a veggie benge!

King TonGoll

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Im going to not eat any form of meat, or animals. that includes fish and eggs, for 30 days. I do not believe a human can live of the left overs. I will allso not touch any premade/crappy foods, I.E capn crunch, cheetohs, etc etc.

this starts next monday, and i need help on two things, planning what i will eat, and knowledge on this topic. i know without meat, i am lossing a lot of what makes me tick, so i will need help. please if anyone has any meals that follow my guidlines, post them, and any tips and tricks to fighting it tell me.

This will be my blog entrys for this topic. wether i feel BETTER or WORSE will come up. so can some one help prepair me for what is comming?

this was inspired by "super size me" and my disbelief in lack of meat being helthy.

if i last the month i will see if i become a veggietarian or not. untill then PLEASE help. i doubt i can make it all by myself.


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Well I would recommend you trying this in a health forum as well or something at least slightly more related, and keeping this one for support. When I was in high school I knew a decent amount on many health related topics as well as I was quite the health nut all and all. I didn't abstain from meat though I ate substantially less red meat, and I packed away a lot of tuna - try three to four cans a day. I was really trying to avoid red meat, yet bulk as well as tone up.

Eating red meat regularly is not good for several reasons one of which is it increases your proneness to cancer. Fish on the other hand is the ultimate power food; it's great for your brain and body. It's loaded with Omega III fatty acids for your brain, memory, awareness, as well as packed with a lot of protein for muscles and appetite staying power. I would highly recommend fish in your diet, but if as you say it is going, I would recommend a few substitutes. Nuts are a great nutritional supplement to most diets. Now I am assuming you hold no objection to aborting the lives of many premature plants and/or trees to enjoy these nutty little morsels.

Cashews, peanuts, almonds, etc. all offer you that source of protein you will be lacking from the meats in you life. It sure doesn't taste the same, but I have actually grown quite fond over time. I guess you could say I am nuts for nuts now. It may take some time for you depending on your tongue's disposition, buy you will need to find a substitute for your protein intake. Otherwise you will never really fill up on carbohydrates alone and be left most likely to continual grazing.

There are a couple other tricks here to fend off the appetite. One is to add cinnamon to your cereal, or eat a grapefruit with it. Most fruit although some more than others contain high levels of pectin. This fools the stomach into being full even when it is not. Granted that you are still getting the nutritional values you need this can really help you. Apples are another good one. Fruit and veggies overall are great and packed with phytonutrients. Don’t worry too much about carbs; most people will naturally get more than enough of these throughout the course of their day.

Surprisingly the most lacked nutritional ingredient to the average human beings diet is…fiber. So go whole grain whenever possible. The easiest way to get fiber for me is in my bread and cereals. If you can find a whole wheat bread or cereal with 5 – 6 grams of fiber in it, then you are doing well. I would recommend however going for those that pack 12 – 14 grams; they are specialty and will have fiber in their name our say double fiber on them. It’s worth the search and the money. You need fiber to clean and purge your intestinal tract, and without this you have a bogged down delivery system to the rest of your body.

Oh I forgot to mention if you go with nuts, feel free to eat a lot of them, as you enjoy, but just watch the fat intake, although it is usually a good kind of fat, and the sodium intake. Nuts are loaded with both of these. I can’t say what your daily allowances should be so just adjust accordingly. Other than that looks like it’s fruits and veggies to ya bro. This was just a quick run through but I think it can get you heading in a general direction. The best thing you could do is just inform yourself on this via internet or books if available.

Bottom line is I congratulate you for doing this for whatever reason. If you can change even just a little you should notice a difference in your health and over all physiology. My mood is so much better when I am eating healthy. Ooh one last thing. Make sure to get Omega III’s, if not from fish then from flax seed or supplements. Your moodiness in all of this will have a huge deal upon its success; Omega III will help with that. I could go on about the benefits of exercise, do this to help your mood as well. Doesn’t hurt to get fit either, can’t say the ladies won’t mind it either. Good luck. I'll leave it to others to recommend some dishes as I know few.
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Fish, eggs and meat (yes, even red meat as long as it isn't processed) are very healthy and an important source of nutrients and fat. I wouldn't recommend giving any of these foods up. To get rid of processed foods and "fast-food" and replace them with healthier alternatives is the best thing you can do for your health.

Father_Yetti is right about omega 3s, the omega 3 to 6 ratio in the average American is simply appalling. Omega 3 is found in great abundance in fish, canola oil and flax seeds. If you are eating only fruit and vegetables, you will probably be getting enough fibre, but if you wish you may supplement your intake with a product like metamucil - I take this to treat my IBS but it is also worth using as a general fibre supplement. Apart from being nutritious, avocado is a very good source of fibre - consider adding it to your diet and serving it with rice, sandwiches, salads etc.

