US News FBI admits to internet spying


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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You are suggesting, that instead of opposing degradation and destruction of our freedoms and the rights that have been dreamed up in one form or another since The Enlightment, we should leave?

Where shall we go, the South American jungles following our radical spiritual leader who will establish a perfect society of wood and kool-aid?

first you complain the government is screwing us over, and now u complain about how u can't leave because there won't be a government to protect you...

honestly i don't see the big deal about someone you've never met, and most likely never will meet listening in on your phone calls, and i honestly doubt he cares what u and betty sue did last night when u should've been with racheal. i don't get how this is the next big leap towards limiting free speech either. you're still allowed to say whatever u like, and express your opinions, I'm sure they don't take every "man, if Hillary becomes president I'll kill her" discussion serious...


I come from the net ... My format, Vector.
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Being in a safe country is great, I never said I wanted to leave, I love living in the US, and I have no plans to leave. I was hoping to stress that point with a highly sarcastic Jim Jones joke. Sorry for the confusion. What I am saying, is that even though safety comes at a cost, I believe surveillance like this is too high a price.


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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And with your picture, are you implying that the government has stuck you into a cave of ice and won't let you out?

Im implying that you sir, are a lemming.
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And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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Im implying that you sir, are a lemming.

Well... lemmings are cute little guys. Would you like to expound on why or is it just one of those things? I've also gotten I'm a socialist, a fascist, AND a communist. No one cared to explain how I'm all of these... it makes me cry inside.


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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Well... lemmings are cute little guys. Would you like to expound on why or is it just one of those things? I've also gotten I'm a socialist, a fascist, AND a communist. No one cared to explain how I'm all of these... it makes me cry inside.

You and bart are acting like lemmings, blindly believing that everything the government does is in your best interest. :eek:


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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One things leads to another, just so you know. At one point, it will all be too late.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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You and bart are acting like lemmings, blindly believing that everything the government does is in your best interest. :eek:

As I work for the government, or at least did and am now attempting to secure another job in the intelligence community, that would be a sensible thing to do methinks. Although, as I work for the government and have relatively good friends that work in the intelligence communities, I also think that my knowledge is a little more... profitable, for lack of better word on my mind, when it concerns what the government does and does not do. So, while you consider those of us who trust our elected leaders to be 'lemmings', I will consider you to just be yet another uninformed sycophant of Alex Jones or someone similar.

One things leads to another, just so you know. At one point, it will all be too late.

At one point, the sun will also extinguish. Not in the foreseeable future, but someday.... When the government begins to actually infringe on my freedoms, I'll be the first to revolt. But until then I'll be the lemming.


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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At one point, the sun will also extinguish. Not in the foreseeable future, but someday.... When the government begins to actually infringe on my freedoms, I'll be the first to revolt. But until then I'll be the lemming.

That's a pretty dumb comparison. The sun, as you said, will extinguish in the WWAAAYYY future. And you can't do nothing about it.
At the pace we're going, our freedoms are being taken away rapidly, and we can do something about it.

A revolution would be a lot harder. Unless we do it in a way that we don't pose as a threat for the government, like strikes and what not, they will just pin us down easily. It's nearly impossible to get all people to agree in something as a boycott, especially the way the government is being run, and because of the discrimination (racial, religious, etc.).

U are a noob

Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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A revolution would be a lot harder. Unless we do it in a way that we don't pose as a threat for the government, like strikes and what not, they will just pin us down easily. It's nearly impossible to get all people to agree in something as a boycott, especially the way the government is being run, and because of the discrimination (racial, religious, etc.).

Whether it's done by force and violence or peaceful strikes and boycotts, revolution is the answer.

"man, if Hillary becomes president I'll kill her" discussion serious...

Oh of all the dumb comments I have read, this is by far near the top of the list. If they didn't care then we can say bomb in the airport or fire in a movie theater.


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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Not really. A revolution doesn't start with "I have a dream". You must be sure that you can take out your government, without it taking you out.

'Gangs' may be considered a 'mini-revolution', but at the same time it can be considered a 'civil war'.

U are a noob

Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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Not really. A revolution doesn't start with "I have a dream". You must be sure that you can take out your government, without it taking you out.

'Gangs' may be considered a 'mini-revolution', but at the same time it can be considered a 'civil war'. said:
Revolution - an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
No matter how it obtained revolution is always the answer.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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That's a pretty dumb comparison. The sun, as you said, will extinguish in the WWAAAYYY future. And you can't do nothing about it.
At the pace we're going, our freedoms are being taken away rapidly, and we can do something about it.

