System [System] IDM - ID Manipulator


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I've just created the mother of all RawID converting systems :cool:

Check this out, it will come in very handy for Project Nethershard, so perhaps it might serve you any good as well...

P.S.: If you combine this with Cohadar's Extended Arrays system, you can have 65k abilities in your map and still be able to assign them data through their RawIDs :D
    //                                                                  //
    //                 MAGENTIX' ID MANIPULATOR v1.00                   //
    //                                                                  //
    // **************************************************************** //
    //                                                                  //
    // INSTRUCTIONS:                                                    //
    // =============                                                    //
    //                                                                  //
    // This system converts Ability, Item, Research, Buff, etc.         //
    // RawIDs into subsequent integers (starting from zero) or even     //
    // a string containing the RawID's name!                            //
    //                                                                  //
    // The most logical use would be using ID2I to convert a RawID      //
    // into an integer inside array index limits, allowing you to       //
    // assign data to a RawID by simply using:                          //
    //                                                                  //
    // set SOMEABILITYDATA[ID2I('A1X3')] = "Taco!"                      //
    //                                                                  //
    //                                                                  //
    // HOW TO USE:                                                      //
    // ===========                                                      //
    // Copy this trigger into your map.                                 //
    // - Call ID2I(SomeID) to convert it into a simple integer          //
    // - Call ID2S(SomeID) to convert it into the ID string             //
    //                                                                  //
    // REQUIREMENTS:                                                    //
    // =============                                                    //
    // - vJASS                                                          //
    //                                                                  //
    // LIMITATIONS:                                                     //
    // ============                                                     //
    // - None!                                                          //
    //                                                                  //
    //                                                                  //
    // TIP: 'A6BJ' will return 8191 (max normal array index)            //
    //                                                                  //
    // **************************************************************** //
    //                                                                  //
    //      -- Credit is not required, but would be appreciated --      //
    //                                                                  //
    // **************************************************************** //
library IDM initializer Init

        private constant integer FactorX   = 256
        private constant integer FactorXX  = 65536
        private constant integer FactorXXX = 16777216
        private string array     SEMI_ASCII

    function ID2I takes integer ID returns integer 
        local integer array Int
        local integer array Sub
        local integer i = 1
        set Int[0] = (ID - (ID - (ID / FactorXXX) * FactorXXX)) / FactorXXX
        set Sub[0] = FactorXXX * Int[0] + FactorXX * 48 + FactorX * 48 + 48
        set Int[1] = ((ID - Sub[0]) - ((ID - Sub[0]) - ((ID - Sub[0]) / FactorXX) * FactorXX)) / FactorXX
        set Sub[1] = FactorXX * Int[1]
        set Int[2] = ((ID - Sub[0] - Sub[1]) - ((ID - Sub[0] - Sub[1]) - ((ID - Sub[0] - Sub[1]) / FactorX) * FactorX)) / FactorX
        set Sub[2] = FactorX * Int[2]
        set Int[3] = ID - (Int[0] * FactorXXX + (Int[1] + 48) * FactorXX + (Int[2] + 48) * FactorX  + 48)
        exitwhen i > 3
            if Int<i> &gt; 9 then
                set Int<i> = Int<i> - 7
            set i = i + 1
        return Int[3] + Int[2] * 36 + Int[1] * 36 * 36
    function ID2S takes integer ID returns string
        local integer array Int
        local integer array Sub
        local integer i = 1
        set Int[0] = (ID - (ID - (ID / FactorXXX) * FactorXXX)) / FactorXXX
        set Sub[0] = FactorXXX * Int[0] + FactorXX * 48 + FactorX * 48 + 48
        set Int[1] = ((ID - Sub[0]) - ((ID - Sub[0]) - ((ID - Sub[0]) / FactorXX) * FactorXX)) / FactorXX
        set Sub[1] = FactorXX * Int[1]
        set Int[2] = ((ID - Sub[0] - Sub[1]) - ((ID - Sub[0] - Sub[1]) - ((ID - Sub[0] - Sub[1]) / FactorX) * FactorX)) / FactorX
        set Sub[2] = FactorX * Int[2]
        set Int[3] = ID - (Int[0] * FactorXXX + (Int[1] + 48) * FactorXX + (Int[2] + 48) * FactorX  + 48)

