vjass compiling but back handing me with fatal x.x


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
i'm not really sure what i'm doing wrong, but i have igen in a map, which saves perfectly fine, giving me "success!,...success!" ect.

but every time i play it it's insta-fatal? :|

Is there something i need to enable/disable in newgen to get it working?
Yes, i have updated jasshelper to 0.A.2.B and i don't have "disable vjass syntax" checked.

here's igen code (though i'm not so sure it's relevant)
its been shown to work for hundreds of other people :s
//				                          ,¦¦
//				                          ¦ ¦¦¦¦                                                                
//				                          ¦    ¦¦¦¦¦                          2010 still moving on...
//				                          ¦         ¦¦            ¦¦¦¦¦¦
//				                          ¦         ¦¦      ¦¦¦¦¦¦     ¦¦¦
//				                          ¦        ¦¦     ¦¦¦            ¦¦
//				                          ¦        ¦     ¦                ¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
//				                          ¦       ¦¦¦_   ¦                 ¦¦  ¦¦¦      ¯¦.
//				                          ¦       ¦  ¦¦¦¦¦        ____      ¦¦¦¦          ¯¦
//				                          ¦       ¦     ¦¦¦_     _¦¦¦¦______¦¦        __    ¦
//				                         ¦        ¦       ¦     _¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦       _¦¦,   ¯¦
//				                         ¦    ,   ¦_      ¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦       _¦¦¯     ¯¦
//				                         ¦    ¦    ¯     ¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦       ¦¦¦¦_     ¦.
//				                        ,¦    ¦          ¦      ¦¦¦¦¦¯¯¯¯¯¦¦¦       ¦¦¦¦¦      ¦
//				                        ¦     ¦          ¦      ¯¦¦¦¦     ¯¦¦_      ¦¦¦¦¦      ¦
//				                       ¦¦     ¦_         ¦         ¯¦.     ¯¦¦      ¯¦¦¦¦      ¦
//				                       ¦       ¦         ¦                  ¦¦       ¯¯¯¯      ¦
//				                      ¦¦       ¦         ¦_        _        ¦¦¦                ¦
//				                     _¦        ¦          ¦        ¦        ¦¦¦¦              _¦
//                                   #----------------------------------------------------------#
//                                   |================!NgO is sappin' ma sentry!================|
//    				                 #----------------------------------------------------------#
//                                * NgO is fucking proud to present the release of the new iGen =) *
// ************************************************************************************************************************************
// *                                                       ~ Release ~                                                                *
// *                                                       +++++++++++                                                                *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                                                   Name: iGen x2.1a                                                               *
// *                                                   Type: Code Generater                                                           *
// *                                               Language: vJass                                                                    *
// *                                                Made by: Hanky                                                                    *
// *                                                   Date: 10-04-2010                                                               *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                                            Description: This system is there to make your life easier creating a MMORPG.         *
// *                                                         This system is able to create save/load codes. Also this system          *
// *                                                         is using an unique encryption method which is pretty secure.             *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                                                         I can just say: Enjoy our release =)                                     *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// ************************************************************************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************************************************************************
// *                                                        ~ Notes ~                                                                 *
// *                                                        +++++++++                                                                 *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                                                 If you want to contact me,                                                       *
// *                                                   then just contact me?                                                          *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// ************************************************************************************************************************************

// ************************************************************************************************************************************
// *                                                  ~ Greetings fly out to ~                                                        *
// *                                                  ++++++++++++++++++++++++                                                        *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                               Darkt3mpl3r, JonNny, WaRadius, xxdingoxx93, De.Facto, Toadcop, Paladon                             *
// *                                                Eccho, -BerzeKer-, Fireeye, Bodo                                                  *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                                                         NgO & HIVE                                                               *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// ************************************************************************************************************************************