A revolution would be a lot harder. Unless we do it in a way that we don't pose as a threat for the government, like strikes and what not, they will just pin us down easily. It's nearly impossible to get all people to agree in something as a boycott, especially the way the government is being run, and because of the discrimination (racial, religious, etc.).

So go do something about it. I'm not seeing it happening, so telling me that you feel we're losing our freedom, when in fact we are not, is pretty pointless. Especially when you don't have much to back it.

U are a noob

Mega Super Ultra Cool Member
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So go do something about it. I'm not seeing it happening, so telling me that you feel we're losing our freedom, when in fact we are not, is pretty pointless. Especially when you don't have much to back it.
We have already lost our freedom. We have had for a while. Full fledged freedom is impossible. But we can restrict our freedom even more than before if we don't act upon this invasion of privacy. Because if we are not allowed to say something in a private session without fear of repercussion, we will become like other countries in oppression.
Freedom of speech is completely different than tapping phones and the Internet. I don't care if they listen to what I say, but I would be pretty pissed off is they said I can't say something.

I don't think you realize that they will not tap your phone lines for absolutely no reason at all. They will check what you are saying and whats the point of checking if you r not going to do something? There will be repercussion if say something unwanted.


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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No democracy in history has ever survived forever. Why? Because of human nature. Greed and the lust for power will eventually corrupt our elected officials and they will only act in the capacities that benefit them. Democracy will almost always collapse into Anarchy or into Totalitarianism. Look at Rome. Their officials were so corrupt they couldn't stop the sacking of Rome

Even now in America our elected officials are corrupt. The way to achieve a high ranking position in our government almost guarantees the corruption. Lobbyist control our government, large companies, men with money. To work your way up you need money, and the only way to get money is to be indebted to men with money. Once in power these men call on the debts you owe them, to make them richer and more powerful. To create laws that benefit them, and not this country.

Your letting corrupt men sell your soul, and your doing it with a smile on your face and a skip in your step.

Im not saying America is a bad place, im saying America could become a bad place very quickly.

You are well aware of how hitler came to power right? he made things better, he gave people jobs, he gave them an excuse for everything that was wrong, and he used that excuse to take away freedoms.

Do you see any striking similarities?

The American government is taking away our freedoms to keep us safe from terrorists? But when do they stop? Four years they broke their own rules without any repercussions. Whats to stop them from breaking any other rules? or passing laws to change the rules?

Im not trying to start a boycott, or a revolution, im just pointing out the fact that something is very wrong with the way things are done, and the people closest to it are completely blinded to it. :eek:

P.S. I may have deserved the negative rep you gave me, but i dont think you should feel exempt of the rules of this forum simply because those with authority cannot see what you write in private.


And as the moon rises, we shall prepare for war
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We have already lost our freedom. We have had for a while. Full fledged freedom is impossible. But we can restrict our freedom even more than before if we don't act upon this invasion of privacy. Because if we are not allowed to say something in a private session without fear of repercussion, we will become like other countries in oppression.

I don't think you realize that they will not tap your phone lines for absolutely no reason at all. They will check what you are saying and whats the point of checking if you r not going to do something? There will be repercussion if say something unwanted.

I am well aware of all of this, although I don't think you know about some of the technologies that are involved in these. Freedom has been restricted before, and then is again restored when the conditions allow. Currently, I would assume most everyone understands the imminent threat of terrorism and because of that restrictions on our freedoms would understandably be enstated.

The Constitution does not guaruntee you freedom of privacy. Although the Supreme Court has come to the conclusion that it's a basic human right, it's nonetheless guarunteed to you in the present Constitution. So they are not technically invading your freedoms because you were never specifically given that freedom.

I don't think you understand repercussions. You will possibly be interrogated, but chances are very little will come of it save some wasted time. As you said, they'll not spy on you unless they have reason to. So no one has to worry about anything, do they?

You are well aware of how hitler came to power right? he made things better, he gave people jobs, he gave them an excuse for everything that was wrong, and he used that excuse to take away freedoms.

He came to power because no one was checking him until he invaded Poland. Which is why we've got three branches of central government and you've been given the right to rebel if necessary. The FBI trying to stop terrorism is so similar to Hitler's rise of power, isn't it?

P.S. I may have deserved the negative rep you gave me, but i dont think you should feel exempt of the rules of this forum simply because those with authority cannot see what you write in private.

Post it up. I don't care. But that's what you get for calling me a lemming with no knowledge of my life or career.

The American government is taking away our freedoms to keep us safe from terrorists? But when do they stop? Four years they broke their own rules without any repercussions. Whats to stop them from breaking any other rules?

