Snippet VUnit


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Introducing VUnit: a JUnit inspired unit testing framework.

Unit testing is the act of testing single software components, such as functions, in isolation and is generally useful in efficiently detecting bugs occurring strictly within such.
Persistent test suites are useful when testing software under long-term development since it allows one to store and re-run tests after modifications in an orderly fashion.
A unit testing framework is practical because it makes available abstractions for creating, organizing, running, re-running, and summarizing the results of unit tests thus allowing test suites to scale more or less flawlessly as the inspected software grows. Tests maintained by testing frameworks are known as automated tests and comprise a key component in test driven development (TDD).

library VUnit

//* VUnit
//*  ABOUT
//*   Author:   krainert
//*   Version:  2.0
//*   A JUnit inspired unit testing framework
//*   ======== VUnitSuite ========
//*    -- Description
//*     A runnable test suite
//*    -- Methods
//*     static VUnitSuite create(string name)                                                 - returns a new test suite named 'name'
//*     static VUnitSuite createSilent()                                                      - returns a new test suite which will not output any messages
//*     void    addSuiteInitializer(VUnitSuiteInitializer init)                               - adds suite initializer 'init'
//*     void    addSuiteTerminator(VUnitSuiteTerminator term)                                 - adds suite terminator 'term'
//*     void    addInitializer(VUnitInitializer init)                                         - adds test initializer 'init'
//*     void    addTerminator(VUnitTerminator term)                                           - adds test terminator 'term'
//*     void    addTest(VUnitTest test, string name)                                          - adds test test named 'name'
//*     boolean run()                                                                         - runs all tests and returns whether all of them passed
//*     boolean fail(string description)                                                      - fails with description 'description' and returns false
//*     boolean assertTrue(boolean condition, string description)                             - asserts 'condition'==true with description 'description' and returns whether this assertion holds
//*     boolean assertFalse(boolean condition, string description)                            - asserts 'condition'==false with description 'description' and returns whether this assertion holds
//*     boolean assertBooleanEquals(boolean expected, boolean actual, string description)     - asserts 'actual'=='expected' with description 'description' and returns whether thisassertion holds
//*     boolean assertIntegerEquals(integer expected, integer actual, string description)     - asserts 'actual'=='expected' with description 'description' and returns whether this assertion holds
//*     boolean assertRealEquals(real expected, real actual, real delta, string description)  - asserts 'actual'=='expected' with a deviation of at most 'delta' and description 'description' and returns whether this assertion holds
//*     boolean assertStringEquals(string expected, string actual, string description)        - asserts 'actual'=='expected' with description 'description' and returns whether this assertion holds
//*   void VUnitSuiteInitializer()                                                            - initializes test suite
//*   void VUnitSuiteTerminator()                                                             - terminates test suite
//*   void VUnitInitializer()                                                                 - initializes test
//*   void VUnitTerminator()                                                                  - terminates test
//*   void VUnitTest(VUnitSuite suite)                                                        - performs a test within test suite 'suite'
//*   1.0  2011-10-29  Original release
//*   1.1  2011-10-30  Added support for test suite initializers and terminators
//*                    Minor internal refactoring
//*   2.0  2011-01-16  Hid and renamed previous fail method and substituted new one
//*                    Documentation updated

    private constant integer MAX_SUITES = 8191

function interface VUnitSuiteInitializer takes nothing          returns nothing
function interface VUnitSuiteTerminator  takes nothing          returns nothing
function interface VUnitInitializer      takes nothing          returns nothing
function interface VUnitTerminator       takes nothing          returns nothing
function interface VUnitTest             takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing

private function B2S takes boolean bool returns string
    if (bool) then
        return "true"
        return "false"

