Spell Wall of Replica

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Wall of Replica

Raises a wall out of pure mana across the landscape. Heroes who attemp to pass through it will have images of themselves emerge from the wall to serve under the Dark Seer until the wall's duration is up. Images take 250% damage and deal 35%.

Level 1: Lasts for 15 seconds.
Level 2: Lasts for 30 seconds.
Level 3: Lasts for 45 seconds.


Code type: vJass (NewGen required)
MUI: Absolutely!
Leaks: Nope, it never does..
Really?: Look through the code by yourself..

scope WallOfReplica

//Made by: Überplayer
//Credits: Cohadar - for ABC

// 1. Export the icon files from Import Editor (not needed).
// 2. Copy the "Wall of Replica" buff from Object Editor to your map.
// 3. Copy the "[Dummy Spell] - Wall of Replica" spell from Object Editor to your map.
// 4. Copy the "Wall of Replica" spell from Object Editor to your map.
// 5. Copy the "[Dummy Wall] - Wall of Replica" unit to your map.
// 6. Copy the "[Dummy Caster] - Wall of Replica" unit to your map.
// 7. If you don't already have ABC v5.1 implemented in your map, then
//    copy the "ABC" trigger to your map.
// 8. Copy this trigger into your map.
// 9. Make sure that the rawcodes inside this spells Configuration Menu
//    match the rawcodes of your previously copied units and spells rawcodes.

// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
        //Rawcode of the spell
        private constant integer spellId = 'A000'
        //Rawcode of the wall dummy unit
        private constant integer wallDummyId = 'h001'
        //Rawcode of the caster dummy unit
        private constant integer casterDummyId = 'h002'
        //Rawcode of the dummy spell
        private constant integer dummySpellId = 'A001'
        //Integer order of the dummy spell
        private constant integer dummySpellOrder = 852274
        //Interval of the timer
        private constant real timerInterval = 0.08
    private constant function WallDuration takes integer level returns real
        //Duration of the wall
        return level * 15.00

    private constant function WallLength takes integer level returns real
        //Length of the wall
        return 768.00
    private constant function WallWidth takes integer level returns real
        //Width of the wall
        return 32.00
    private constant function TimerInterval takes integer level returns real
        //Interval of the timer
        return 0.08
    private function ValidReplicaBasedUnits takes unit caster, unit enterer returns boolean
        //Modify this function only if you know what you're doing.
        //caster  = the caster of this spell
        //enterer = the unit who is checked, if it is valid for replication
        return (IsUnitType(enterer, UNIT_TYPE_HERO))
    private constant function EffectPath takes integer level returns string
        //This is the effect which is shown on the replicated unit.
        return "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\MirrorImage\\MirrorImageCaster.mdl"
    private constant function ImageLimit takes integer level returns integer
        //Maximum limit of the replications created per hero from a wall.
        return 1
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
    private struct tempStruct
        integer tempInteger
    private struct replicaStruct
        unit array replica[200]
        unit array baseUnit[200]
        integer totalReplicas = 0
        boolean isDestroying = false
    private struct WORstruct
        unit casterUnit
        unit wallDummy
        real wallDuration
        real wallLength
        real wallWidth
        string effectPath
        integer imageLimit
        real x1
        real y1
        real x2
        real y2

