Accessing Private Members


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So I have 2 structs, Struct A and Struct B. I want it so that Struct B can access Struct A's private members, but only Struct B.

struct A
    private static integer a

struct B
    private static method test takes nothing returns nothing
        set A.a = 1 // I want to make this legal

struct C
    private static method test takes nothing returns nothing
        set A.a = 1// illegal since only struct B can access struct A's private member

Is there a way to do this?


New Member
Reaction score
Extend A should work

struct A

struct B extends A //taking all methods and variables from A


vJass errors are legion
Reaction score
Extending doesn't work as the privatization protects against child structs as well.

Usually to make this kind of tool function properly you use a module to implement
struct B's contents into struct A (or vice versa).


Reaction score
Extending doesn't work as the privatization protects against child structs as well.

Usually to make this kind of tool function properly you use a module to implement
struct B's contents into struct A (or vice versa).

Hmm, but using a module would mean that I'm actually using a single struct right? If I'm not wrong, modules are basically something like a textmacro which just inserts that portion of the code into a struct. Wouldn't this mean it's actually 1 struct and not 2 structs?


Actually just thought of something. Couldn't I just do this:

struct A
    private static integer x

    public static method setX takes integer i returns nothing
        set x = i

    public static method getX takes nothing returns integer
        return x

struct B
    private static method test takes nothing returns nothing
        call setX(1)

I guess the only problem would be that the methods [ljass]setX()[/ljass] and [ljass]setY()[/ljass] can be accessed by any other structs as well, which is basically public in a sense @_@


The DIY Ninja
Reaction score
If struct and b are both in a library then make a private and b public.

library lib
    private struct a
        public static integer x

    public struct b
        public method setX takes integer value returns nothing
            set a.x = value

Now you can simply do [ljass]call lib_b.setX(1)[/ljass] and it'll work fine.
Reaction score
If they're not all in the same library:

library XLibrary

    private keyword I //Library private

    public struct A

        static integer I


    public struct B

        public static method M takes nothing returns nothing
            A.I = 5 //Valid



library YLibrary requires XLibrary

    public struct C

        public static method M takes nothing returns nothing
            A.I = 5 //Invalid



I have no idea if this works in vJass, but it works in Zinc.


vJass errors are legion
Reaction score
Well "keyword" does not compile in Zinc so I'm not sure how you managed that ;D
Reaction score
Explain this then, straight from latest XANID.

//! zinc

library Object requires Table, TimerUtils

    public constant integer OBJECT_FACING_RIGHT = 0;
    public constant integer OBJECT_FACING_LEFT  = 1;


    private keyword right, left;
    private keyword objectRegistry;

    public interface ObjectInterface
        unit unit;
        unit right = null, left = null;
        real originX, originY;
        real boundingBoxMinX, boundingBoxMaxX;
        real boundingBoxMinY, boundingBoxMaxY;
        real velocityMaxX, velocityMaxY;
        integer animCurrent = 0;
        integer animStand, animWalk;
        real animSpeed = 1.00;
        boolean lockAnim = false;
        boolean lockFace = false;
        method operator facing() -> integer;
        method operator facing=(integer face);
        method operator x() -> real = 0.00;
        method operator x=(real value) = null;
        method operator y() -> real = 0.00;
        method operator y=(real value) = null;
        integer health;
        boolean isRecovering = false;
        method damageGlobal(integer amount) = null;
        method damagePoint(integer amount, real x, real y) = null;
        method damageSource(integer amount, ObjectInterface source) = null;
        method collisionGroupAdd(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean = false;
        method collisionGroupRemove(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean = false;
        method collisionGroupExists(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean = false;
        method collisionGroupClear() = null;
        method collisionGroupEnum(code f) = null;
        method onObjectCollision(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean = false;
        method onSolidCollision(integer dir) = null;
        method onStep() = null;
        method createEffectAtOrigin(string path, real face, real scale) = null;
        method createEffectAtOriginHeight(string path, real face, real scale, real height) = null;
        method attachEffectAtOrigin(string path, real duration, real face, real scale) = null;
        boolean active = false;
        boolean forcedPhysics = false;
        boolean forcedCollision = false;
        method operator enabledPhysics() -> boolean;
        method operator enabledPhysics=(boolean flag);
        method operator enabledCollision() -> boolean;
        method operator enabledCollision=(boolean flag);

