
New Member
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Woah! My jaw dropped. You must have put a lot of great progress and work there! I can't wait to try this out! :D


Have a drink of a nice cold mellowberry juice!
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Yup, the terrain is extremely great, though any progress from other game systems is 0%? I would like to see the save and load system. Which I always been looking for a good one :D And please share your strategy on how to orient the save and load, that is what I really want actually hehe.....


Have a drink of a nice cold mellowberry juice!
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Probably he wont use desert for the whole terrain, just a guess. Since it would look like err..... Prince of Persia :D


New Member
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Wow, excelent terrain.

A question, all terrain of your map will be desert?

Dark Brown represents the mountians(only outlined for now, not filled in)
Green represents the trolls
Sandy Brown represents the desert(orcs)
Everywhere else are were the other reigons will be.

Obviously, it won't be all desert. Look on the first post with the world map. :rolleyes:


Make a wish
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Came back from my grad vacation. I can start on making the tauren's but I can't do the troll forest because I don't have the Echo Tree Model. See the link to the original thread at the hive and look at my signature. If someone could do it, it would be strongly apreiciated.


wishes wells.
Reaction score
Okay so the damage is not displayed as you said you were gonna do that. Here it is:

scope MeleeCS initializer Init

    struct MeleeFighter //The struct, dont alter this
        unit attacker
        boolean attk
        real stamina
        real damage
        integer agi
        integer str
        integer int
        location uloc
        location oloc
        real facing
        boolean end
        texttag txt
        location txtloc
        player owner
    globals //Globals, don't touch these
        private integer Total = 0
        private MeleeFighter array D
        private timer T = CreateTimer()
        private integer index
        private integer aindex
    private function GetDamage takes integer j returns real // Here Is the function that gives you the dmg
        local real dmg
        local integer i = j
        set D<i>.agi = GetHeroAgi(D<i>.attacker,true)
        set D<i>.str = GetHeroStr(D<i>.attacker,true)
        set D<i>.int = GetHeroInt(D<i>.attacker,true)
        if D<i>.stamina &lt; 16 then
            set dmg = 0
            set dmg = (D<i>.agi + D<i>.str + D<i>.int)*(D<i>.stamina/25)
        return dmg
    private function GetStamTick takes nothing returns real //determines the amount of stamina regenerated every 0.025 seconds (40 times per second)
        return 100.00/120.00                                //currently simply set to an amount that results in a 3 second cooldown
    private function IsHero takes nothing returns boolean //Is just temporary, as it picks all Heroes on the map, and adds gives them a slot in the struct array
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
            set u = null
            return true
        set u = null
        return false
    private function MatchUnits takes nothing returns boolean //Picks the Units for the Unitgroup that is damaged
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        if IsPlayerEnemy(GetOwningPlayer(D[aindex].attacker),GetOwningPlayer(u)) then
            if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) == false then
                if GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Aloc&#039;) &lt; 1 then
                    if GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0.405 then
                        set u = null
                        return true
        set u = null
        return false
    private function DamageGroup takes nothing returns nothing //Damages the picked units
        local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
        local real dmg = GetDamage(aindex)
        call UnitDamageTarget(D[aindex].attacker,u,dmg,true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_HERO,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Damage: &quot;+R2S(dmg)+&quot;   Stamina: &quot;+R2S(D[aindex].stamina))
        set u = null
    private function AddToStruct takes nothing returns nothing //Adds a new Unit to the struct array
        local MeleeFighter LF = MeleeFighter.create()
        local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
        set LF.attacker = u
        set LF.stamina = 100
        set LF.attk = false
        set LF.end = false
        set LF.owner = GetOwningPlayer(u)
        set D[Total] = LF
        set Total = Total + 1
    private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing //This creates the floating text and regenerates the stamina
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 1
        local string s = &quot;&quot;
        local integer cstam = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;=Total
            if D<i>.stamina &lt; 100 then
                set index = i
                if D<i>.stamina &gt;= 100 then
                    set D<i>.stamina = 100
                    set D<i>.stamina = D<i>.stamina + GetStamTick()
                set cstam = R2I(D<i>.stamina)
                    exitwhen j &gt; 50
                    if (cstam/2) &gt;= j then
                        set s = s + &quot;|cff660066&#039;|r&quot;
                        set s = s + &quot;&#039;&quot;
                    set j = j+1
                set D<i>.uloc = GetUnitLoc(D<i>.attacker)
                set D<i>.txtloc = Location(GetLocationX(D<i>.uloc) - 65.00,GetLocationY(D<i>.uloc))
                call RemoveLocation(D<i>.uloc)
                set D<i>.uloc = null
                set D<i>.txt = CreateTextTag()
                call SetTextTagText(D<i>.txt,s,TextTagSize2Height(8.00))
                call SetTextTagPos(D<i>.txt,GetLocationX(D<i>.txtloc),GetLocationY(D<i>.txtloc),180)
                call SetTextTagColor(D<i>.txt,255,255,255,255)
                call SetTextTagPermanent(D<i>.txt,false)
                call SetTextTagFadepoint(D<i>.txt,0.05)
                call SetTextTagLifespan(D<i>.txt, 0.051)
                if D<i>.owner == GetLocalPlayer() then
                    call SetTextTagVisibility(D<i>.txt,true)
                    call SetTextTagVisibility(D<i>.txt,false)
                call RemoveLocation(D<i>.txtloc)
                set D<i>.txtloc = null
                set D<i>.stamina = 100
            set i = i+1
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing //Initializer function Starts timer etc
        local group grp = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(grp,GetPlayableMapRect(),Condition(function IsHero))
        call ForGroup(grp,function AddToStruct)
        call TimerStart(T,0.025,true,function TimerLoop)
        call DestroyGroup(grp)
        set grp = null
    function AddUnit takes unit u returns nothing //you can call this function to add HEROES (!) to the system, for example after a player loads one, or obtains one from a tavern
        local MeleeFighter LF = MeleeFighter.create()
        set LF.attacker = u
        set LF.stamina = 100
        set LF.attk = false
        set LF.end = false
        set LF.owner = GetOwningPlayer(u)
        set D[Total] = LF
        set Total = Total + 1
    function MeleeAttack takes unit u returns nothing // This function is the one that does the damage stuff. Call it via custom script to initialize the attack
        local integer i = 0
        local integer ai
        local boolean found = false
        local group grp = CreateGroup()
        local real facing
            exitwhen found == true
            if D<i>.attacker == u then
                set found = true
                set ai = i
            set i = i+1
        set aindex = ai
        set D[ai].attk = true
        set D[ai].uloc = GetUnitLoc(D[ai].attacker)
        set facing  = GetUnitFacing(D[ai].attacker)
        set D[ai].oloc = PolarProjectionBJ(D[ai].uloc,100.00,facing)
        call RemoveLocation(D[ai].uloc)
        set D[ai].uloc = null
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(grp,D[ai].oloc,125,Condition(function MatchUnits))
        call ForGroup(grp,function DamageGroup)
        if CountUnitsInGroup(grp) &gt; 0 then
            set D[aindex].stamina = 0
        call DestroyGroup(grp)
        set grp = null
        set D[ai].attk = false