        real currentTime
        static method create takes unit casterUnit, unit wallDummy, real wallDuration, real wallLength, real wallWidth, string effectPath, integer imageLimit returns WORstruct
            local WORstruct dat = WORstruct.allocate()
            set dat.casterUnit = casterUnit
            set dat.wallDummy = wallDummy
            set dat.wallDuration = wallDuration
            set dat.wallLength = wallLength
            set dat.wallWidth = wallWidth
            set dat.effectPath = effectPath
            set dat.imageLimit = imageLimit
            set dat.x1 = GetUnitX(dat.wallDummy) + dat.wallLength / 2 * Cos((GetUnitFacing(dat.casterUnit) + 90.00) * bj_DEGTORAD) 
            set dat.y1 = GetUnitY(dat.wallDummy) + dat.wallLength / 2 * Sin((GetUnitFacing(dat.casterUnit) + 90.00) * bj_DEGTORAD) 
            set dat.x2 = GetUnitX(dat.wallDummy) + dat.wallLength / 2 * Cos((GetUnitFacing(dat.casterUnit) - 90.00) * bj_DEGTORAD) 
            set dat.y2 = GetUnitY(dat.wallDummy) + dat.wallLength / 2 * Sin((GetUnitFacing(dat.casterUnit) - 90.00) * bj_DEGTORAD) 
            set dat.currentTime = timerInterval
            return dat
    private function GroupEnumUnitsInLine takes group g, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real width returns nothing
        local real angle = Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
        local real dist = SquareRoot((x2-x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))
        local real cdist = 0
        local group temp
            exitwhen (cdist > dist)
            set temp = CreateGroup()
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(temp, x1, y1, width / 2, null)
            set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
            call GroupAddGroup(temp, g)
            set x1 = x1 + ((width / 4) * Cos(angle))
            set y1 = y1 + ((width / 4) * Sin(angle))
            set cdist = cdist + (width / 4)
        set temp = null
    private function OnDeath takes nothing returns nothing
        local WORstruct dat
        local replicaStruct dat2
        local trigger trig = GetTriggeringTrigger()
        local integer index = -1
        local integer index2
        local unit deadReplica = GetTriggerUnit()
        set dat = GetTriggerStructA(trig)  
        set dat2 = GetTriggerStructB(trig)
        if (dat2.isDestroying == false) then
                exitwhen (index == dat2.totalReplicas)
                if (deadReplica == dat2.replica[index]) then
                    set dat2.baseUnit[index] = null
                    set index2 = index
                        exitwhen (index2 == dat2.totalReplicas)
                        set dat2.baseUnit[index2] = dat2.baseUnit[index2 - 1]
                        set dat2.replica[index2] = dat2.replica[index2 - 1]
                        set dat2.baseUnit[index2] = null
                        set dat2.replica[index2] = null
                        set index2 = index2 + 1
                    set dat2.totalReplicas = dat2.totalReplicas - 1
                    exitwhen (true)
                set index = index + 1
        call ClearTriggerStructA(trig)
        call ClearTriggerStructB(trig)
        call DestroyTrigger(trig)
        set trig = null
        set deadReplica = null 
    private function GetReplica takes nothing returns nothing
        local WORstruct dat
        local replicaStruct dat2
        local tempStruct dat3
        local trigger trig = GetTriggeringTrigger()
        local unit summoner = GetTriggerUnit()
        local unit summoned = GetSummonedUnit()
        local trigger trig2 = CreateTrigger()
        set dat = GetTriggerStructA(trig)
        set dat2 = GetTriggerStructB(trig)
        set dat3 = GetTriggerStructC(trig)
        call SetUnitX(summoned, GetUnitX(summoner))
        call SetUnitY(summoned, GetUnitY(summoner))
        set dat2.replica[dat3.tempInteger] = summoned
        call SetTriggerStructA(trig2, dat)
        call SetTriggerStructB(trig2, dat2)
        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(trig2, dat2.replica[dat3.tempInteger], EVENT_UNIT_DEATH)
        call TriggerAddAction(trig2, function OnDeath)
        call RemoveUnit(summoner)
        call dat3.destroy()
        call ClearTriggerStructA(trig)
        call ClearTriggerStructB(trig)
        call ClearTriggerStructC(trig)
        call DestroyTrigger(trig)
        set trig = null
        set summoner = null
        set summoned = null
        set trig2 = null
    private function WallOfReplicaHandler_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local WORstruct dat
        local replicaStruct dat2
        local tempStruct dat3
        local timer watch = GetExpiredTimer()
        local integer index = 0
        local group g
        local unit f
        local integer found = 0
        local unit d
        local trigger trig
        set dat = GetTimerStructA(watch)
        set dat2 = GetTimerStructB(watch)
        if (dat.currentTime >= dat.wallDuration) then
            set index = 0
            set found = dat2.totalReplicas
            set dat2.isDestroying = true
                exitwhen (index == found)
                call KillUnit(dat2.replica[index])
                set index = index + 1
            call KillUnit(dat.wallDummy)
            call dat.destroy()
            call dat2.destroy()
            call ClearTimerStructA(watch)
            call ClearTimerStructB(watch)
            call PauseTimer(watch)
            call DestroyTimer(watch)
            set watch = null
            set dat.currentTime = dat.currentTime + timerInterval
            set g = CreateGroup()
            call GroupEnumUnitsInLine(g, dat.x1, dat.y1, dat.x2, dat.y2, dat.wallWidth)
                set f = FirstOfGroup(g)
                exitwhen (f == null)
                call GroupRemoveUnit(g, f)
                if (ValidReplicaBasedUnits(dat.casterUnit, f)) then
                    set index = 0
                    set found = 0
                        exitwhen (index == dat2.totalReplicas)
                        if (dat2.baseUnit[index] == f) then
                            set found = found + 1
                        set index = index + 1
                    if (found < dat.imageLimit) then
                        set dat3 = tempStruct.create()
                        set dat3.tempInteger = dat2.totalReplicas
                        set dat2.totalReplicas = dat2.totalReplicas + 1
                        set dat2.baseUnit[dat3.tempInteger] = f
                        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(dat.effectPath, GetUnitX(f), GetUnitY(f)))
                        set d = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(dat.casterUnit), casterDummyId, GetUnitX(f), GetUnitY(f), 0.00)    
                        call UnitAddAbility(d, dummySpellId)
                        call IssueTargetOrderById(d, dummySpellOrder, f)
                        set trig = CreateTrigger()
                        call SetTriggerStructA(trig, dat)
                        call SetTriggerStructB(trig, dat2)
                        call SetTriggerStructC(trig, dat3)
                        call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(trig, d, EVENT_UNIT_SUMMON)
                        call TriggerAddAction(trig, function GetReplica)
                        set d = null
                        set trig = null
                set f = null
            set watch = null

