advanced items to replace older items for money

Thank you for reading this tutorial..

 Added the Item System
 Removed Most/All Leaks
 Added Color Coding
Thnx really appreciate it. I'll add Item System maybe tomorrow.
Aw pinoyz XD

Nvm I'll try adding it now.
I only dont like 1 thing, u are using random number intrigers.

From my past expiriances (but this may be a bug) it is not working properly:

Lets say u run the map, and by triggers (for example):

Player 1 rolls intriger 2 and gets hero 2
Player 2 rolls intriger 8 and gets hero 8
Player 3 rolls intriger X and gets hero X

So whats the problem they are random u ask me?

Well than u press F10 E Q, than ok and start the map again

Player 1 will roll intriger 2 AGAIN and get hero 2
Player 2 will roll intriger 8 AGAIN and get hero 8
Player X will AGAIN ROLL THE SAME X INTRIGER, its not random at all, it is random to a single map but every time u run that map the players will get same heroes, it is boring.

First i thought it was my maps but than i downloaded DotA AI, and this happens all the same.

Every time i play( as a sentinel ) MY TWO ALLIES GET URSA AND SAND KING

intrigers are bad to me :(

Well in my map it works.. It creates random heroes and also even if you restart it, sometimes it is the same, sometimes it isn't... Why would I give this tutorial if it doesn't work anyway?

EDIT: I'm going to do Item System tomorrow, I'm tired. Just ignore 3rd post.
Thnx waaaks! really appreciate it..

This is a SPAM post.. has no reason of why i posted this stuff..

TY tolz, ito lang ang "source of rep" ko at wala na ako magagawa
I only dont like 1 thing, u are using random number intrigers.

From my past expiriances (but this may be a bug) it is not working properly:

Lets say u run the map, and by triggers (for example):

Player 1 rolls intriger 2 and gets hero 2
Player 2 rolls intriger 8 and gets hero 8
Player 3 rolls intriger X and gets hero X

So whats the problem they are random u ask me?

Well than u press F10 E Q, than ok and start the map again

Player 1 will roll intriger 2 AGAIN and get hero 2
Player 2 will roll intriger 8 AGAIN and get hero 8
Player X will AGAIN ROLL THE SAME X INTRIGER, its not random at all, it is random to a single map but every time u run that map the players will get same heroes, it is boring.

First i thought it was my maps but than i downloaded DotA AI, and this happens all the same.

Every time i play( as a sentinel ) MY TWO ALLIES GET URSA AND SAND KING

intrigers are bad to me :(


Are you testing your map via world editor, cause in world editor the random numbers are always the same by default. You can turn this of under preferences I believe
Removed Most/All leaks in the Tutorial..
Hy I have a pretty silly question:how can the computer tell the diference between the strongest ability and the weakest ability of a hero?Are they marked somehow within the unit ability editor?
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Help Users
  • Varine Varine:
    Oh well
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm not an engineer
  • Varine Varine:
    Although this filament is kind of expensive, I should probably be a bit more wary of that.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I love the whole concept of 3D Printers and am very happy you have one so I can hear about them
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • Varine Varine:
    I have a couple of them, but I only have room for one to be set up at the moment
  • Varine Varine:
    So I picked the biggest one. When I bought it, I didn't realize that they used a lot of proprietary parts. So, I want to use these Volcano nozzles that are really cheap and easy to find instead of what they have, which are like, modified Volcano nozzles
  • Varine Varine:
    They are just a little bit longer than the regular ones. Like, we're talking .5mm or some shit. But that little bit makes the nozzle just long enough to extrude past the rest of the hardware on the extrusion system, I can't find my notes on it but I think it's like a .25mm gap from the end of the nozzle to the bed mesh sensor. Very small.
  • Varine Varine:
    So I bought a bunch of different parts to try and figure out how to make this work, and in the process changed some of the electrical components like the thermistors, but never got around to figuring out how to make the firmware account for the different hardware. Resulting in it not interpreting the voltage change to mean that the thermistor was above temperature, so it didn't shut off the heating core and it just kept pumping heat out
  • Varine Varine:
    I have most of the stuff I need to build an enclosure so I can heat the chamber for different plastics that need to have a pretty consistent temperature through the whole model, and then I can get my other ones set up too. I have a shitty Ender but that one is super easy to modify, but it's also very outdated and kind of a nightmare to work with. I think I'm going to cannibalize it for parts and just run my big one and another little one.
  • Varine Varine:
    I think I solved my problem with digitizing reels tho!
  • Varine Varine:
    Like Super 8 reels. Actual equipment to do it is like, thousands and thousands of dollars, and the cheap ones are useless, so I'm trying to build one so I can just use the same camera I use for slides and negatives. Much cheaper
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway, it kind of works, but the take up reel is kind of tricky because you need to spin it directly to wind the tape onto it. And as it fills, you need to slow it down, and that's kind of complicated. More complicated than I wanted to try and account for, anyway.
  • Varine Varine:
    So I have the first motor that has gearing pull it from the original reel, through a set of pullies to keep some tension, and then a second motor synced with the first to guide it through the projection port so I can capture the images
  • Varine Varine:
    All that's easy enough, I just need to make sure I don't get too much force onto the film itself so I don't accidentally tear it.
  • Varine Varine:
    Then I think my solution to the take up reel is to have a kind of dancing lever on a spring in between two limit switches
  • Varine Varine:
    So, as the tape comes towards the take up reel and makes slack, that lever is pulled up by a spring to keep the tension on the film, it hits a limit switch to engage the take up reel motor at some point, and as that winds in the film, the film pushes the lever back down to a second limit switch to disengage the motor again. Slack builds up, spring pulls it back, ad infinitum
  • Varine Varine:
    Well, until the reel is empty anyway.
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm guessing it's going to be much harder than I feel like it is going to be right now, but I think it's a pretty elegant solution that doesn't rely on software to control it. The less software I need to use the better
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm just not a very good programmer, as much as I want to be I suck at it
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Programming that printer is going to be similar to programming a big machine like in a machine shop. There is good money in programming CNC machines.
  • The Helper The Helper:
  • Varine Varine:
    They are pretty similar, but this one is much less involved than a real CNC. A lot less moving parts
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Monday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Added a new Cocktail recipe even though I quit drinking - not about me though :) Nordic Gibson - https://www.thehelper.net/threads/cocktail-nordic-gibson.196598/

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