System Asyst


I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
Reaction score
Version 1.0.2​

- Jass NewGen
- Damage
- TimerUtils
- GetPlayerColored


library ASYST initializer Init requires AIDS, Damage, GetPlayerColored, TimerUtils
//                 _______     _______ _______ 
//          /\    / ____\ \   / / ____|__   __|
//         /  \  | (___  \ \_/ / (___    | |   
//        / /\ \  \___ \  \   / \___ \   | |   
//       / ____ \ ____) |  | |  ____) |  | |   
//      /_/    \_\_____/   |_| |_____/   |_|     
//                                           By AoW_Hun7312
//                                                                    v 1.0.2
//      What is ASYST?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          ASYST is an assist tracking system, allowing the user to award players
//          with gold for assisting in kills. You can add up to 8190 units.
//      How do I implement it?
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          1. Create a new trigger named ASYST. Go to 'Edit -> Convert
//          to Custom Text', and replace everything that's there with this script.
//          2. Save the map.
//      Functions:
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          function ASYST_Register takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
//              - This registers a unit for use in the system.
//          constant function BountyFormula takes unit whichUnit returns integer
//              - The formula in which the bounty is calculated.
//      Thanks:
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
//          - Jesus4Lyf for this template and all of his useful systems.
//          - Ammorth for GetPlayerColored.
//          - Vexorian for TimerUtils.
//      Configurables:
//     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
        // Should we display the floating text? (the +# text over the unit when it dies)
        private constant boolean DisplayFloatingText = true
        // The resource type to use.
        private constant playerstate Resource = PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD
        // The amount of damage from one attack/spell must be higher than this to register as an assist.
        private constant integer MinDamage = 0
        // The time before assists are no longer valid.
        private constant real DecayTime = 10.
        // The duration of the messages.
        private constant real MessageDuration  = 15.
        // Messages displayed when killed.
        private constant string AssistMessage     = "With help from: "
        private constant string BountyMessage     = " gold!"
        private constant string DenyMessage       = " denied "
        private constant string KillMessage       = " killed "
        private constant string SplitMessage      = " gold is split!"
        private constant string SuicideMessage    = " has commited suicide."
        // Don't touch below here!
        integer array AssistCount
        integer array KillCount
        private force array AssistGroup
        private timer array AssistTimer
        private group RegisteredGroup = CreateGroup()
        private player damagerp = null
        private player killedp = null
        private player killerp = null
        private trigger UnitDamaged = CreateTrigger()
        private trigger UnitKilled = CreateTrigger()
        private unit damaged = null
        private unit damager = null
        private unit killed = null
        private unit killer = null
    private constant function AssistFormula takes unit whichUnit returns integer
        return 25 + GetHeroLevel(whichUnit) * 5
    private constant function BountyFormula takes unit whichUnit returns integer
        return 250 + GetHeroLevel(whichUnit) * 5
    public function Register takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
        local integer index = GetUnitId(whichUnit)
        if not (IsUnitInGroup(whichUnit, RegisteredGroup)) then
            set AssistGroup[index] = CreateForce()
            set AssistTimer[index] = NewTimer()
            call SetTimerData(AssistTimer[index], index)
            call GroupAddUnit(RegisteredGroup, whichUnit)
    private function CreateFloatingText takes texttag t, string s returns nothing
        call SetTextTagText(t, "+" + s, 0.023)
        call SetTextTagPos(t, GetUnitX(killed), GetUnitY(killed), 0)
        call SetTextTagColor(t, 255, 220, 0, 255)
        call SetTextTagVelocity(t, 0, 0.036)
        call SetTextTagPermanent(t, false)
        call SetTextTagLifespan(t, 2.00)
        call SetTextTagFadepoint(t, 1.00)
    private function AssistDecay takes nothing returns nothing
        call ForceClear(AssistGroup[GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())])
    private function OnDamage takes nothing returns boolean
        local integer index = 0
        set damaged = GetTriggerUnit()
        set damager = GetEventDamageSource()
        set damagerp = GetOwningPlayer(damager)
        if (IsUnitInGroup(damaged, RegisteredGroup) and (GetEventDamage() > MinDamage) and (IsPlayerEnemy(damagerp, GetOwningPlayer(damaged)))) then
            set index = GetUnitId(damaged)
            call ForceAddPlayer(AssistGroup[index], damagerp)
            call TimerStart(AssistTimer[index], DecayTime, false, function AssistDecay) 
        return false
    private function OnKill takes nothing returns boolean
        local integer bounty = 0
        local integer counter = 0
        local integer index = 0
        local integer gold = 0
        local string assisters = ""
        local string bountystr = ""
        local string goldstr = ""
        local texttag t = CreateTextTag()
        set killed = GetTriggerUnit()
        if (IsUnitInGroup(killed, RegisteredGroup)) then
            set index = GetUnitId(killed)
            set killer = GetKillingUnit()
            set killedp = GetOwningPlayer(killed)
            set killerp = GetOwningPlayer(killer)
            if (killed != killer) then
                if (IsPlayerEnemy(killedp, killerp)) then
                    set bounty = BountyFormula(killed)
                    set bountystr = I2S(bounty)
                    set gold = AssistFormula(killed) / CountPlayersInForceBJ(AssistGroup[index])
                    set goldstr = I2S(gold)
                    set KillCount[GetPlayerId(killerp)] = KillCount[GetPlayerId(killerp)] + 1
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("UI\\Feedback\\GoldCredit\\GoldCredit.mdl", GetUnitX(killed), GetUnitY(killed)))
                    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, MessageDuration, GetPlayerNameColored(killerp) + KillMessage + GetPlayerNameColored(killedp) + " for " + bountystr + BountyMessage)
                    call SetPlayerState(killerp, Resource, GetPlayerState(killerp, Resource) + bounty)
                    if (killerp == GetLocalPlayer()) and (DisplayFloatingText) then
                        call CreateFloatingText(t, bountystr)
                        exitwhen counter > 11
                        if (IsPlayerInForce(Player(counter), AssistGroup[index]) and (Player(counter) != killerp)) then
                            set AssistCount[counter] = AssistCount[counter] + 1
                            set assisters = assisters + GetPlayerNameColored(Player(counter)) + ", "
                            call SetPlayerState(Player(counter), Resource, GetPlayerState(Player(counter), Resource) + gold)
                            if (Player(counter) == GetLocalPlayer()) and (DisplayFloatingText) then
                                call CreateFloatingText(t, goldstr)
                        set counter = counter + 1
                    if (assisters != "") then
                        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, MessageDuration, AssistMessage + assisters + goldstr + SplitMessage)
                    call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, MessageDuration, GetPlayerNameColored(killerp) + DenyMessage + GetPlayerNameColored(killedp) + ".")
                call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, MessageDuration, GetPlayerNameColored(killerp) + SuicideMessage)
            call ForceClear(AssistGroup[index])
        return false
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call Damage_RegisterEvent(UnitDamaged)
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(UnitKilled, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
        call TriggerAddCondition(UnitDamaged, function OnDamage)
        call TriggerAddCondition(UnitKilled, function OnKill)