struct VUnitSuite[MAX_SUITES]
    private string    name
    private boolean   audiable
    private integer   siniCount = 0
    private integer   sterCount = 0
    private integer   initCount = 0
    private integer   termCount = 0
    private integer   testCount = 0
    private hashtable sinis     = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable sters     = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable inits     = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable terms     = InitHashtable()
    private hashtable tests     = InitHashtable()
    private boolean   currentTestPassed
    static method create takes string name returns thistype
        local thistype r = .allocate()
        set     = name
        set r.audiable = true
        return r
    static method createSilent takes nothing returns thistype
        local thistype r = .allocate()
        set r.audiable = false
        return r
    method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
        call FlushParentHashtable(.sinis)
        call FlushParentHashtable(.sters)
        call FlushParentHashtable(.inits)
        call FlushParentHashtable(.terms)
        call FlushParentHashtable(.tests)
    private method output takes string message returns nothing
        if (.audiable) then
            call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 30., "|cff7777aa[VUnit]|r " + message)
    method addSuiteInitializer takes VUnitInitializer init returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(.sinis, .siniCount, 0, init)
        set .siniCount = .siniCount + 1
    method addSuiteTerminator takes VUnitTerminator term returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(.sters, .sterCount, 0, term)
        set .sterCount = .sterCount + 1
    method addInitializer takes VUnitInitializer init returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(.inits, .initCount, 0, init)
        set .initCount = .initCount + 1
    method addTerminator takes VUnitTerminator term returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(.terms, .termCount, 0, term)
        set .termCount = .termCount + 1
    method addTest takes VUnitTest test, string name returns nothing
        call SaveInteger(.tests, .testCount, 0, test)
        call SaveStr(.tests, .testCount, 1, name)
        set .testCount = .testCount + 1
    method run takes nothing returns boolean
        local boolean suitePassed = true
        local integer i = 0
        local integer j
        local VUnitSuiteInitializer sini
        local VUnitSuiteTerminator  ster
        local VUnitInitializer      init
        local VUnitTerminator       term
        local VUnitTest             test
        local string                name
        call .output("|cffffcc00Suite: '" + .name + "' (" + I2S(.testCount) + " tests)|r")
            exitwhen i == .siniCount
            set sini = LoadInteger(.sinis, i, 0)
            call sini.evaluate()
            set i = i + 1
        set i = 0
            exitwhen i == .testCount
            set j = 0
                exitwhen j == .initCount
                set init = LoadInteger(.inits, j, 0)
                call init.evaluate()
                set j = j + 1
            set test = LoadInteger(.tests, i, 0)
            set name = LoadStr(.tests, i, 1)
            set .currentTestPassed = true
            call test.evaluate(this)
            if (.currentTestPassed) then
                call .output("Test '" + name + "' passed")
                set suitePassed = false
                call .output("|cff995500Test '" + name + "' failed|r")
            set j = 0
                exitwhen j == .termCount
                set term = LoadInteger(.terms, j, 0)
                call term.evaluate()
                set j = j + 1
            set i = i + 1
        set i = 0
            exitwhen i == .sterCount
            set ster = LoadInteger(.sters, i, 0)
            call ster.evaluate()
            set i = i + 1
        if (suitePassed) then
            call .output("|cff32cd32Suite '" + .name + "' passed|r")
            return true
            call .output("|cffff0000Suite '" + .name + "' failed|r")
            return false
    private method reject takes string description, string elaboration returns nothing
        set .currentTestPassed = false
        call .output("|cff995500Assertion '" + description + "' violated; " + elaboration + "|r")
    method fail takes string description returns boolean
        call .reject(description, "fail()")
        return false
    method assertTrue takes boolean condition, string description returns boolean
        if (condition) then
            return true
            call .reject(description, "assertTrue(" + B2S(condition) + ")")
            return false
    method assertFalse takes boolean condition, string description  returns boolean
        if (not(condition)) then
            return true
            call .reject(description, "assertFalse(" + B2S(condition) + ")")
            return false
    method assertBooleanEquals takes boolean expected, boolean actual, string description returns boolean
        if (actual == expected) then
            return true
            call .reject(description, "assertBooleanEquals(" + B2S(expected) + "," + B2S(actual) + ")")
            return false
    method assertIntegerEquals takes integer expected, integer actual, string description returns boolean
        if (actual == expected) then
            return true
            call .reject(description, "assertIntegerEquals(" + I2S(expected) + "," + I2S(actual) + ")")
            return false
    method assertRealEquals takes real expected, real actual, real delta, string description returns boolean
        if (actual >= expected - delta and actual <= expected + delta) then
            return true
            call .reject(description, "assertRealEquals(" + R2S(expected) + "," + R2S(actual) + "," + R2S(delta) + ")")
            return false
    method assertStringEquals takes string expected, string actual, string description returns boolean
        if (actual == expected) then
            return true
            call .reject(description, "assertStringEquals(" + expected + "," + actual + ")")
            return false


Simple example based on a VUnit script for Vectors:

library VectorsVUnit initializer ini requires Vectors, VUnit

private function vector2D_dotProduct takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local Vector2D v1 = Vector2D.createXY(2., 2.5)
    local Vector2D v2 = Vector2D.createXY(5., 3.)
    call suite.assertRealEquals(17.5, v1.dotProduct(v2), .001, "dot product of (2, 2.5) and (5, 3)")
    call v1.destroy()
    call v2.destroy()

private function vector2D_scale takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local Vector2D v = Vector2D.createXY(-42., 24.)
    call v.scale(-.25)
    call suite.assertRealEquals(10.5, v.getX(), .001, "x value of (-42, 24) scaled by -0.25")
    call suite.assertRealEquals(-6., v.getY(), .001, "y value of (-42, 24) scaled by -0.25")
    call v.destroy()

