[TEAM CTF]Looking for ideas and feedback


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TEAM CTF is a class-based capture the flag map with the intent on competition. This map is being designed around the idea of teams(clans) playing competitively, therefore all the skills and items will be more skill-based than 'regular' maps. Most abilites are active and require some sort of aim/prediction/timing to be effective so a more versed player will have a advantage over a 'newbie'. In other words, there is no point and click spell that does XX damage etc.

There is no story as of yet, but as you can tell by the attatched pictures the setting is 'space orcs'. Most of the abilties are futuristic weapons and/or technology.


  • 6 Unique Classes - Custom models (thanks to GeneralFrank). All custom abilities. More classes to come.
  • Ability Combos - Some classes will have abilities that, if used in sync with other abilites can create devastating combos.
  • Vexorian's Hero Selection System - The best hero selection avialable, allowing you to see the model and abilities of each class before choosing. Modified**
  • Will Feature 'Grim001's Physics system' - A extremely dynamic system allowing for realistic projectiles/units. A brand new movement system getting rid of the need for 'knockback' or 'jump' scripts.
  • Unique Flag System - The ability to 'drop' or 'throw' the flag. The flag can not be returned by a team, allowing for dynamic flag fights in different eviorments and situations.
  • Advanced Multiboard - Displaying a ton of dynamic information in a minimalistic fasion. (pictured below)
  • Attribute System - Allowing the player to choose to upgrade his stats rather than pick an ability. (Based emjlr3's system)
  • Dynamic Auras - Allowing the range, power and duration of an auras to be determined in real-time by a unit's property (ie. remaining mana or agility)
  • Player Input - featuring commands like '-callvote kick' (allows the host to call a vote to kick a particular player in a democratic fasion) and '-balance' ('Smart balance' by fixing teams according to what team needs who) .

How can you help?

[del]Terrainer:This is basically the reason for this post. I have a basic layout so I need someone to help with doodads and general terrain enhancements. I'm also up for a brand new terrain if you think what I have sucks =p.[/del] Found a terrainer.
Animator and/or Modeler: This isnt really a big deal or necessary to the completion of the project, but I'd like to add a animation or two to a model. I'll also eventually need models for future classes.
Advanced JASSer: For the most part, I have everything under control (with the help of these forums and wc3c ofcourse) but if someone wants to help, I could always use another brain... even if it's just someone to instant message to bounce ideas/questions off of.
Item Ideas: Futuristic technology. Space weapons. Grenades. These are the types of items the map will feature, and I dont have many ideas.. I'm up for anything really.

**Attatched is an old shot of the flag room and pic of all the current classes (Cyborg,Gunner,Marine,Sniper,Medic,Engineer, Recon). More info can be found here.


  • TEAM.ctf.flagroom.jpg
    165.4 KB · Views: 266
  • TEAM.ctf.classes.jpg
    133 KB · Views: 226


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Terrain: llllllllll 60% (?)
Terrain will be re-done (by a VERY good terrainer, might i add) to work better with the physics system.

Triggers: llllllllll 70%
Flag code is complete. Multiboard is finished as well as other random scrips and initialization code. I'm getting rid of HandleVars and the particle system and replacing them with more optimized vJass and the physics system.

Items: llllllllll 30%
Item shops and recipe code all in place. Potion shop is done. Only a few of items are actually made. The biggest holdback here are the ideas.

Heroes: llllllllll 70%
Conceptualization pretty much completely done. Most abilities are finished but need to be transferred over to the new method of doing things. Optimization and tweaks as well.

Overall: llllllllll 57.5%
I'm waiting on the release of grim's system for a real beta test. Untill then I'll be adding polish


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> Advanced JASSer: For the most part, I have everything under control (with the help of these forums and wc3c ofcourse) but if someone wants to help, I could always use another brain... even if it's just someone to instant message when I cant figure out something.

Seems like I could try and help you with this if you are intrested. I'm not sure if I'm skilled as you are but I believe I my skill should be high enough (hopefully :eek: ).


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Are you going to credit General Frank for those models?

6 Unique Classes - Custom models (thanks to GeneralFrank). All custom abilities. More classes to come.

And if you mean in the map itself, ofcourse I will. In fact I've already talked to him via irc about the models.

Rheias, thanks for the offer. Let me know of away I can contact you and i'll do so after this weekend (goin outa town) to see i fyou can help.


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In the spirit of reviving old threads I thought i'd bump my current project and hook you guys up with a screenshot.


Shows off the Medic's 'floating orb aura' as well as the (almost)finished multiboard. Also show's a bit of the -balance system in action. You can also see that Player 3 was kicked using the -callvote kick system.