- Version 1.0.2: Added a boolean for floating text and added floating text for assists.
- Version 1.0.1: Added floating text (+#) and a function for the gold formula.
- Version 1.0.0: Release.


  • ASYST.w3x
    58 KB · Views: 973


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Well done.

Although, it could use Autoindex instead of AIDS since you don't even use the AIDS struct, it only requires indexing.

Also, what if I want bosses to give more bounty? And why don't you add the option to use floating text?


I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
Reaction score
Well done.

Although, it could use Autoindex instead of AIDS since you don't even use the AIDS struct, it only requires indexing.

Also, what if I want bosses to give more bounty? And why don't you add the option to use floating text?

I'll add the floating text option in the next version. This system is more-so designed for hero vs. hero style maps (Hero Arenas, AoS, etc.)


Super Moderator
Reaction score
Alright, I thought this was creep bounty, my mistake.

Anyways, you should add in an option for a formula (use a constant function or globals) so that they can change the amount of bounty based upon conditions. Like add this to the config:

 private function Gold_Formula takes nothing returns integer
     return 50

Then award Gold_Formula() rather than a global. And it would let someone configure something like this.

 private function Gold_Formula takes nothing returns integer
     if GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit())=='hfoo' then
         return 900000000000000
     return 50


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> Although, it could use Autoindex instead of AIDS since you don't even use the AIDS struct, it only requires indexing.
AIDS does indexing too... :rolleyes:


I'm a magic man, I've got magic hands.
Reaction score
Alright, I thought this was creep bounty, my mistake.

Anyways, you should add in an option for a formula (use a constant function or globals) so that they can change the amount of bounty based upon conditions. Like add this to the config:


 private function Gold_Formula takes nothing returns integer
     return 50

Then award Gold_Formula() rather than a global. And it would let someone configure something like this.


 private function Gold_Formula takes nothing returns integer
     if GetUnitTypeId(GetTriggerUnit())=='hfoo' then
         return 900000000000000
     return 50

Done. Added the floating text as well.


Super Moderator
Reaction score
> Although, it could use Autoindex instead of AIDS since you don't even use the AIDS struct, it only requires indexing.
AIDS does indexing too... :rolleyes:
Overkill, doncha think?

Also, you write [LJASS]// Don't touch below here![/LJASS] and put the configuration formulas down there. They should be above that line.
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