When to use battle stance and defensive stance?
I havn't used defensive stance once.
In instances, battle stance holds down the agro, and I get healed constantly ^^ Its been working so far; I get healed while I repeatedly sunder, mocking blow, heroic strike and rend
Even being low man in the group, the bosses love me... If others in the group are in trouble, I can sunder/mock those mobs too, and take on 2 more or so, with the boss. If the shit is real bad, used intimidating shout to make all the mobs around us run accept the boss I'm holding down. This saves the ass of those I cannot protect
Problem with defensive stance is I have NO talents in the defensive tree, so the skills arn't doing me much good =(
Now im becomming a rage machine; my alchemy is good enough to make rage potions... plus the blood rage skill.
That and invested points into fury which give me 3x% chance to generate rage on attacks, and skills in arms that retain rage during combat
Some kinda bonuses / mods when you switch to defensive stance?
Or I was kidding? Sheesh, what's got you so touchy?
I look in here every now and again to see if anyone posts little stories about what happens in WoW. I know Conan used to post a lot of them about what happens with his guild, or him and a buncha people hunting or whatever.
I love war stories, so I had hoped there'd be more stories about the battlefields But whatever.
I was also kind of acknowledging the fact that you're back, but since you're apparently not in a good mood, I won't bother.
Well....i got all 5 of my accounts banned for hacking.....this one time i used this honor generator hack and got grand marshal in 1 day....my server black listed me...aswell i ninja'd loot in BWL off nef..i wanted my bloody sword!
First of all, it wield, not weild.hello again and welcome to WoW
about your questions regarding being a warrior:
if you want to pvp you should weild 2h weapons, or dual weild if your insanely well geared
why? because warrior pvp is all about killing people in less then 2 seconds, any longer and they have the chance to turn you into a sheep, fear you, stun you or whatever, and 99% of those cases you will loose the battle, it sould also be noted that most classes is the game are magic based so shields do nothing against them at all, 2 handers can almost instantly kill most weaker characters, but if you wear a 1h and a shield or in most cases in dual weild, it takes longer to kill anything
so my level 23 warlock was wondering about stone talon peak when I stumbled upon the sun toten retreat or whatever it was. Wasn't even PvP, just had two guards chase me and kill me, second time that's happened...those guards are awfully aggressive, I wasn't even there to PvP