All the heroes that are preplaced on the map are added automatically.

There are two functions you can use. One is
call AddUnit(takes unit)
which you can use to add another hero (for example when sold at taverns)

The second function is the actual damage call:
call MeleeAttack(takes unit)
an example of that is in the demo map.

The functions to alter the damage/stamina gain are at the top of the trigger.

If you find any bugs tell me.

EDIT: found a small bug. Code and map are updated.


  • Combat System.w3x
    18.6 KB · Views: 261


Make a wish
Reaction score
Looks good. I'll start on the damage. I think that somewere between 10 - 20 is the average and 25 as max for a level 1.


wishes wells.
Reaction score
Okay here is the altered version.

This way of doing it however will greatly increase the balancing difficulty.

EDIT: Oh and for that way to actually make sense, the damage dealt would have to grow exponentially with the Stamina (otherwise manual attack is pointless)


  • Combat System.w3x
    60.5 KB · Views: 247


don't expect anything, prepare for everything
Reaction score
this looks pretty nice, but gosh, it reminds me so much on WoW and Barrens...
at least from the screenies

you could make the Tauren City in some snowy mountains, so it wont remind so much on WoW :p

5 thumbs up! :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup:

just one thing though,

This map will be a huge dungeon

how can a palm tree grow inside a dungeon :confused:


The Evolved Panda Commandant
Reaction score
I should've commented here before, :O
Terrain is really nice, the desert atmosphere fits well.
It seems like you have a stable amount of mobs. Are the bosses like mob bosses or raid bosses?
I don't like how bosses can only be killed once, people might miss it, heh. If you want it to be more realistic, then maybe the respawn time is long, like 5 - 10 minutes. Or when they are about to die, at 1% health, they escape and disappear, so they don't ever "die" but you still get the experience and loot.

