Snippet Angles: Cone


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//Determines if the angle "a" is inside a cone of facing "b" with opening "o"
function Cone takes real a, real b, real o returns boolean
    return Cos(a-b)>=Cos(o)

Lets say there's a cone facing 0 degrees with opening 70, and we want to know if the angle 45 is inside of it

[ljass]Cone(45,0,70)[/ljass] returns true because 45 happens to be inside that cone

[ljass]Cos(45-0) - > Cos(45) == 0.707[/ljass]
[ljass]Cos(70) == 0.342[/ljass]
The result of the Cosine of the difference of both angles is greater than the opening's Cosine, the function returns true.
"Cos" is a function that evaluates the position of an angle according to it's image in the X axis.
So now imagine that the cone's aperture is 0, and Cos(0) == 1, and that Cos can't go beyond 1 and can't got below -1... And the function evaluates if the difference is greater than or equal to the opening's cosine, that means that because there's no greater value than 1, the only possibility to return true is being equal to 1.
Now imagine that the cone's opening is 60, and Cos(60) == 0.5, also that Cos(60) == Cos(360-60) it has a better chance to be over 0.5. The greater the cone operture the greater the chance for the difference of the angles to be greater to it, thats because 0 opening means 1 and 180 aperture means -1.

Please credit if used.


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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Dirac, please use a "common" terminology and/or provide definitions for the terms you use.

I mean:

Isn't a cone a 3d geometric shape? Perhaps a circular sector might be better?

What's an aperture?

'//Determines if the angle "a" is inside a cone of facing "b" with aperture "o"'
'a cone of facing "b"' what does that mean?

And why not give an example or two of how to use this, even if the "logic" is not understood the examples could be used nontheless right? =)


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Aperture: translated into my language and says "opening" so it must be referred to the angle.
The formula checks if A angle is inside B angle +-O degrees.

Example: Dota: Hero Riki: Backstab ability.

real angle = Angle from attacking unit to attacked unit
return Cone(angle, GetUnitFacing(GetTriggerUnit()), 80)

if true then apply the bonus damage

Nice job m8 you made tasks easier


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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NoobImbaPro: The formula checks if A angle is inside B angle +-O degrees.

Well, that I can understand unlike '//Determines if the angle "a" is inside a cone of facing "b" with aperture "o"'

PS: the trig natives work with radians, GetUnitFacing works with degrees.


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With aperture I meant opening, Idk why I got confused, I'll fix it right away.
I think Cone is an appropriate name. At least in warcraft.
And the picture shown is an example, not the logic.
The cone's facing angle is from where the opening angle begins...
Are you asking because you don't know or because you want me to make it more clear?

In the examples shown i'm using degrees, but that was only to ease the understanding, it works with radians

Thanks for the feedback


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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>Are you asking because you don't know or because you want me to make it more clear?
Both =), but I think I get it now even the example (picture), it demonstraites what you've written "Cone(45,0,70)" but I think it would be better if it was even more "obvious":

And I think what NoobImbaPro gave as an example could also be put in a picture, something like this:

>I think Cone is an appropriate name. At least in warcraft.
Really? What makes you write that? It looks/reads to me like a constructor for the 3d geometric shape =), although it takes 3 reals so...but I still think it's kinda confusing.


Hey Listen!!
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Want the simplest way to explain what 'cone' means here? Breath of Fire (base skill of Warcraft), you're done.


FullOfUltimateTruthsAndEt ernalPrinciples, i.e shi
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>Want the simplest way to explain what 'cone' means here? Breath of Fire (base skill of Warcraft), you're done.

Wait... isn't Breath of Fire an isosceles trapezoid? =)


New Member
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This is my revised code,
// The code is as Fire Breath
    function AngleDifference takes real angle, real angle1, real angle2 returns boolean
        local real x
        set angle = ModuloReal(angle,360)
        set angle1 = ModuloReal(angle1,360)
        set angle2 = ModuloReal(angle2,360)
        if (angle1>angle2) then
            set x=angle1
            set angle1=angle2
            set angle2=x
        if (angle2-angle1)>(angle1 - (angle2-360)) then
            set angle2=angle2-360
            if angle > 180 then
                set angle=angle-360
            return angle>=angle2 and angle<=angle1
        return (angle>=angle1) and (angle<=angle2)
function GroupEnumUnitsInCone takes group whichGroup,real TargAngle ,real Width,real Distance,real x1,real y1 returns nothing
    local group g =  NewGroup()
    local real AngleAdjust = Atan((Width/2)/Distance)*57.295827
    local real AdjustA= TargAngle-AngleAdjust
    local real AdjustB= TargAngle+AngleAdjust
    local real angle = 0
    local unit v
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x1, y1, Distance,BOOLEXPR_TRUE)
    set v=FirstOfGroup(g)
    exitwhen v==null
        call GroupRemoveUnit(g,v)
        set angle = 57.295827*GetUnitAngleXY(x1, y1, GetUnitX(v), GetUnitY(v))
        if AngleDifference(angle, AdjustA, AdjustB) then
            call GroupAddUnit(whichGroup,v)
    call ReleaseGroup(g)
    set g = null

