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And you know it.
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just get it
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you are a very bad person
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You have a very bad
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You have been bad for very
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You have been a bad, very
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Also, being poor, very
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Also, it is very poor
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The very poor
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And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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I may have broken it....

let's go!Veteran Adams Police Officer Alan C. Vigiard, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. He has been placed on administrative leave pending further investigation, authorities said Monday. According to state police reports, Vigiard, who is married with two children, allegedly downloaded and viewed child pornography in the Adams Police Department evidence room. He pleaded not guilty to the child pornography charge Friday in Northern Berkshire District Court.
into Japaneseベテランアダムス警察官アラン年頃Vigiard、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。彼は管理上に配置されているままに詳細な調査保留中、当局が明らかにした。 2人の子供と結婚している疑いをダウンロードし、アダムス警察証拠保管室での児童ポルノ閲覧、州警察の報告、Vigiard、によると、。彼は児童ポルノを充電する無罪金曜日北部バークシャー地裁に訴えた。
back into EnglishAlan Adams, a veteran police officers around Vigiard, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. He is still pending further investigation has been placed on the management, according to authorities. Download the suspicion that two married children, viewing child pornography in Adams police evidence room, police reports state, Vigiard, said. He appealed to the Northern Berkshire District Court, not guilty Friday to child pornography charge.
back into Japaneseアランアダムズ、Vigiard周りのベテラン警察官、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。彼はまだ管理に配置されており、当局によると、詳しい調査が保留中です。ダウンロードの疑い2人は結婚の子供は、アダムス警察の証拠保管室での表示、児童ポルノ、警察の報告状態、Vigiard、それはそうだ。彼は、北部のバークシャー地裁は、無罪と金曜日に児童ポルノの充電に訴えた。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. His administration has been placed yet, officials said, is pending further investigation. Two people suspected of downloading child marriage, in view of the police evidence room Adams, child pornography, state police reports, Vigiard, it's true. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court, appealed Friday to the charge of not guilty to child pornography.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。ブッシュ政権はまだ、関係者は、配置されているため、詳しい調査は保留中です。警察の証拠保管室アダムス、児童ポルノ、国家警察の報告を、Vigiardは、本当のことを視野に入れ、2人の子供の結婚をダウンロードした疑い。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁にされた金曜日、無罪を充電する児童ポルノを訴えた。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Yet the Bush administration officials, because that is placed, is pending further investigation. Adams, a police evidence room, child pornography, state police reports, Vigiard is true that in mind, allegedly downloaded the marriage of two children. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on Friday was sued innocent child pornography charge.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、そのため、詳しい調査が保留されて配置されます。アダムズさんは、警察の証拠保管室、児童ポルノ、国家警察の報告を、Vigiardは、心で、容疑者2人の子供の結婚のダウンロードはtrueです。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁では金曜日にされたとして提訴された罪のない児童ポルノを充電します。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, been placed on hold for further investigation. Adams is a police evidence room, child pornography, state police reports, Vigiard the heart, two suspects who download child marriage is true. He was the Northern Berkshire District Court charging the innocent child pornography that was sued on Friday.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、保持する上でより詳細な調査のために置かれて。 trueの場合アダムスVigiardの中心部の警察証拠保管室、児童ポルノ、国家警察の報道は、人の子の結婚をダウンロード容疑者2人です。彼は、北部のバークシャー地裁が22日に提訴された罪のない児童ポルノを充電されました。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, been left out for further investigation on hold. Adams Vigiard true if the police evidence room in the heart of child pornography, state police reported the suspect who downloaded child marriage is two people. He is in Northern Berkshire District Court was charged with 22 child pornography charges were filed a day without.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、保持する上でより詳細な調査のために残されて。アダムスVigiard場合はtrue、児童ポルノの中心部にある警察の証拠保管室、国家警察は、人の子の結婚、2人がダウンロードした容疑者と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁では22日、児童ポルノ容疑で起訴された日も提起された。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, is left for further investigation on hold. Adams Vigiard If true, the police evidence room in the heart of child pornography, police state, child marriage, who reported two people who allegedly downloaded. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22, the date on which the indictment was filed child pornography charges.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、保持する上でより詳細な捜査のために残っている。アダムスVigiard trueの場合、児童ポルノの中心部にある警察の証拠保管室、警察、国家、人は容疑をダウンロード2つの人々が報告子供の結婚。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日にされた日は、起訴の子に提出された児童ポルノを充電します。