AoS Age of Myths SE Revisited


Evil Overlord
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This is an update for Vile's AoM map, with ofcourse his full permission.
Alot of exciting changes, try it out!

Official Website
Download v1.05

Change Log
  • Terrain
    - A few minor alterations, adding some more maneuverability in the side lanes.
    - Added some water patches to side lanes.
  • Upgrades
    - Towers no longer gain upgrades as game progresses.
  • Spirits
    - Increased movement speed. (You'll revive a bit faster).

  • Potions:
    - Fixed Energy Potion getting dispelled on attack.
    - Increased all Potions healing factor by 150 > 200, 300 > 400.
    - Reduced cooldowns to 60 seconds.
    - Increaed cost of greater potions.
  • Defiled Sword:
    - Reduced duration by 0.5 seconds.
  • Orb of Frost:
    - Reduced duration by 0.125 seconds.
  • Freezing Bow:
    - Reduced duration by 0.15 seconds.
  • Electric Slayer:
    - Reduced duration by 0.15 seconds
  • Soul Recycler:
    - Reduced duration by 2 seconds.
  • Flame Wand
    - Fixed damage.
  • Talisman of Silence:
    - Reduced silence duration from 30s to 10s.
  • Stun Items
    - All targetable stun items have been removed.

  • Cosmos
    - Implosion Field - Added 1.5 * Energy in damage.
    - Gravity Bender - Nerfed damage from 0.15 + 0.15 * level to 0.125 + 0.125 * level.
    - Meteorites - Increaed damage to 30 + 30 * lvl.
    - Shooting Star - Damage reduced from 400/500/600 to 300/400/500.
  • Paladin
    - Direct Asscension - Increased chance from 40 to 50, damage is now based on 1/2 of power as % converted & also heals by half that amount.
    - Judgement - Reduced cast time & increased AoE from 400 to 550. Nerfed damage/heal to a flat 130/160/190/220/250.
    - Prayer - Increased % chance from 10/13/16/19/22 to 15/18/21/24/27
    - Reincarnation - Increased AoE by 100.
  • Storm
    - Recharge - Can now target enemy unit's, it will drain half the amount of mana instead of replenishing it. Mana is now 2-4 x Energy, instead of old 25-75 + Energy. Increased range a little bit.
    - Lightning Grapple - Reduced cooldown from 25 to 20. Now checks if target is invisible.
    - Winds of Chaos - Reduced cast time to 1.25 seconds. Reduced cooldown from 35 to 30. Only damages mechanical units but damage increaed.
    - Breezing Shield - Now also adds a little knockback. Now has double % chance when channelling a spell
    - Perfect Storm - Reworked, slows for 35/45/55%, and strikes deal 20/25/30 every .33 seconds. Now checks if target is invisible.
  • Beserker
    - Skull Splitter - Cast Range increased to 1000.
    - Blood Rage - Reduced health regen, from 4/5/6 to 3/4/5. Speed bonus increased.
  • Elementist
    - Liquid Conjuration - Increases damage, speed & AoE a bit all round.
    - Elemental Helix - DPS of fire changed from 10/15/20/25/30 to 13/19.5/26/32.5/39.
  • Samurai
    - Spin - Increased unit capcity to 3/4/5/6/7.
    - Ryugeki Uchi - Increased chance to daze to 30/45/60/75/90. Increase AoE a little bit.
    - Counterstrike - Increased chance to 21/27/33/39/45.
    - Shredder - Increased max targets from 1/2/3/4/5 to 2/3/4/5/6.
  • Triton
    - Relfection - Increased duration from 20 to 45. Reduced coodlown from 90 to 60.
