The Gateway


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This is a short creative writing piece that I have written in response to a test past exam question that focuses on the idea of "Journey."

It's not 100% but the question was something like this:

A book is about to be published titled "Fear No Barrier: Journeys of Amazing Men & Women." Contruct a piece of writing based on a fictional character which could be published in this book.

So yeah, please critique honestly. If you can, comment on all areas such as Grammar, Plot, Appeal, Use of words, etc

The Gateway

The voices echoed through my ears. All I wanted was some peace and quiet. I gently closed my eyes, I was tired. My eyelids could no longer sustain the weight, I needed to rest.

But as the darkness shrouded my sight, I felt a sudden surge of rush pass through my body. I squelched my eyes tighter, trying to grasp on until the feeling was gone. It worked. The voices felt like they were a lifetime away. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve opened my eyes, but I had this gut feeling inside of me; like everything was going to be okay, like someone was telling me to relax, like a guardian angel watching over me.

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, but everything changed. It couldn’t be. I was no longer lying down helplessly in bed anymore; I was standing wide awake on the veranda of my childhood home. But that was impossible; the house was demolished years ago. I had to be dreaming. I just had to be. I nodded down at my hands and rubbed them, I tried squelching and reopening my eyes to see if I would wake up. I tried every technique that came to mind. It couldn’t have been a dream, it was all too real.

Home was just as I remembered it. The wooden walls shone brightly in a lime tint and the windows reflected the bright glow of the sun. Even the gnomes were still standing tall on the pathway.

I paced myself through the hallways, slowly reaching my room. Paintings and family photos hung onto the bright yellow walls. The door gently opened itself up as I gave the handle a gentle twist.

I stood still in my tracks, my eyes wide open and my mind is disbelief. The house was one thing, but this... It just couldn’t be. Everyone was there. Mum, dad, and big sis. Impossible. My heart started pumping and my eyes began to become moist. Step after step, I slowly walked towards them. They called out to me, telling me how much they missed me.

My heart started to pump faster, a lot faster. The voices began to come back. No! I didn’t want to go back! My vision started to blur and my heart pounded furiously. They were slowly disappearing further and further away into a tunnel of light. I reached out with both hands, trying to reach out and chase after them, but it was hopeless. I screamed out my emotions, telling them how much I loved them, but they couldn’t hear.
The bright light at the end suddenly erupted. The light rays exploded violently in all directions and blinded me. The feeling was back. The surge rushed through me in a quick bolt of warmth and adrenalin and it was suddenly gone again.

Exhaustingly, I opened up my eyes and gasped for breath. My heart continued to pound ferociously as I panicked for air.

The doctors celebrated in joy as they saw me awoke. They had succeeded. I scanned the crowded room, with the events that I had experienced going through my mind. I didn’t know what to feel or think. I was grateful for their efforts, but I didn’t feel…happy…

Two weeks have passed by, yet it seemed like only an hour ago since I was admitted out of the hospital. I was sent there as a result of a previous heart attack. I guess I had it coming; I’ve been smoking for over 40 years.

A few weeks ago I would’ve been scared, I would’ve been worried about myself. But not anymore.

If I could share with you what I had seen; what I had experienced; what I had learnt; I would tell you that Death was an obstacle - that Death was just another barrier in life - that Death was a boundary; a gateway between our world of troubles, to a Utopian heaven with nothing to worry about. I would tell you that Death should not be feared.

I was diagnosed with an incurable lung cancer. The doctors don’t know how long I have to live, for all I know I could go to sleep and never wake up to see tomorrow. They do, however, know that I have the limit of around a year to live. It doesn’t matter though. Let Death come. I no longer fear it, I welcome it.


Анна Ахматова
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I enjoyed your story. You have a very likable style of writing. It draws my attention, and you did a good job with hooking me. But I do have a few issues that I'd like to raise to your attention.

But as the darkness shrouded my sight, I felt a sudden surge of rush pass through my body.

Surge and rush are basically the same words. I recommend you use a better word like 'adrenaline' or use a thesaurus to find the word you were aiming for.

I squelched my eyes tighter...

I'm not sure what you meant by this word. Do you know it means to end or stop? It could also mean to crush or to make a sound.