Do you need names for the game and Tauren city?



Active Member
Reaction score
I should've commented here before, :O
Terrain is really nice, the desert atmosphere fits well.
It seems like you have a stable amount of mobs. Are the bosses like mob bosses or raid bosses?
I don't like how bosses can only be killed once, people might miss it, heh. If you want it to be more realistic, then maybe the respawn time is long, like 5 - 10 minutes. Or when they are about to die, at 1% health, they escape and disappear, so they don't ever "die" but you still get the experience and loot.

Do you need names for the game and Tauren city?


Hello Vine!

How about a trigger respawns your well-beloved bosses?

Would be cool, heh :)


Make a wish
Reaction score
Sure, bosses will respawn 5 to 10 minutes. And the bosses, well there not going to be the simple bosses that just fight and are strong. They're going to have different stages. The dungen thing, thats basically the unique part of the map. The evil guy is and instead of having 6 small boring dungeon, im making one huge dungeon that I hope will be similar to the Zelda style dungeons. Testing Demo right now.

EDIT: I'll try to make a formula by today cause aditional 200 damamge is a lot. And also, is it possible for the extra damage bonus on the unit not be shown? Like the other combat system? And the tauren's will have a volcano guys and will be in the mountians so no snow in this map. There will be trolls with a lot of tree's and grass but my request for the echo tree isn't done and no one wants to do it so I can't terrain that area until I get it.


wishes wells.
Reaction score
Okay here is the healing system, there is a lot of other crap in the map, just ignore that. the units to test the healing are at the bottom right of the map.


  • RandomStuff.w3x
    471 KB · Views: 280


Make a wish
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I couldn't test it but I looked at the code. I see what it does. Well use the healing system if were going to incorporate healing spells. Spells now are not thought out so its hard deciding what system to use. But I think the Warlock will have to use healing spells or else there will be no way of healing except for bottles or something.

Oh and nice apple :).


wishes wells.
Reaction score
Oh and nice apple :).

i like it too :p

Anyways, here is the range damage system. u can use it like the melee system, just different function names, for details check the map.