        method setVertexColor(integer r, integer g, integer b, integer a);
        method setTeamColor(playercolor value);
        method compareId(integer id) -> boolean;
    public module ObjectModule
        private static constant real FACING_RIGHT_ANGLE = 0.00;
        private static constant real FACING_LEFT_ANGLE  = 180.00;
        public static method create(real x, real y) -> thistype
            thistype this = thistype.allocate();
            if (thistype.FACING_RIGHT_ID != 0) this.right = CreateUnit(PLAYER, thistype.FACING_RIGHT_ID, x, y, FACING_RIGHT_ANGLE);
            if (thistype.FACING_LEFT_ID != 0) this.left = CreateUnit(PLAYER, thistype.FACING_LEFT_ID, x, y, FACING_LEFT_ANGLE);
            SetUnitPathing(this.right, false);
            SetUnitPathing(this.left, false);
            this.x_value = x;
            this.y_value = y;
            ShowUnit(this.right, true);
            ShowUnit(this.left, false);
            this.unit = this.right;
   = thistype.MaxHealth;
            ObjectRegistry[this.right] = this;
            ObjectRegistry[this.left] = this;
            GroupAddUnit(ObjectGroup, this.right);

            SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this.unit, this.animStand);
            if (this.collisionGroup == null) this.collisionGroup = CreateGroup();
            static if (thistype.onObjectCreate.exists) this.onObjectCreate();

