Smallish PHP/HTML Request


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This is most likely a PHP job, but I have no idea what HTML is capable of these days...


I need a script that displays directories (not files) within the directory that the script is placed, and when a directory is clicked on, a list of directories and files within the directory appear, and the same for directories inside that directory etc. Also, if one directory is opened, all other directories (except any parent directories) are closed. Finally, I'd like it to remove any file-type suffixes on file names.


EXAMPLE: Below are three directories inside a root folder:

  • Directory 1
  • Directory 2
  • Directory 3

There are also files in the root, but I'd like not for them to show up unless inside one of the directories.

I want to view the contents of Directory 1, so I click on it:

  • Directory 1
  • Directory 1/File 1​
  • Directory 1/File 2​
  • Directory 2
  • Directory 3

The directory opens and the file paths become available (Doesn't display file-types).

Now I want to view Directory 2:

  • Directory 1
  • Directory 2
  • Directory 2a​
  • Directory 2/File 1​
  • Directory 2/File 2​
  • Directory 2/File 3​
  • Directory 3

Directory 1 automatically closes since Directory 2 is opened.

Now I want to open the directory inside Directory 2:

  • Directory 1
  • Directory 2
  • Directory 2a​
  • Directory 2a/File 1​
  • Directory 2/File 1​
  • Directory 2/File 2​
  • Directory 2/File 3​

Directory inside Directory 2 is opened.


If I've been unclear on anything in particular, please let me know.

Thanks in advance to anyone who is able to fulfill this request!


Super Moderator
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I may be able to do this. I am just unsure of how to detect directories. Give me a bit of time and I will see if I can work it out.


I keep popping up on this site from time to time.
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Can PHP even do this?
HTML could work, but you would have to update it whenever something new is uploaded.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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I may be able to do this. I am just unsure of how to detect directories. Give me a bit of time and I will see if I can work it out.

And for other directory functions:

Can PHP even do this?
HTML could work, but you would have to update it whenever something new is uploaded.

Yes, PHP can do it easy. Dynamic is the way to go, HTML files are far too slow to update and make each time you upload a new file.


I keep popping up on this site from time to time.
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It doesn't take me that long to add a link to HTML...


I keep popping up on this site from time to time.
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True... Very true.
I was just thinking of alternitives.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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Found this on the scandir page:

function getDirectoryTree( $outerDir , $x){
    $dirs = array_diff( scandir( $outerDir ), Array( ".", ".." ) );
    $dir_array = Array();
    foreach( $dirs as $d ){
        if( is_dir($outerDir."/".$d)  ){
            $dir_array[ $d ] = getDirectoryTree( $outerDir."/".$d , $x);
         if (($x)?ereg($x.'$',$d):1)
            $dir_array[ $d ] = $d;
    return $dir_array;

$dirlist = getDirectoryTree('filmes','flv');

With that function, all you would really have to do is echo out the data in a readable format, all the hard work is already done.


Super Moderator
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$dirlist = getDirectoryTree('filmes','flv');

What does the 'flv' parameter do?

EDIT: I think this (below) gives the best results. I just need to work out how to make it more readable:


function rec_scandir($dir)
    $files = array();
    if ( $handle = opendir($dir) ) {
        while ( ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) {
            if ( $file != ".." && $file != "." ) {
                if ( is_dir($dir . "/" . $file) ) {
                    $files[$file] = rec_scandir($dir . "/" . $file);
                }else {
                    $files[] = $file;
        return $files;

function cmp($a, $b)
    if ( is_string($a) && is_string($b) ) {
        return strcmp($a, $b) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
    }elseif ( is_int($a) && is_int($b) ) {
        return $a > $b ? 1 : -1;
    }elseif ( is_int($a) && is_string($b) ) {
        return 1;
    }elseif ( is_string($a) && is_int($b) ) {
        return -1;
    }else {
        return 0;

function array_ukmultisort(&$arr, $func) {
    uksort($arr, $func);
    while ( list($key, $val) = each($arr) ) {
        if ( is_array($val) ) {
            array_ukmultisort($arr[$key], $func);

$dir = rec_scandir(".");
array_ukmultisort($dir, "cmp");
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";



ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
Reaction score
$dirlist = getDirectoryTree('filmes','flv');

What does the 'flv' parameter do?