. . . trying to grasp on until the feeling was gone.

Are you grasping onto your sanity or a physical object?

. . . I tried squelching and reopening my eyes to see if I would wake up.

I'm not going to lie. That word bugs me. The only thing I can think of you doing is rubbing your eyes, but that could be written differently. George Orwell's rule of essay writing is to use the simplest word instead of a complex and long word when possible. I honestly go by this rule in all forms of writing; maybe you should dumb yourself down for dumb readers who don't want spend their time thinking about the profound meaning of words.

Just saying.

The wooden walls shone brightly in a lime tint and the windows reflected the bright glow of the sun.

What I see is a lime green house with really bright windows. This house could be a plausible danger to drivers. Oh, I also enjoyed your gnome reference. I'm sincerely a big gnome fan.

I paced myself through the hallways, slowly reaching my room. Paintings and family photos hung onto the bright yellow walls. The door gently opened itself up as I gave the handle a gentle twist.

Where are we now? When did you go inside the house? Are the yellow walls interior or exterior? What door did you find?

I stood still in my tracks, my eyes wide open and my mind is disbelief. The house was one thing, but this... It just couldn’t be. Everyone was there. Mum, dad, and big sis. Impossible. My heart started pumping and my eyes began to become moist. Step after step, I slowly walked towards them. They called out to me, telling me how much they missed me.

Where the fuck did the lime green house with glowing windows go? More details about your house would be much appreciated.

My heart started to pump faster, a lot faster. The voices began to come back. No! I didn’t want to go back! My vision started to blur and my heart pounded furiously. They were slowly disappearing further and further away into a tunnel of light. I reached out with both hands, trying to reach out and chase after them, but it was hopeless. I screamed out my emotions, telling them how much I loved them, but they couldn’t hear.
The bright light at the end suddenly erupted. The light rays exploded violently in all directions and blinded me. The feeling was back. The surge rushed through me in a quick bolt of warmth and adrenalin and it was suddenly gone again.

I loved that paragraph(s), but you still had the surge-rush thing going on. I think you could put down more vivid and energetic words than rushing surge.

I was grateful for their efforts, but I didn’t feel…happy…

It seems like you could explain more about his conflicting feelings. The abrupt stop is a turn off. It makes me wonder where you're going with this, and then you leave me empty with nothing.

I was diagnosed with an incurable lung cancer. The doctors don’t know how long I have to live, for all I know I could go to sleep and never wake up to see tomorrow. They do, however, know that I have the limit of around a year to live. It doesn’t matter though. Let Death come. I no longer fear it, I welcome it.

The sudden change in attitude is strange to me. Could you please explain this epiphany a little clearer to the reader?


Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry I didn't read this sooner; I was a bit busy this week.


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I enjoyed your story. You have a very likable style of writing. It draws my attention, and you did a good job with hooking me. But I do have a few issues that I'd like to raise to your attention.

Surge and rush are basically the same words. I recommend you use a better word like 'adrenaline' or use a thesaurus to find the word you were aiming for.

Well I was using the word rush as a replacement for adrenalin. Why? Because I felt the word rush is more stronger/faster, and more unfamiliar to the character.

I'm not sure what you meant by this word. Do you know it means to end or stop? It could also mean to crush or to make a sound.

You know how you close your eyes real tight and create those wrinkly lines near your eyes? That's what I was trying to say. I guess my definition of squelch is wrong. Is there a proper word for this action? Or else I'll probably just stick to tighten.

Are you grasping onto your sanity or a physical object?

Not sure what you exactly mean by Sanity, but that would be the closer of the two. The character is feeling an overwhelming rush, and has no idea what is going on. So they'd just 'hold on' and hope for the best. I guess I shoulda used that term huh..Is there a stronger term than 'hold on'?

I'm not going to lie. That word bugs me. The only thing I can think of you doing is rubbing your eyes, but that could be written differently. George Orwell's rule of essay writing is to use the simplest word instead of a complex and long word when possible. I honestly go by this rule in all forms of writing; maybe you should dumb yourself down for dumb readers who don't want spend their time thinking about the profound meaning of words.

Just saying.

Explained above.

What I see is a lime green house with really bright windows. This house could be a plausible danger to drivers. Oh, I also enjoyed your gnome reference. I'm sincerely a big gnome fan.

