Recent content by MisterFrank

  1. MisterFrank

    [Comic] First Time

    Lovin' it!:D
  2. MisterFrank

    MisterFrank's Collection

    UPDATE My collection grows. I think I'm being more repetitive though because I'm making a new thing every day or so, I need a new idea..
  3. MisterFrank

    Pictures Whitesock's Daily Collection

    Update it, your art is awesome :thup:
  4. MisterFrank

    Death Knight

    Did you make this from scratch or did you use a render?
  5. MisterFrank

    MisterFrank's Collection

    UPDATE Added more pictures. I am aware that the 2 Call of Duty guys seem out of place, that is because I wanted to add something Call of Duty related to it. It's my sig on a gaming website.
  6. MisterFrank


    The text doesn't seem that easy to read, and there's too much green. And looks like you used 1-3 brushes in it. You should add some different colors and a variety of brushes to it.
  7. MisterFrank


    That's beast. You should upload more :) @thewrongvine That's not a cactus, it's a shaqtus. :P
  8. MisterFrank

    Dead Man's Chest

    The shading is decent, but should had experimented with thinner lines if your just testing it out.
  9. MisterFrank

    Female Sketch/Airbrush Shading

    If someone already addressed this then my b.. You should've just drawn one line for the body, lips, etc.. instead of leaving the sketch lines there to make it look neater, the shading looks fine but the color for the eyes looks a bit out of the line.
  10. MisterFrank


    You should have Will Smith in the background. :P Nice pic, I love ze colours.
  11. MisterFrank

    [Comic] Pat and I - Happy New Year!

    Lol, that guy failed. But at least he's persistent, who knows... next year there might be restraining order involved :thup:
  12. MisterFrank


    I can't make it either, my first session has to be next weekend. I'm trying to fix my computer this week.
  13. MisterFrank

    Some Nice Landscapes

    They look like computer backgrounds.
  14. MisterFrank

    Side picture of Ghan_04.

    Unless there's black highlights in his hair I see no reason for the black outlines, Try using shades of yellow, if his hair is really that yellow. His ears are pointed. (intentional?) And his eyebrows are black? You should post the picture you were drawing this from. The face needs A LOT more...
  15. MisterFrank


    *FacePalm* I am :P