// ************************************************************************************************************************************
// *                           One of the last releases NgO will release for Warcraft 3. But we'll never die.                         *
// *                                       So we will continue making mods for Starcraft 2.                                           *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// *                          With this release I want advice you to take a look at our latest Project Chernobyl.                     *
// *                          It's a riddle map with much stuff you can explore. A playable version will be out                       *
// *                                                              soon.                                                               *
// *                                                                                                                                  *
// ************************************************************************************************************************************
// *_____________________________________________________nfo_design_by_Hanky__________________________________________________________*
// ************************************************************************************************************************************

library iGen
    public constant boolean keyEncryption =false        //Enable an extra keyEncryption (Important: The char library of every parameter will change to the key char library.)
    public constant integer mparameterSize=20           //This is the maximal size of parameters you can enter. You can change it to your needs.
    public constant integer delimiterInt  =5            //If you use delimiters you can set the interval here.
    public constant string delimiterSign  ="-"          //Remember that the delimiter sign should be never in a library. Otherwise it can't be recogenized correctly.
    public constant string colorcodeNum   ="|c000080FF" //For "0..1..2"
    public constant string colorcodeabc   ="|c00008000" //For "a..b..c"
    public constant string colorcodeABC   ="|c00FFFF00" //For "A..B..C"
    public constant string colorcodeXtr   ="|c00FF0000" //For everything else
    public constant string signLibrary1   ="0123456789" 		        //Set up the numeric characters
    public constant string signLibrary2   ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" //Set up the normal characters
    public constant string signLibrary3   ="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" //Set up the capital characters
    public constant string signLibrary4   ="@$[_!?&%:}~*+=<>)(/-" 	    //Set up the extra signs/characters

  public struct parameterLibrary

     //> Sign Library Vars
     string Library   //< Encryption/Decryption Library
     integer Size     //< The Size Of The Library
     integer maxHex   //< The Size Of The Last HexCode
     integer maxInt   //< The Size Of The Last Integer

     //> Parameter Value Vars
     string Encrypt   //< Encrypted         string
     integer Decrypt  //< Decrypted         integer
     integer Extent   //< Extent            integer
     integer Length   //< Length            integer
     integer CRC      //< Checksum          integer
     boolean Active   //< Active            boolean

     //onStructEvent Methods
     static method create takes nothing returns thistype
       local thistype iCook=thistype.allocate()

       set iCook.Library=null
       set iCook.Size   =0x00
       set iCook.Encrypt=null
       set iCook.Decrypt=0x00
       set iCook.Extent =0x00
       set iCook.Length =0x00
       set iCook.CRC    =0x00
       set iCook.Active =false

       return iCook

     //Convert Methods

     //> Int2Char
     //  > Convert an integer value to a char
     method Int2Char takes integer i returns string
       if i>=0x00 and i<=.Size then
         return SubString(.Library,i,i+0x01)
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("Error: Invalid parameter")
       return null

     //> Char2Int
     //  > Convert a char to an integer value
     method Char2Int takes string s returns integer
      local integer l=StringLength(s)
      local integer i=0x00
      if l==0x01 then
          exitwhen i==.Size
          if SubString(.Library,i,i+0x01)==s then
            return i
          set i=i+0x01
      debug else
      debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Just enter one char")
      debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")
      return -0x01

     //> Hex2Int
     //  > Convert the encrypt var to an integer value for the decrypt var
     method Hex2Int takes nothing returns nothing
       local integer l=StringLength(.Encrypt)
       local integer m=0x01
       local integer i=0x00
       if maxHex>=l then
           exitwhen 0x00==l
           set i=m*.Char2Int(SubString(.Encrypt,l-0x01,l))+i
           set m=m*.Size
           set l=l-0x01
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")
       set .Decrypt=i
     //> Hex2IntEx
     //  > Convert the encrypt var to an integer value for the decrypt var
     method Hex2IntEx takes string iEx returns integer
       local integer l=StringLength(iEx)
       local integer m=0x01
       local integer i=0x00
       if maxHex>=l then
           exitwhen 0x00==l
           set i=m*.Char2Int(SubString(iEx,l-0x01,l))+i
           set m=m*.Size
           set l=l-0x01
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")
       return i

