System Easy Quest Addition


Software Engineer
Reaction score
Alright, first let me say that this is a work in progress. There is probably a lot of buggy code, redundant code or just things with the code that need improvements. If you see anything you think should be re-written please let me know.

I saw someone else post a quest template for something they were working on. It didn't look very user friendly and / or customizable (No offense to the person in question) so I thought I'd lend people my experience in the system I'm building on the subject of quests.

What is this?
This is a system I threw together to easily add quests to the quest log for all players to do. I didn't like making several triggers for each quest I wanted to make. This dramatically simplifies the process.

Other Info:
Currently this system only supports the template of a "kill quest," which is one that requires you to kill X amount of Y enemies.

Example usage:
call CreateQuestKill('Hamg', -357, 65,true, 2, 8, "Assault!", "The Tuskarr have been roaming around recently...They are making my evocation rather difficult.  Kill 3 Tuskarr Chieftain and end their disruption", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNTuskaarBlack.blp", 'n000',3, 'afac', 50, 10, 5)

Let me break this down...The parameters you can read off the function that these are passed into:
function CreateQuestKill takes integer StartNPC, real x, real y, boolean Repeatable, integer minlevel, integer maxlevel, string QuestTitle, string QuestDescription, string Icon, integer UnitToKillID,integer HowMany, integer RewardItemId, integer RewardExp, integer RewardGold, integer RewardLumber returns Quest

I believe those are very self explanatory.

Requirements:vJASS, CSCache, A typical Handles System

Future Plans:
-Create templates for other types of quests
-Optimize Code
----Clean Memory Leaks
----Remove Redundant Code (Simplify function calls)
-Move away from requiring Handle Vars
-Move away from requiring CSCache
-Re-code Quest Management library

Quest Mangement Core Library:
library QuestManagementCore

string expcolor = "|c00808000"
string lumbercolor = "|c00008000"
string goldcolor = "|c00FFFF00"
string itemcolor = "|c00800080"

integer array QuestStructLink
integer CurrStruct
integer QuestCount = 1
string  array QuestTitles
constant integer MaxNumberOfQuests = 100
string QuestError

struct Quest
trigger trig
string questtype
integer start
unit startu
real startx
real starty
boolean repeat
string title
string desc
integer min
integer max
integer howmany
integer countid
integer itemid
integer exp
integer gold
integer lumber

//Player Quest Variables
boolean array started[10]
boolean array finished[10]
boolean array complete[10] //Complete is different from finish.  If we are finished that means we are ready for turn in
integer array count[10]    //Complete means the entire quest is done

function printerror takes player p, string str returns nothing
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p, 0,0,30,str)

function CreateQuestEvent takes trigger t returns nothing
local integer i = 0 
    exitwhen i > 9
    call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED, null)
    set i = i+1

function GetStartNPCName takes Quest q returns string
local unit u
local string str 

set u = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), GetUnitTypeId(q.startu), 0,0,0)
set str = GetUnitName(u)
call RemoveUnit(u)
set u = null
return str

function quest_click_conditions_setup takes nothing returns boolean
local trigger t = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local Quest q = GetHandleInt(t,"quest")
local integer idx = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())+1
local unit u = Hero[idx]
local boolean b1 = (GetTriggerUnit() == q.startu)
local boolean b2 = not (q.started[idx])
local boolean b3 = not (q.finished[idx])
local boolean b4 = not (q.complete[idx])

set t = null
return (b1 and b2 and b3 and b4)

function quest_click_actions_setup takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t   = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local Quest q     = GetHandleInt(t,"quest")
local player p    = GetTriggerPlayer()
local integer idx = GetPlayerId(p)+1
local unit u = Hero[idx]
local boolean b1  = (DistanceBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(u), GetUnitLoc(q.startu)) <= 400.00)
local boolean b2  = GetUnitLevel(u)>=q.min
local boolean b3  = GetUnitLevel(u)<=q.max

if not(b1) or not(b2) or not(b3) then
    if not(b1) then
    call printerror(p, "Get Closer!")
    elseif not(b2) then
    call printerror(p, "Return when you are a higher level")
    elseif not(b3) then
    call printerror(p, "You are too powerful to begin this quest")

set q.started[idx]=true     
call QMDiscover(GetTriggerPlayer(),q.title)
set p = null

function quest_conditions_kill takes nothing returns boolean
local integer idx = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetKillingUnit()))+1
local trigger t = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local Quest q = GetHandleInt(t,"quest")
local boolean b1 = (GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit()) == q.countid)
local boolean b2 = (q.started[idx])
local boolean b3 = not (q.finished[idx])
return b1 and b2 and b3