From looking at it, I believe it's a way to show only certain filetypes, in this case those filetypes being Flash Videos (Flv).

This works fine for me:

function getDirectoryTree( $outerDir , $x){
    $dirs = array_diff( scandir( $outerDir ), Array( ".", ".." ) );
    $dir_array = Array();
    foreach( $dirs as $d ){
        if( is_dir($outerDir."/".$d)  ){
            $dir_array[ $d ] = getDirectoryTree( $outerDir."/".$d , $x);
         if (($x)?ereg($x.'$',$d):1)
            $dir_array[ $d ] = $d;
    return $dir_array;

$dirlist = getDirectoryTree('thehelper', 0); 


All you would need to do is make a display for it.


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It's a fair start, I really have little PHP knowledge so laying it out could be an issue as well (especially how I requested), but I'll see what I can do, thanks!


Super Moderator
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The script I found does give some sort of structure, but it is still quite confusing (here).


Reaction score
The script I found does give some sort of structure, but it is still quite confusing (here).

That's very close to what I need, I also need the codes and array messages gone, for it to strip files of their file-type tags, and preferably only show files of a certain format.

Thanks for all the help so far guys.


I could change this in my User CP.
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/* DDRtist's Function - Minorly tweaked */
function getDirectoryTree($outerDir){
    $dirs = array_diff(scandir($outerDir), Array(".", ".."));
    $dir_array = Array();
    foreach($dirs as $d){
            $dir_array[$d] = getDirectoryTree($outerDir."/".$d);
            $dir_array[$d] = $d;
    return $dir_array;

/* Player 11's parser */
function parseTree($tree, $type){
    array_multisort($tree, SORT_DESC); // Sort so Folders > Files
    $return = ''; // Advoid "Notice's"
    $return .= '<ul style="list-style-type:none;list-style:none;">'; // Start the initial list
    foreach($tree as $a => $b){
            $return .= '<li>- '.$a.'</li>'            // If it is a Directory; re-run the parser,
                    . parseTree($tree[$a], $type);    // grabbing all sub-folders / sub-files
            $file = Array();  // Advoid "Notice's"
            $file = split("[/\\.]", $a); // Seperate file Extension and Name
            $show = false;  // Advoid "Notice's"
            $ext = count($file) - 1;
            foreach($type as $d){
                if($file[$ext]==$d){    // Test if file extension is desired,
                    $show = true;       // if it is, make it shown.
                }                       // If not, do nothing.
                $return .= '<li>';                    // If file extension is desired,
                for($i=0;$i<(count($file)-1);$i++){   // make sure the entire filename
                    $return .= $file[$i];             // is included, since split() may
                }                                     // of created more array keys
                $return .= '</li>';                   // than desired
    $return .= '</ul>'; // End list
    return $return;

// Call the parser with the root directory and file extensions desired
echo parseTree(getDirectoryTree('thehelper'), array('php', 'jpg', 'txt'));

Using DDR's getDirectoryTree() function, I wrote a parser for you after adjusting a few things - messy, yes, but it works.

To use:
- Place in your file replacing "thehelper" with the root directory and "'php', 'jpg', 'txt'" with the file extensions you wish to be shown separated as shown.
echo parseTree(getDirectoryTree('thehelper'), array('php', 'jpg', 'txt'));

I'm sure you can see where the HTML is implemented to style it, and if you need further help just ask.

- includes
- images
- style
	- original
		- templates
		- images
	- css_files

EDIT (9.36pm EST 06.07.09)::
Just read your first post fully, I'll have that function added in a little bit (Opening / Closing of Dir's).