    private function WallOfReplica_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        return (GetSpellAbilityId() == spellId)

    private function WallOfReplica_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit caster = GetTriggerUnit()
        local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(caster, spellId)
        local location loc = GetSpellTargetLoc()
        local unit wall = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(caster), wallDummyId, GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), GetUnitFacing(caster))
        local WORstruct dat = WORstruct.create(caster, wall, WallDuration(level), WallLength(level), WallWidth(level), EffectPath(level), ImageLimit(level))
        local replicaStruct dat2 = replicaStruct.create()
        local timer watch = CreateTimer()
        call SetTimerStructA(watch, dat)
        call SetTimerStructB(watch, dat2)
        call TimerStart(watch, timerInterval, true, function WallOfReplicaHandler_Actions)
        set caster = null
        call RemoveLocation(loc)
        set loc = null
        set wall = null
        set watch = null

    function InitTrig_Wall_of_Replica takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddAction(trig, function WallOfReplica_Actions)
        call TriggerAddCondition(trig, Filter(function WallOfReplica_Conditions))
        set trig = null


Version 2:
-Reduced timer interval from 0.035 to 0.16
-Added a constant function ImageLimit, which enables user to change the maximum limit of the images per hero from a wall.
-Fixed InitTrig.
-Minor change to ValidReplicaBasedUnits function.

Version 3:
-Can't remember.. maybe nothing?

Version 4:
-Made the code to use ABC (much faster now).
-Replicas of a wall will die when the wall's duration is up.
-If replica dies, unit can copy itself again from the wall.

Map ("lol", ABC increased the file size a bit):


  • [DotA Spell] - Wall of Replica.w3x
    64.8 KB · Views: 982


CSS L4D DoD? Steam ID = w00t22
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Nice, i understood jass before newgen now it looks like jibbersh when i read it, but for the screenshot does it like create the unit beside him not like angled? like how it looks
Reaction score
There is still a thing.. I'd like the illusion to be created on the units position, as it goes quite random right now.

*waiting for CA (Cohadar's Attack) :shades:.. I'm all cool.. aaaaaall cool*


CSS L4D DoD? Steam ID = w00t22
Reaction score
heh i was surprised when he didnt flame me when i post my shitty ass jass codes for dota spells


master of fugue
Reaction score
    private function ValidReplicaBasedUnits takes unit caster, unit enterer returns boolean
        //Modify this function only if you know what you're doing.
        //caster  = the caster of this spell
        //enterer = the unit who is checked, if it is valid for replication
        local boolean b1 = (IsUnitType(enterer, UNIT_TYPE_HERO))
        return b1


How about:
    private function ValidReplicaBasedUnits takes unit enterer returns boolean
        //Modify this function only if you know what you're doing.
        //caster  = the caster of this spell
        //enterer = the unit who is checked, if it is valid for replication
        return IsUnitType(enterer, UNIT_TYPE_HERO)

    private constant function WallLength takes integer level returns real
        return 768.00 //Length of the wall
    private constant function WallWidth takes integer level returns real
        return 32.00 //Width of the wall
    private constant function TimerInterval takes integer level returns real
        return 0.035 //Interval of the timer

These function are not using level, therefore they are constants:
    private constant real WallLength = 768.00
    private constant real WallLength = 32.00
    private constant real TimerInterval = 0.035

    private constant function EffectPath takes integer level returns string
        //This is the effect which is shown on the replicated unit.
        return "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\MirrorImage\\MirrorImageCaster.mdl"

    private constant string EffectPath = "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\MirrorImage\\MirrorImageCaster.mdl"

    private struct usedUnits
        unit array usedToReplicate[100] //This line needs fixing.
        integer totalReplicates = 0

Just reduce 100 to maximum number of heroes in game.


    function InitTrig_Wall_of_Replica takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
        local boolexpr b = Filter(function WallOfReplica_Conditions)
        local integer index = 0
            exitwhen (index == 15)
            call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trig, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
            set index = index + 1
        call TriggerAddAction(trig, function WallOfReplica_Actions)
        call TriggerAddCondition(trig, b)
        set b = null
        set trig = null

OMG do NOT inline event registration BJ's , who ever invented that was a total jackass. And you used boolexpr for condition aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