     //> Int2Hex
     //  > Convert the decrypt var to a hex string for the encrypt var 
     method Int2Hex takes nothing returns nothing
       //! textmacro 2hex
         set q=i/.Size
         set s=.Int2Char(i-(q*.Size))+s
         set k=k-0x01
         set i=q
         exitwhen k==0x00
       //! endtextmacro
       local integer i=.Decrypt
       local integer q=.Size
       local integer k=0x01
       local string s =null
       if 0x7FFFFFFF>=.Decrypt then
           exitwhen q>=.Decrypt
           set q=q*.Size
           set k=k+0x01
         //! runtextmacro 2hex()
       elseif .maxInt>=i then
         //Debug Maximal Int Size
         set k=.maxHex
         //! runtextmacro 2hex()
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")
       set .Encrypt=s
     //> Int2HexEx
     //  > Convert the decrypt var to a hex string for the encrypt var 
     method Int2HexEx takes integer iEx returns string
       local integer i=iEx
       local integer q=.Size
       local integer k=0x01
       local string s =null
       if 0x7FFFFFFF>=iEx then
           exitwhen q>=iEx
           set q=q*.Size
           set k=k+0x01
         //! runtextmacro 2hex()
       elseif .maxInt>=i then
         //Debug Maximal Int Size
         set k=.maxHex
         //! runtextmacro 2hex()
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")
       return s

     //String Operators

     //> checkCharLibrary
     //  > Check if a char is in a library.
     static method IsCharInLibrary takes string ch,string lib returns boolean
       local integer l=StringLength(ch)
       local integer z=StringLength(lib)
         exitwhen z<l
         if ch==SubString(lib,z-l,z) then
           return true
         set z=z-0x01
       return false
    //> Int2CharEx
     //  > Convert an integer value to a char
    method Int2CharEx takes integer i,string lib returns string
      if i>=0x00 and i<=.Size then
        return SubString(lib,i,i+0x01)
      debug else
      debug call BJDebugMsg("Error: Wrong char position")
      return null

     //> Char2IntEx
     //  > Convert an char to an integer value
    method Char2IntEx takes string s,string lib returns integer
      local integer l=StringLength(s)
      local integer i=0x00
      if l==1 then
          exitwhen i==.Size
          if SubString(lib,i,i+0x01)==s then
            return i
          set i=i+0x01
      debug else
      debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Just enter one char")
      debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")
      return -0x01

     //> setupCRC
     //  > Setup the CRC value. Remember to set before a decrypted value.
     method setupCRC takes nothing returns nothing
       local string s =I2S(.Decrypt)
       local integer l=StringLength(s)

         exitwhen l==0x00
         set .CRC=.CRC+.Char2Int(SubString(s,l-0x01,l))+R2I(Pow(0x02,l))
         set l=l-0x01

     //> setupLength
     //  > Setup the length of a encrypted value. Remember to set before a decrypted value.
     method setupLength takes nothing returns nothing
       local integer i=.Extent
       local integer q=.Size
       local integer k=0x01
       local string s =null
       if 0x7FFFFFFF>=.Decrypt then
            exitwhen q>=.Extent
            set q=q*.Size
            set k=k+0x01
         //! runtextmacro 2hex()
       elseif .maxInt>=i then
         //Debug Maximal Int Size
         set k=.maxHex
         //! runtextmacro 2hex()
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("ERROR: Invalid parameter")

       set .Length=StringLength(s)

     //> setupLibrary
     //  > This will setup the library which you'll need to decrypt/encrypt.
     method setupLibrary takes string s returns nothing
       local integer index=0x01
       local integer ltemp=0x00
       local integer temp =StringLength(s)-0x01

       set .Library=s
       set .Size   =temp

	     //0x7FFFFFFF == 2147483647
         exitwhen temp>0x7FFFFFFF or temp<ltemp

	     set ltemp=temp
	     set temp =temp*.Size
         set index=index+0x01
       set .maxHex=index
       set .maxInt=ltemp

  public struct Generator
     parameterLibrary array parameter[mparameterSize]
     parameterLibrary key

     string codeString
     integer parameterSize

     integer inParameterCRC
     integer inKeyCRC
     integer outParameterCRC
     integer outKeyCRC