            return this;
        public method destroy()
            static if (thistype.onObjectDestroy.exists) this.onObjectDestroy();
            this.enabledPhysics = false;
            this.enabledCollision = false;
            GroupRemoveUnit(ObjectGroup, this.right);
            if (this.unit != this.right) RemoveUnit(this.right);
            if (this.unit != this.left) RemoveUnit(this.left);
            SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, 1.00);
        // Changes facing to right or left. However, this does not lock objects facing.
        // Use lockFace property after this to do it.
        public method operator facing() -> integer
            if (this.unit == this.right) return OBJECT_FACING_RIGHT;
            else return OBJECT_FACING_LEFT;
        public method operator facing=(integer face)
            if (face == OBJECT_FACING_RIGHT && this.unit != this.right)
                ShowUnit(this.unit, false);
                this.unit = this.right;
                ShowUnit(this.unit, true);
            else if (face == OBJECT_FACING_LEFT && this.unit != this.left)
                ShowUnit(this.unit, false);
                this.unit = this.left;
                ShowUnit(this.unit, true);
        private real x_value;
        public method operator x() -> real
            return this.x_value;
        public method operator x=(real value)
            real oldX = this.x_value;
            PhysicsEngine dat = PhysicsEngine[this];
            if (dat.xAcceleration > 0.00 && dat.xVelocity > 0.00)
                if (!this.lockAnim && (this.animCurrent != this.animWalk || this.unit != this.right))
                    SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this.right, this.animWalk);
                    this.animCurrent = this.animWalk;
                if (!this.lockFace && (this.unit != this.right))
                    ShowUnit(this.unit, false);
                    this.unit = this.right;
                    ShowUnit(this.unit, true);
                if (!dat.stateOnWater)
                    SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, this.animSpeed * 1.50 * (dat.xVelocity / this.velocityMaxX));
                    SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, this.animSpeed * 0.40);
            else if (dat.xAcceleration < 0.00 && dat.xVelocity < 0.00)
                if (!this.lockAnim && (this.animCurrent != this.animWalk || this.unit != this.left))
                    SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this.left, this.animWalk);
                    this.animCurrent = this.animWalk;
                if (!this.lockFace && (this.unit != this.left))
                    ShowUnit(this.unit, false);
                    this.unit = this.left;
                    ShowUnit(this.unit, true);
                if (!dat.stateOnWater)
                    SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, this.animSpeed * 1.50 * (-dat.xVelocity / this.velocityMaxX));
                    SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, this.animSpeed * 0.40);
                if (!this.lockAnim && (dat.stateOnWater && !dat.stateOnGround))
                    SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this.unit, this.animWalk);
                    this.animCurrent = this.animWalk;
                else if (!this.lockAnim && (this.animCurrent != this.animStand))
                    SetUnitAnimationByIndex(this.unit, this.animStand);
                    this.animCurrent = this.animStand;
                if (!dat.stateOnWater)
                    SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, this.animSpeed);
                    SetUnitTimeScale(this.unit, this.animSpeed * 0.40);
            SetUnitX(this.unit, value - this.originX);
            this.x_value = value;
            static if (thistype.onObjectSetX.exists) this.onObjectSetX(oldX);
        private real y_value;
        public method operator y() -> real
            return this.y_value;
        public method operator y=(real value)
            real oldY = this.y_value;
            SetUnitY(this.unit, value - this.originY);
            this.y_value = value;
            static if (thistype.onObjectSetY.exists) this.onObjectSetY(oldY);
        public static integer MaxHealth;
        private integer recoveryTicks;
        private static method Recover()
            thistype this = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer());
            this.recoveryTicks -= 1;
            if (this.recoveryTicks == 1)
                this.setVertexColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
            else if (this.recoveryTicks == 0)
                this.isRecovering = false;
        public method damageGlobal(integer amount)
            timer t;
            boolean wantRemove = true;
            if ( - amount > 0)
                static if (thistype.onObjectDamageGlobal.exists)
                    if (this.onObjectDamageGlobal(amount))
                        if (!this.isRecovering)
                   -= amount;
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                            this.setVertexColor(255, 128, 128, 64);
                            t = NewTimer();
                            SetTimerData(t, integer(this));
                            this.recoveryTicks = 2;
                            this.isRecovering = true;
                            TimerStart(t, 0.50, true, static method thistype.Recover);
                else if (!this.isRecovering)
           -= amount;
                    static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                    this.setVertexColor(255, 128, 128, 64);
                    t = NewTimer();
                    SetTimerData(t, integer(this));
                    this.recoveryTicks = 2;
                    this.isRecovering = true;
                    TimerStart(t, 0.50, true, static method thistype.Recover);
                static if (thistype.onObjectDamageGlobal.exists)
                    if (this.onObjectDamageGlobal(amount))
                        if (!this.isRecovering)
                   -= amount;
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDeath.exists)
                                wantRemove = this.onObjectDeath.evaluate();
                            if (wantRemove)
                else if (!this.isRecovering)
                    static if (thistype.onObjectDeath.exists)
                        wantRemove = this.onObjectDeath.evaluate();
                    if (wantRemove)
            t = null;
        public method damagePoint(integer amount, real x, real y)
            timer t;
            boolean wantRemove = true;
            if ( - amount > 0)
                static if (thistype.onObjectDamagePoint.exists)
                    if (this.onObjectDamagePoint(amount, x, y))
                        if (!this.isRecovering)
                   -= amount;
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                            this.setVertexColor(255, 128, 128, 64);
                            t = NewTimer();
                            SetTimerData(t, integer(this));
                            this.recoveryTicks = 2;
                            this.isRecovering = true;
                            TimerStart(t, 0.50, true, static method thistype.Recover);
                else if (!this.isRecovering)
           -= amount;
                    static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                    this.setVertexColor(255, 128, 128, 64);
                    t = NewTimer();
                    SetTimerData(t, integer(this));
                    this.recoveryTicks = 2;
                    this.isRecovering = true;
                    TimerStart(t, 0.50, true, static method thistype.Recover);
                static if (thistype.onObjectDamagePoint.exists)
                    if (this.onObjectDamagePoint(amount, x, y))
                        if (!this.isRecovering)
                   -= amount;
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDeath.exists)
                                wantRemove = this.onObjectDeath.evaluate();
                            if (wantRemove)
                else if (!this.isRecovering)
                    static if (thistype.onObjectDeath.exists)
                        wantRemove = this.onObjectDeath.evaluate();
                    if (wantRemove)
        public method damageSource(integer amount, ObjectInterface source)
            timer t;
            boolean wantRemove = true;
            if ( - amount > 0)
                static if (thistype.onObjectDamageSource.exists)
                    if (this.onObjectDamageSource(amount, source))
                        if (!this.isRecovering)
                   -= amount;
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                            this.setVertexColor(255, 128, 128, 64);
                            t = NewTimer();
                            SetTimerData(t, integer(this));
                            this.recoveryTicks = 2;
                            this.isRecovering = true;
                            TimerStart(t, 0.50, true, static method thistype.Recover);
                else if (!this.isRecovering)
           -= amount;
                    static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                    this.setVertexColor(255, 128, 128, 64);
                    t = NewTimer();
                    SetTimerData(t, integer(this));
                    this.recoveryTicks = 2;
                    this.isRecovering = true;
                    TimerStart(t, 0.50, true, static method thistype.Recover);
                static if (thistype.onObjectDamageSource.exists)
                    if (this.onObjectDamageSource(amount, source))
                        if (!this.isRecovering)
                   -= amount;
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDamage.exists) this.onObjectDamage();
                            static if (thistype.onObjectDeath.exists)
                                wantRemove = this.onObjectDeath.evaluate();
                            if (wantRemove)
                else if (!this.isRecovering)
                    static if (thistype.onObjectDeath.exists)
                        wantRemove = this.onObjectDeath.evaluate();
                    if (wantRemove)
        private group collisionGroup;
        public method collisionGroupAdd(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean
            boolean flag = IsUnitInGroup(obj.unit, this.collisionGroup);
            if (!flag)
                GroupAddUnit(this.collisionGroup, obj.right);
                GroupAddUnit(this.collisionGroup, obj.left);
            return !flag;
        public method collisionGroupRemove(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean
            boolean flag = IsUnitInGroup(obj.unit, this.collisionGroup);
            if (flag)
                GroupRemoveUnit(this.collisionGroup, obj.right);
                GroupRemoveUnit(this.collisionGroup, obj.left);
            return flag;
        public method collisionGroupExists(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean
            return IsUnitInGroup(obj.unit, this.collisionGroup);
        public method collisionGroupClear()
        public method collisionGroupEnum(code f)
            ForGroup(this.collisionGroup, f);
        module ObjectEffectModule;
        private boolean value_enabledPhysics = false;
        public method operator enabledPhysics() -> boolean
            return this.value_enabledPhysics &&;
        public method operator enabledPhysics=(boolean flag)
            this.value_enabledPhysics = flag;
        private boolean value_enabledCollision = false;
        public method operator enabledCollision() -> boolean
            return this.value_enabledCollision &&;
        public method operator enabledCollision=(boolean flag)
            this.value_enabledCollision = flag;
        public method setVertexColor(integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha)
            SetUnitVertexColor(this.right, red, green, blue, alpha);
            SetUnitVertexColor(this.left, red, green, blue, alpha);
        public method setTeamColor(playercolor value)
            SetUnitColor(this.right, value);
            SetUnitColor(this.left, value);
        public method compareId(integer id) -> boolean
            return (id == thistype.FACING_RIGHT_ID || id == thistype.FACING_LEFT_ID);