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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Well, I made a few new changes that are pretty sweet so far.

1. I made the folders collapsible and you click to open to see files. ( See preview link )
2. You can set the "type" param to 0 to display all files.
3. I made the CPU usage much less with checking if the filetype is allowed.
4. Added a few display things and two config options.

Note: You will need to upload the attached images inside the folder that $imgdir is set to ( default "imgs" ), and that folder must be inside the $dir folder ( default "thehelper" ). It won't show the folder or files inside the $imgdir folder.

Example link:


/* Config Options - DDRtists */
$dir = "thehelper";
$imgdir = "imgs";

echo '
<script language="javascript"> 
function toggle(divid) {
	var ele = document.getElementById(divid);
	if( == "block") 
	{ = "none";
  	} else { = "block";

/* DDRtist's Function - Minorly tweaked */
function getDirectoryTree($outerDir){
    $dirs = array_diff(scandir($outerDir), Array(".", ".."));
    $dir_array = array();
    foreach($dirs as $d){
            $dir_array[$d] = getDirectoryTree($outerDir."/".$d);
            $dir_array[$d] = $d;
    return $dir_array;

/* Player 11's parser - Edited by DDRtists */
function parseTree($tree, $type){
	global $imgdir, $dir;
    array_multisort($tree, SORT_DESC); // Sort so Folders > Files
    $return = ''; // Advoid "Notice's"
    $return .= '<ul style="list-style-type:none;list-style:none;">'; // Start the initial list
    foreach($tree as $a => $b){
			if($a != $imgdir)
            	$return .= '
						<li><img src="'.$dir.'/'.$imgdir.'/folder.gif" alt="" /><a href="javascript:toggle(\''.$a.'_div\')">'.$a.'</a></li>
						<div id="'.$a.'_div" style="display:none;">'            // If it is a Directory; re-run the parser,
                    	. parseTree($tree[$a], $type)
						.'</div>'; // grabbing all sub-folders / sub-files
            $file = array();  // Advoid "Notice's"
            $file = split("[/\\.]", $a); // Seperate file Extension and Name
            $show = false;  // Advoid "Notice's"
            $ext = count($file) - 1;
			// Check if filetype is allowed or type is 0 - DDRtists
			if($type == 0 || in_array($file[$ext], $type))
				$show = true;
                $return .= '
				<li><img src="'.$dir.'/'.$imgdir.'/file.gif" alt="" />';                    // If file extension is desired,
                for($i=0;$i<(count($file)-1);$i++){   // make sure the entire filename
                    $return .= $file[$i];             // is included, since split() may
                }                                     // of created more array keys
                $return .= '</li>
				';                   			// than desired
    $return .= '</ul>'; // End list
    return $return;

// Call the parser with the root directory and file extensions desired
echo parseTree(getDirectoryTree($dir), array('php', 'jpg', 'txt'));

echo '


If I have time I'll do some visual things so it's more than text on a white screen. :p


  • file.gif
    309 bytes · Views: 248
  • folder.gif
    225 bytes · Views: 247


I keep popping up on this site from time to time.
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Now that I thought about it, I might be able to use something like this in my own server.
Will that support a CSS document? If so, what tags does it use (I can't read PHP at all), so I make make a stylesheet.


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
Reaction score
You can place any normal html in the echo that echos the head data or you could add more echos if you needed to echo other stuff.

echo '
<script language="javascript"> 
function toggle(divid) {
    var ele = document.getElementById(divid);
    if( == "block") 
    { = "none";
      } else { = "block";

can be treated as any normal header, so you could add in your header data there. Make sure that if it contains a ' character that you escape it with a \ like this: \'


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
Reaction score
Well, I've done all I'm going to do with it.

Here it is, changes from last post:

A small config spot at the top of index.php. Change things as needed
A shitty css layout attempt
Code cleanup

I'll upload it with the images as a zip, if you need any help feel free to ask here.