function quest_actions_kill takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetOwningPlayer(GetKillingUnit())
local integer idx = GetPlayerId(p)+1
local trigger t = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local Quest q = GetHandleInt(t,"quest")
local unit u = CreateUnit(Player(15), q.countid, 0,0,0)
set q.count[idx]=q.count[idx]+1
call QMReqCount(p, q.title, "Kill "+I2S(q.howmany)+" "+GetUnitName(u), q.count[idx], q.howmany) 
call RemoveUnit(u)

    if (q.count[idx] == q.howmany) then
    set u = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), q.countid, 0,0,0)
    set q.finished[idx]=true
    call QMReqComplete(p,q.title,"Kill "+I2S(q.howmany)+" "+GetUnitName(u))
    call RemoveUnit(u)
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(p,0,0,"Return to "+GetStartNPCName(q)+" for your reward")


function quest_reward_conditions takes nothing returns boolean
local trigger t = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local Quest q = GetHandleInt(t,"quest")
local integer idx = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))+1
local boolean b1 = q.finished[idx]
local boolean b2 = IsUnitVisible(GetTriggerUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(q.startu))
local boolean b3 = not (q.complete[idx])
return b1 and b2 and b3

function quest_reward_actions takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t   = GetTriggeringTrigger()
local Quest q     = GetHandleInt(t,"quest")
local unit u      = GetTriggerUnit()
local player p    = GetOwningPlayer(u)
local integer idx = GetPlayerId(p)+1
local item i

//If quest is repeatable then it is never completed
if (not(q.repeat)) then
set q.complete[idx] = true
set q.count[idx] = 0 //Sets our count variable back to 0
set q.finished[idx] = false
call QMReqAdd(p,q.title, "Quest is repeatable")

call QMReqComplete(p,q.title, "Return to "+GetUnitName(q.startu)+" for your reward")

call QMComplete(p,q.title)    

    //Exp Reward
    if (not(q.exp==0)) then
    call AddHeroXP(u,q.exp, false)
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(p,0,0,"Rewarded: "+expcolor+ I2S(q.exp) + " Experience.|r")
    //Gold Reward
    if (not( then
    call SetPlayerStateBJ( p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD, ( GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD) + ) )
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(p,0,0,"Rewarded: "+goldcolor+ I2S( + " Gold.|r")
    //Lumber Reward
    if (not(q.lumber==0)) then
    call SetPlayerStateBJ( p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, ( GetPlayerState(p, PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) + q.lumber ) )
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(p,0,0,"Rewarded: "+lumbercolor+ I2S(q.lumber) + " Lumber|r" )
    //Item Reward
    if (not(q.itemid==0)) then
    call UnitAddItemById(u, q.itemid )
    set i = CreateItem(q.itemid,0,0)
    call DisplayTextToPlayer(p, 0,0, "Rewarded: "+itemcolor+GetItemName(i)+"|r")
    call RemoveItem(i)
    set t = null
    set u = null
    set p = null
    set i = null

function CreateQuestParent takes integer StartNPC, real x, real y, real face, boolean Repeatable, integer minlevel, integer maxlevel, string QuestTitle, string QuestDescription, string Icon, integer HowMany, integer UnitToKillID, integer RewardItemId, integer RewardExp, integer RewardGold, integer RewardLumber returns Quest
local Quest q = Quest.create()
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local unit u 

//Establishes our struct information
set q.trig = t
set q.startu=CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), StartNPC, x,y,face)
set q.start = StartNPC
set q.repeat = Repeatable
set q.title = QuestTitle
set q.desc = QuestDescription
set q.min = minlevel
set q.max = maxlevel
set q.howmany = HowMany
set q.countid = UnitToKillID
set q.itemid = RewardItemId
set q.exp = RewardExp
set = RewardGold
set q.lumber = RewardLumber

call AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\TalkToMe\\TalkToMe.mdl", q.startu, "overhead")
//Create Quest in QuestLog
set u = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), UnitToKillID, 0,0,0)
call QMAdd(QuestTitle, QuestDescription , Icon, false, false)
call QMReqAdd(null,QuestTitle, "Kill "+I2S(HowMany)+" "+GetUnitName(u))
call RemoveUnit(u)
set u = CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), StartNPC, 0,0,0)
call QMReqAdd(null,QuestTitle, "Return to "+GetUnitName(u)+" for your reward")
call RemoveUnit(u)
call QMReqAdd(null,QuestTitle, "Quest is repeatable")

//*****************START (CLICK) EVENT************************//
call SetHandleInt(t, "quest", q)
call CreateQuestEvent(t)                                                         //Create Trigger's Events
call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function quest_click_conditions_setup ) )//Create Trigger's Conditions
call TriggerAddAction( t, function quest_click_actions_setup )                   //Create Trigger's Actions