I'm still actively looking for ideas and feedback as well!


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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How is he advertising a clan? All he said was Team CTF and that's it.
And it's not "all he has" the map looks good, and it's almost done.


You can change this now in User CP.
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Is this thread even alive or something? or is substance not bumping this post anyway?


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The project is still alive but i'm only bumping when I update. Still open to ideas though.


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information on classes pls?

Sure, here's an (a bit outdated) list of the 6 classes and some skill ideas I had for each. Keep in mind nothing is set in stone and that I'm still in need of ITEM ideas as well.


Skill 1 - EMP Gernade - Disables any enemy electronics in the blast radius for XX seconds. (lasers, sentry guns, alarms etc.)
Skill 2 - Timed Kamikaze - When triggered it starts a countown of XX seconds in which during that time the Cyborg and any friendly nearby teamates gain an exponetial armor boost. At the end of the countdown the Cyborg self destructs causing damage to any nearby enemy units.
Skill 3 - Thowing arm - throws the closest unit, friendly or foe.
Ultimate - Plasmabomb - The Cyborg lays a plasma bomb, the bomb blows up after XX seconds doing a medium amount of damage in a large radius.

Skill 1 - Sentry Gun - Creates a static gun. This gun can be upgrades twice, becoming more powerfull and versatile with every upgrade. Only one sentry gun can be on the playing field at a time.
Skill 2 - Jump Pack - The Engineer ignights small explosives in his boots, allowing him to leap a great distance. The impact from where he lands slows all units in range for XX seconds.
Skill 3 - EMP Shield - The engineer creates a small field around a chosen electronic unit giving that unit a small armor increase and protects that unit from EMP damage.
Ultimate - Magnotron Spin - Starts to to spin so fact that he sucks in units and damages them with his axe. The longer he spins the more powerull the effect. Drains X mana per second.
DEFAULT SKILL Alarm - Places a alarm that when triggered by the enemy will sound off, and also visual confirmation of that unit. Lasts XX seconds.Crippling

Skill 1 - Mega Chaingun - The most powerful weapon in the game. Works like a short-range chaingun. This skill must be aimed.
Skill 2 - Flag Buff (name?) - Gives the gunner a insane armor and damage buff when fighting close to his flag.
Skill 3 - Shrapnel Gernade - Throws a grenade that, on impact, sends small pieces of shrapnel in random directions. Hits teamates.
Ultimate - Laser - The gunner puts down a laser that extends in a direction untill it hits a wall. Any unit that touches the laser will lose XX health.
DEFAULT SKILL - Proximinty Mine - Essentially a goblin land mine (only it's visible).

Skill 1 - Frag Grenade -
Skill 2 - some kind of team ability -
Skill 3 - Rocket Jump - Marine shoots a rocket at his feet, doing damage to ANY unit in an area around himself and propelling the Marine in the air towards the direction chosen.
Ultimate - Guided EMP missle(name?) -
DEFAULT SKILL - Flag Buff(name?) - PASSIVE, Makes the recon immune to the flag's 'feriyu fire' effect meaning there is no 11% movement speed debuff and the enemy doesnt have truesight of you

Skill 1 - Concussion Grenade - Grenade that blows up and moves people around.
Skill 2 - Reconassance Shell - Gives the recon a armor bonus at the cost of movement speed. At higher levels protects from 'spells'.
Skill 3 - Jump - allows the recon to jetpack boost, higher levels means higher boosts.
Ultimate - Fly? - Allows the recon to fly for a short duration.
Combat Medic:
DEFAULT SKILL - attack/heal - When the medic attacks enemies it poisons them, losing 1% of their total HP for a duration based on the medic's level. When the medic attacks allies it will heal the ally in the amount of the medic damage. the healing stuff stays on the ally, healing them for 1% of their max HP for a duration based on the medic's level.

Skill 1 - Flash Grenade - When it blows it blinds enemies for a duration based on the distance the enemy is from the grenade.
Skill 2 - overflow leak - A simple DoT but instead of just losign the HP, the enemy leaks it in the form of overflow balls. Anyone but the leaker can pick up the balls.
Skill 3 - bio mechanics - does something to mechanical units only. when used on the sentry gun it will make it a bio sentry gun.
Ultimate - overflow - Heals the target based on the target's current HP. any additional healage beyond that unit's max HP will be leaked. EXAMPLE : a unit has his max amount of HP which is 100. the medic heals him for his current HP which is 100 but he is already full so that 100 will form as leakage.
Ultimate - spellbook injection - pick from 6 injection types. speed, armor, regen, etc.
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