Recent content by KnightRanger

  1. K

    Dialog Box

    thnx man, thnx alot i suck at triggers and u were alot of help. +Rep ModeChosen Events Time - Elapsed game time is 10.00 seconds Conditions Actions If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions) If - Conditions...
  2. K

    Dialog Box

    wow... i finally got it too work.... u got it to work i mean lol. ive been trying to do this myself for a month and ya unsuccessful. i was way off. Thanks alot man. It just go to default mode of Noob, it just sits there till a mode is chosen, otherwise its all good
  3. K

    Dialog Box

    also it always creates 2 wisps and idk y lol
  4. K

    Dialog Box

    Mode Select Events Time - Elapsed game time is 1.00 seconds Conditions Actions Game - Display to (All players) for 3.00 seconds the text: Light Blue will now... Dialog - Create a dialog button for Vote_Dialog labelled NOOB (AP, EARLY TEC... Set...
  5. K

    Dialog Box

    But then how does it no wat to do for pro mode?
  6. K

    Dialog Box

    because i currently have the triggers in place and all correct and they do nothing but create a wisp and have dialog buttons that do nothing. They dont add gold or lumber
  7. K

    Dialog Box

    so the second trigger. y does it have vote 2 in it? Should there be another trigger for vote 2(Pro mode) and another separate trigger on the last one for pro mode aswell?
  8. K

    Dialog Box

    ok i was looking at it and it looks great and easy to undrstand but. i didnt see a part where it reviels ether left side of map or right side depending on wat they pick, left = noob right = pro, also i dont see where it takes 1750 gold if player chooses pro mode. I want: Pro Mode= - take 1750...
  9. K

    Dialog Box

    Ok i need a dialog box that has Two buttons on it. Pro and Noob are the buttons. I want it to be if: After 2 seconds of game time the box pops up with the two choices. I want Light Blue to have 10 seconds to choose a mode. If he doesnt choose i want it to default to noob mode. Please any custom...
  10. K


    So i did the widgetzer thingy and it worked.... but reduce loading time not down loading time. and i already had the optimizer. So is there i program to speed up down loading time not loading time. Because the widgetzer made my loading time like 10 seconds lol but it takes like 1 minute to...
  11. K


    ya a googleing tutorial ya thats good.... not
  12. K


    lol which one is it though? i know i got my current one from here and its easy to use and great protecter but no help to dl speed.
  13. K


    where can i find them?
  14. K


    Anyone know i optimizer for a custom map thats good at protecting the map and increases dl time. My maps dls slow like dota but the load time is like 15-25 seconds which is really good. Anyone know of a optimizer that with decrease dl time?
  15. K

    Auto Hero revive

    Number of units in (Units in (Playable map area) matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to Town Hall) and ((Owner of (Matching unit)) Equal to (Triggering player))))) Greater than 0 well i cant make that trigger like i cant find anything that contains that much.