     //onStructEvent Methods
     static method create takes nothing returns thistype
       local thistype iCook=thistype.allocate() 
       local integer i     =mparameterSize-0x01

       set iCook.codeString     =null
       set iCook.key            =parameterLibrary.create()
       set iCook.inParameterCRC =0x00
       set iCook.outParameterCRC=0x00
       set iCook.parameterSize  =0x00
         exitwhen i<0x00
         set iCook.parameter[i]=parameterLibrary.create()
         set i=i-0x01

       return iCook

     method onDestory takes nothing returns nothing
       local integer i=mparameterSize-0x01

       call .key.destroy()
         exitwhen i<0x00
         call .parameter[i].destroy()
         set i=i-0x01

     //Standart Methods
     //> reset
     //  > This will reset your whole generator struct
     method reset takes nothing returns nothing
       local integer i=mparameterSize-0x01

       call .key.destroy()
       set .key=parameterLibrary.create()
         exitwhen i<0x00
         call .parameter[i].destroy()
         set .parameter[i]=parameterLibrary.create()
         set i=i-0x01
     //> addDelemiters
     //  > Add some delimiters to your code (Hint: Just use this function after you have generated a codestring and before you added color to the string.)
     method addDelimiters takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer tl
        local integer ti
        local integer tp
        local string ts
        if .codeString!=null then
            set tl=StringLength(.codeString)
            set ti=0x00
            set tp=0x00
            set ts=null
                exitwhen ti==tl
                if tp==delimiterInt then
                    set ts=ts+delimiterSign
                    set tp=0x01
                    set tp=tp+0x01
                set ts=ts+SubString(.codeString,ti,ti+0x01)
                set ti=ti+0x01
            set .codeString=ts
     //> addDelemiters
     //  > Remove all delimiters from your code (Hint: Just use this function after you have generated a codestring and before you added some delimiters to the string.)
     method removeDelimiters takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer tl
        local integer ti
        local string tc
        local string ts
        if .codeString!=null then
            set tl=StringLength(.codeString)
            set ti=0x00
            set ts=null
                exitwhen ti==tl
                set tc=SubString(.codeString,ti,ti+0x01)
                if tc!=delimiterSign then
                    set ts=ts+tc
                set ti=ti+0x01
            set .codeString=ts
     //> addColor
     //  > Add some color to your code (Hint: Just use this function after you have generated a codestring.)
     method addColor takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer m
        local string t
        local string d
        if .codeString!=null then
            set m=StringLength(.codeString)-0x01
            set t=null
              exitwhen m<0x00
              set d=SubString(.codeString,m,m+0x01)
              if .key.IsCharInLibrary(d,signLibrary1) then
                set d=colorcodeNum+d+"|r"
              elseif .key.IsCharInLibrary(d,signLibrary2) then
                set d=colorcodeabc+d+"|r"
              elseif .key.IsCharInLibrary(d,signLibrary3) then
                set d=colorcodeABC+d+"|r"
              elseif .key.IsCharInLibrary(d,signLibrary4) then
                set d=colorcodeXtr+d+"|r"
              set t=d+t
              set m=m-0x01
            set .codeString=t

     //Set Methods
     //> setParameter
     //  > Set the value of a parameter
     method setParameter takes integer i,integer max,string lib returns nothing
       if .parameterSize<mparameterSize then
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Active =true
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Decrypt=i
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Extent =max
         call .parameter[.parameterSize].setupLibrary(lib)
         call .parameter[.parameterSize].setupLength()
         call .parameter[.parameterSize].setupCRC()
         set .parameterSize=.parameterSize+0x01
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("Error: Wrong size")
     //> setLoadParameter
     //  > Before you load a code you have to set the load parameter
     method setLoadParameter takes integer max,string lib returns nothing
        if .parameterSize<mparameterSize then
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Active =true
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Extent =max
         call .parameter[.parameterSize].setupLibrary(lib)
         call .parameter[.parameterSize].setupLength()
         set .parameterSize=.parameterSize+0x01
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("Error: Wrong size")