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, remains for further investigation on hold. Adams Vigiard true, the police evidence room in the heart of child pornography, police, national police who are downloading child marriage of two people who reported one. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 the date of the day, the charge was filed in the child pornography charges.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、hold状態にあるため、詳しい調査のために残る。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察、人一人を報告2人の子供の結婚をダウンロードして、国家警察の中心部にある警察の証拠保管室trueを返します。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日の日付にされ、料金は、児童ポルノ容疑で提出された。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, hold in the state to remain for further investigation. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, police reported one person to download a marriage of two children, a police evidence room in the heart of the national police to return true. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 date is the date the charge was filed child pornography charges.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、そのため、状態のため、詳しい調査のままに保持します。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察にtrueを返す2人の子供は、国家警察の中心部で警察の証拠保管室の結婚をダウンロードする1人と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日にされた電荷児童ポルノの疑いが提起された日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, for the state to hold the remains for further investigation. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, the police returned the two children is true, to download the marriage of the police evidence room in the heart of the national police reported one person. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 is the date the suspicion of child pornography charge that day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、そのための状態の一層の調査のためのまま保持します。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察は真実ですが、国家警察の中心部には警察が証拠の部屋の結婚をダウンロードする2人の子供が返さ1人と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日にしていた児童ポルノ料の疑いで、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials to keep them for further investigation of the state to do so. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, the police is true, in the heart of the national police evidence room to download the marriage of the police returned the two children and one person reported. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 on charges of child pornography charges has been a day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権当局者の状態の一層の捜査のためにこれを行うに保管してください。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察、国家警察の証拠保管室の中心部には警察の結婚をダウンロードする場合はtrueであり、2人の子供が返さ1人と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日、児童ポルノ容疑の疑いで毎日られていたが、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. But please do this and keep it for further investigation of Bush administration official status. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, police evidence room in the heart of the national police of the police if you download the marriage is true, return the two children and one person reported. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22, had been charged on suspicion of child pornography each day, the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、これを行ってくださいとブッシュ政権の公式地位のさらなる調査のために保つ。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察の国家警察の中心部で警察の証拠保管室の場合は、結婚をダウンロードし、2人の子供を返す1人の報告はtrueです。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁で6月22日、児童ポルノ、毎日の疑いで起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, further investigation to keep the Bush administration's official position and please do this. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, if the police evidence room in the center of the national police of the police is to download a marriage, two children were returning one person reported is true. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22, child pornography had been indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、さらなる調査は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持し、これを行うにしてください。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノの場合は、警察の国家警察の中心部には警察が証拠お部屋には結婚をダウンロードするためには、2人の子供がtrueの場合、1人が報告に戻ってきた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日には、児童ポルノ、毎日の罪で起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, further research is to maintain an official stance of the Bush administration to do this please. Adams Vigiard, cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police to police the police evidence room in order to download a marriage, two children is true, one has reported back to the people. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 on Monday, child pornography had been indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、さらに研究をしてくださいこれを行うには、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持することです。で、結婚をダウンロードするアダムスVigiard、児童ポルノの場合、国家警察の中心にあり、2人の子供がtrueの場合1つのバックの人々に報告している警察の証拠保管室、警察に。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁で6月22日月曜日にされ、児童ポルノを毎日の罪で起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, please do so further research is to maintain the Bush administration's official position. In Adams, married to download Vigiard, cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, have two children one of true two-back of the police evidence room that we have reported to the police. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on Monday was June 22, was indicted on charges of child pornography each day, the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、してくださいので、より詳細な調査を行うブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持することです。