    4.9 KB · Views: 178


I could change this in my User CP.
Reaction score
DDRtist's I know you spent some time with the javascript and css, but here is what your after Jindo:

$dir = 'thehelper';
$ext = array('php', 'jpg', 'html');
$hideOld = 'true'; // Hide previously opened folders

/* Dustin's getDirectroyTree() Function from '' - Don't Edit */
function getDirectoryTree($outerDir){
    $dirs = array_diff(scandir($outerDir), Array(".", ".."));
    $dir_array = Array();
    foreach($dirs as $d){
            $dir_array[$d] = getDirectoryTree($outerDir."/".$d);
            $dir_array[$d] = $d;
    return $dir_array;

/* Player 11's parser */
$dirs = Array();
$parents = Array();
function parseTree($tree, $type, $parent=''){
	global $dirs, $parents;
    array_multisort($tree, SORT_DESC); // Sort so Folders > Files
    $return = ''; // Advoid "Notice's"
    $return .= '<ul style="list-style-type:none;list-style:none;">'; // Start the initial list
    foreach($tree as $a => $b){
			$multi = '';
			while(in_array('dir_'.$a.$multi, $dirs)){
    			$multi = rand(0, 100);
			$dirs = array_merge($dirs, array('dir_'.$a.$multi));
            $return .= '<li class="dir" onclick="dirVis(\'dir_'.$a.$multi.'\')">- '.$a.'</li>'	// If it is a Directory; re-run the parser,
					 . '<span id="dir_'.$a.$multi.'" style="display:none;">' 		// grabbing all sub-folders / sub-files
                     . parseTree($tree[$a.$multi], $type, $a.$multi)
					 . '</span>';
			if(isset($parent)){				// Create the javascript variables needed
				$parents[$a.$multi] = $parent;
            $file = Array();
            $file = split("[/\\.]", $a); // Seperate file Extension and Name
            $show = false;
            $ext = count($file) - 1;
            foreach($type as $d){
                if($file[$ext]==$d){    // Test if file extension is
                    $show = true;       // desired, if it is, make it
                }                       // shown. If not, do nothing.
                $return .= '<li>';                    // If file extension is desired,
                for($i=0;$i<(count($file)-1);$i++){   // make sure the entire filename
                    $return .= $file[$i];             // is included, since split() may
                }                                     // of created more array keys
                $return .= '</li>';                   // than desired
    $return .= '</ul>'; // End list
    return $return;

// Call the parser with the directory and file extensions desired
$tree = parseTree(getDirectoryTree($dir), $ext);
	<title>Dir Listing</title>
    <style type="text/css">
		body {
			font:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
		li.dir {
		li.dir:hover {
    <script type="text/javascript">
			echo 'var dirCount = '.count($dirs).';';
		function dirVis(id, parent){
			var dirListing = new Array();
			var parents = new Array();
				echo 'var hideOld = '.$hideOld.';';
					echo 'dirListing['.$i.'] = "'.$dirs[$i].'";';
				foreach($parents as $a => $b){
					echo 'parents["dir_'.$a.'"] = "dir_'.$b.'";';
				document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
					if(id != dirListing[i] && hideOld == true){
						document.getElementById(dirListing[i]).style.display = "none";
				document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
				var finalParent = parents[id];
					document.getElementById(finalParent).style.display = "block";
					finalParent = parents[finalParent];
// Display the Tree
echo $tree;

What I added was what you specifically requested, you can now open / close folders - as DDR has made - but it also closes all the other ones, I placed a CSS stylesheet in there where you can modify the look and feel of the list. It's basic, but it's exactly what you asked for.

I do not have a live preview, but picture DDR's preview but with the closing of the other folders when you open a new one.

Hope this helps.


Super Moderator
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You two beat me :p

Mine wasn't as good as either of them.
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    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
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