     //> setKey
     //  > Nearly for every function it's very important to have a key setted
     method setKey takes string s,string lib returns nothing
       local integer l=StringLength(s)
       local integer q=0x00
       local integer x

       call .key.setupLibrary(lib)

         exitwhen l==0
         set x=.key.Char2Int(SubString(s,l-0x01,l))
         if x!=-0x01 then
           set q=q+x
         set l=l-0x01

       set .key.Decrypt=q
       call .key.setupCRC()
       set .outKeyCRC=.key.CRC
     //> setLoadCode
     //  > If you want to load a code you have to set the codeString first
     method setLoadCode takes string s returns nothing
        set .codeString=s

     //Reset Methods
     //> resetLastParameter
     //  > If you want to reset you last setted parameter just use this function
     method resetLastParameter takes nothing returns nothing
       if .parameterSize>0x00 then
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Encrypt=null
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Library=null
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Decrypt=0x00
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].Extent =0x00
         set .parameter[.parameterSize].CRC    =0x00
         set .parameterSize=.parameterSize-0x01
       debug else
       debug call BJDebugMsg("Error: Wrong Size")

     //Get Methods
     //> getParameter
     //  > This function is there to get a decrypted parameter
     method getParameter takes integer pos returns integer
       return .parameter[pos].Decrypt
     //> getCode
     //  > After you have generated a code you can get with this function the code
     method getCode takes nothing returns string
        return .codeString

     //Check Methods
     //> checkParameter
     //  > After you have decrypted a code you can check with this function if the checksum of the parameters is correct
     method checkParameter takes nothing returns boolean
       return .inParameterCRC==.outParameterCRC

     //> checkKey
     //  > After you have decrypted a code you can check with this function if the checksum of the key is correct
     method checkKey takes nothing returns boolean
       return .inKeyCRC==.outKeyCRC

     //Generating Methods

     //> encrypt
     //  > After you have done all settings you can generate your own code
     method encrypt takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer index=.parameterSize-0x01
        local integer ti
        local integer te
        local integer tl
        local string pex
        local string tsg
        local string csg
            exitwhen index<0x00
            if .parameter[index].Active then
                set tsg=null
                call SetRandomSeed(index*.key.CRC)
                set .inParameterCRC=.inParameterCRC+(.parameter[index].CRC*(index+0x01))
                set .parameter[index].Decrypt=ModuloInteger(.parameter[index].Decrypt+GetRandomInt(index,R2I(Pow(index,.key.CRC))),.parameter[index].Extent)
                call .parameter[index].Int2Hex()
                set tl=StringLength(.parameter[index].Encrypt)
                if tl<.parameter[index].Length then
                    set tl =.parameter[index].Length-tl
                    set ti =0x00
                        exitwhen ti==tl
                        call SetRandomSeed(R2I(Pow(ti,.key.CRC)))
                        set tsg=tsg+.parameter[index].Int2Char(ModuloInteger(GetRandomInt(0x00,.parameter[index].Size)-((ti+0x01)*index*(ti+0x01)),.parameter[index].Size))
                        set ti =ti+0x01
                    set ti=0x00
                set csg=null
                set te =0x00
                    exitwhen ti==.parameter[index].Length
                    call SetRandomSeed(R2I(Pow(ti,.key.CRC)))
                    set csg=csg+.parameter[index].Int2Char(ModuloInteger(.parameter[index].Char2Int(SubString(.parameter[index].Encrypt,te,te+0x01))+GetRandomInt(0x00,.parameter[index].Size)-((ti+0x01)*index*(ti+0x01)),.parameter[index].Size))
                    set ti=ti+0x01
                    set te=te+0x01
                set .parameter[index].Encrypt=tsg+csg
            set index=index-0x01
        set pex  =.key.Int2HexEx(.inParameterCRC)
        set index=.parameterSize-0x01
            exitwhen index<0x00
            set .codeString=.parameter[index].Encrypt+.codeString
            set index=index-0x01
        call .key.Int2Hex()
        set .codeString=.key.Encrypt+.codeString+pex
        static if keyEncryption then
            set index=StringLength(.codeString)
            set csg  =null
                exitwhen index==0x00
                call SetRandomSeed(.key.CRC*(index+0x01))
                set csg=.key.Int2Char(ModuloInteger(.key.Char2Int(SubString(.codeString,index-0x01,index))-GetRandomInt(0x00,.key.Size),.key.Size))+csg
                set index=index-0x01
            set .codeString=csg

