Report Very intelligent people make less effective leaders, according to their peers and subordinates


The Helper Connoisseur / Ex-MineCraft Host
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Highly intelligent people tend to make good progress in the workplace and are seen as fit for leadership roles: overall, smarter is usually associated with success. But if you examine the situation more closely, as does new research in the Journal of Applied Psychology, you find evidence that too much intelligence can harm leadership effectiveness. Too clever for your own good? Let’s look at the research.

John Antonakis at the University of Lausanne and colleagues recruited 379 mid-level leaders (27 per cent women, average age 38) at private companies in 30 mainly European countries, working in areas ranging from banking and telecoms to hospitality and retail. Each participant completed a personality questionnaire and a well-validated measure of intelligence, the Wonderlic Personnel Test. Their average IQ was 111 (the average for the general population is 100), with a fairly even spread of scores.

The researchers also had access to third-party ratings of the participants’ leadership performance from eight people: either peers or subordinates of the leader, who rated them on the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, which explores the degree to which the leader demonstrates various leadership styles, some known to be useful (e.g. a “transformational style” which inspires, or an “instrumental” style that removes stumbling blocks), others detrimental (e.g. a passive, hands-off style).

Overall, women tended to employ better leadership styles, and to a lesser extent so did older leaders, but the bulk of the variance was accounted for by personality and intelligence. Like so much previous work, intelligence showed a positive linear relationship with leadership effectiveness, but this association flattened out and then reversed at an IQ of about 120. For leaders with higher intelligence than this, their scores in transformational and instrumental leadership were lower, on average, than less smart leaders; and beyond an IQ of 128, the association with less effective leadership was clear and statistically significant.

Of note is that Antonakis’ team also predicted that very high intelligence would correlate not only with less use of effective leadership methods, but also greater use of harmful leadership styles (such as laissez-faire leadership). The data didn’t bear this out. Very smart leaders weren’t falling prey to bad approaches, they were struggling to use the good ones.

Thucydides said:
It is frequently a misfortune to have very brilliant men in charge of affairs. They expect too much of ordinary men. (Wikipedia)
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Funny. I would say people who make bad leaders can not be very intelligent.
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    Check out my new teeth in my profile pic :)
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Fucking bionic
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Looks great!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Happy Thursday!
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Added new Crab Bisque Soup recipe - which is badass by the way - Crab Bisque -
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I feel like we need to all meet up somewhere sometime. Maybe like in Vegas :)
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Would love to go to Vegas I have never been and it would be an adventure! Who is in?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    at least the full on bot attack has stopped it was getting ridiculous there for a while and we use cloudflare and everything
  • jonas jonas:
    I'm sure my wife would not be happy if I went to Vegas, but don't let that stop you guys - would be hard for me to attend anyways
  • jonas jonas:
    Do you know why the bot attack stopped?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    maybe they finally got everything lol
  • Ghan Ghan:
    There's lots of good food in Vegas.
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Everything tends to be pretty expensive though so bring your wallet.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have to wait longer if I am going for food because my teeth are still messed up from the work and I still cannot eat right. Going to be a couple more months before that gets better
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I would immediately hitting the dispensary though :)
  • Varine Varine:
    My Xbox account got hijacked, and apparently I have a different one from like 10 years ago that Microsoft keeps telling me is the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    Like NO, I mean for some reason that one is attached to my email, but it's not the right one
  • Varine Varine:
    I have a different one, and that one has my credit card attached to it and I would like that credit card to not be attached to it if I can't get it back
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway Microsoft is not very helpful with this, they just keep telling me to fill out the Account Recovery form, but that just redirects me to the other account
  • The Helper The Helper:
    They should not allow you to put a credit card on a account that does not have human customer service you can call
  • Varine Varine:
    That's the only thing that got hijacked at least. I don't totally know how these integrate together, but it seems like I should be able to do this via the gamertag. Like my email is still mine, but they changed the email to that account I'm guessing.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    I went to Vegas a few weeks ago to visit my mom. I had never been either, lol! But I'm working in Salt Lake City at the moment so it's not a far trip.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I have never been to Vegas and it is on the bucket list so...

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