  private function OnSpell takes nothing returns boolean
        local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
        local unit v
        local real x1 = GetUnitX(u)
        local real y1 = GetUnitY(u)
        local real tx = GetSpellTargetX()
        local real ty = GetSpellTargetY()
        local real TargAngle = GetUnitAngleXY(x1, y1, tx, ty)*57.295827
        local real Distance = 700
        local real Width = 475
        local group TotalGroup = NewGroup()

        call GroupEnumUnitsInCone2(TotalGroup,TargAngle,Distance ,Width,x1,y1)
            set v = FirstOfGroup(TotalGroup)
            exitwhen v == null
            if IsUnitDamgeMatch(v,u) then //Filterfunction
                // ...
                // damage the unit
                // ...
            call GroupRemoveUnit(TotalGroup,v)
        set u = null

//This code is base on Cone formula
    function GroupEnumUnitsInSector2 takes group whichGroup,unit u,real angle,real facing,real radius returns nothing
        local real x = GetUnitX(u)
        local real y = GetUnitY(u)
        local real face = Deg2Rad(facing*0.5)
        local unit v
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x,y,radius,null)
            set v = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen v == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g,v)
            if Cone(Atan2(GetUnitY(v)-y,GetUnitX(v)-x),angle,face ) and v!=u then
                 call GroupAddUnit(whichGroup, v)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        set v = null
        set u = null

//Pieces of code inspection unit-oriented function is basically for the assassin skills
    function GetUnitAngle takes unit a, unit b returns real // - Angle between units
	return Atan2(GetUnitY(b) - GetUnitY(a), GetUnitX(b)- GetUnitX(a))
    function CheckUnitPosition takes unit b, unit a, real frontL, real frontR, real backL, real backR returns integer//position of b from a
        local real angle = Rad2Deg(GetUnitAngle(a,b))
        if angle >= 0 then
            set angle = angle-GetUnitFacing(a)
            set angle = angle+360-GetUnitFacing(a)
        if angle < 0 then
            set angle = angle+360
        if angle <= frontL or angle >= frontR then
            return 1
        if angle >= backL and angle <= backR then
            return 2
        if angle > backR and angle < frontR then
            return 3
        if angle > frontL and angle < backL then
            return 4
        return 0

    function IsUnitInFront takes unit b, unit a returns boolean//b = infront, a = source
        return CheckUnitPosition(b,a,35,325,135,225) == 1

    function IsUnitBehind takes unit b, unit a returns boolean //b = behide, a = source
        return CheckUnitPosition(b,a,30,330,135,225) == 2

    function IsUnitAtSideRight takes unit b, unit a returns boolean//b = atside, a = source
        return CheckUnitPosition(b,a,30,330,135,225) == 3

    function IsUnitAtSideLeft takes unit b, unit a returns boolean//b = atside, a = source
        return CheckUnitPosition(b,a,30,330,135,225) == 4
    private function GetAngleDifference takes real a1, real a2 returns real
        local real x
        set a1=ModuloReal(a1,360)
        set a2=ModuloReal(a2,360)
        if a1>a2 then
            set x=a1
            set a1=a2
            set a2=x
        set x=a2-360
        if a2-a1 > a1-x then
            set a2=x
        return RAbsBJ(a1-a2)
    function IsUnitInBehind1 takes unit u, unit t returns boolean
        local real angle= GetAngleDifference(GetUnitFacing(t),bj_RADTODEG *GetUnitAngle(u,t))
        return  angle <= 90 
    function IsUnitInBehind2 takes unit u, unit t returns boolean
        return  RAbsBJ(( GetUnitFacing(u) - GetUnitFacing(t) )) <= 90.00
    function IsUnitInBehind3 takes unit u, unit t returns boolean
        local real d=RAbsBJ(GetUnitFacing(t)-GetUnitFacing(u))
        if d>180 then
            set d=360-d
        return d<=90
    function IsUnitInBehind4 takes unit a, unit b returns boolean
        return Cone(Atan2(GetUnitY(b)-GetUnitY(a),GetUnitX(b)-GetUnitX(a)),GetUnitFacing(b)*bj_DEGTORAD,90*bj_DEGTORAD)