//*****************FINISH (REWARD) EVENT************************//
set t = CreateTrigger()
call SetHandleInt(t, "quest", q)
call TriggerRegisterUnitInRange( t, q.startu,200.00,null )
call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function quest_reward_conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function quest_reward_actions )

return q

function CreateQuestKill takes integer StartNPC, real x, real y, boolean Repeatable, integer minlevel, integer maxlevel, string QuestTitle, string QuestDescription, string Icon, integer UnitToKillID,integer HowMany, integer RewardItemId, integer RewardExp, integer RewardGold, integer RewardLumber returns Quest
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local Quest q   = CreateQuestParent(StartNPC, x, y,0,Repeatable, minlevel, maxlevel, QuestTitle, QuestDescription, Icon, HowMany, UnitToKillID, RewardItemId, RewardExp, RewardGold, RewardLumber)

set q.questtype = "kill"

//*****************KILL EVENT************************//
call SetHandleInt(t, "quest", q) //Store the struct in the trigger for reference later
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH )
call TriggerAddCondition( t, Condition( function quest_conditions_kill ) )
call TriggerAddAction( t, function quest_actions_kill )
set t = null
return q

function testabc takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateQuestKill('Hamg', -357, 65,true, 2, 8, "Assault!", "The Tuskarr have been roaming around recently...They are making my evocation rather difficult.  Kill 3 Tuskarr Chieftain and end their disruption", "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNTuskaarBlack.blp", 'n000',3, 'afac', 50, 10, 5)


Quest Management Library
library QuestManagement

//Set Ques Finish
function print takes player p, string str returns nothing
call DisplayTextToPlayer(p,0,0, str)

function GlobalObject takes string ref, handle obj returns nothing
   call StoreInteger(CSCache(),"globals",ref,H2I(obj))

function GetAttachedReq takes handle h, string label returns questitem
   return GetAttachedInt(h, label)
   return null

function QMAdd takes string title, string desc, string icon, boolean required, boolean discovered returns nothing

   local quest q = CreateQuest()
   call QuestSetTitle(q, title)
   call QuestSetDescription(q, desc)
   call QuestSetIconPath(q, icon)
   call GlobalObject(title, q)
   call QuestSetRequired(q, required)
   call QuestSetDiscovered(q, discovered)
   if(discovered) then
      call FlashQuestDialogButton()

function GQ takes string label returns quest
   return GetStoredInteger(CSCache(), "globals", label)
   return null

function QMDiscover takes player p, string title returns nothing
   local quest q = GQ(title)

if(q == null) then
      call print(p,"Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")

   call QuestSetDiscovered(q, true)

   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUEST, " ")
   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUEST, "|cffc0c0c0Quest Discovered - \"|cff00aadd" + title + "|cffc0c0c0\"")
   call StartSound(bj_questDiscoveredSound)
   call FlashQuestDialogButton()


function QMComplete takes player p, string title returns nothing

   local quest q = GQ(title)
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
   call QuestSetCompleted(q, true)

   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTDONE, " ")
   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTDONE, "|cffc0c0c0Quest Complete - \"|cff00aadd" + title + "|cffc0c0c0\"")
   call StartSound(bj_questCompletedSound)
   call FlashQuestDialogButton()


function QMFail takes player p, string title returns nothing
   local quest q = GQ(title)
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
   call QuestSetFailed(q, true)
   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTFAILED, " ")
   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTFAILED, "|cffc0c0c0Quest Failed - \"|cff00aadd" + title + "|cffc0c0c0\"")
   call StartSound(bj_questFailedSound)
   call FlashQuestDialogButton()

function QMIsFailed takes player p, string title returns boolean
   local quest q = GQ(title)
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
      return false
   return IsQuestFailed(q)

function QMIsComplete takes player p, string title returns boolean
   local quest q = GQ(title)  
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
      return false
   return IsQuestCompleted(q)

function QMExists takes string title returns boolean
   local quest q = GQ(title)
   return q != null

function QMReqAdd takes player p, string title, string req returns nothing
   local quest q = GQ(title)
   local questitem qi
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p,"Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
   set qi = QuestCreateItem(q)
   call QuestItemSetDescription(qi, req)
   call AttachObject(q, req, qi)
   if(IsQuestDiscovered(q)) then
      call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, " ")
      call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, "|cffc0c0c0New Quest Requirement for \"|cff00aadd" + title + "|cffc0c0c0\" - |cff00aadd" + req)
      call StartSound(bj_questUpdatedSound)
      call FlashQuestDialogButton()

function QMReqComplete takes player p, string title, string req returns nothing

   local quest q = GQ(title)
   local questitem qi
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p,"Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")

   set qi = GetAttachedReq(q, req)
   if(qi == null) then
      call print(p,"Quest Manager Error: Questitem " + req + " does not exist.")