It is also worth noting the GI value of foods. Higher GI foods are digested quickly and often result in a large, quick spike of energy, while foods with a lower GI release their energy over a long time. You will want to keep the averaged GI of your meals in the low or medium range. If you are working out to increase muscle growth, you will want your post-workout snacks to be high GI.

Over the last few years, vegetarian propaganda has become rampant and the anti-meat trend among nutritionists has become prevalent. Don't be fooled by all this talk of mercury in fish, "bad" fats, and cancer risk, you are still much better off with a balanced diet than a vegan one.

King TonGoll

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Fish, eggs and meat (yes, even red meat as long as it isn't processed) are very healthy and an important source of nutrients and fat. I wouldn't recommend giving any of these foods up. To get rid of processed foods and "fast-food" and replace them with healthier alternatives is the best thing you can do for your health.

Oh i know it's unhealthy, or atleast what i am giving up, it has nothing to do with getting healthy, i do allright allready. well except the sweets. this is a test for a few things. im going to test if i feel better from this or not, in 30 days a lot can happen.

oh and DUDE thanks a alot for those tips, i would have never eatin nuts for such reasons lol... i am really going to take your tips and put them to use.


Missy wants blood!
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Once again I have to bypass Father_Yetti's post 'cos I have no time to read it (no offence intended - I know you get passionate about stuff but there's just not enough time in the day :rolleyes:)

Anyway, good luck with that, I know I couldn't do it because there would be a total of about 4 different things I could eat. I've seen vegetarians in my school who've been brought up that way, let's just say they are a lot weaker than everyone else. Stick with the varied diet once you've done it :)


ɹoʇɐɹǝpoɯ ɹǝdns
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You are aware that if you don't eat meat, you will have to take vitamins to make up for the lack of protein that you would normally get from meats.


Shh I didn't edit this, go away.
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You are aware that if you don't eat meat, you will have to take vitamins to make up for the lack of protein that you would normally get from meats.

Off the web:

Sources of Protein

One-half cup of beans contains as much protein as 3 ounces of broiled steak. Plus, these nutritious nuggets are loaded with fiber to keep you feeling full for hours.

Twenty five grams of soy protein daily can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Combine soy protein foods like tofu with a healthy low fat diet.

Speaking of soy

there are lots of people who Eat almost only soy

King TonGoll

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id rather take some pills then play fire with my body.

ok day one i guess ill start here.

breakfast: apple and a orange
food ate until lunch : bag of random nuts.

lunch: pasta with butter, and milk along with a orange with bread.

dinner i will be eating green beans,corn, and broccolie.

i was REALLY tempted to eat cereal when i got home. i think im going to get more and more tempted as this goes on. but hopefully i will break free of my unhealthy ties. they are un needed, i don't even think its safe to eat them anymore. pop-tarts etc etc.

I all so learned the school lunch system is hard as hell for veggie only people. there is meat in every single meal they serve, and it's all unhealthy anyway...


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You don't have to bite the bullet on cereal, there can be some great choices here, and in fact many healthy cereals offer vitamin and mineral supplementation as well as can be loaded with fiber. You just have to find the right ones. Try to get whole grain pasta if you can. It is less refined and a tone better for you. Oh, not to mention some of that healthy cereal can really taste good so that will help with your temptation. It may take some experimenting on your behalf though to find what you like. Good luck man. :)

King TonGoll

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You don't have to bite the bullet on cereal, there can be some great choices here, and in fact many healthy cereals offer vitamin and mineral supplementation as well as can be loaded with fiber. You just have to find the right ones. Try to get whole grain pasta if you can. It is less refined and a tone better for you. Oh, not to mention some of that healthy cereal can really taste good so that will help with your temptation. It may take some experimenting on your behalf though to find what you like. Good luck man. :)

thanks. yeah ccereal has to be healthy or i can't eat it do to the rules, and it can't be packed with sugar.... taste does not matter to me, aslong as it is not repulsive, anyone got some suggestions?


Run piggy Run!
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Meat help you grow! and also help puberty for that sake. so i think you should eat it. you don't wanna be a dwarf do you ?? :D

if it's some kind of diet meat also help on musle development, and it that takes much energi to make musles


müsli is very healty


New Member
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Meat help you grow! and also help puberty for that sake. so i think you should eat it. you don't wanna be a dwarf do you ?? :D

if it's some kind of diet meat also help on musle development, and it that takes much energi to make musles


müsli is very healty

It doesn't take "energi" to build muscles it takes protein, rest, and water. I am not against eating meat. But a lot of red meat is unhealthy. There are many sources to get muscle building materials from other than meat. And he has no need to worry about his puberty.