    private HandleTable ObjectRegistry;
    private boolexpr EnumFilter;
    private integer EnumCount;
    private group ObjectGroup = CreateGroup();
    public function ObjectGetEnum() -> ObjectInterface
        return ObjectRegistry[GetEnumUnit()];
    public function ObjectGetEnumCount() -> integer
        return EnumCount;
    public function ObjectEnumInRange(real x, real y, real r, code f)
        EnumCount = 0;
        GroupEnumUnitsInRange(ENUM_GROUP, x, y, r, function () -> boolean {
            if (ObjectRegistry.exists(GetFilterUnit()))
                EnumCount += 1;
                return true;
            return false;
        ForGroup(ENUM_GROUP, f);
    public function ObjectEnumInRect(rect r, code f)
        EnumCount = 0;
        GroupEnumUnitsInRect(ENUM_GROUP, r, function () -> boolean {
            if (ObjectRegistry.exists(GetFilterUnit()))
                EnumCount += 1;
                return true;
            return false;
        ForGroup(ENUM_GROUP, f);
    public function ObjectEnumAll(code f)
        ForGroup(ObjectGroup, f);
    public function IsObjectOnScreen(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean
        real x = CameraEngine.X;
        real y = CameraEngine.Y;
        boolean a = obj.x + obj.boundingBoxMaxX > x + SCREEN_MIN_X;
        boolean b = a && (obj.x + obj.boundingBoxMinX < x + SCREEN_MAX_X);
        boolean c = b && (obj.y + obj.boundingBoxMaxY > y + SCREEN_MIN_Y);
        boolean d = c && (obj.y + obj.boundingBoxMinY < y + SCREEN_MAX_Y);
        return (d);
    public function ObjectExists(ObjectInterface obj) -> boolean
        return ObjectRegistry.exists(obj.unit);