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例に、国家警察の中心部にあり、子ども2つの真の2つのバックは警察が証拠ルーム、我々は警察に通報してを持っていると結婚した。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は21日、6月22日は、児童ポルノ、毎日の罪で起訴されたが、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. But so please, is to maintain an official stance of the Bush administration to investigate further. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, two children of two real one back police evidence room, we were married and have been reported to the police. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on May 21, June 22 days, child pornography, was indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、そのためには、さらに調査するために、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持してください。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、国家警察の中心部では、2つの本当の自分に戻る警察の証拠保管室の2人の子供、私と結婚していた警察に報告されている。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁で22日、児童ポルノを5月21日、6月に、毎日の罪で起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, to do so, in order to investigate further, please keep the Bush administration's official position. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, two of the police evidence room back to my one true two children, have been reported to the police and I were married. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court 22, child pornography May 21, June, was indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。で、さらには、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持してください調査するただし、これを行うにします。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、国家警察の中心部では、2つの警察の証拠保管室に戻る私のいずれかに該当2人の子供には、警察に報告されている私は結婚していた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は22年、児童ポルノ5月21日、6月、毎日の罪で起訴されたその日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. In addition, to investigate but please keep the Bush administration's official position, and to do this. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, the two fall into one of my back to the police evidence room in one of two children, I have been married to the police report had. He is 22 years in Northern Berkshire District Court, child pornography May 21, June, is the date of the day he was indicted on charges of every day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。加えて、調査するが、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持してください、これを行う。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、国家警察の中心部では、1つ1つ2人の子供では警察が証拠の部屋に、私の背後に2つの秋、私は警察に結婚していた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は、児童ポルノを5月21日に22年間は、6月、彼は毎日の罪で起訴されたその日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. In addition, the investigation, please keep the Bush administration's official position, do this. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, one by one in two children in the police evidence room, behind the fall of one of my two, I'm married to the police they Ta. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is a May 21 child pornography 22 years, June is the date of the day he was indicted on charges of every day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。また、調査で、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持、これを行うにしてください。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、1つの私の2つの秋の背後にある国家警察は、1つ1つは警察が証拠客室内には2人の子供によっての中心部にあり、私は警察には、タ結婚している。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、22年6月彼が毎日の罪で起訴された日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. The survey, maintaining the official position of the Bush administration to do this please. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, one of my two state police two behind one of the fall, one by one in the police evidence room is located in the heart of two of the children, I was the police have been married for data. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, the date is the date 22 June was indicted on charges that he daily Mon.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。調査は、ブッシュ政権のしてくださいこれを行うには公式的な立場を維持します。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つ秋には、1つ1つは警察が証拠客室内には、2つの子供の中心部に位置して後ろに私の2つの国家警察の2つの例では、私は警察がされていたデータと結婚した。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノは、日付が、日6月22日の罪で彼は毎日の月起訴されています。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Survey, please do so in the Bush administration's official position is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one in the police evidence room, two behind my heart and two children of two state police In one example, I had been married to police data. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, the date of 22 June on charges of his day every month is charged.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。調査は、ブッシュ政権の公式の立場を行うようにしてください。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つは警察が証拠客室内で、2つの例では私の心と2つの州警察は2人の子供の後ろで、私はデータを警察に結婚していた。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、彼の1日の毎月請求されます料金は22日、6月の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Survey, please do as the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one in the police evidence room, two single cases and two state police my mind one of the two children behind, I data had been married to the police. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, his fee will be charged for one day each month is 22 days, 16 is the date of the month.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。調査を行ってください、ブッシュ政権の公式の立場である。