    - Hydromancer - Chance reduced to 8/12/16/20/24. Interval check is 1.5 seconds. Now spawns a small one on ground & a large on water.
  • Ninja
    - Camoflauge - Increased evasion chance from 20% to 25%.
    - Kiss of the Dragon - Reduced range from 900/950/1000/1050/1100 to 850/900/950/1000/1050.
    - Shinken - Now deals 50/75/100/125/150 per shuriken/strike
  • Headhunter
    - Stalk - Increased cooldown to 90 seconds.
    - Net - Reworked, increasing attack speed but only working for next 3/4/5 attacks.
  • Gigas
    - Swing - Increased range.
  • Jade
    - Never Ending Arrows - Reworked into Quick Shot. Allows the user to attack all units in front of him with a basic auto attack without hindering movement.
  • Spider
    - Digestion - Max heal changed to 200 + 2*Dexterity.
    - Web Hoist - Damage buffed & scaled better to 120/160/200/240/280.
    - Burow - Nerfed slow to 30/35/40/45/50%. Building web no longer costs mana.
  • Dark Druid
    - Vinewall - Can now trap multiple times, if a unit walks into it again & again.
    - Corrupted Vicinity - Changed from chance of 10 + 5% * level with a Cooldown of 5 to a flat cooldown of 12 - level. Made it always target the closest tree.
    - Swarm - Increased max locusts per unit to 3.
  • Minotaur
    - Jostle - Increased 'Miss' range from 175 to 200.
    - Fury Swing - Increased 'Miss' range from 200 to 225.
    - Stomp - Increased AoE a bit. Removed nonsensical damage reduction from 'hp cycle' and 'items'.
    - Battle Frenzy - Duration is now 8/9/10/11/12 seconds, Attack Speed, increased to 15/25/35/45/55%.
  • Firecaller
    - Flame Jet - Changed damage from Energy + 75 per second to Energy * 1.75 per second.
    - Fireball - Now explodes at end.
  • Soul Hunter
    - Changed from Caster class to Power Caster class.
    - Syphon Soul - Reduced cooldown to 4 seconds.
    - Death Spiral - Nerfed damage from 45 + 45 * level to 40 + 40 * level.
    - Grim Reaper - Fixed the heal.
    - Soul Mastery - Made it cost 4 souls per activate instead of 20 + # of souls chance.
  • Predator
    - Boomerang Discs - Reduced mana cost by 10.
    - Photon Cannon - Reduced mana cost by 10. Made it zoom zoom faster.
    - Cloak - Reduced mana cost from 10 + (0.05 - 0.01 * level)% of missing hp to 10/8.5/7 + (0.05 - 0.01 * level)% of missing hp.
  • Pirate
    - Spirit Rend - If Pirate already has full mana, mana steal will replenish life instead. Damage/Drain is now dmg dealt * power as %.
    - Blade Thrust - Increased 'miss' range from 150 to 175.
    - Ghost Ship - Amount of hits need to explode changed to 2/3/4.
    - Ether Sunder - Increased 'miss' range from 150 to 175.
  • Lord Soth
    - Charge - Targets run over are now vulnerable, but in return, they're knocked down for less.
    - Obliteration - Increased damage to 500/750/1000. Increased mana cost to 200/250/300.
  • Bood Cultist
    - Blood Bath - Fixed heal, nerfed damage to 10 * level from 15 * level, increased heal at all levels by 5, and reworked.
    - Bleed - Reworked, duration increased of blood fiends.
    - Blood Fever - Increased the max size of the target.
  • Scox
    - Split Shot - Missiles travel a little faster.
    - Graverobber - Increases regneration to 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2% HP/s.