King TonGoll

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Do tell. please, oh please, tell.*puberty remarks*

i have had a 5 oranges today, going on my 6th, making mash potatos, and broccolie. going to et nuts and a piece of whole wheat bread. will update on dinner.

I am REALLY starting to feel the pressure of the junk food crawling in, when i was heading home i was PISSED.well, better said REALLY kranky. but i am feeling a lot better, and acne level is going down. i don't have a face full, but it is noticed that my acne is going away a little. i am very tired though.

i made a mistake and double posted. my bad.

King TonGoll

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looks more like a bump

a bump right after posting. -_-, i would have to be REALLY stupid. i edited out what it said to make it less worthy of exsisting.


i had green beans and mashed potatos i made myself... no slat in the potatos, and only boiling salt on the green beans.


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I had green beans and mashed potatos i made myself... no salt in the potatos, and only boiling salt on the green beans.

Wow, your being a real trooper. Yeah one benefit to consider is that you will have way less acne, I did when I was younger and a diet change fixed that. Let that knowledge help to motivate you. Let me know however if you really need some motivation, I know some unpracticed methods of motivation...chuckles to myself. Well actually I am only kidding. I was going to tell you that if you can make it all the way I will plus rep you, but if you fail I will go out and immediately strangle 5 kittens. :eek: Reminds me of that motivational poster: Remember that every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten: please think of the kittens. Oh man and the photo that goes with that...I was laughing so hard the fist time I saw that. I don't have it on this computer, but maybe I can post it later for those who have not seen. Good luck on your journey.

King TonGoll

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ok, this morning i had green beans, two oranges, a banana, nuts, and a slice of whole wheat bread. lunch some pasta again, and then dinner broccolie peppers and some strange stuff i made up along the way.

now i don't know how to go about sayign this but... it has come to my attention that, i have a REALLY bad gas problem right now. and i mean REALLY bad. it does not smell bad, for farts etc etc it actually allmost does not smell at all. BUT it is starting to hurt when the gas builds up and i am farting for two hours. this is going to get a little more detailed, but this is for the sake of study, atleast for me, so i am going to account the things i think are important. my poo is strange, some times it is REALLY tightly pact and hard, and then others its a little mushy and burns on the way out. i expected this, i have had reptiles in the past, when you take them of bugs and on a strict viggie diet they go threw the same thing for a while. it sucks... i all so do not understand as to where my body is getting it's bad sugars. i am still peeing yellow, while it is DECENTLY less yellow, it is still yellow. and it is all so a little strange... like a brownish yellow...

my feelings... i feel good, disreguarding the gas and bathroom related things, i felt GREAT this morning. but i am getting tired a little more quickly.

MY interest in sugar is starting to go down, except when i am around it, it makes me slightly cranky. My accne seems to continue to go away, and well thats it for now.


and thanks for that lol, yeah i have seen that pick. but i swear i have been on the edge lol. i nearly bought a pizza today.... i was like OMG gimmi the damn pizza!. but then i gave it away....


Shh I didn't edit this, go away.
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ok, this morning i had green beans, two oranges, a banana, nuts, and a slice of whole wheat bread. lunch some pasta again, and then dinner broccolie peppers and some strange stuff i made up along the way.

now i don't know how to go about sayign this but... it has come to my attention that, i have a REALLY bad gas problem right now. and i mean REALLY bad. it does not smell bad, for farts etc etc it actually allmost does not smell at all. BUT it is starting to hurt when the gas builds up and i am farting for two hours. this is going to get a little more detailed, but this is for the sake of study, atleast for me, so i am going to account the things i think are important. my poo is strange, some times it is REALLY tightly pact and hard, and then others its a little mushy and burns on the way out. i expected this, i have had reptiles in the past, when you take them of bugs and on a strict viggie diet they go threw the same thing for a while. it sucks... i all so do not understand as to where my body is getting it's bad sugars. i am still peeing yellow, while it is DECENTLY less yellow, it is still yellow. and it is all so a little strange... like a brownish yellow...

my feelings... i feel good, disreguarding the gas and bathroom related things, i felt GREAT this morning. but i am getting tired a little more quickly.

MY interest in sugar is starting to go down, except when i am around it, it makes me slightly cranky. My accne seems to continue to go away, and well thats it for now.

well mah pah would say

"Your bodys cleaning its self out right now"

King TonGoll

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I do not feel well today.... i feeel kind of sick, sweaty, burping and passig a lot more gas, etc etc. drinking a lot of water but in the long run not well. I will get back to this later, but i am going to start taking vitamins.


Because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
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I think what's happening to you know, is your body is disposing itself of the bad things in your Stomach and Intestines. Some things build up there and just... stay there.

I think this seems to be what you are doing, and what's happening.

Also, a lot of people believe Detoxification is a hoax, and not true.
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