        exitwhen i &gt; 3
            if Int<i> &gt; 9 then
                set Int<i> = Int<i> + 48
            set i = i + 1
        return (SEMI_ASCII[Int[0]] + SEMI_ASCII[Int[1]] + SEMI_ASCII[Int[2]] + SEMI_ASCII[Int[3]])
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        set SEMI_ASCII[0]   = &quot;0&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[1]   = &quot;1&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[2]   = &quot;2&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[3]   = &quot;3&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[4]   = &quot;4&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[5]   = &quot;5&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[6]   = &quot;6&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[7]   = &quot;7&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[8]   = &quot;8&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[9]   = &quot;9&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[65]  = &quot;A&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[66]  = &quot;B&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[67]  = &quot;C&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[68]  = &quot;D&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[69]  = &quot;E&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[70]  = &quot;F&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[71]  = &quot;G&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[72]  = &quot;H&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[73]  = &quot;I&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[74]  = &quot;J&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[75]  = &quot;K&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[76]  = &quot;L&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[77]  = &quot;M&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[78]  = &quot;N&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[79]  = &quot;O&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[80]  = &quot;P&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[81]  = &quot;Q&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[82]  = &quot;R&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[83]  = &quot;S&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[84]  = &quot;T&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[85]  = &quot;U&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[86]  = &quot;V&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[87]  = &quot;W&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[88]  = &quot;X&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[89]  = &quot;Y&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[90]  = &quot;Z&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[101] = &quot;e&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[104] = &quot;h&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[110] = &quot;n&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[111] = &quot;o&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[117] = &quot;u&quot;



if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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Read the "the most logical use" part :)

Say you have some abilities you need to assign data to, for example an extra "cost" (instead of just mana).
Then you could use this:

// ... some code on init

set ENERGYCOST[ID2I(&#039;A000&#039;)] = 50.00
set ENERGYCOST[ID2I(&#039;A004&#039;)] = 20.00
set ENERGYCOST[ID2I(&#039;A012&#039;)] = 10.00
set ENERGYCOST[ID2I(&#039;A0Z0&#039;)] = 90.00

// ... PLAYER_UNIT_EVENT_SPELL_START (or whatever it&#039;s called) is triggered

if ENERGYCOST[ID2I(GetAbilityId())] &gt; 50.00 then
    call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Error: Spell costs too much&quot;)
    // stop unit from casting spell


Reaction score
This could come very handy.
Though I am not a JASSer, I understood the code you just wrote, and for my eyes, it seems very usefull.


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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>>Can you explain please how you figured out the factors you used?
ASCII Conversion?

Not exactly that GaLs...

You see, Blizzard was so kind to use ASCII for their Raw IDs, but in fact only uses [0-9A-Z] for their pointers that follow after the handle type string.
This means that there is a gap of 7 between every 9 going to an A and a gap of 214 between every Z going back to a 0...

Basically, this system makes your RAW IDs into way better array indexes than ['Axxx' - 'A000'], since that method is extremely limited due to aforementioned gaps.

A bonus of this conversion is that it now allows us to backtrack which "string integer" (or ASCII integer) was entered and return that value as a string of sorts "A000", "B9E2", etc...
This means that if you substring this returned string for its first character, you can now define whether a unit that was created is Neutral, Orc, Undead, Night Elf or Human simply by using it's UnitTypeID...


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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Ok, even you explain it to me, I don't understand it. I aren't a programmer, nor learnt anything about ASCII. Sorry for your explaination to me which I don't understand at all.

Well, I wonder, Grimmoire enables you to set the RawID to anything you want, is that working as well on this ?


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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Works on any Raw ID, but will return array indexes from 0 to 8191 for 'x000' to 'x6BJ'


† Ғσſ ŧħə ѕαĸε Φƒ ~Ğ䣚~ †
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>>Works on any Raw ID, but will return array indexes from 0 to 8191 for 'x000' to 'x6BJ'
Well, 'ZZZZ'? Sorry but I don't like to lag my computer for WE, just tell me the answer when you are free.

>>ctrl+d allows you to see the raw data in the object editor menu
...Don't give me crap....
I knew that already, but you know that I can set an object's raw id to 'LoLo'?


master of fugue
Reaction score
Well, I wonder, Grimmoire enables you to set the RawID to anything you want, is that working as well on this ?

No, not to anything you want.

The first letter of your custom object(ability, buff, unit, upgrade...) must be EXACTLY the same(including the case) as the first letter of the base object you derived your custom object from.

Basically you are allowed to change only 3 last characters 'AXXX'

Changing the first character in any way always creates problems.


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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This system doesn't loop through all raw IDs, it will work basically just as fast on 'A000' as it will on 'AZZZ'


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im confused....for what parts of mapmaking will this system very usefull? lets say spell making? is this useful in spell making?