  • 1) Download the .zip and make sure its opening, if its not, download it again until
    it can be opened.
  • 2) Extract the content to your Warcraft III Maps/Download directory which is usually C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Maps\Download
  • 3) Play

  • Over 300 items to choose from, including sideshops and items to gain from hero kills.
  • Game ending statistics, allowing you to see every kill/assist/death etc you made, as well
    as getting your own RANK based on how you played.
  • Advanced Ranking System, allowing you to set your rank manually with your
    own color and style, as well as let the game decide to update your rank with
    your nickname automatically as you get one.
  • A REMATCH option; there is no need to restart the game all over again. If you have
    enough players, you can just vote for a rematch through the menu or just finish the game
    and the game will switch your sides (you will be dark if you were light and vice versa) within
    a short duration of only 15 seconds. Not a balanced team for a rematch? Check the next feature.
  • A REBALANCE option; players left? Got a 4v2? 5v3? A small command through -menu will allow
    you to rebalance the teams, and a random player(s) will move to the other team, so that
    3v5 will become 4v4, 5v2 will become 4v3, etc. No need to restart the game just because
    of 1 or 2 leavers!
  • Got some newbie players on your team, and the other team is stacked with professionals?
    No problem! The new and improved Shuffle Teams command through -menu will
    allow you to shuffle players among teams randomly, so that the game can even out!
  • 6v6 Compatibility
  • Custom Hero Experience system, allowing you to stay away from battle to get your items
    without having alot of difference in the experience that your enemy gained.
    It also allows 2 heroes at the same area to gain the same amount of experience
    (more then 2 will result a split of XP among the rest of the allied heroes)
  • Custom creep bounty system, allows you to have creep gold as long as you keep hitting them. This eliminates the last hit reward problem on most aos maps out there.
  • Assistance System, allows you to still recieve a part of the gold from a hero kill if you assisted
    the kill in any way.
  • A comfortable command menu instead of the usual -commands, just type -menu for an enhanced
    menu with many options.
  • A wonderful looking terrain with 4 lanes to ambush your enemies with alot of free space to hide around.
  • Advanced never seen before spells that will leave you with an open mouth; every spell has been designed carefully with the community members, and has been well scripted in jass, memory leak free. It is recommended that you will have an upgraded graphics card due to the intensity of the effects. Also bear in mind that the abilities are very complicated, you should read guides and
    spell descriptions before using your spells so you can know what they do and how to use them
    wisely. They aren't just click and go.
  • Custom hero skins which were made specifically to the map, each hero with its own theme,
    some skins were edited to fit the map (Credits are given through F9 and in opening screen)
  • Custom models for spell effects made by kabal for the map
  • Capture the flag system, allowing you to push lanes if you got your flag.
  • Mercenary system; the mercenaries can aid you, if you hide them the enemy's
    flag, and you can also buy special unit deliveries from them, to blow up bridges,
    and thus, alot of tactics are involved.


Reaction score
first post sucka! lol
all of my projects are inspired from this map

Bounty System
- Allows you to creep gold as long as you keep hitting them. This eliminates the last hit reward problem on most AoS maps out there as well as giving all Players & Heroes a fair chance at farming.
hey i got this in RotG Reborn too...

thanks fulla, with this thread, im sure members here will love this map [del]and realize that this is the best AoS map ever[/del]


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Custom Hero Skins
- Made specifically for this map, each hero with its own unique theme. Some skins were edited to fit the map (Credits are given through F9 and in opening screen)
Custom Effects
- Visually appealing & awesome spell effects made by vile1/kabal specifically for this map
Awesome Spells
- Advanced never seen before spells that will leave you with an open mouth; every spell has been designed carefully with the community members, and has been well scripted in jass, memory leak free. It is recommended that you have an upgraded graphics card due to the intensity of the effects.
Some abilities may seem complicated, it may be advisable to read guides and spell descriptions before using your spells so you can know what they do and how to use them wisely. They aren't just click and go.
Wonderful Terrain
- Highly strategic with 4 lanes to ambush your enemies with alot of free space to move & hide around.
Rebalance Option
- Got a 4v2? 5v3? A small command through -menu will allow you to rebalance the teams, and a random player(s) will move to the other team, so that
3v5 will become 4v4, 5v2 will become 4v3, etc. No need to restart the game just because of 1 or 2 leavers!
Boy have I heard a lot about these, though having only played the map once or twice I hardly have the right to say anything.

Over 300 items
- Many choices & options to go with, including sideshops and items to gain from hero kills.
This though, I can safely say, is total overkill. Why the hell would you need 300 items to choose from? I don't want to spend half the game looking through every single item there is to try to find the one that I want.


I don't even think there are 300 items =\

If you think about it...

Each base has 2 shops per class (Ranged, Melee, Caster). And then there is one 'secret' shop for each class. Each shop has 12 items so...
12x9= 108 items

Then there are the side items, shields, and combo items, 12 each...
3x12=36+108=144 items

The potion shop has about 8 i think, and then the dude with the kill items has another 8...
2x8=16+144= 160 items

Okay sure there are 300+ items, but only if you count how many shops there are (because both good and light have the same shops basically).

Saying there are 300 items, is well, a little too much exaggeration :eek:


Evil Overlord
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Yea I agree, currently there is probably to many items.

In the upcoming patches we're looking at doing a completely new set of items thou, (ofcourse keeping some of the good ones).
So it should prevent the overkill & as well make it alot more fun.


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Are you recruting? I'm a JASSer, though I can't make the spells from the actual map.
I'm also in the Wc3:WoW and Apocalypse teams.


Evil Overlord
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Ah thx for offer, much appreciated.
Currently thou I'm mainly just updating/fixing spells so no way I could pairup with anyone.