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つは警察が証拠部屋にすることによって、2つの例と2つの国家警察は2人の子供の私の心一の背後に、私のデータが警察に結婚していた。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、彼の料金毎月1日に請求されます22日、16日は月の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Please research, which the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one the police evidence room, two single and two cases of a single national police two minds behind one of my children , was married to my police data. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, one of his monthly fee will be charged 22, 16 is the date of the month.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。してください研究は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つの警察証拠保管室は、単一の国家警察の2つのシングルと2つのケースの2つの心で一私の子供たちの背後に、私の警察のデータに結婚していた。 22をお支払いいただきます北部バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、1つの彼の毎月の手数料は、16月の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Please research the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one the police evidence room, a single national police force with two singles and two cases of two children behind me in mind of one to the police had been married to my data. Northern Berkshire District Court to pay 22 bon appétit, he is May 21, child pornography, one of his monthly fee, the 16th day of the month.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。してください研究は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つが、警察に1つの心の中で警察の証拠保管室、2つのシングルと私の後ろの2人の子供の2つのケースを1つの国家警察が強制的に結婚していた私データです。北バークシャー地裁クエンティ、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、1つの彼の月額利用料のは22を支払うために、今月の16日。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Please research the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one and one, one by the police evidence room in the mind of the police, two behind me with two singles and two children in one case the data is the one I have been married to one national police force. Northern Berkshire District Court Kuenti his May 21, child pornography, one of his monthly fee to pay for one is 22, and on October 16.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。してください研究は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋に、1つ1つ、1つの警察の心の中に警察の証拠保管室で、2つの私の背後にあるケースでは2枚のシングルと2人の子供のデータとでは、私がされされて1つの国家警察が強制的に結婚した。北バークシャー地裁Kuentiは5月21日、児童ポルノ、1つの彼の月額利用料の支払いを1つのため、22月、10月16日。

That's as far as it went.


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let's go!Veteran Adams Police Officer Alan C. Vigiard, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. He has been placed on administrative leave pending further investigation, authorities said Monday. According to state police reports, Vigiard, who is married with two children, allegedly downloaded and viewed child pornography in the Adams Police Department evidence room. He pleaded not guilty to the child pornography charge Friday in Northern Berkshire District Court.
into Japaneseベテランアダムス警察官アラン年頃Vigiard、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。彼は管理上に配置されているままに詳細な調査保留中、当局が明らかにした。 2人の子供と結婚している疑いをダウンロードし、アダムス警察証拠保管室での児童ポルノ閲覧、州警察の報告、Vigiard、によると、。彼は児童ポルノを充電する無罪金曜日北部バークシャー地裁に訴えた。
back into EnglishAlan Adams, a veteran police officers around Vigiard, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. He is still pending further investigation has been placed on the management, according to authorities. Download the suspicion that two married children, viewing child pornography in Adams police evidence room, police reports state, Vigiard, said. He appealed to the Northern Berkshire District Court, not guilty Friday to child pornography charge.
back into Japaneseアランアダムズ、Vigiard周りのベテラン警察官、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。彼はまだ管理に配置されており、当局によると、詳しい調査が保留中です。ダウンロードの疑い2人は結婚の子供は、アダムス警察の証拠保管室での表示、児童ポルノ、警察の報告状態、Vigiard、それはそうだ。彼は、北部のバークシャー地裁は、無罪と金曜日に児童ポルノの充電に訴えた。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. His administration has been placed yet, officials said, is pending further investigation. Two people suspected of downloading child marriage, in view of the police evidence room Adams, child pornography, state police reports, Vigiard, it's true. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court, appealed Friday to the charge of not guilty to child pornography.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。ブッシュ政権はまだ、関係者は、配置されているため、詳しい調査は保留中です。警察の証拠保管室アダムス、児童ポルノ、国家警察の報告を、Vigiardは、本当のことを視野に入れ、2人の子供の結婚をダウンロードした疑い。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁にされた金曜日、無罪を充電する児童ポルノを訴えた。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Yet the Bush administration officials, because that is placed, is pending further investigation. Adams, a police evidence room, child pornography, state police reports, Vigiard is true that in mind, allegedly downloaded the marriage of two children. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on Friday was sued innocent child pornography charge.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、そのため、詳しい調査が保留されて配置されます。アダムズさんは、警察の証拠保管室、児童ポルノ、国家警察の報告を、Vigiardは、心で、容疑者2人の子供の結婚のダウンロードはtrueです。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁では金曜日にされたとして提訴された罪のない児童ポルノを充電します。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, been placed on hold for further investigation. Adams is a police evidence room, child pornography, state police reports, Vigiard the heart, two suspects who download child marriage is true. He was the Northern Berkshire District Court charging the innocent child pornography that was sued on Friday.