    private struct Hack
        private static method onInit()
            ObjectRegistry = HandleTable.create();
    private struct ObjectEffectStruct
        private ObjectInterface obj;
        private unit objUnit;
        private unit dummy;
        private effect model;
        public static method create(ObjectInterface obj, unit dummy, effect model, real duration) -> thistype
            thistype this = thistype.allocate();
            timer t;
            this.ticks = R2I(duration / DEFAULT_PERIOD);
            this.obj = obj;
            this.objUnit = obj.unit;
            this.dummy = dummy;
            this.model = model;
            t = NewTimer();
            SetTimerData(t, this);
            TimerStart(t, DEFAULT_PERIOD, true, static method thistype.Handler);
            t = null;
            return this;
        private integer ticks;
        private static method Handler()
            thistype this = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer());
            this.ticks -= 1;
            if (this.ticks == 0 || !ObjectRegistry.exists(this.objUnit))
                SetUnitX(this.dummy, this.obj.x);
                SetUnitY(this.dummy, this.obj.y);
    module ObjectEffectModule
        public method createEffectAtOrigin(string path, real face, real scale)
            unit u = CreateUnit(PLAYER, DUMMY_ID, this.x, this.y, face);
            SetUnitFlyHeight(u, 64.00, 0.00);
            SetUnitScale(u, scale, scale, scale);
            DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(path, u, "origin"));
            u = null;
        public method createEffectAtOriginHeight(string path, real face, real scale, real height)
            unit u = CreateUnit(PLAYER, DUMMY_ID, this.x, this.y, face);
            SetUnitFlyHeight(u, height, 0.00);
            SetUnitScale(u, scale, scale, scale);
            DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(path, u, "origin"));
            u = null;
        public method attachEffectAtOrigin(string path, real duration, real face, real scale)
            unit u = CreateUnit(PLAYER, DUMMY_ID, this.x, this.y, face);
            SetUnitFlyHeight(u, 64.00, 0.00);
            SetUnitScale(u, scale, scale, scale);
            ObjectEffectStruct.create(this, u, AddSpecialEffectTarget(path, u, "origin"), duration);
            u = null;


//! endzinc

Never mind the mess, you're not supposed to read it anyway. It's a work of about 2 years.


vJass errors are legion
Reaction score
That's interesting. I wonder if it was some other unrelated syntax error
and it was targetting the "keyword" line by mistake (it does this a lot)
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  • Varine Varine:
    Crazy how much 3d printing has come in the last few years. Sad that it's not as easily modifiable though
  • Varine Varine:
    I bought an Ender 3 during the pandemic and tinkered with it all the time. Just bought a Sovol, not as easy. I'm trying to make it use a different nozzle because I have a fuck ton of Volcanos, and they use what is basically a modified volcano that is just a smidge longer, and almost every part on this thing needs to be redone to make it work
  • Varine Varine:
    Luckily I have a 3d printer for that, I guess. But it's ridiculous. The regular volcanos are 21mm, these Sovol versions are about 23.5mm
  • Varine Varine:
    So, 2.5mm longer. But the thing that measures the bed is about 1.5mm above the nozzle, so if I swap it with a volcano then I'm 1mm behind it. So cool, new bracket to swap that, but THEN the fan shroud to direct air at the part is ALSO going to be .5mm to low, and so I need to redo that, but by doing that it is a little bit off where it should be blowing and it's throwing it at the heating block instead of the part, and fuck man
  • Varine Varine:
    I didn't realize they designed this entire thing to NOT be modded. I would have just got a fucking Bambu if I knew that, the whole point was I could fuck with this. And no one else makes shit for Sovol so I have to go through them, and they have... interesting pricing models. So I have a new extruder altogether that I'm taking apart and going to just design a whole new one to use my nozzles. Dumb design.
  • Varine Varine:
    Can't just buy a new heatblock, you need to get a whole hotend - so block, heater cartridge, thermistor, heatbreak, and nozzle. And they put this fucking paste in there so I can't take the thermistor or cartridge out with any ease, that's 30 dollars. Or you can get the whole extrudor with the direct driver AND that heatblock for like 50, but you still can't get any of it to come apart
  • Varine Varine:
    Partsbuilt has individual parts I found but they're expensive. I think I can get bits swapped around and make this work with generic shit though
  • Ghan Ghan:
    Heard Houston got hit pretty bad by storms last night. Hope all is well with TH.
  • The Helper The Helper:
    Power back on finally - all is good here no damage
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