If all goes well, vile should come back into the mix, then things will truly start to pwn.


The Evolved Panda Commandant
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I used to play AoM all the time but then I learned about one thing:

It lags so badly after like 10 minutes. Too many effects going on that are half-useless. You don't need so many water bolts flying around with ice rising from the ground, when its a simple AoE skill, for example.

But this will be interesting. Perhaps it will arouse my liking of this map again... perhaps. :)


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Ah thx for offer, much appreciated.
Currently thou I'm mainly just updating/fixing spells so no way I could pairup with anyone.

If all goes well, vile should come back into the mix, then things will truly start to pwn.

So you won't need assistance?


Evil Overlord
Reaction score
All in all though, it's mostly just balance changes, nothing new?

At the moment its mainly balance/bug fixes.
The items will be getting redone shortly thou & eventually perhaps some new Heroes :thup:

It lags so badly after like 10 minutes. Too many effects going on that are half-useless. You don't need so many water bolts flying around with ice rising from the ground, when its a simple AoE skill, for example.

Well the latest versions have really been cleaned up, code wise.
Not sure how long ago you played, but maybe try playing the latest version & see if its any better.

So you won't need assistance?

Not on this project, but in the future with my other projects I've been planning I'm sure I will ;)

Can I have the bounty system trigger code?
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Try posting on the GC forums, in the scripting section, maybe vile will help you out, give it to you.


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> Not on this project, but in the future with my other projects I've been planning I'm sure I will ;)

What other projects?


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Well the latest versions have really been cleaned up, code wise.
Not sure how long ago you played, but maybe try playing the latest version & see if its any better.
played the latest version, yes it lags for every 9-10 minute or so, but doesnt lag too much, lets say 1 sec lag?


Evil Overlord
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Ok a quick update, to fix those horrible bugs that popped up in this ver:


Bug Fix
  • Resource Bug
    - Fixed all the resource spells for Soul Hunter, Paladin, Death Knight, Dark Druid etc. etc.
  • Multiboard Bug
    - When a player left, sometimes the multiboard icons would get slightly messed up, now fixed

What other projects?

Im still on the drawing board with them, but in time I'll post threads if hopefully I get around to them.

played the latest version, yes it lags for every 9-10 minute or so, but doesnt lag too much, lets say 1 sec lag?

You mean every 10 min there is a brief spike? or something else


SC2 Forum MVP - TheSkunk #386
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Bounty System
- Allows you to creep gold as long as you keep hitting them. This eliminates the last hit reward problem on most AoS maps out there as well as giving all Players & Heroes a fair chance at farming.
Personally I dont think that is a problem..

Sounds interesting, Allthough Ive never played Vile1's AoM SE map..


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I used to play AoM all the time but then I learned about one thing:

It lags so badly after like 10 minutes. Too many effects going on that are half-useless. You don't need so many water bolts flying around with ice rising from the ground, when its a simple AoE skill, for example.

I totally agree about that. The reason I do NOT like AoM that much is that the effects and skills are overkill. Too many effects and some times way too complicated skills.
Or some of these movement skills are just friggin me off. I've played it only twice... but there once was a kind of ninja in the opponents team and it was just impossible to click at him because he flew half the game in weird circles around you dealing damage and looking so cool... but hack that just killed me. Hard to kill because unclickable ._. .

Bounty System
- Allows you to creep gold as long as you keep hitting them. This eliminates the last hit reward problem on most AoS maps out there as well as giving all Players & Heroes a fair chance at farming.

I hate this. I mean, yes it is innovative and makes a big difference in gameplay but... I dislike this difference. You come to lane and attack, attack and attack. Don't rely on any tactic to get much gold or so, you just attack and perhaps cast some AoE spells that you earn even more of these weird points. From time to time you try to kill your enemy and if you fail, you go heal and attack creeps again.
I like to take advantage because of efficient farming... and when there's no need to this I just get bored, as in AoM.

Don't hurt me for the following but... in DotA there is a nice mix of standard skills and not too complicated trigger enhanced spells. Not every fight flashes up your eyes because of 2000 unnecessary special effects and the game keeps much clearer.

NEVERTHELESS this is a very, very good map. But I just wanted to give my earnest feedback :p


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You link to a change log on a forum that is asking me to register to read a post. Not going to happen. Sorry.
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