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、保持する上でより詳細な調査のために置かれて。 trueの場合アダムスVigiardの中心部の警察証拠保管室、児童ポルノ、国家警察の報道は、人の子の結婚をダウンロード容疑者2人です。彼は、北部のバークシャー地裁が22日に提訴された罪のない児童ポルノを充電されました。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, been left out for further investigation on hold. Adams Vigiard true if the police evidence room in the heart of child pornography, state police reported the suspect who downloaded child marriage is two people. He is in Northern Berkshire District Court was charged with 22 child pornography charges were filed a day without.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、保持する上でより詳細な調査のために残されて。アダムスVigiard場合はtrue、児童ポルノの中心部にある警察の証拠保管室、国家警察は、人の子の結婚、2人がダウンロードした容疑者と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁では22日、児童ポルノ容疑で起訴された日も提起された。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, is left for further investigation on hold. Adams Vigiard If true, the police evidence room in the heart of child pornography, police state, child marriage, who reported two people who allegedly downloaded. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22, the date on which the indictment was filed child pornography charges.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、保持する上でより詳細な捜査のために残っている。アダムスVigiard trueの場合、児童ポルノの中心部にある警察の証拠保管室、警察、国家、人は容疑をダウンロード2つの人々が報告子供の結婚。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日にされた日は、起訴の子に提出された児童ポルノを充電します。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, remains for further investigation on hold. Adams Vigiard true, the police evidence room in the heart of child pornography, police, national police who are downloading child marriage of two people who reported one. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 the date of the day, the charge was filed in the child pornography charges.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、したがって、hold状態にあるため、詳しい調査のために残る。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察、人一人を報告2人の子供の結婚をダウンロードして、国家警察の中心部にある警察の証拠保管室trueを返します。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日の日付にされ、料金は、児童ポルノ容疑で提出された。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, hold in the state to remain for further investigation. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, police reported one person to download a marriage of two children, a police evidence room in the heart of the national police to return true. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 date is the date the charge was filed child pornography charges.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、そのため、状態のため、詳しい調査のままに保持します。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察にtrueを返す2人の子供は、国家警察の中心部で警察の証拠保管室の結婚をダウンロードする1人と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日にされた電荷児童ポルノの疑いが提起された日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials, therefore, for the state to hold the remains for further investigation. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, the police returned the two children is true, to download the marriage of the police evidence room in the heart of the national police reported one person. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 is the date the suspicion of child pornography charge that day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権の関係者は、そのための状態の一層の調査のためのまま保持します。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察は真実ですが、国家警察の中心部には警察が証拠の部屋の結婚をダウンロードする2人の子供が返さ1人と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日にしていた児童ポルノ料の疑いで、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, Bush administration officials to keep them for further investigation of the state to do so. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, the police is true, in the heart of the national police evidence room to download the marriage of the police returned the two children and one person reported. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 on charges of child pornography charges has been a day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、ブッシュ政権当局者の状態の一層の捜査のためにこれを行うに保管してください。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察、国家警察の証拠保管室の中心部には警察の結婚をダウンロードする場合はtrueであり、2人の子供が返さ1人と報じた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日、児童ポルノ容疑の疑いで毎日られていたが、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. But please do this and keep it for further investigation of Bush administration official status. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, police evidence room in the heart of the national police of the police if you download the marriage is true, return the two children and one person reported. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22, had been charged on suspicion of child pornography each day, the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、これを行ってくださいとブッシュ政権の公式地位のさらなる調査のために保つ。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノ、警察の国家警察の中心部で警察の証拠保管室の場合は、結婚をダウンロードし、2人の子供を返す1人の報告はtrueです。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁で6月22日、児童ポルノ、毎日の疑いで起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, further investigation to keep the Bush administration's official position and please do this. Adams Vigiard, child pornography, if the police evidence room in the center of the national police of the police is to download a marriage, two children were returning one person reported is true. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22, child pornography had been indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、さらなる調査は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持し、これを行うにしてください。アダムスVigiard、児童ポルノの場合は、警察の国家警察の中心部には警察が証拠お部屋には結婚をダウンロードするためには、2人の子供がtrueの場合、1人が報告に戻ってきた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は6月22日には、児童ポルノ、毎日の罪で起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, further research is to maintain an official stance of the Bush administration to do this please. Adams Vigiard, cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police to police the police evidence room in order to download a marriage, two children is true, one has reported back to the people. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on June 22 on Monday, child pornography had been indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、さらに研究をしてくださいこれを行うには、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持することです。で、結婚をダウンロードするアダムスVigiard、児童ポルノの場合、国家警察の中心にあり、2人の子供がtrueの場合1つのバックの人々に報告している警察の証拠保管室、警察に。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁で6月22日月曜日にされ、児童ポルノを毎日の罪で起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, please do so further research is to maintain the Bush administration's official position. In Adams, married to download Vigiard, cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, have two children one of true two-back of the police evidence room that we have reported to the police. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on Monday was June 22, was indicted on charges of child pornography each day, the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、してくださいので、より詳細な調査を行うブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持することです。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例に、国家警察の中心部にあり、子ども2つの真の2つのバックは警察が証拠ルーム、我々は警察に通報してを持っていると結婚した。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は21日、6月22日は、児童ポルノ、毎日の罪で起訴されたが、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. But so please, is to maintain an official stance of the Bush administration to investigate further. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, two children of two real one back police evidence room, we were married and have been reported to the police. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court on May 21, June 22 days, child pornography, was indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。しかし、そのためには、さらに調査するために、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持してください。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、国家警察の中心部では、2つの本当の自分に戻る警察の証拠保管室の2人の子供、私と結婚していた警察に報告されている。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁で22日、児童ポルノを5月21日、6月に、毎日の罪で起訴されていた、その日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. However, to do so, in order to investigate further, please keep the Bush administration's official position. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, two of the police evidence room back to my one true two children, have been reported to the police and I were married. He was in Northern Berkshire District Court 22, child pornography May 21, June, was indicted on charges of every day is the date of the day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。で、さらには、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持してください調査するただし、これを行うにします。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、国家警察の中心部では、2つの警察の証拠保管室に戻る私のいずれかに該当2人の子供には、警察に報告されている私は結婚していた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は22年、児童ポルノ5月21日、6月、毎日の罪で起訴されたその日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. In addition, to investigate but please keep the Bush administration's official position, and to do this. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, the two fall into one of my back to the police evidence room in one of two children, I have been married to the police report had. He is 22 years in Northern Berkshire District Court, child pornography May 21, June, is the date of the day he was indicted on charges of every day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。加えて、調査するが、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持してください、これを行う。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、国家警察の中心部では、1つ1つ2人の子供では警察が証拠の部屋に、私の背後に2つの秋、私は警察に結婚していた。彼は北部のバークシャー地裁は、児童ポルノを5月21日に22年間は、6月、彼は毎日の罪で起訴されたその日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. In addition, the investigation, please keep the Bush administration's official position, do this. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, in the heart of the national police, one by one in two children in the police evidence room, behind the fall of one of my two, I'm married to the police they Ta. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is a May 21 child pornography 22 years, June is the date of the day he was indicted on charges of every day.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。また、調査で、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場を維持、これを行うにしてください。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノの例では、1つの私の2つの秋の背後にある国家警察は、1つ1つは警察が証拠客室内には2人の子供によっての中心部にあり、私は警察には、タ結婚している。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、22年6月彼が毎日の罪で起訴された日の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. The survey, maintaining the official position of the Bush administration to do this please. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, in cases of child pornography, one of my two state police two behind one of the fall, one by one in the police evidence room is located in the heart of two of the children, I was the police have been married for data. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, the date is the date 22 June was indicted on charges that he daily Mon.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。調査は、ブッシュ政権のしてくださいこれを行うには公式的な立場を維持します。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つ秋には、1つ1つは警察が証拠客室内には、2つの子供の中心部に位置して後ろに私の2つの国家警察の2つの例では、私は警察がされていたデータと結婚した。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノは、日付が、日6月22日の罪で彼は毎日の月起訴されています。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Survey, please do so in the Bush administration's official position is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one in the police evidence room, two behind my heart and two children of two state police In one example, I had been married to police data. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, the date of 22 June on charges of his day every month is charged.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。調査は、ブッシュ政権の公式の立場を行うようにしてください。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つは警察が証拠客室内で、2つの例では私の心と2つの州警察は2人の子供の後ろで、私はデータを警察に結婚していた。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、彼の1日の毎月請求されます料金は22日、6月の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Survey, please do as the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one in the police evidence room, two single cases and two state police my mind one of the two children behind, I data had been married to the police. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, his fee will be charged for one day each month is 22 days, 16 is the date of the month.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。調査を行ってください、ブッシュ政権の公式の立場である。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つは警察が証拠部屋にすることによって、2つの例と2つの国家警察は2人の子供の私の心一の背後に、私のデータが警察に結婚していた。北バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、彼の料金毎月1日に請求されます22日、16日は月の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Please research, which the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one the police evidence room, two single and two cases of a single national police two minds behind one of my children , was married to my police data. Northern Berkshire District Court, he is May 21, child pornography, one of his monthly fee will be charged 22, 16 is the date of the month.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。してください研究は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つの警察証拠保管室は、単一の国家警察の2つのシングルと2つのケースの2つの心で一私の子供たちの背後に、私の警察のデータに結婚していた。 22をお支払いいただきます北部バークシャー地裁は、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、1つの彼の毎月の手数料は、16月の日付です。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Please research the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one by one the police evidence room, a single national police force with two singles and two cases of two children behind me in mind of one to the police had been married to my data. Northern Berkshire District Court to pay 22 bon appétit, he is May 21, child pornography, one of his monthly fee, the 16th day of the month.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。してください研究は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋、1つ1つが、警察に1つの心の中で警察の証拠保管室、2つのシングルと私の後ろの2人の子供の2つのケースを1つの国家警察が強制的に結婚していた私データです。北バークシャー地裁クエンティ、彼は5月21日、児童ポルノ、1つの彼の月額利用料のは22を支払うために、今月の16日。
back into EnglishAranadamuzu, Vigiard around a veteran police officer, 45, was arrested last week and charged with possession of child pornography. Please research the Bush administration's official position. Is maintained. In Adams, Downloads Vigiard, child pornography, one by one fall, one and one, one by the police evidence room in the mind of the police, two behind me with two singles and two children in one case the data is the one I have been married to one national police force. Northern Berkshire District Court Kuenti his May 21, child pornography, one of his monthly fee to pay for one is 22, and on October 16.
back into JapaneseAranadamuzu、Vigiardベテラン警察官の周り、45、先週逮捕され、児童ポルノの所持で起訴。してください研究は、ブッシュ政権の公式的な立場。維持されます。アダムスでは、ダウンロードVigiard、児童ポルノ、1つ1つの秋に、1つ1つ、1つの警察の心の中に警察の証拠保管室で、2つの私の背後にあるケースでは2枚のシングルと2人の子供のデータとでは、私がされされて1つの国家警察が強制的に結婚した。北バークシャー地裁Kuentiは5月21日、児童ポルノ、1つの彼の月額利用料の支払いを1つのため、22月、10月16日。

That's as far as it went.
The point is to get something funny, not break it.
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  • Varine Varine:
    How can you tell the difference between real traffic and indexing or AI generation bots?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The bots will show up as users online in the forum software but they do not show up in my stats tracking. I am sure there are bots in the stats but the way alot of the bots treat the site do not show up on the stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New dessert added to recipes Southern Pecan Praline Cake
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Another bot invasion 493 members online most of them bots that do not show up on stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Some members choose invisibility mode
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    People love rep, lol
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The recipe today is Sloppy Joe Casserole - one of my faves LOL
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Decided to put up a healthier type recipe to mix it up - Honey Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry

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