private function vector3D_angle takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local Vector3D v1 = Vector3D.createXYZ(2., 2.5, 4.)
    local Vector3D v2 = Vector3D.createXYZ(5., 3., 1.23)
    call suite.assertRealEquals(0.746151, v1.angle(v2), .01*0.123221, "angle between (2, 2.5, 4) and (5, 3, 1.23)")
    call v1.destroy()
    call v2.destroy()

private function vector3D_addXYZ takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local Vector3D v = Vector3D.createXYZ(12.101, 34.123, .123)
    call v.addXYZ(56.303, -78.22, .321)
    call suite.assertRealEquals(68.404, v.getX(), .001, "x value of (12.101, 34.123, 0.123) + (56.303, -78.22, 0.321)")
    call suite.assertRealEquals(-44.097, v.getY(), .001, "y value of (12.101, 34.123, 0.123) + (56.303, -78.22, 0.321)")
    call suite.assertRealEquals(.444, v.getZ(), .001, "z value of (12.101, 34.123, 0.123) + (56.303, -78.22, 0.321)")
    call v.destroy()

private function ini takes nothing returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite vector2D = VUnitSuite.create("Vector2D")
    local VUnitSuite vector3D = VUnitSuite.create("Vector3D")
    call vector2D.addTest(vector2D_dotProduct, "dotProduct")
    call vector2D.addTest(vector2D_scale, "scale")
    call vector3D.addTest(vector3D_angle, "angle")
    call vector3D.addTest(vector3D_addXYZ, "addXYZ")
    call TriggerSleepAction(0)
    call vector2D.destroy()
    call vector3D.destroy()


(Admittedly naive) self-test and (admittedly intricate) demonstration:

library VUnitVUnit initializer ini requires VUnit

    private VUnitSuite mother
    private string s1
    private string s2
    private string s3
    private string s4

private function vUnitSuite_init takes nothing returns nothing
    set s1 = "default"
    set s2 = "default"
    set s3 = "default"
    set s4 = "default"

private function vUnitSuite_run takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call suite.assertTrue(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing no tests should return true")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s1 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1"
    set s2 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s3 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2"
    set s4 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_ster1 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s2 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_ster1"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_ster2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s4 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_ster2"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_init1 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s2 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_init1"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_init2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s4 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_init2"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_term1 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s1 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_term1"
    set s2 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_term1"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_term2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set s3 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_term2"
    set s4 = "vUnitSuite_initterm_term2"
private function vUnitSuite_initterm_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1", s1, "s1 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1\" at the beginning of tests within VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1 added as suite initializer")
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_init1", s2, "s2 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_init1\" at the beginning of tests within VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1 and vUnitSuite_initterm_init1 added as suite and test initializers, respectively")
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2", s3, "s3 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2\" at the beginning of tests within VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2 added as suite initializer")
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_init2", s4, "s4 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_init2\" at the beginning of tests within VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2 and vUnitSuite_initterm_init2 added as suite and test initializers, respectively")
private function vUnitSuite_initterm takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s
    call suite.assertIntegerEquals(suite, mother, "assumption: mother should be the VUnitSuite in which this test resides")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("default", s1, "assumption: s1 should be \"default\" at the beginning of this test")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("default", s2, "assumption: s2 should be \"default\" at the beginning of this test")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("default", s3, "assumption: s3 should be \"default\" at the beginning of this test")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("default", s4, "assumption: s4 should be \"default\" at the beginning of this test")
    set s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addSuiteInitializer(vUnitSuite_initterm_sini1)
    call s.addSuiteInitializer(vUnitSuite_initterm_sini2)
    call s.addSuiteTerminator(vUnitSuite_initterm_ster1)
    call s.addSuiteTerminator(vUnitSuite_initterm_ster2)
    call s.addInitializer(vUnitSuite_initterm_init1)
    call s.addInitializer(vUnitSuite_initterm_init2)
    call s.addTerminator(vUnitSuite_initterm_term1)
    call s.addTerminator(vUnitSuite_initterm_term2)
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_initterm_test, "")
    call s.destroy()
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_term1", s1, "s1 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_term1\" after running VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_term1 added as test terminator")
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_ster1", s2, "s2 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_ster1\" after running VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_ster1 and vUnitSuite_initterm_term1 added as suite and test terminators, respectively")
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_term2", s3, "s3 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_term2\" after running VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_term2 added as test terminator")
    call mother.assertStringEquals("vUnitSuite_initterm_ster2", s4, "s4 should be \"vUnitSuite_initterm_ster2\" after running VUnitSuite with vUnitSuite_initterm_ster2 and vUnitSuite_initterm_term2 added as suite and test terminators, respectively")