Go stop 'em buddy. A new Alex Jones in the rising?

or passing laws to change the rules?

The right of revolution.

Your letting corrupt men sell your soul, and your doing it with a smile on your face and a skip in your step.

Slight difference of opinion there, but if I were to believe you, then yes I am.

No democracy in history has ever survived forever. Why? Because of human nature. Greed and the lust for power will eventually corrupt our elected officials and they will only act in the capacities that benefit them. Democracy will almost always collapse into Anarchy or into Totalitarianism. Look at Rome. Their officials were so corrupt they couldn't stop the sacking of Rome

You are suggesting... what here? Fasism? Communism? Theocracy?

Im not trying to start a boycott, or a revolution, im just pointing out the fact that something is very wrong with the way things are done, and the people closest to it are completely blinded to it.

Well... neither the Army or the CIA (my two pursued professions) are really close to it, although I know that the majority of what you've said is wrong. I mean, there are differences of opinion, but I've got, you know, reality backing most all of my beliefs. I agree there are things very wrong with the way things are done, but that's because I think that there are various people that should be... removed from this side of the planet. Maybe you would like to go to Afghanistan or Pakistan and then you'll learn all about why we're restricting freedoms right now?


You can change this now in User CP.
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And most all of them have legal restrictions on them because of a previous crime, in which case this wouldn't have much affect on them because people are doing it anyway.

I was thinking along the lines as they can't afford to move, or they're bound to someone, someone below adult age.


Mostly known as Zomby Jezuz
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if your below adult age then you should wait a bit and gain some more knowledge, i admit to not knowing too much about what's going on around me, but i'll think soemthing out before jumping to brash decisions such as anarchy, or revolution. we Live in a country where things could be said and carried out, there are very few countries where you have the right to stand up and say that your leader is tearing the country apart. the Government was created to protect it's people, sure they might constrict us a bit, but for the most part they're doing what they think is best. Honestly I'd much rather live in a country where I'm protected and allowed to rebel against my leaders, then one where I'd get shot for such actions.

People in America (and other countries where they have 'freedom') don't realize how good they have it, we take everything for granted and want more, we think we can make things better when we have no knowledge of what we speak.

and the whole being a lemmer for going with the majority decision is a retarded thing to say. that's basically saying "well hell, everyone else seems to like this, i'll be an ass and disagree just because i can". does that solve anything? not really...


A day without sunshine is like, well, night.
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He came to power because no one was checking him until he invaded Poland. Which is why we've got three branches of central government and you've been given the right to rebel if necessary. The FBI trying to stop terrorism is so similar to Hitler's rise of power, isn't it?

He invaded Poland AFTER his rise to power. And im comparing the methods not the situation, the government going after terrorism isn't quite as dramatic as Hitler going after the Jews. But they both justify actions by claims of the "Common Good" regardless of how the population feels.

You do not possess the ability to rebel in this country, Any act, no matter how large would be considered an act of treason. Which is at minimum 5 years in prison and a 10,000 fine. If martial law was declared this would be punishable by death.

Well... neither the Army or the CIA (my two pursued professions) are really close to it, although I know that the majority of what you've said is wrong. I mean, there are differences of opinion, but I've got, you know, reality backing most all of my beliefs. I agree there are things very wrong with the way things are done, but that's because I think that there are various people that should be... removed from this side of the planet. Maybe you would like to go to Afghanistan or Pakistan and then you'll learn all about why we're restricting freedoms right now?

You haven't said one thing of substance in this entire thread. It's all opinion, which you claim to be fact simply because you've worked in the government.
If in fact, you do work for this government, then i don't even have to continue with my argument, you prove me right conclusively.

People in America (and other countries where they have 'freedom') don't realize how good they have it, we take everything for granted and want more, we think we can make things better when we have no knowledge of what we speak.

Would it not be fair to say that you have little knowledge of what you speak of, and that your opinion isn't of any more value then ours? Many people in this country forsake their freedoms, and many more don't realize that at the drop of a dime every one of those freedoms can be taken away. I'd rather fight for my freedoms when i can do something about it, then wait for all of my freedoms to be taken away and be able to do nothing.

and the whole being a lemmer for going with the majority decision is a retarded thing to say. that's basically saying "well hell, everyone else seems to like this, i'll be an ass and disagree just because i can". does that solve anything? not really...

Your not a lemming because your following the majority. Your a lemming because your following the people in charge. From what i've seen of this thread, and from the people i know in my life. You are a small minority. :eek:

Im starting to lean towards this thread being closed, most government chats end up in a messy schism.

The Helper

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What is it they say about Hitler being brought up in a thread?
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