     //> decrypt
     //  > After you have done all settings you can decrypt an entered code
     method decrypt takes nothing returns nothing
        local parameterLibrary tk=parameterLibrary.create()
        local boolean filter
        local integer index
        local integer pos
        local integer te
        local integer tl
        local integer ti
        local string ts
        local string bs
        static if keyEncryption then
            set index=StringLength(.codeString)
            set ts   =null
                exitwhen index==0x00
                call SetRandomSeed(.key.CRC*(index+0x01))
                set ts=.key.Int2Char(ModuloInteger(.key.Char2Int(SubString(.codeString,index-0x01,index))+GetRandomInt(0x00,.key.Size),.key.Size))+ts
                set index=index-0x01
            set .codeString=ts
        call .key.Int2Hex()
        call tk.setupLibrary(.key.Library)
        set tl=StringLength(.key.Encrypt)
        set tk.Encrypt=SubString(.codeString,0x00,tl)
        call tk.Hex2Int()
        call tk.setupCRC()
        set .inKeyCRC=tk.CRC
        set ts=SubString(.codeString,tl,StringLength(.codeString))
        if .checkKey() then
            set index=0x00
            set pos  =0x00
                exitwhen index==.parameterSize
                if .parameter[index].Active then
                    set .parameter[index].Encrypt=SubString(ts,pos,pos+.parameter[index].Length)
                    set filter=false
                    set bs=null
                    set ti=0x00
                    set te=StringLength(.parameter[index].Encrypt)
                        exitwhen ti==te
                        call SetRandomSeed(R2I(Pow(ti,tk.CRC)))
                        set tl=ModuloInteger(.parameter[index].Char2Int(SubString(.parameter[index].Encrypt,ti,ti+0x01))-GetRandomInt(0x00,.parameter[index].Size)+((ti+0x01)*index*(ti+0x01)),.parameter[index].Size)
                        if filter or tl!=0x00 then
                            set bs    =bs+.parameter[index].Int2Char(tl)
                            set filter=true
                        set ti=ti+0x01
                    if bs==null then
                        set bs=.parameter[index].Int2Char(0x00)
                    set .parameter[index].Encrypt=bs
                    call .parameter[index].Hex2Int()
                    call SetRandomSeed(index*.key.CRC)
                    set .parameter[index].Decrypt=ModuloInteger(.parameter[index].Decrypt-GetRandomInt(index,R2I(Pow(index,.key.CRC))),.parameter[index].Extent)
                    call .parameter[index].setupCRC()
                    set .inParameterCRC=.inParameterCRC+(.parameter[index].CRC*(index+0x01))                
                    set pos=pos+.parameter[index].Length
                set index=index+0x01
            set .outParameterCRC=tk.Hex2IntEx(SubString(ts,pos,StringLength(ts)))
        call tk.destroy()

let me know if there is anything else that i should post D:


You can change this now in User CP.
Reaction score
yes, i am saving it before testing, and rtc has always been turned off :s
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  • Varine Varine:
    How can you tell the difference between real traffic and indexing or AI generation bots?
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The bots will show up as users online in the forum software but they do not show up in my stats tracking. I am sure there are bots in the stats but the way alot of the bots treat the site do not show up on the stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New dessert added to recipes Southern Pecan Praline Cake https://www.thehelper.net/threads/recipe-southern-pecan-praline-cake.193555/
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Another bot invasion 493 members online most of them bots that do not show up on stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Some members choose invisibility mode
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    People love rep, lol
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The recipe today is Sloppy Joe Casserole - one of my faves LOL https://www.thehelper.net/threads/sloppy-joe-casserole-with-manwich.193585/
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Decided to put up a healthier type recipe to mix it up - Honey Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry https://www.thehelper.net/threads/recipe-honey-garlic-shrimp-stir-fry.193595/

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