   call QuestItemSetCompleted(qi, true)
   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, " ")
   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, "|cffc0c0c0Quest Requirement Complete For \"|cff00aadd" + title + "|cffc0c0c0\" - |cff00aadd" + req)
   call StartSound(bj_questUpdatedSound)
   call FlashQuestDialogButton()

function QMIsReqComplete takes player p, string title, string req returns boolean
   local quest q = GQ(title)
   local questitem qi
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
      return false
   set qi = GetAttachedReq(q, req)
   if(qi == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Questitem " + req + " does not exist.")
      return false
   return IsQuestItemCompleted(qi)

function QMReqCount takes player p, string title, string req, integer a, integer b returns nothing
   local quest q = GQ(title)
   local questitem qi
   local string newText = req + " (" + I2S(a) + "/" + I2S(b) + ")"
   if(q == null) then
      call print(p,"Quest Manager Error: Quest " + title + " does not exist.")
   set qi = GetAttachedReq(q, req)
   if(qi == null) then
      call print(p, "Quest Manager Error: Questitem " + req + " does not exist.")
   call QuestItemSetDescription(qi, newText)
   if(IsQuestDiscovered(q)) then
      call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, " ")
      call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, bj_TEXT_DELAY_QUESTUPDATE, "|cffc0c0c0Quest Update - \"|cff00aadd" + title + "|cffc0c0c0\" - |cff00aadd" + newText)
      call StartSound(bj_questUpdatedSound)
      call FlashQuestDialogButton()
    set newText = null
    set q = null
    set qi = null




Software Engineer
Reaction score
Since this all wouldn't fit in 1 post...

Standard Handles Library
library Handles
function H2I takes handle h returns integer
    return h
    return 0

function LocalVars takes nothing returns gamecache
    if udg_hash == null then
        call FlushGameCache(InitGameCache("hash.w3v"))
        set udg_hash = InitGameCache("hash.w3v")
    return udg_hash
function SetHandleHandle takes handle subject, string name, handle value returns nothing
    if value==null then
        call FlushStoredInteger(LocalVars(),I2S(H2I(subject)),name)
        call StoreInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name, H2I(value))
function SetHandleInt takes handle subject, string name, integer value returns nothing
    if value==0 then
        call FlushStoredInteger(LocalVars(),I2S(H2I(subject)),name)
         call StoreInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name, value)
function SetHandleReal takes handle subject, string name, real value returns nothing
    if value==0 then
        call FlushStoredReal(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
        call StoreReal(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name, value)
function SetHandleString takes handle subject, string name, string value returns nothing
    if value==null then
        call FlushStoredString(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
        call StoreString(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name, value)
function SetHandleBoolean takes handle subject, string name, boolean value returns nothing
    if value==false then
        call FlushStoredBoolean(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
        call StoreBoolean(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name, true )

function GetHandleBoolean takes handle subject, string name returns boolean
    return GetStoredBoolean(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
function GetHandleHandle takes handle subject, string name returns handle
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleItem takes handle subject, string name returns item
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleInt takes handle subject, string name returns integer
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
function GetHandleReal takes handle subject, string name returns real
    return GetStoredReal(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
function GetHandleString takes handle subject, string name returns string
    return GetStoredString(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
function GetHandleUnit takes handle subject, string name returns unit
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleTimer takes handle subject, string name returns timer
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleTrigger takes handle subject, string name returns trigger
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleEffect takes handle subject, string name returns  effect
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleTextTag takes handle subject, string name returns  texttag
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleTriggerAction takes handle subject, string name returns triggeraction
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandlePlayer takes handle subject, string name returns player
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleGroup takes handle subject, string name returns group
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function GetHandleLocation takes handle subject, string name returns location
    return GetStoredInteger(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)), name)
    return null
function FlushHandleLocals takes handle subject returns nothing
    call FlushStoredMission(LocalVars(), I2S(H2I(subject)) )


Also known as azwraith_ftL.
Reaction score
Great idea, Steel. This really save huge time from creating such quests. Only one thing - don't use gamecache (well I don't think it matters that much here.. but still, gamecache sux) ;)

+rep for this
EDIT: or when I can again..


Top Banana
Reaction score
Hey, it does seem more user-friendly than my templates, since you only need to write up one line with this, instead of copying a trigger, using replace and filling out the conifg. (I guess it depends whether people like writing along a line or down a config list.)

However I'm not exactly seeing how it is more customisable than my quest templates. Am I missing something? Seems like you are restricted a lot more with this.

Anyway, nice system.


Software Engineer
Reaction score
Hey, it does seem more user-friendly than my templates, since you only need to write up one line with this, instead of copying a trigger, using replace and filling out the conifg. (I guess it depends whether people like writing along a line or down a config list.)

However I'm not exactly seeing how it is more customisable than my quest templates. Am I missing something? Seems like you are restricted a lot more with this.

Anyway, nice system.

I think it's just my own personal preference, I'd rather have a single function handle the entire system than a bunch of const functions.
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