private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_true takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertTrue(true, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_false takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertFalse(false, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_booleanEquals takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertBooleanEquals(true, true, "")
    call suite.assertBooleanEquals(false, false, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_integerEquals takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertIntegerEquals(0, 0, "")
    call suite.assertIntegerEquals(12, 12, "")
    call suite.assertIntegerEquals(-34, -34, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_realEquals takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertRealEquals(0., 0., .1, "")
    call suite.assertRealEquals(12., 12., .1, "")
    call suite.assertRealEquals(-34., -34., .1, "")
    call suite.assertRealEquals(56., 56.075, .1, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_stringEquals takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertStringEquals("", "", "")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("abc", "abc", "")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("DEF", "DEF", "")
    call suite.assertStringEquals("gHi", "gHi", "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_true, "")
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_false, "")
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_booleanEquals, "")
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_integerEquals, "")
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_realEquals, "")
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied_stringEquals, "")
    call suite.assertTrue(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing purely passable tests should return true")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_failViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
private function vUnitSuite_failViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_failViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating a fail assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_assertTrueViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertTrue(false, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertTrueViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertTrueViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating an assertTrue assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_assertFalseViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertFalse(true, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertFalseViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertFalseViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating an assertFalse assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_assertBooleanEqualsViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertBooleanEquals(false, true, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertBooleanEqualsViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertBooleanEqualsViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating an assertBooleanEquals assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_assertIntegerEqualsViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertIntegerEquals(0, 1, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertIntegerEqualsViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertIntegerEqualsViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating an assertIntegerEquals assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_assertRealEqualsViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertRealEquals(0., .125, .1, "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertRealEqualsViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertRealEqualsViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating an assertRealEquals assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function vUnitSuite_assertStringEqualsViolated_test takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    call suite.assertStringEquals("abc", "aBc", "")
private function vUnitSuite_assertStringEqualsViolated takes VUnitSuite suite returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite s = VUnitSuite.createSilent()
    call s.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertStringEqualsViolated_test, "")
    call suite.assertFalse(, "run() on VUnitSuite containing a test violating an assertStringEquals assertion should return false")
    call s.destroy()

private function ini takes nothing returns nothing
    local VUnitSuite vUnitSuite = VUnitSuite.create("VUnitSuite")
    call vUnitSuite.addInitializer(vUnitSuite_init)
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_run, "run")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_initterm, "initterm")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertSatisfied, "assertSatisfied")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_failViolated, "failViolated")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertTrueViolated, "assertTrueViolated")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertFalseViolated, "assertFalseViolated")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertBooleanEqualsViolated, "assertBooleanEqualsViolated")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertIntegerEqualsViolated, "assertIntegerEqualsViolated")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertRealEqualsViolated, "assertRealEqualsViolated")
    call vUnitSuite.addTest(vUnitSuite_assertStringEqualsViolated, "assertStringEqualsViolated")
    call TriggerSleepAction(0)
    set mother = vUnitSuite
    call vUnitSuite.destroy()



vJass errors are legion
Reaction score
You should at least link to the source you cloned this from and add an explaination why it is useful in the first place.

The API is very non-vJass-like, bulky, has no description why it is useful or what you would use it for, I'm at a loss here.


vJass errors are legion
Reaction score
I don't see why I would personally use this, at any rate I build my own debug messages relevant to the function they are called in as well as the type of debug that's expected to be presented.


Reaction score
Must you use function interfaces? They literally get compiled to Garbage.

Also, I agree with Bribe. If I want to debug something, I'd just put debug messages within the actual code.
It helps way more.


Reaction score
I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing here.
Anyway, I updated #1. That should clarify things a bit.
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  • The Helper The Helper:
    The bots will show up as users online in the forum software but they do not show up in my stats tracking. I am sure there are bots in the stats but the way alot of the bots treat the site do not show up on the stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I want to build a filtration system for my 3d printer, and that shit is so much more complicated than I thought it would be
  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
  • The Helper The Helper:
    New dessert added to recipes Southern Pecan Praline Cake
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Another bot invasion 493 members online most of them bots that do not show up on stats
  • Varine Varine:
    I'm looking at a solid 378 guests, but 3 members. Of which two are me and VSNES. The third is unlisted, which makes me think its a ghost.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Some members choose invisibility mode
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I bitch about Xenforo sometimes but it really is full featured you just have to really know what you are doing to get the most out of it.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    It is just not easy to fix styles and customize but it definitely can be done
  • The Helper The Helper:
    I do know this - xenforo dropped the ball by not keeping the vbulletin reputation comments as a feature. The loss of the Reputation comments data when we switched to Xenforo really was the death knell for the site when it came to all the users that left. I know I missed it so much and I got way less interested in the site when that feature was gone and I run the site.
  • Blackveiled Blackveiled:
    People love rep, lol
  • The Helper The Helper:
    The recipe today is Sloppy Joe Casserole - one of my faves LOL
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Decided to put up a healthier type recipe to mix it up - Honey Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Here is another comfort food favorite - Million Dollar Casserole -

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