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I designed this formula to avoid that math overload you're using.
I don't know what a sector is, nor do I know what most of the other functions are supposed to do. But they all look related to calculate if a unit is inside a cone (or am I wrong?)
Anyways picking units inside a cone with this formula should be as easy as this:
//This function is fired when a unit casts a somewhat fire breath spell
function onCast takes nothing returns nothing
	local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
	local real x = GetUnitX(u)
	local real y = GetUnitY(u)
	local real a = Atan2(GetSpellTargetY()-y,GetSpellTargetX()-x)
	local unit e
	call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x,y,300,null)
		set e = FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
		exitwhen e == null
		//   angle between caster and target , cast angle , 45 degrees
		if Cone(Atan2(GetUnitY(e)-y,GetUnitX(e)-x),a,bj_PI/4) then
			// ...
			// damage the unit
			// ...
		call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,e)
	set e = null
	set u = null


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No because (as it seems to me) your CheckUntiPosition doesn't quite do that.
It's basically dividing the whole angle spectrum into 4 pieces and returning an integer that determines in which area it's inside?
That makes absolutely no sense to me
Controlling the cone opening results very hard, it has a lot of overhead, and bugs with angles over 360 and below 0.
Delete that ASAP and use mine


New Member
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    function GroupEnumUnitsInSector2 takes group whichGroup,unit u,real angle,real facing,real radius returns nothing
        local real x = GetUnitX(u)
        local real y = GetUnitY(u)
        local real face = Deg2Rad(facing*0.5)
        local unit v
        local group g = CreateGroup()
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g,x,y,radius,null)
            set v = FirstOfGroup(g)
            exitwhen v == null
            call GroupRemoveUnit(g,v)
            if Cone(Atan2(GetUnitY(v)-y,GetUnitX(v)-x),angle,face ) and v!=u then
                 call GroupAddUnit(whichGroup, v)
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set g = null
        set v = null
        set u = null
    call GroupEnumUnitsInSector2(group,caster,GetUnitFacing(caster)*bj_DEGTORAD,45,450)

I test it,It's work,OK,I will use your formula.
that means continue use CheckUntiPosition function?
    function AbsReal takes real a returns real
        return SquareRoot(a*a)
    function AngleConv takes real angle returns real
        local integer factor=0
        if angle>=360 then
            set factor=R2I(angle/360)
            return angle-360*factor
        elseif angle<0 then
            set factor=R2I(AbsReal(angle)/360)
            return angle+360*(factor+1)
        return angle
  function FixAngle takes real ang returns real
        local real angle = ang
        if angle<0 then
            set angle=angle+6.28319
        elseif angle>6.28319 then
            set angle=angle-6.28319
        return angle
// angles over 360 and below 0 fix


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With Cone you don't have to fix angles over 360 or below 0, I guess thats another pro on to why use it


New Member
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  function GetUnitAngle takes unit a, unit b returns real // - Angle between units
        return Atan2(GetUnitY(b) - GetUnitY(a), GetUnitX(b)- GetUnitX(a))
    private function GetAngleDifference takes real a1, real a2 returns real
        local real x
        set a1=ModuloReal(a1,360)
        set a2=ModuloReal(a2,360)
        if a1>a2 then
            set x=a1
            set a1=a2
            set a2=x
        set x=a2-360
        if a2-a1 > a1-x then
            set a2=x
        return RAbsBJ(a1-a2)
    function IsUnitInBehind takes unit u, unit t returns boolean
        local real angle= GetAngleDifference(GetUnitFacing(t),bj_RADTODEG *GetUnitAngle(u,t))
        return  angle <= 90 
    function IsUnitInBehind2 takes unit u, unit t returns boolean
        return  RAbsBJ(( GetUnitFacing(u) - GetUnitFacing(t) )) <= 90.00
    function IsUnitInBehind3 takes unit u, unit t returns boolean
        local real d=RAbsBJ(GetUnitFacing(t)-GetUnitFacing(u))
        if d>180 then
            set d=360-d
        return d<=90



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I take from your posts that you barely speak english and I'm starting to wonder if you understand anything of what i'm saying.
It would be better for all of us if you used google translate and try to explain what are you trying to do here.


New Member
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I am very sorry, because I do not agree with some of your views,I have updated some new functions, the cone function can not be used for the detection unit facing for the function is used to Assassin skills, CheckUnitPosition function Assassin skills can use the extended functions
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