scope RangeCS initializer Init

    struct RangeFighter //The struct, dont alter this
        unit attacker
        unit target
        real stamina
        real damage
        integer agi
        integer str
        integer int
        location uloc
        location oloc
        boolean end
        texttag txt
        location txtloc
        player owner
        real stammax
    globals //Globals, don&#039;t touch these
        private integer Total = 0
        private RangeFighter array D
        private timer T = CreateTimer()
        private integer index
        private integer aindex
    private function GetDamage takes integer j returns real // Here Is the function that gives you the dmg
        local real dmg
        local integer i = j
        set D<i>.str = GetHeroStr(D<i>.attacker,true)
        if D<i>.stamina &lt; (0.14)*(D<i>.stamina) then
            set dmg = 0
            set dmg = D<i>.str +  D<i>.stamina/5
        return dmg
    private function GetStamTick takes unit u returns real //determines the amount of stamina regenerated every 0.2 seconds (5 times per second)
        return (I2R(GetHeroAgi(u,true)))/8.00
    private function IsHero takes nothing returns boolean //Is just temporary, as it picks all Heroes on the map, and adds gives them a slot in the struct array
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_HERO) then
            set u = null
            return true
        set u = null
        return false
    private function MatchUnits takes nothing returns boolean //Picks the Units for the Unitgroup that is damaged
        local unit u = GetFilterUnit()
        if IsPlayerEnemy(GetOwningPlayer(D[aindex].attacker),GetOwningPlayer(u)) then
            if IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) == false then
                if GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,&#039;Aloc&#039;) &lt; 1 then
                    if GetUnitState(u,UNIT_STATE_LIFE) &gt; 0.405 then
                        set u = null
                        return true
        set u = null
        return false
    private function AddToStruct takes nothing returns nothing //Adds a new Unit to the struct array
        local RangeFighter LF = RangeFighter.create()
        local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
        set LF.attacker = u
        set LF.end = false
        set LF.owner = GetOwningPlayer(u)
        set LF.stammax = I2R(GetHeroInt(u,true))*8
        set LF.stamina = LF.stammax
        set D[Total] = LF
        set Total = Total + 1
    private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing //This creates the floating text and regenerates the stamina
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j = 1
        local string s = &quot;&quot;
        local integer cstam = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;=Total
            set D<i>.stammax = I2R(GetHeroInt(D<i>.attacker,true))*8
            if D<i>.stamina &lt; D<i>.stammax then
                set index = i
                set D<i>.stamina = D<i>.stamina + GetStamTick(D<i>.attacker)
                set cstam = R2I(D<i>.stamina)
                    exitwhen j &gt; 50
                    if (cstam/2) &gt;= j then
                        set s = s + &quot;|cff660066&#039;|r&quot;
                        set s = s + &quot;&#039;&quot;
                    set j = j+1
                set D<i>.uloc = GetUnitLoc(D<i>.attacker)
                set D<i>.txtloc = Location(GetLocationX(D<i>.uloc) - 65.00,GetLocationY(D<i>.uloc))
                call RemoveLocation(D<i>.uloc)
                set D<i>.uloc = null
                set D<i>.txt = CreateTextTag()
                call SetTextTagText(D<i>.txt,s,TextTagSize2Height(8.00))
                call SetTextTagPos(D<i>.txt,GetLocationX(D<i>.txtloc),GetLocationY(D<i>.txtloc),180)
                call SetTextTagColor(D<i>.txt,255,255,255,255)
                call SetTextTagPermanent(D<i>.txt,false)
                call SetTextTagLifespan(D<i>.txt, 0.09)
                if D<i>.owner == GetLocalPlayer() then
                    call SetTextTagVisibility(D<i>.txt,true)
                    call SetTextTagVisibility(D<i>.txt,false)
                call RemoveLocation(D<i>.txtloc)
                set D<i>.txtloc = null
                set D<i>.stamina = D<i>.stammax
            set i = i+1
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing //Initializer function Starts timer etc
        local group grp = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(grp,GetPlayableMapRect(),Condition(function IsHero))
        call ForGroup(grp,function AddToStruct)
        call TimerStart(T,0.04,true,function TimerLoop)
        call DestroyGroup(grp)
        set grp = null
    function AddUnitRange takes unit u returns nothing //you can call this function to add HEROES (!) to the system, for example after a player loads one, or obtains one from a tavern
        local RangeFighter LF = RangeFighter.create()
        set LF.attacker = u
        set LF.end = false
        set LF.owner = GetOwningPlayer(u)
        set LF.stammax = I2R(GetHeroInt(u,true))*8
        set LF.stamina = LF.stammax
        set D[Total] = LF
        set Total = Total + 1
    private function DmgActions takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit u = GetEventDamageSource()
        local unit t = GetTriggerUnit()
        local integer bid = &#039;B000&#039;
        local integer ai = 0
        local integer i = 0
        local boolean found = false
        local real dmg
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Damage Call    &quot;+ R2S(dmg))
            exitwhen found == true
            if D[ai].attacker == u then
                set i = ai
                set found = true
            set ai = ai + 1
        //call BJDebugMsg(GetObjectName(GetUnitTypeId(D<i>.attacker)))
        set dmg = GetDamage(i)
        if GetUnitAbilityLevel(t, bid) &gt; 0 then
            call UnitRemoveAbility(t, bid)
            call UnitDamageTarget(D<i>.attacker,t,dmg,true,false,ATTACK_TYPE_HERO,DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
            //call BJDebugMsg(R2S(dmg))
        set u = null
        set t = null
    private function TargDmg takes unit ta returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Trigger Init&quot;)
        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(t,ta,EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function DmgActions)
    function RangeAttack takes unit u,unit t returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local integer ai
        local boolean found = false
        local group grp = CreateGroup()
        local real facing
        //call BJDebugMsg(&quot;Attack Call&quot;)
            exitwhen found == true
            if D<i>.attacker == u then
                set ai = i
                set found  = true
            set i = i+1
        call TargDmg(t)
        set D[ai].stamina = 0

the formula is not really working in my opinion. The the damage and amount of stamina are fine, but the regeneration is to high. I can barely manage to attack with range a second time before the stamina is filled up again. And imagine an agility hero, he will reg the stamina faster on a high lvl than he could attack. That would be disappointing for the player, as he cannot use his hero to its full potential.