There is a big difference between optimizing code and being stupid.
Just leave trigger stuff as they normally are.

    function InitTrig_Wall_of_Replica takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
        call TriggerAddAction(trig, function WallOfReplica_Actions)
        call TriggerAddCondition(trig, Condition( function WallOfReplica_Conditions))
        set trig = null

I will bash you some more when I get time to look at the spell in detail.
Reaction score
Configuration menu shall be left as it is. I made those values constant functions for purpose.. some users may want to change value for different levels.

    private function ValidReplicaBasedUnits takes unit caster, unit enterer returns boolean
        //Modify this function only if you know what you're doing.
        //caster  = the caster of this spell
        //enterer = the unit who is checked, if it is valid for replication
        local boolean b1 = (IsUnitType(enterer, UNIT_TYPE_HERO))
        return b1

I left it like that by an accident as I had 2 booleans, and I didn't want to make a long line for the condition.

>Just reduce 100 to maximum number of heroes in game.
I never know how many heroes a player wants there to be.

>There is a big difference between optimizing code and being stupid.
Just leave trigger stuff as they normally are.

Okay, I change that back :). I've just used to it.. as I write all triggers from a scratch.

>I will bash you some more when I get time to look at the spell in detail.
I'll look forward into it ^^

I think I survived from the first attack quite well. Now I just need some sleepy sleeeeep..


Jass User (Just started using NewGen)
Reaction score
nice spell just one question:
what's the point of the shield if they hero enemies can go around it?
i mean don't you think it should be defending from every corner?


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Grrr... nice :D I hope it makes illusion if the Hero passes the wall again?
+rep if i can
Reaction score
Actually, the hero doesn't pass through the wall. It's just picked from the line. And in DotA, if I remember right, only 1 illusion can be created from one hero per wall, but I can change that.

>what's the point of the shield if they hero enemies can go around it?
Read the description and you know why.

EDIT:// Update!


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
> And in DotA, if I remember right, only 1 illusion can be created from one hero per wall, but I can change that.
Well, In the newest version after a Hero passes the wall it creates an image. If the image dies and the Hero passes again, another image spawns (something like 1 image per hero limit)...
Good job anyway I learned a few stuff from ur code ^_^

EDIT: Not sure about the images! But that's what I remember from the last time I played with Ish'kafel in 6.49
Reaction score
Oh.. I haven't still figured out how to get last created illusion.. I fix it as soon as I figure out.

The images also should be killed when the wall is gone.

>I learned a few stuff from ur code ^_^
Glad to hear that you did =)


Learning vJASS ;)
Reaction score
Just create a trigger to dectect when a unit is summoned, i guess that the ilussion is just another summoned unit i am 70% sure =P
Reaction score
>Just create a trigger to dectect when a unit is summoned, i guess that the ilussion is just another summoned unit i am 70% sure =P
Dunno how the get the replicated hero in the trigger then.. It's not so tip top.

Is this spell approved / dotaspellindexed?
Reaction score

At last, the new version is out:

Version 4:
-Made the code to use ABC (much faster now).
-Replicas of a wall will die when the wall's duration is up.
-If replica dies, unit can copy itself again from the wall.

This is now completely DotA spell.
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  • Varine Varine:
    Apparently ABS emits styrene particulates which can be like .2 micrometers, which idk if the VOC detectors I have can even catch that
  • Varine Varine:
    Anyway I need to get some of those sensors and two air pressure sensors installed before an after the filters, which I need to figure out how to calculate the necessary pressure for and I have yet to find anything that tells me how to actually do that, just the cfm ratings
  • Varine Varine:
    And then I have to set up an arduino board to read those sensors, which I also don't know very much about but I have a whole bunch of crash course things for that
  • Varine Varine:
    These sensors are also a lot more than I thought they would be. Like 5 to 10 each, idk why but I assumed they would be like 2 dollars
  • Varine Varine:
    Another issue I'm learning is that a lot of the air quality sensors don't work at very high ambient temperatures. I'm planning on heating this enclosure to like 60C or so, and that's the upper limit of their functionality
  • Varine Varine:
    Although I don't know if I need to actually actively heat it or just let the plate and hotend bring the ambient temp to whatever it will, but even then I need to figure out an exfiltration for hot air. I think I kind of know what to do but it's still fucking confusing
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Maybe you could find some of that information from AC tech - like how they detect freon and such
  • Varine Varine:
    That's mostly what I've been looking at
  • Varine Varine:
    I don't think I'm dealing with quite the same pressures though, at the very least its a significantly smaller system. For the time being I'm just going to put together a quick scrubby box though and hope it works good enough to not make my house toxic
  • Varine Varine:
    I mean I don't use this enough to pose any significant danger I don't think, but I would still rather not be throwing styrene all over the air
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