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im confused....for what parts of mapmaking will this system very usefull? lets say spell making? is this useful in spell making?

It saves you from doing work for each rawcode.

Like, say you wanted to check if there was a certain buff, and check it for all the abilities in your map. Instead, you can just set each one a value and just loop through the checking. It is faster and easier.

Um.. If I understood correctly.

Well, just correct me if I'm wrong. :D


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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im confused....for what parts of mapmaking will this system very usefull? lets say spell making? is this useful in spell making?

It's mostly useful in spellmaking since it allows you to attach data to a spell's Raw ID, using this Raw ID as an array index.
Normally, this is possible through "RawID - 'A000'", but that has huge gaps and will thus not be 100% foolproof. (It WILL go over 8191 pretty fast)

This system allows you to convert any unit, item, spell, etc. ID into decent array indexes without gaps, thus allowing you to assign spell-specific (with a simple array or a struct array) data to 8192 spells!

65k spells if you use Cohadar's extended arrays...


Cuz I can
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It is a simple integer attachment system if I take it right....
Attaching anything to integers : ) I thought of a similiar system but mine would work differently though.

as far as i can see, you do modulo operations ( with integer division ) to get the four letters, right?
There is still a bit of space for performance improvements.
        set Int[1] = ((ID - Sub[0]) - ((ID - Sub[0]) - ((ID - Sub[0]) / FactorXX) * FactorXX)) / FactorXX

Set ID - Sub[0] to a variable, and it will be a bit faster. Lower stack usage, lower CPU time.
Afterwards, you just substract Sub[1] from the variable, and again you'll save some calculations.

Apart from that, it doesn't even seem to work. Function ID2S gave me 'A1' for a value that was bigger than 'A000' oO So your system seems to deliver wrong integers between 9 and 65 that are not displayed in ASCII as you never implemented them. Perhaps you might try to debug it by using "!" as a debug 'sign' to check if the integers just return a wrong value : /

well gtg I'll look a bit deeper into this system once i got time

cu, Davey

EDIT: After testing indicies from A000 to A200 it doesn't seem to have error returns in ]9;65[; Yet outside of that block there were many unknown values. I believe it might come from the gaps you were talking of, so I'll try again with preset values...
I used this with random Integers between A000 and A200 and your ID2S function, and I got very often the result: A1@@ or A1, but never a result with !. Seems test-related though
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer loopA = 8
        set SEMI_ASCII[0]   = &quot;0&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[1]   = &quot;1&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[2]   = &quot;2&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[3]   = &quot;3&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[4]   = &quot;4&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[5]   = &quot;5&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[6]   = &quot;6&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[7]   = &quot;7&quot;                                                                                 
        set SEMI_ASCII[8]   = &quot;8&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[9]   = &quot;9&quot;
            exitwhen loopA &gt; 65
            set SEMI_ASCII[loopA] = &quot;!&quot;
            set loopA = loopA + 1

        set SEMI_ASCII[65]  = &quot;A&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[66]  = &quot;B&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[67]  = &quot;C&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[68]  = &quot;D&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[69]  = &quot;E&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[70]  = &quot;F&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[71]  = &quot;G&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[72]  = &quot;H&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[73]  = &quot;I&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[74]  = &quot;J&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[75]  = &quot;K&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[76]  = &quot;L&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[77]  = &quot;M&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[78]  = &quot;N&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[79]  = &quot;O&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[80]  = &quot;P&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[81]  = &quot;Q&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[82]  = &quot;R&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[83]  = &quot;S&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[84]  = &quot;T&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[85]  = &quot;U&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[86]  = &quot;V&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[87]  = &quot;W&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[88]  = &quot;X&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[89]  = &quot;Y&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[90]  = &quot;Z&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[101] = &quot;e&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[104] = &quot;h&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[110] = &quot;n&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[111] = &quot;o&quot;
        set SEMI_ASCII[117] = &quot;u&quot;
        set loopA = 118
            exitwhen loopA &gt; 8191
            set SEMI_ASCII[loopA] = &quot;@&quot;
            set loopA = loopA + 1

Edit: Even with the values from A000 to A009 I get strange results...


if (OP.statement == false) postCount++;
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Test with real RawIDs, randomizing between 'Axxx' and 'Ayyy' won't work, since you then randomize over all 256 ASCII characters instead of the 36 that Blizzard uses.
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    That's mostly what I've been looking at
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