Danger to drivers, something for me to think about lol. On the topic of the house, the setting is suppose to be in a dream so everything is very surreal and dreamy.

Where are we now? When did you go inside the house? Are the yellow walls interior or exterior? What door did you find?

Where the fuck did the lime green house with glowing windows go? More details about your house would be much appreciated.

I thought it was pretty obvious that the scene takes place in the house. The photos are hanging on the sides, so the yellow walls are assumingly interior.

I paced myself through the hallways, slowly reaching my room. With that line, I thought it was safe to say readers knew which door it was.

I agree with the lack of description though. When I was writing it, I didn't know 100% what I wanted the house to look like. I'd most likely be fixing that up.

I loved that paragraph(s), but you still had the surge-rush thing going on. I think you could put down more vivid and energetic words than rushing surge.

Yeah, thesaurus time.

It seems like you could explain more about his conflicting feelings. The abrupt stop is a turn off. It makes me wonder where you're going with this, and then you leave me empty with nothing.

Reading it again, I see what you mean. I'm thinking of describing the scene instead of the feelings. And then add the reflecting of emotions part into the two weeks later part.[/b]

The sudden change in attitude is strange to me. Could you please explain this epiphany a little clearer to the reader?

The paragraph before is meant to explain the change in attitude. Not exactly sure what I could add. Though I will rewrite the last paragraph to make it more professional because it doesn't look write to me at the moment.

Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry I didn't read this sooner; I was a bit busy this week.

Thanks for all your input and advice. Much appreciated.


Анна Ахматова
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Haha, alright you're welcome, man. You're going to post more, right? I'd honestly like to read more of this character and his adventure with the limbo of life and death. Oh, and I can't think of any unique term you could use with the words above. I trust you can figure out something out, just use your thesaurus a little more. ;P


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It was meant to be a one-shot answer to a past exam question. I honestly have no idea what else I could write about the character. Maybe another day.

I'd honestly like to read more of this character and his adventure with the limbo of life and death.



Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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don't you mean squinting?

Story was really good, I liked it. Although a few parts were a bit strange, such as the encounter with the house then suddenly being inside (although that's how dreams are at times) and the sudden change of attitude near the end as Ninva mentioned.

Nevertheless it was very enjoyable! I really liked it.

EDIT: So it was a she? :p Couldn't really determine the gender, but by default, I would say it was also a guy.


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don't you mean squinting?

I was thinking of using that word. But isn't that tightening your eyes, but they're still open?

Story was really good, I liked it. Although a few parts were a bit strange, such as the encounter with the house then suddenly being inside (although that's how dreams are at times)

That's true. But I wasn't implying that. Not sure why I didn't include the character walking inside the house, maybe it's because I wanted to keep the short story as short as possible =/

Nevertheless it was very enjoyable! I really liked it.
Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed it.

So it was a she? Couldn't really determine the gender, but by default, I would say it was also a guy.

I purposely didn't specify a gender because...well just because. Though when I was writing, I visualized it as a she. As well as that, what are the chances of a guy doing this?

I screamed out my emotions, telling them how much I loved them, but they couldn’t hear.


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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Very possible. Also, to me it's more likely for a guy to smoke for 40 years and get lung cancer. A guy may also be very emotional, especially after going through an experience like that. The fact that you didn't specify gender is good though, leaves more to imagine; as we can see everyone thinks differently.


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Ohh, so it's the smoking line that gave it away.
I knew I should've tried harder and used something else ><


To die will be an awfully big adventure.
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"Where the fuck did the lime green house with glowing windows go? More details about your house would be much appreciated."

First time I've ever heard you use profanity Ninva.
This feels weird


Setting sail for fail in the sea of lame.
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Hey, Silent. I agree with the above posts that the description of the character's surroundings could have been elaborated a bit more, especially since he was in the surreal.

Beyond that, you have a decent style! And by decent, I mean you are quite talented.

Only other tip I'd give is that in paragraphs 2 and 3, you used the word "Squelched". Context was right on both occasions, but repetitions in circumstances where synonyms are available can be avoided :)


To die will be an awfully big adventure.
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"I guess he really liked the lime walls and shiny windows...
I did."
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