I'm not 100% sure that it works perfectly when there is a lot of fighting going on, we'll see to that when the time comes, or i realize a flaw^^

Edit: Tiny code change :)


  • Combat System v2.w3x
    24.1 KB · Views: 372


wishes wells.
Reaction score
Okay i put the autoshot thing in, and a function to determine the aoe of the melee attack. (The range attack seems to be totally MUI, didn't get around testing the melee attack yet, but it also should be MUI, since it is based on the same functions with slight changes)


  • Combat System v3.w3x
    24.1 KB · Views: 262


Make a wish
Reaction score
this looks pretty nice, but gosh, it reminds me so much on WoW and Barrens...
at least from the screenies

you could make the Tauren City in some snowy mountains, so it wont remind so much on WoW :p

5 thumbs up! :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup:

just one thing though,

how can a palm tree grow inside a dungeon :confused:

Just notice the last comment. Its not the whole map, its like half the map is a huge dungeon. There won't be anything really growing inside a cave. I've started working on a WOW like bag system that appears on your screen with buttons and stuff so you can see how your hero will look, his stats with certian items and equiping items. Im using DGUI if anyone wants to know how. It will be like a interface


wishes wells.
Reaction score
Here is the cam system.

To start up the cam in the demo map, just type "-cam on", you can also make a function call:

scope Camera initializer Init
    struct cam
        unit locked
        real distance
        real angle
        location loc
        real lr

        private integer Total = 11
        private cam array D
        private timer T = CreateTimer()

    private function TimerLoop takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local real z
            exitwhen i&gt;=Total
            if D<i>.locked != null then
                set D<i>.loc = GetUnitLoc(D<i>.locked)
                set z = GetLocationZ(D<i>.loc)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call PanCameraToTimed(GetLocationX(D<i>.loc), GetLocationY(D<i>.loc), 2)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraTargetController(D<i>.locked, 0, 0, false)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_TARGET_DISTANCE, D<i>.distance, .75)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK, D<i>.angle, .75)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ROTATION, GetUnitFacing(D<i>.locked)+D<i>.lr, .75)
                if (GetLocalPlayer() == Player(i)) then
                    call SetCameraField(CAMERA_FIELD_ZOFFSET, 100+(z/3), .75)
                call RemoveLocation(D<i>.loc)
            set i = i+1
    private function RotateResetAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
        set D<i>.lr = 0
    private function RotateReset takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;11
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEventBJ(t,Player(i),bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_DEPRESS, bj_KEYEVENTKEY_UP)
            set i = i+1
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateResetAct)
    private function RotateRightAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
        set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr-30
        if D<i>.lr &lt; -360 then
            set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr + 360
    private function RotateRight takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;11
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEventBJ(t,Player(i),bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_DEPRESS, bj_KEYEVENTKEY_LEFT)
            set i = i+1
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateRightAct)
    private function RotateLeftAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
        set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr+30
        if D<i>.lr &gt; 360 then
            set D<i>.lr = D<i>.lr - 360
    private function RotateLeft takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;11
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEventBJ(t,Player(i),bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_DEPRESS, bj_KEYEVENTKEY_RIGHT)
            set i = i+1
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function RotateLeftAct)
    private function TurnAct takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
        call SetUnitFacing(D<i>.locked,GetUnitFacing(D<i>.locked)-180)
    private function Turn takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        local integer i = 0
            exitwhen i&gt;11
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEventBJ(t,Player(i),bj_KEYEVENTTYPE_DEPRESS, bj_KEYEVENTKEY_DOWN)
            set i = i+1
        call TriggerAddAction(t,function TurnAct)

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call Turn()
        call RotateLeft()
        call RotateRight()
        call RotateReset()
        call TimerStart(T,0.03,true,function TimerLoop)
    function SetCamTarget takes unit u, real dist,real angle, integer i returns nothing
        set D<i>.locked = u
        set D<i>.distance = dist
        set D<i>.angle = angle
        set D<i>.lr = 0


The system currently has one weakness, when you walk up extremly steep raised terrain, the camera goes a little bit too high. You will probably have to play around with the angle, and distance, to make the cam the way you want it.
Btw, wtf is DGUI?

EDIT: I was bored, so i added more arrowkey functions^^. With left/right arrow keys you can rotate around your hero, with the up arrow you reset the rotation.


  • 3rdPersonCam.w3x
    21.2 KB · Views: 204
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    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New dessert added to recipes Southern Pecan Praline Cake https://www.thehelper.net/threads/recipe-southern-pecan-praline-cake.193555/
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Another bot invasion 493 members online most of them bots that do not show up on stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Some members choose invisibility mode
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    People love rep, lol
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The recipe today is Sloppy Joe Casserole - one of my faves LOL https://www.thehelper.net/threads/sloppy-joe-casserole-with-manwich.193585/
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Decided to put up a healthier type recipe to mix it up - Honey Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry https://www.thehelper.net/threads/recipe-honey-garlic-shrimp-stir-fry.193595/

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